Whales are the largest animals on the earth. Bigger than elephants, th terjemahan - Whales are the largest animals on the earth. Bigger than elephants, th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Whales are the largest animals on t

Whales are the largest animals on the earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weigh 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weigh 3 tons.
Although whales live in the oceans and swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish they bear young alive, not as eggs. Their babies live on their mother’s milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breath when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water, and are cold-blooded.
Whales life in all-the ocean, in the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are to kinds of whales, whales with teeth (tooted whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouth and swallow the plankton.
Whales have few enemies. Only human and killer whale attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Whales are the largest animals on the earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weigh 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weigh 3 tons.Although whales live in the oceans and swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish they bear young alive, not as eggs. Their babies live on their mother’s milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breath when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water, and are cold-blooded.Whales life in all-the ocean, in the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are to kinds of whales, whales with teeth (tooted whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouth and swallow the plankton.Whales have few enemies. Only human and killer whale attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Paus adalah hewan terbesar di bumi. Lebih besar dari gajah, mereka mungkin tumbuh panjang 95 kaki, dan berat 150 ton. Seorang bayi paus biru, hanya lahir, bisa panjang 23 kaki dan berat 3 ton.
Meskipun paus hidup di lautan dan berenang seperti ikan, mereka tidak ikan. Mereka adalah mamalia, seperti sapi dan gajah. Tidak seperti ikan mereka menanggung muda hidup, bukan sebagai telur. Bayi mereka hidup di air susu ibu mereka. Mereka bernapas melalui paru-paru mereka dan menahan nafas ketika mereka pergi di bawah air. Jika mereka tidak bisa datang ke permukaan untuk menghirup udara segar, mereka akan tenggelam. Mereka berdarah panas. Ikan, namun, bertelur, menghirup oksigen di dalam air, dan berdarah dingin.
Hidup Paus di semua lautan, di musim dingin beberapa dari mereka pergi ke perairan hangat untuk berkembang biak dan di musim panas sebagian besar dari mereka pergi ke perairan dingin memberi makan. Ada untuk jenis paus, paus bergigi (Paus tooted) dan paus tanpa gigi (baleen paus). Paus bergigi makan ikan dan cumi-cumi, yang mereka dapat menangkap dengan gigi mereka, meskipun mereka menelan makanan mereka tanpa mengunyahnya. Paus balin makan (hewan laut kecil dan tanaman) plankton. Ketika mereka menemukan plankton, mereka membuka mulut mereka dan menelan plankton.
Paus memiliki beberapa musuh. Hanya manusia dan paus pembunuh serangan paus. Dan Paus tampaknya tidak bertengkar sendiri. Mereka biasanya hidup dari 20 sampai 30 tahun.
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