WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY“Where there is a will, there is  terjemahan - WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY“Where there is a will, there is  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



“Where there is a will, there is a way’ is a well-known saying. It means that everything is possible in this world, provided one has the necessary will power and determination to do it. In other words nothing is impossible in this world provided it is backed by a strong will, constant efforts and unshakable faith.
Man is different from other living beings. His desires are innumerable and ever increasing. He undertakes a number of activities in order to satisfy his desires. But in our practical life we see that all our desires are not fulfilled. On proper analysis we would discover that most of our unfulfilled desires were just wishes. A close examination will reveal that we did not make sustained efforts to fulfil those wishes. There is no reason why one should not succeed if one works with full determination for achieving one’s cherished objective. It is said that God helps those who help themselves.
Let us understand that ‘Will’ does not mean a ‘wish’. We wish so many things. But when it comes to giving practical shape to our wishes, we find lack of determination and will-power. A wish can be described as a will only if it is supported by strong determination and will power. Will is a strong desire. It is backed by firmness of purpose and resolution. Means are not so in portant in the fulfilment of strong desire. What is relevant and of basic value is the unfliching deter­mination to reach the goal or achieve the objective. Fulfilment of will presupposes hurdles and also sacrifices to tide them over or face them undaunted. Without such firm resolution and unshakable determination to achieve the objective and also the preparedness to suffer and make sacrifices, the will remains a simple desire or wish.
In our life we give up many things considering them as very difficult or impossible, Sometimes we show some courage and start some work. But even the slightest difficulty makes us nervous and we leave it there. Lives of great men teach us that there is nothing impossible in this world. Napolean went to .the extent of saying that the word impossible did not exist in his dictionary. The story of Robert Bruce and the Spider is a good example of crowning victory as a result of sustained efforts. Unification of sliced-up Germany by Prince Bi&mark is another shining example of unshak­able determination and iron will against formidable odds. A cumber of other examples may be cited to illustrate this point. It is true that even those tasks which are seemingly impossible can be accomplished with a strong and sincere determination. Difficulties deter us only when we lack determination. They disappear as a determined step marches on. Adverse circumstances can be overcome by sincere longing, concerted efforts and strong deter­mination.
Will is a sincere urge backed by will-power. Even uphill tasks become easier if attempts are made with determination. Will-power il a great force. It is the first and most important condition of lUOceis. At least half of the success is achieved by will-power alone. Difficulties and obstacles melt like snow if one has a strong determination One does find some way out if one makes a sincere effort achieving one’s objectives.
It ll an example of lack of determination if a poor student MOOnoiUl himself to the fact that he cannot take higher education MOtUM of hit poverty. The life story of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 1 bf Cited as a case, where he managed to get higher education lh he was a poor boy. But he had a determination and purpose. The reason why many students fail in the l il not that the examinations are difficult to pass, but ‘ do BOt possess a determination and they do not work hard /lB| their objective. A student can get distinction in an i provided he has a strong desire to do so. His desire ” ‘ by strong resolution and hard labour.It was a strong desire that made Shri Madan Mohan Malviya establish a historic educational institution like Benaras Hindu University. He supported his desire by hard labour and continued to work undaunted. Difficulties came in his way, but he was never deterred because of his strong will-power and ultimately he succeeded in his missionj
We generally see that people start work with great enthusiasm. But when some obstacles come in the way, they do not have the determination to face them, rather they feel disappointed and dis­heartened. The result is that they give up the work. They complain of obstacles. But as a matter of fact if one examines such cases, one would come to the conclusion that despite the obstacles some way could have been found if the persons concerned had possessed a strong will.
There are countless examples in history to show how a strong will enabled persons to achieve the objectives they had set before them. Abraham Lincoln rose to the position of the President of the U.S.A. by his sustained efforts and strong determination. Tenzing was born in a poor family but he had a strong desire of scaling Mount Everest. He succeeded in climbing Mount Everest. The key to his success was his steel determination and continuous effort. The case of Disraeli may be described as a case of continuous and hard labour. He was a complete failure when he first spoke in the British Parliament. People laughed at him. Only a sustained and determined effort enabled him to become one of the greatest orators of the world. Columbus would have not been able to discover America without a resolute determination.
This does not apply to individuals alone, it is equally true in the case of nations as well. A strong determination on the part of a nation does wonders. It was the firm determination of the Russians that enabled them to fight against the German invaders. The Chinese never surrendered to the untold atrocities of the Japanese. India won her independence against heavy odds and the mighty British empire. These examples prove that determined efforts on the part of the nations can move mountains. Israel is a small country but it is a determined nation. That is why a big and powerful country like Egypt could not do any harm to Israel.
In India we have many problems—economic, social and communal. They are difficult no doubt, but they are the result of utter lack of determination on the part of the people to solve them. If the people of India make up their mind and work hard with a will these problems can be solved in no time.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
DIMANA ADA KEMAUAN, ADA APAKAH A WAY"Di mana ada kemauan, ada jalan ' adalah mengatakan terkenal. Itu berarti bahwa segala sesuatu mungkin di dunia ini, diberikan satu telah diperlukan kekuatan kehendak dan tekad untuk melakukannya. Dengan kata lain tidak ada mustahil di dunia ini diberikan itu didukung oleh akan kuat, upaya terus-menerus dan tak tergoyahkan iman.Manusia berbeda dari makhluk hidup lain. Keinginannya tak terhitung jumlahnya dan semakin meningkat. Ia melakukan sejumlah kegiatan untuk memenuhi keinginannya. Tetapi dalam kehidupan praktis kita melihat bahwa semua keinginan kita tidak terpenuhi. Pada analisis yang tepat, kita akan menemukan bahwa sebagian besar keinginan tak terpenuhi kita adalah hanya keinginan. Ujian tertutup akan mengungkapkan bahwa kami tidak membuat upaya berkelanjutan untuk memenuhi keinginan mereka. Tidak ada alasan mengapa seseorang tidak harus berhasil jika satu bekerja dengan penuh tekad untuk mencapai satu telah dihargai tujuan. Dikatakan bahwa Tuhan membantu mereka yang membantu diri mereka sendiri.Mari kita memahami bahwa 'Akan' berarti 'keinginan'. Kami berharap begitu banyak hal. Tapi ketika datang untuk memberikan bentuk praktis untuk keinginan kita, kita menemukan kurangnya tekad dan kekuatan kehendak. Keinginan dapat digambarkan sebagai akan hanya jika didukung oleh tekad kuat dan kekuatan kehendak. Akan merupakan keinginan yang kuat. Hal ini didukung oleh keteguhan tujuan dan resolusi. Berarti tidak begitu di portant dalam pemenuhan keinginan kuat. Apa yang relevan dan nilai dasar adalah penentuan unfliching untuk mencapai tujuan atau mencapai tujuan. Pemenuhan kehendak mengandaikan rintangan dan juga korban untuk pasang mereka atau menghadapi mereka gentar. Tanpa seperti perusahaan resolusi dan tekad yang tak tergoyahkan untuk mencapai tujuan dan juga kesiapan untuk menderita dan berkorban, akan tetap sederhana keinginan atau keinginan.Dalam kehidupan kita menyerah banyak hal mempertimbangkan mereka sebagai sangat sulit atau tidak mungkin, kadang-kadang kami Tampilkan beberapa keberanian dan mulai beberapa pekerjaan. Tetapi bahkan sedikit kesulitan membuat kita gugup dan kami meninggalkannya di sana. Kehidupan orang-orang besar mengajarkan kita bahwa tidak ada yang mustahil di dunia ini. Napolean pergi ke .suatu sejauh mengatakan bahwa kata mungkin tidak ada dalam kamus nya. Kisah Robert Bruce dan laba-laba adalah contoh yang baik dari mahkota kemenangan sebagai hasil dari upaya berkelanjutan. Penyatuan Jerman iris-up oleh Pangeran Bi & mark adalah contoh lain dari tekad yang tak tergoyahkan dan besi akan melawan rintangan yang tangguh. Cumber contoh lain mungkin dikutip untuk mengilustrasikan hal ini. Memang benar bahwa tugas-tugas bahkan mereka yang tampaknya tidak mungkin dapat dicapai dengan tekad kuat dan tulus. Kesulitan menghalangi kita hanya ketika kita kekurangan tekad. Mereka menghilang sebagai langkah ditentukan pawai. Keadaan buruk dapat diatasi dengan kerinduan tulus, upaya dan tekad kuat.Akan dorongan tulus didukung oleh kekuatan kehendak. Bahkan menanjak tugas menjadi lebih mudah jika upaya yang dilakukan dengan tekad. Kemauan il merupakan kekuatan besar. Ini adalah kondisi pertama dan paling penting dari lUOceis. Setidaknya setengah dari keberhasilan dicapai dengan kemauan sendiri. Kesulitan dan hambatan meleleh seperti salju jika seseorang memiliki tekad yang kuat satu mencari beberapa cara tahu jika salah satu membuat usaha yang tulus mencapai salah satu tujuan.Itu ll contoh kurangnya penentuan jika mahasiswa miskin MOOnoiUl sendiri dengan fakta bahwa ia tidak bisa mengambil pendidikan tinggi MOtUM hit kemiskinan. Kisah kehidupan daridwi Chandra yustia 1 bf Cited sebagai kasus, dimana ia berhasil mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi lh dia adalah seorang anak miskin. Tapi dia tekad dan tujuan. Alasan mengapa banyak siswa gagal di l il tidak ujian yang sulit untuk lulus, tapi ' BOt memiliki tekad dan mereka tidak bekerja keras /lB| tujuan mereka. Siswa bisa mendapatkan perbedaan dalam i asalkan dia memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk melakukannya. Keinginannya "' oleh resolusi yang kuat dan kerja keras.Itu keinginan yang kuat yang membuat Shri Madan Mohan Malviya mendirikan sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang bersejarah seperti Benaras Hindu Universitas. Dia didukung keinginannya kerja keras dan terus bekerja gentar. Kesulitan datang dengan caranya, tetapi dia tidak pernah mundur karena kuasanya akan kuat dan akhirnya ia berhasil missionj nyaKita biasanya melihat bahwa orang-orang mulai bekerja dengan sangat antusias. Tapi ketika beberapa kendala datang di jalan, mereka tidak memiliki tekad untuk menghadapi mereka, melainkan mereka merasa kecewa dan putus asa. Hasilnya adalah bahwa mereka memberikan pekerjaan. Mereka mengeluh hambatan. Tetapi sebagai soal fakta jika seorang meneliti kasus tersebut, seseorang akan datang ke kesimpulan bahwa meskipun rintangan beberapa cara bisa ditemukan jika orang yang bersangkutan telah memiliki yang kuat akan.Ada banyak contoh dalam sejarah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana kuat akan memungkinkan orang untuk mencapai tujuan mereka telah tentukan sebelum mereka. Abraham Lincoln naik ke posisi Presiden Amerika Serikat melalui upaya berkelanjutan dan tekad kuat. Tenzing lahir dalam keluarga miskin tetapi dia memiliki keinginan yang kuat skala Gunung Everest. Ia berhasil mendaki Gunung Everest. Kunci kesuksesan adalah baja tekadnya dan terus menerus. Kasus Disraeli dapat digambarkan sebagai kasus terus-menerus dan kerja keras. Dia adalah kegagalan yang lengkap ketika dia pertama berbicara di Parlemen Inggris. Orang-orang tertawa padanya. Hanya upaya yang berkelanjutan dan ditentukan memungkinkan dia untuk menjadi salah satu orator terbesar di dunia. Columbus akan belum dapat menemukan Amerika tanpa tekad yang tegas.Ini tidak berlaku untuk orang-orang yang sendirian, sama-sama benar dalam hal bangsa-bangsa yang. Tekad yang kuat dari bangsa yang melakukan keajaiban. Ini adalah penentuan perusahaan Rusia yang memungkinkan mereka untuk melawan Jerman penyerbu. Cina tidak pernah menyerah pada kekejaman tak terhitung dari Jepang. India memenangkan kemerdekaan nya terhadap berat peluang dan Kerajaan Inggris yang perkasa. Contoh-contoh ini membuktikan bahwa ditentukan upaya dari bangsa-bangsa dapat memindahkan gunung. Israel adalah sebuah negara kecil tetapi bangsa yang ditentukan. Itulah sebabnya mengapa negara yang besar dan kuat seperti Mesir tidak bisa melakukan apapun kejahatan Israel.Di India kita memiliki banyak masalah — ekonomi, sosial dan komunal. Mereka sulit tidak diragukan lagi, tetapi mereka adalah hasil dari kurangnya tekad pada bagian dari orang-orang untuk menyelesaikannya. Jika orang-orang India membuat pikiran mereka dan kerja keras dengan akan masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu singkat.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]


“Where there is a will, there is a way’ is a well-known saying. It means that everything is possible in this world, provided one has the necessary will power and determination to do it. In other words nothing is impossible in this world provided it is backed by a strong will, constant efforts and unshakable faith.
Man is different from other living beings. His desires are innumerable and ever increasing. He undertakes a number of activities in order to satisfy his desires. But in our practical life we see that all our desires are not fulfilled. On proper analysis we would discover that most of our unfulfilled desires were just wishes. A close examination will reveal that we did not make sustained efforts to fulfil those wishes. There is no reason why one should not succeed if one works with full determination for achieving one’s cherished objective. It is said that God helps those who help themselves.
Let us understand that ‘Will’ does not mean a ‘wish’. We wish so many things. But when it comes to giving practical shape to our wishes, we find lack of determination and will-power. A wish can be described as a will only if it is supported by strong determination and will power. Will is a strong desire. It is backed by firmness of purpose and resolution. Means are not so in portant in the fulfilment of strong desire. What is relevant and of basic value is the unfliching deter­mination to reach the goal or achieve the objective. Fulfilment of will presupposes hurdles and also sacrifices to tide them over or face them undaunted. Without such firm resolution and unshakable determination to achieve the objective and also the preparedness to suffer and make sacrifices, the will remains a simple desire or wish.
In our life we give up many things considering them as very difficult or impossible, Sometimes we show some courage and start some work. But even the slightest difficulty makes us nervous and we leave it there. Lives of great men teach us that there is nothing impossible in this world. Napolean went to .the extent of saying that the word impossible did not exist in his dictionary. The story of Robert Bruce and the Spider is a good example of crowning victory as a result of sustained efforts. Unification of sliced-up Germany by Prince Bi&mark is another shining example of unshak­able determination and iron will against formidable odds. A cumber of other examples may be cited to illustrate this point. It is true that even those tasks which are seemingly impossible can be accomplished with a strong and sincere determination. Difficulties deter us only when we lack determination. They disappear as a determined step marches on. Adverse circumstances can be overcome by sincere longing, concerted efforts and strong deter­mination.
Will is a sincere urge backed by will-power. Even uphill tasks become easier if attempts are made with determination. Will-power il a great force. It is the first and most important condition of lUOceis. At least half of the success is achieved by will-power alone. Difficulties and obstacles melt like snow if one has a strong determination One does find some way out if one makes a sincere effort achieving one’s objectives.
It ll an example of lack of determination if a poor student MOOnoiUl himself to the fact that he cannot take higher education MOtUM of hit poverty. The life story of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 1 bf Cited as a case, where he managed to get higher education lh he was a poor boy. But he had a determination and purpose. The reason why many students fail in the l il not that the examinations are difficult to pass, but ‘ do BOt possess a determination and they do not work hard /lB| their objective. A student can get distinction in an i provided he has a strong desire to do so. His desire ” ‘ by strong resolution and hard labour.It was a strong desire that made Shri Madan Mohan Malviya establish a historic educational institution like Benaras Hindu University. He supported his desire by hard labour and continued to work undaunted. Difficulties came in his way, but he was never deterred because of his strong will-power and ultimately he succeeded in his missionj
We generally see that people start work with great enthusiasm. But when some obstacles come in the way, they do not have the determination to face them, rather they feel disappointed and dis­heartened. The result is that they give up the work. They complain of obstacles. But as a matter of fact if one examines such cases, one would come to the conclusion that despite the obstacles some way could have been found if the persons concerned had possessed a strong will.
There are countless examples in history to show how a strong will enabled persons to achieve the objectives they had set before them. Abraham Lincoln rose to the position of the President of the U.S.A. by his sustained efforts and strong determination. Tenzing was born in a poor family but he had a strong desire of scaling Mount Everest. He succeeded in climbing Mount Everest. The key to his success was his steel determination and continuous effort. The case of Disraeli may be described as a case of continuous and hard labour. He was a complete failure when he first spoke in the British Parliament. People laughed at him. Only a sustained and determined effort enabled him to become one of the greatest orators of the world. Columbus would have not been able to discover America without a resolute determination.
This does not apply to individuals alone, it is equally true in the case of nations as well. A strong determination on the part of a nation does wonders. It was the firm determination of the Russians that enabled them to fight against the German invaders. The Chinese never surrendered to the untold atrocities of the Japanese. India won her independence against heavy odds and the mighty British empire. These examples prove that determined efforts on the part of the nations can move mountains. Israel is a small country but it is a determined nation. That is why a big and powerful country like Egypt could not do any harm to Israel.
In India we have many problems—economic, social and communal. They are difficult no doubt, but they are the result of utter lack of determination on the part of the people to solve them. If the people of India make up their mind and work hard with a will these problems can be solved in no time.
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