Lewin’s field psychology more precisely was called topological and vec terjemahan - Lewin’s field psychology more precisely was called topological and vec Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lewin’s field psychology more preci

Lewin’s field psychology more precisely was called topological and vector psychology. In developing his psychology, he borrowed ideas and concepts from other disciplines, they key ones being topology from geometry and vector from physics. However, in using these and related concepts, he did not adhere rigidly to the definitions of their mother sciences but, instead, construed them in a manner most useful to his system of psychology. (The meanings of these concepts are developed in pages 193-195.)
The basic thesis of cognitive-field psychology is that each person, in keeping with his attained level of development and understanding does the best that he (she) knows how for whatever he thinks he is. In this process they “engage in behaviors which lead to the most valent goals.” One’s person, as used here, includes everything that one is involved in taking care of; it consists of every thing, idea, or principle with which one identifies one’s self and to which one gives one’s allegiance. The cognitive field theory of learning is closely related to, and derived from, cognitive and field psychological theories. The term cognitive is derived from the Latin verb cognoscere, which rheans “to know.” The cognitive aspect of cognitive field theory deals with the problem of how people gain an understanding of themselves and their environments and how, using their cognitions, they act in relation to their environments. A psychological field consists of the simultaneous concurrent interrelationships of a person and his psychological environment in any one situation. Hence, field theory in psychology centers on the idea that all psychological activity of a person, at a given juncture of time, is a function of a totality of coexisting factors that are mutually interdependent.
An astronomer uses field to describe the universe and predict the orbits of stars. A biologist relates the function of cells to their location in a growth field. A physicist uses field in his study of the structure of an atom. Similarly, a cognitive field oriented psychologist uses field to mean the total psychological world in which a person lives at a given time. It includes a psychological past, present, and future, and also a certain concrete or imaginative level of psychological reality—all interpreted as simultaneous aspects of a current situation.

What is the purpose of Cognitive-Field Learning Theory?
The purpose of cognitive-field psychology is to formulate tested relationships that are predictive of the behavior of individual persons in their specific life spaces os psychological situations. In order to understand and predict such behavior, one must consider a person and his psychological environment as a pattern of interdependent factors and functions. Cognitive field psychology is an interpersonal, social psychology that constitutes an effective vehicle for understanding people as interacting persons. In the interactive process a person and his psychological environment are construed as independent of, his environment. Likewise, a person’s environment is neither made by nor independent of him.
Within cognitive field theory, learning, briefly defined, is an interactional process within which a person attains new insights or cognitive structures or changes old ones. To promote learning effectively, teachers must concern themselves with other people. Therefore, the ideas of cognitive field psychology have been developed with the hope and expectation that they will help teachers do a better job of understanding other persons, but it may also help teachers understand themselves better. Because of its unique purpose, cognitive field psychology makes no attempt to describe some absolute reality that is just there independently of our experiencing it. Instead, it develops a psychological system that is fruitful in dealing with children and youth in learning situations. It has been formulated in an attempt to construct scientific principles that are highly applicable to classroom situations. Advocates of cognitive field psychology are convinced that in light of the present stage of scientific development, it is more likely than any other of which they are cognizant to lead to the most productive results in classroom procedures.
Within cognitive field psychology, one starts with a model of a person and the world around him as it is pertinent to that person. Learning is a modification of development of insight into the nature of the person’s world as represented by the model. Life space the psychological model contains the person himself; his psychological environment; the goals that the person is seeking; the negative “goals” that he (she) is attempting to avoid; the barriers between himself and his goals, which restrict his psychological movement toward them; and the potential and actual paths to his goals. (Psychological paths are way of achieving goals.) The purpose of the life space model is to enhance the prediction of psychological behavior that which is related to goals. As our knowledge of a child’s or youth’s life spaces increases, our ability to predict his behavior accurately also increases.
A cognitive field theory of learning describes how a person gains understanding of himself and his universe in a situation so construed that both his self and his psychological environment compose a totality of mutually interdependent, coexisting factors. It involves the kind of generalizations about learning that may be applied to actual persons in school situations and is associated with the knowing and understanding functions that give meaning to situations. It is built around the purposes that underlie behavior, the goals that are involved in behavior, and the person’s means and processes of understanding themselves and their environments as they function in relation to their goals. Any understandings that persons gain in regard to themselves and their worlds are generalized insights.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lewin di bidang psikologi lebih tepat disebut topologi dan vektor psikologi. Dalam mengembangkan psikologi nya, ia meminjam ide-ide dan konsep-konsep dari disiplin lain, kunci yang sedang topologi dari geometri dan vektor dari fisika. Namun, dalam menggunakan ini dan terkait konsep, dia tidak mematuhi kaku untuk definisi ilmu ibu mereka, tetapi sebaliknya, ditafsirkan mereka dalam cara yang paling berguna untuk sistemnya psikologi. (Makna-makna konsep-konsep ini dikembangkan di halaman 193-195.) Dasar tesis psikologi kognitif-field adalah bahwa setiap orang, sesuai dengan tingkat attained pengembangan dan pemahaman melakukan yang terbaik yang ia (dia) tahu bagaimana untuk apa pun ia berpikir ia. Dalam proses ini mereka "terlibat dalam perilaku yang mengarah ke tujuan valent kebanyakan." Satu orang, seperti yang digunakan di sini, termasuk segala sesuatu yang terlibat dalam mengurus; terdiri dari setiap hal, ide, atau prinsip yang satu mengidentifikasi satu diri dan mana yang memberikan kesetiaannya. Teori kognitif bidang pembelajaran erat terkait dengan, dan berasal dari, kognitif dan bidang teori psikologis. Istilah kognitif berasal dari kata cognoscere, yang rheans "untuk tahu." Aspek kognitif kognitif teori medan berkaitan dengan masalah bagaimana orang memperoleh pemahaman tentang diri mereka sendiri dan lingkungan mereka dan bagaimana, menggunakan kognisi mereka, mereka bertindak lingkungan mereka. Bidang psikologis yang terdiri dari antar-hubungan serentak simultan seseorang dan lingkungannya psikologis dalam satu situasi. Oleh karena itu, teori medan dalam psikologi berpusat pada gagasan bahwa semua psikologis aktivitas seseorang, pada saat diberikan waktu, adalah fungsi dari totalitas bersamaan faktor yang saling saling bergantung. Astronom menggunakan lapangan untuk menggambarkan alam semesta dan memprediksi orbit bintang. Seorang biolog berkaitan dengan fungsi sel lokasi mereka di bidang pertumbuhan. Fisikawan menggunakan bidang studi struktur atom. Demikian pula, seorang psikolog kognitif bidang berorientasi menggunakan bidang berarti total psikologis dunia di mana seseorang hidup pada waktu tertentu. Ini mencakup psikologis masa lalu, sekarang, dan masa depan, dan juga tingkat tertentu beton atau imajinatif psikologis realitas — semua ditafsirkan sebagai simultan aspek dari situasi saat ini.Apakah tujuan dari teori belajar kognitif-Field?Tujuan dari psikologi kognitif-field adalah merumuskan diuji hubungan yang prediktif perilaku individu orang tertentu situasi kehidupan mereka ruang os psikologis. Agar dapat memahami dan memprediksi perilaku seperti itu, seseorang harus mempertimbangkan seseorang dan lingkungannya psikologis sebagai pola faktor-faktor yang saling bergantung dan fungsi. Psikologi kognitif bidang adalah Psikologi Sosial interpersonal, yang merupakan wahana yang efektif bagi orang-orang memahami sebagai orang-orang berinteraksi. Dalam proses interaktif seseorang dan lingkungannya psikologis yang ditafsirkan sebagai independen, lingkungannya. Demikian juga, seseorang lingkungan dibuat oleh maupun independen nya.Dalam teori medan kognitif, belajar, sebentar didefinisikan, adalah proses interaksi di mana seseorang mencapai wawasan baru atau struktur kognitif atau perubahan yang lama. Untuk mempromosikan pembelajaran secara efektif, guru harus menyibukkan diri dengan orang lain. Oleh karena itu, ide-ide dari psikologi kognitif bidang telah dikembangkan dengan harapan dan harapan bahwa mereka akan membantu guru-guru yang melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik untuk memahami orang lain, tetapi juga dapat membantu guru-guru yang memahami diri sendiri lebih baik. Karena tujuan unik, psikologi kognitif bidang membuat tidak ada upaya untuk menggambarkan beberapa realitas mutlak yang ada hanya secara independen kami mengalami hal itu. Sebaliknya, itu mengembangkan sistem psikologis yang bermanfaat dalam berurusan dengan anak-anak dan kaum muda dalam mempelajari situasi. Itu telah dirumuskan dalam upaya untuk membangun prinsip-prinsip ilmiah yang sangat berlaku untuk situasi kelas. Pendukung psikologi kognitif bidang yakin bahwa dalam tahap ini perkembangan ilmiah, lebih mungkin daripada lain yang mereka sadar untuk memimpin untuk hasil yang paling produktif dalam kelas prosedur.Within cognitive field psychology, one starts with a model of a person and the world around him as it is pertinent to that person. Learning is a modification of development of insight into the nature of the person’s world as represented by the model. Life space the psychological model contains the person himself; his psychological environment; the goals that the person is seeking; the negative “goals” that he (she) is attempting to avoid; the barriers between himself and his goals, which restrict his psychological movement toward them; and the potential and actual paths to his goals. (Psychological paths are way of achieving goals.) The purpose of the life space model is to enhance the prediction of psychological behavior that which is related to goals. As our knowledge of a child’s or youth’s life spaces increases, our ability to predict his behavior accurately also increases.Teori kognitif bidang pembelajaran menjelaskan bagaimana seseorang memperoleh pemahaman tentang dirinya dan nya alam semesta dalam situasi begitu ditafsirkan bahwa diri Nya dan lingkungannya psikologis menulis keseluruhan faktor-faktor yang saling saling bergantung, bersamaan. Ini melibatkan semacam generalisasi tentang pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan untuk orang-orang yang sebenarnya dalam situasi sekolah dan dikaitkan dengan mengetahui dan memahami fungsi yang memberi makna situasi. Hal ini dibangun di sekitar tujuan yang mendasari perilaku, tujuan yang terlibat dalam perilaku, dan seseorang berarti dan proses pemahaman diri sendiri dan lingkungan mereka karena mereka berfungsi dalam kaitannya dengan tujuan mereka. Setiap pemahaman bahwa orang-orang mendapatkan mengenai diri mereka sendiri dan dunia mereka generalized wawasan.
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