There are several methods for making meth. None are safe, some are eas terjemahan - There are several methods for making meth. None are safe, some are eas Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There are several methods for makin

There are several methods for making meth. None are safe, some are easier than others and some are impossible to do because of the necessary reagents. Also, doing this in your home is going to amplify the danger.

I do not advise making meth, I would say that you should never do it. If you were to make the attempt, understand that there are serious consequences for getting caught. I can give information that will help to prevent your death from fire or explosion, but I in no way endorse what you would do. In fact, I dont think you should do this at all. These processes are illegal and can get you and anyone who lives with you arrested. Anyone who is involved in any way would be arrested. This is serious shit. The risk is entirely too high and no one does this for long before getting caught. I am detailing the methods as a way to convince you that it is too much of a hassle and too high of a risk to do yourself.

There are several methods to make meth, we will only consider the two that are possible for a random guy. These methods that I will discuss are:

The HI/P reduction of psuedoephedrine
The Birch Reduction of psuedoephedrine

We will not consider the leukart wallach reaction of phenylacetone with methylamine because it is unlikely that you will be able to get the reagents and equipment needed for that. We will not consider converting amphetamine to methamphetamine because if you had amphetamine, why waste your time right?

So with both of our methods, we would need psuedoephedrine. Seems simple right? Its not. There is an easy (ok, it's not exactly easy) method of synthesizing psuedoephedrine from unlikely ingredients that can be found in the grocery store. I am not comfortable discussing that method online though. The next best method for getting it is sending in the smurfs.

You will need to get everyone you know to go buy a box of generic cough medicine. They can only buy one box at a time and you will need a lot of these. I wouldnt do a reaction with less than 70 boxes, the risk is too high. Remember that each person who buys a box of pills is another witness against you in court.

So once you have your pills you would need to crush them up and mix them with water and add lye to the water and steam distill the mixture. You would then need to gas out the end result from distillation. To do this you need to get a hose, a container and an air pump to pump muriatic acid vapor into the psuedoephedrine freebase you have after distilling. You will need small balls of aluminum foil in the container which you will have the pump attached to and a hose coming out of. Add muriatic acid to the container and start the pump. The acid will react with the foil and create a vapor that you will bubble through your freebase. The freebase will become a water soluable salt and drop out of the solution. This is your psuedoephedrine. Gassing is very easy to detect from far away. It is a sure way of getting unwanted attention. The smell will be around for a while and it will be noticed by anyone close by.

You will want to clean it and recrystalize it as much as possible. To do this, filter the liquid off of your psuedo with a coffee filter and a funnel. Lightly rinse the solid substance with acetone. Once it is dry place it in a glass dish and add just enough boiling water to disolve the psuedo. Run this through a new coffee filter and let the water evaporate off slowly. This will give clean psuedoephedrine for using in either the HI/P or Birch reductions.

Psuedo the old way:
An alternate method can be used that wont use any special equipment or gassing. It is the way it was normally done twenty years ago before they added a bunch of fillers to the pills to make this method difficult.

Crush all the pills and put them in a bucket. Add enough denatured alcohol or ethanol or methanol or toluene to dissolve the powder. Mix it up so that all of the powder is dissolved or emulsified. At this point you would put the bucket into a freezer for a while. I would guess that five to ten hours in the freezer will be enough.

Once the solids have settled you would need to syphon the liquid off of the solids layer. This would be run through a filter to ensure that none of the solids are left. The common method of dealing with this flammable substance is to put it in the microwave for a while until all the solvent evaporates off. I do not recomend this. Those vapors are extremely flammable and will explode if there is a spark in the area. To avoid an explosion, put your liquid in a corningware dish and light it on fire. After a few seconds (no more than thirty) put the lid on the dish to put the fire out. After the fire is out, swirl the liquid around to get anything off the sides of the dish and to cool it down. Once it is cooled down repeat this process. Be careful not to burn the powder that will precipitate out of the liquid. Once it is mostly burned off you should allow the last of the alcohol to evaporate on its own.

Once this is completed you would want to recrystalize the psuedoephedrine. After that it is ready to use in a reaction of your choice.

HI/P Reduction to Methamphetamine
You will need red phosphorus powder, distilled water and elemental iodine. The red phosphorus and water are up to you to procure however you can. Red phosphorus is not easy to come by anymore, and that is the reason this method is pretty much doomed from the start (well, if getting the pills wasn't enough of a problem). The elemental iodine can be made easily.

Elemental Iodine
You will need 7% strong iodine tincture, hydrogen peroxide and muriatic acid. You will need three times the amount of tincture of hydrogen peroxide. In a well ventilated area away from anything with a nose, put the tincture in a bucket and add three times that amount of hydrogen peroxide to it. Then get away from there for a couple hours. This will stink like you wouldnt believe. When you go back, add a volume of muriatic acid that is half that of the volume of tincture. Let the mixture react and use a stick to stir it around. After about a half hour pour the substance through a filter to collect your iodine crystals.

You will need to wash the iodine several times with distilled water to get all e crap off of them. There will be KOH on them which could potentially cause problems for your next reaction. Put your unwashed crystals in a jar and add water to it and seal the jar. Shake it up and then filter it through a coffee filter. Repeat this process several times or until the water comes off clear. Put your elemental iodine in a lightproof container and store it in a dark area. It might be a good idea to leave it in water and filter it off right before you need to use it. The stuff will decompose naturally and after a while you will not have anything useful waiting in your container.

The Reaction
I am giving exact numbers here because almost any numbers will work. You can have a 1:1:1 ratio and it will work. A 2:1:3 ratio works. Almost any ratio of ingredients works for this reaction. The only difference is what is leftover in e finished product.

Add however much pseudo you want to a 2000 mL vacuum flask and then add an equal amount of iodine to that. Swirl it around so it liquifies, add a small amount of distilled water to this before adding the phosphorus. Then add one third of the amount of psuedoephedrine of phosphorus to the flask and seal it.

The setup is important because the reaction will produce deadly vapors. The sidearm should have a rubber tube attached and clamped off. This will be for emergencies where you may need to add something to the reaction. Most likely you won't. The top of the flask needs to have a hose attached to it that will run into a carboy that is attached to another carboy at the bottom spout. These will have water in them so that when pressure comes from the reaction all the vapors are contained and won't escape. We call this a "push-pull" system.

Get a large soup pan that your flask will fit in and put it on a stove. Put the flask inside it and begin to heat it. You will want to cook it at 150 degrees Celsius for roughly multiples of two hours. You will need to constantly check on the reaction and lift it up and swirl it around to get it moving, at first you will see the water levels change in your push-pull so the inside one will have a low level and the outside one will have a high level. When the levels change and it pulls the water back the reaction is done. The cook should keep going for at least two more cycles because not all of the pseudo is going to be reacted the first few times and it will cause your finished product to have a shelf life. Psuedo will turn meth into psuedo.

Once this is done, let the stuff cool down before opening the flask. Then add distilled water to it and pour it through a stack of coffee filters. Add more water and get everything out of the flask. Save the sludge that's left in the filter because you can pull more from it later by boiling it in water and repeating this process. The phosphorus can be reused as well.

The liquid you have is your product, it just needs to be cleaned up a little. First a non polar solvent is added to it and allowed to settle into a thick layer above the liquid. Sodium hydroxide is added to the mix and once it is done reacting, the meth is in a freebase form dissolved in the top layer. This layer needs to be separated and gased like we described earlier. After that recrystalization is the last step.

Birch Reduction of Psuedoephedrine
You will need your psuedo, lithium metal strips, anhydrous ammonia and toluene. This reaction is dangerous because the presence of water or water vapor will cause an explosion. The lithium metal is from batteries that you will need to cut open and remove the inner metal coil. This is lithium metal and it will explode in the open air when exposed to water vapor.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
There are several methods for making meth. None are safe, some are easier than others and some are impossible to do because of the necessary reagents. Also, doing this in your home is going to amplify the danger. I do not advise making meth, I would say that you should never do it. If you were to make the attempt, understand that there are serious consequences for getting caught. I can give information that will help to prevent your death from fire or explosion, but I in no way endorse what you would do. In fact, I dont think you should do this at all. These processes are illegal and can get you and anyone who lives with you arrested. Anyone who is involved in any way would be arrested. This is serious shit. The risk is entirely too high and no one does this for long before getting caught. I am detailing the methods as a way to convince you that it is too much of a hassle and too high of a risk to do yourself. There are several methods to make meth, we will only consider the two that are possible for a random guy. These methods that I will discuss are:The HI/P reduction of psuedoephedrineThe Birch Reduction of psuedoephedrineWe will not consider the leukart wallach reaction of phenylacetone with methylamine because it is unlikely that you will be able to get the reagents and equipment needed for that. We will not consider converting amphetamine to methamphetamine because if you had amphetamine, why waste your time right? PsuedoephedrineSo with both of our methods, we would need psuedoephedrine. Seems simple right? Its not. There is an easy (ok, it's not exactly easy) method of synthesizing psuedoephedrine from unlikely ingredients that can be found in the grocery store. I am not comfortable discussing that method online though. The next best method for getting it is sending in the smurfs. You will need to get everyone you know to go buy a box of generic cough medicine. They can only buy one box at a time and you will need a lot of these. I wouldnt do a reaction with less than 70 boxes, the risk is too high. Remember that each person who buys a box of pills is another witness against you in court. Gassing*Jadi setelah Anda memiliki pil Anda Anda akan perlu untuk menghancurkan mereka naik dan campuran mereka dengan air dan tambahkan larutan alkali air dan uap menyaring campuran. Anda akan perlu untuk mengeluarkan hasil akhir gas dari penyulingan. Untuk melakukan ini Anda perlu untuk mendapatkan selang, wadah dan pompa untuk pompa uap asam muriatic ke psuedoephedrine freebase Anda memiliki setelah penyulingan. Anda akan membutuhkan aluminium foil wadah yang Anda akan memiliki pompa melekat dan selang keluar dari bola kecil. Tambahkan asam muriatic untuk wadah dan mulai pompa. Asam akan bereaksi dengan foil dan menciptakan uap yang Anda akan gelembung melalui freebase Anda. Freebase akan menjadi garam larut air dan putus solusi. Ini adalah psuedoephedrine Anda. Gas ini sangat mudah untuk mendeteksi dari jauh. Ini adalah cara yang pasti untuk mendapatkan perhatian yang tidak diinginkan. Bau akan sekitar untuk sementara dan itu akan diperhatikan oleh orang dekat dengan. Anda akan ingin untuk bersih dan recrystalize itu sebanyak mungkin. Untuk melakukan ini, filter cairan dari psuedo Anda dengan penyaring kopi dan saluran. Ringan bilas zat padat dengan aseton. Setelah kering menempatkannya dalam piring kaca dan tambahkan air mendidih hanya cukup untuk menggabungkan psuedo. Menjalankan melalui penyaring kopi baru dan biarkan air menguap dari perlahan-lahan. Ini akan memberikan bersih psuedoephedrine untuk menggunakan di HI/P atau pengurangan Birch. Psuedo cara lama:An alternate method can be used that wont use any special equipment or gassing. It is the way it was normally done twenty years ago before they added a bunch of fillers to the pills to make this method difficult. Crush all the pills and put them in a bucket. Add enough denatured alcohol or ethanol or methanol or toluene to dissolve the powder. Mix it up so that all of the powder is dissolved or emulsified. At this point you would put the bucket into a freezer for a while. I would guess that five to ten hours in the freezer will be enough. Once the solids have settled you would need to syphon the liquid off of the solids layer. This would be run through a filter to ensure that none of the solids are left. The common method of dealing with this flammable substance is to put it in the microwave for a while until all the solvent evaporates off. I do not recomend this. Those vapors are extremely flammable and will explode if there is a spark in the area. To avoid an explosion, put your liquid in a corningware dish and light it on fire. After a few seconds (no more than thirty) put the lid on the dish to put the fire out. After the fire is out, swirl the liquid around to get anything off the sides of the dish and to cool it down. Once it is cooled down repeat this process. Be careful not to burn the powder that will precipitate out of the liquid. Once it is mostly burned off you should allow the last of the alcohol to evaporate on its own. Once this is completed you would want to recrystalize the psuedoephedrine. After that it is ready to use in a reaction of your choice. HI/P Reduction to MethamphetamineYou will need red phosphorus powder, distilled water and elemental iodine. The red phosphorus and water are up to you to procure however you can. Red phosphorus is not easy to come by anymore, and that is the reason this method is pretty much doomed from the start (well, if getting the pills wasn't enough of a problem). The elemental iodine can be made easily. Elemental IodineYou will need 7% strong iodine tincture, hydrogen peroxide and muriatic acid. You will need three times the amount of tincture of hydrogen peroxide. In a well ventilated area away from anything with a nose, put the tincture in a bucket and add three times that amount of hydrogen peroxide to it. Then get away from there for a couple hours. This will stink like you wouldnt believe. When you go back, add a volume of muriatic acid that is half that of the volume of tincture. Let the mixture react and use a stick to stir it around. After about a half hour pour the substance through a filter to collect your iodine crystals. You will need to wash the iodine several times with distilled water to get all e crap off of them. There will be KOH on them which could potentially cause problems for your next reaction. Put your unwashed crystals in a jar and add water to it and seal the jar. Shake it up and then filter it through a coffee filter. Repeat this process several times or until the water comes off clear. Put your elemental iodine in a lightproof container and store it in a dark area. It might be a good idea to leave it in water and filter it off right before you need to use it. The stuff will decompose naturally and after a while you will not have anything useful waiting in your container.
The Reaction
I am giving exact numbers here because almost any numbers will work. You can have a 1:1:1 ratio and it will work. A 2:1:3 ratio works. Almost any ratio of ingredients works for this reaction. The only difference is what is leftover in e finished product.

Add however much pseudo you want to a 2000 mL vacuum flask and then add an equal amount of iodine to that. Swirl it around so it liquifies, add a small amount of distilled water to this before adding the phosphorus. Then add one third of the amount of psuedoephedrine of phosphorus to the flask and seal it.

The setup is important because the reaction will produce deadly vapors. The sidearm should have a rubber tube attached and clamped off. This will be for emergencies where you may need to add something to the reaction. Most likely you won't. The top of the flask needs to have a hose attached to it that will run into a carboy that is attached to another carboy at the bottom spout. These will have water in them so that when pressure comes from the reaction all the vapors are contained and won't escape. We call this a "push-pull" system.

Get a large soup pan that your flask will fit in and put it on a stove. Put the flask inside it and begin to heat it. You will want to cook it at 150 degrees Celsius for roughly multiples of two hours. You will need to constantly check on the reaction and lift it up and swirl it around to get it moving, at first you will see the water levels change in your push-pull so the inside one will have a low level and the outside one will have a high level. When the levels change and it pulls the water back the reaction is done. The cook should keep going for at least two more cycles because not all of the pseudo is going to be reacted the first few times and it will cause your finished product to have a shelf life. Psuedo will turn meth into psuedo.

Once this is done, let the stuff cool down before opening the flask. Then add distilled water to it and pour it through a stack of coffee filters. Add more water and get everything out of the flask. Save the sludge that's left in the filter because you can pull more from it later by boiling it in water and repeating this process. The phosphorus can be reused as well.

The liquid you have is your product, it just needs to be cleaned up a little. First a non polar solvent is added to it and allowed to settle into a thick layer above the liquid. Sodium hydroxide is added to the mix and once it is done reacting, the meth is in a freebase form dissolved in the top layer. This layer needs to be separated and gased like we described earlier. After that recrystalization is the last step.

Birch Reduction of Psuedoephedrine
You will need your psuedo, lithium metal strips, anhydrous ammonia and toluene. This reaction is dangerous because the presence of water or water vapor will cause an explosion. The lithium metal is from batteries that you will need to cut open and remove the inner metal coil. This is lithium metal and it will explode in the open air when exposed to water vapor.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ada beberapa metode untuk membuat shabu. Tidak ada yang aman, beberapa lebih mudah daripada yang lain dan beberapa mustahil dilakukan karena reagen yang diperlukan. Juga, melakukan hal ini di rumah Anda akan memperkuat bahaya. Saya tidak menyarankan membuat meth, saya akan mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak harus melakukannya. Jika Anda adalah untuk membuat usaha, memahami bahwa ada konsekuensi serius bagi tertangkap. Saya dapat memberikan informasi yang akan membantu untuk mencegah kematian Anda dari kebakaran atau ledakan, tapi saya sama sekali tidak mendukung apa yang akan Anda lakukan. Bahkan, saya tidak berpikir Anda harus melakukan ini sekali. Proses ini adalah ilegal dan dapat membuat Anda dan siapa saja yang tinggal dengan Anda ditangkap. Siapapun yang terlibat dalam cara apapun akan ditangkap. Ini adalah omong kosong yang serius. Risikonya adalah sepenuhnya terlalu tinggi dan tidak ada yang melakukan hal ini untuk waktu yang lama sebelum tertangkap. Saya merinci metode sebagai cara untuk meyakinkan Anda bahwa terlalu banyak kerumitan dan terlalu tinggi risiko untuk lakukan sendiri. Ada beberapa metode untuk membuat meth, kami hanya akan mempertimbangkan dua yang mungkin bagi seorang pria acak . Metode ini yang akan saya bahas adalah: The HI / P pengurangan psuedoephedrine The Birch Pengurangan psuedoephedrine Kami tidak akan mempertimbangkan reaksi leukart Wallach dari phenylacetone dengan metilamin karena tidak mungkin bahwa Anda akan bisa mendapatkan reagen dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk itu . Kami tidak akan mempertimbangkan mengkonversi amphetamine untuk methamphetamine karena jika Anda memiliki amfetamin, mengapa membuang-buang waktu Anda yang tepat? Psuedoephedrine Jadi dengan kedua metode kami, kita perlu psuedoephedrine. Tampaknya benar sederhana? Ini bukan. Ada metode yang mudah (ok, itu bukan mudah) sintesis psuedoephedrine dari bahan-bahan tidak yang dapat ditemukan di toko kelontong. Saya tidak nyaman mendiskusikan metode online meskipun. Metode terbaik berikutnya untuk mendapatkan itu adalah mengirimkan dalam Smurf. Anda akan perlu untuk mendapatkan semua orang yang Anda tahu untuk pergi membeli sekotak obat batuk generik. Mereka hanya bisa membeli satu kotak pada satu waktu dan Anda akan membutuhkan banyak ini. Saya tidak akan melakukan reaksi dengan kurang dari 70 kotak, risikonya terlalu tinggi. Ingatlah bahwa setiap orang yang membeli sekotak pil adalah saksi lain terhadap Anda di pengadilan. Gassing * Jadi setelah Anda memiliki pil Anda, Anda akan perlu untuk menghancurkan mereka dan campuran mereka dengan air dan tambahkan alkali untuk air dan uap menyaring campuran. Anda kemudian akan perlu untuk gas keluar hasil akhir dari distilasi. Untuk melakukan ini, Anda perlu untuk mendapatkan selang, wadah dan pompa udara untuk memompa uap asam muriatic ke Freebase psuedoephedrine Anda memiliki setelah penyulingan. Anda akan perlu bola kecil aluminium foil dalam wadah yang Anda akan memiliki pompa melekat dan selang keluar dari. Tambahkan asam muriatic ke wadah dan mulai pompa. Asam akan bereaksi dengan foil dan membuat uap yang Anda akan gelembung melalui Freebase Anda. Freebase akan menjadi garam soluable air dan keluar dari solusi. Ini adalah psuedoephedrine Anda. Gassing sangat mudah untuk mendeteksi dari jauh. Ini adalah cara yang pasti untuk mendapatkan perhatian yang tidak diinginkan. Bau akan sekitar untuk sementara waktu dan itu akan diperhatikan oleh siapa pun dekat. Anda akan ingin untuk membersihkannya dan recrystalize sebanyak mungkin. Untuk melakukan hal ini, menyaring cairan off pseudo Anda dengan filter kopi dan corong. Ringan bilas zat padat dengan aseton. Setelah itu tempat yang kering dalam sebuah piring kaca dan tambahkan air mendidih hanya cukup untuk disolve pseudo tersebut. Jalankan ini melalui filter kopi yang baru dan biarkan air menguap perlahan-lahan. Ini akan memberikan psuedoephedrine bersih untuk menggunakan baik dalam HI / P atau pengurangan Birch. Pseudo cara lama: Sebuah metode alternatif yang dapat digunakan wont menggunakan peralatan khusus atau penyerangan dgn gas beracun. Ini adalah cara itu biasanya dilakukan dua puluh tahun yang lalu sebelum mereka menambahkan sekelompok pengisi untuk pil untuk membuat metode ini sulit. Menghancurkan semua pil dan menempatkan mereka dalam ember. Tambahkan cukup alkohol didenaturasi atau etanol atau metanol atau toluena untuk membubarkan bubuk. Mencampurnya sehingga semua serbuk dilarutkan atau emulsi. Pada titik ini Anda akan menempatkan ember ke dalam freezer untuk sementara waktu. Saya akan menebak bahwa 5-10 jam dalam freezer akan cukup. Setelah padat telah menetap Anda akan perlu untuk menyedot cairan dari lapisan padat. Ini akan dijalankan melalui filter untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada padatan yang tersisa. Metode umum berurusan dengan bahan yang mudah terbakar ini adalah untuk memasukkannya ke dalam microwave selama beberapa saat sampai semua pelarut menguap off. Saya tidak merekomendasikan ini. Mereka uap yang sangat mudah terbakar dan akan meledak jika ada percikan di daerah. Untuk menghindari ledakan, menempatkan cairan Anda dalam piring CORNINGWARE dan membakarnya. Setelah beberapa detik (tidak lebih dari tiga puluh) meletakkan tutup pada hidangan untuk memadamkan api. Setelah api padam, aduk cairan sekitar untuk mendapatkan apa-apa dari sisi piring dan untuk menenangkan diri. Setelah itu didinginkan ulangi proses ini. Hati-hati untuk tidak membakar bubuk yang akan mengendap cairan. Setelah itu sebagian besar dibakar Anda harus memungkinkan yang terakhir dari alkohol menguap sendiri. Setelah ini selesai Anda akan ingin recrystalize psuedoephedrine tersebut. Setelah itu siap untuk digunakan dalam reaksi pilihan Anda. HI / P Pengurangan untuk Methamphetamine Anda akan perlu bubuk fosfor merah, air suling dan unsur yodium. Fosfor merah dan air hingga anda untuk pengadaan namun Anda bisa. Fosfor merah tidak mudah didapat lagi, dan itu adalah alasan metode ini cukup banyak ditakdirkan dari awal (baik, jika mendapatkan pil itu tidak cukup dari masalah). Elemental yodium dapat dibuat dengan mudah. ​​Elemental Yodium Anda akan perlu 7% yodium tincture kuat, hidrogen peroksida dan asam muriatic. Anda akan membutuhkan tiga kali jumlah tingtur hidrogen peroksida. Di daerah berventilasi baik jauh dari apa-apa dengan hidung, menempatkan tingtur dalam ember dan menambahkan tiga kali bahwa jumlah hidrogen peroksida untuk itu. Lalu pergi dari sana selama beberapa jam. Ini akan bau seperti Anda tidak akan percaya. Ketika Anda kembali, menambahkan volume asam muriatic yang adalah setengah dari volume tingtur. Biarkan campuran bereaksi dan menggunakan tongkat untuk mengaduk sekitar. Setelah sekitar setengah jam tuangkan substansi melalui filter untuk mengumpulkan kristal yodium Anda. Anda akan perlu untuk mencuci yodium beberapa kali dengan air suling untuk mendapatkan semua e omong kosong dari mereka. Akan ada KOH pada mereka yang berpotensi menimbulkan masalah bagi reaksi berikutnya. Masukan kristal dicuci Anda dalam stoples dan tambahkan air untuk itu dan menutup toples. Kocok dan kemudian saring melalui filter kopi. Ulangi proses ini beberapa kali atau sampai air datang dari jelas. Masukan yodium elemental Anda dalam wadah lightproof dan menyimpannya di daerah gelap. Ini mungkin ide yang baik untuk meninggalkannya di air dan menyaring off tepat sebelum Anda perlu menggunakannya. Hal-hal yang akan terurai secara alami dan setelah beberapa saat Anda tidak akan memiliki sesuatu yang berguna menunggu di kontainer Anda. Reaksi saya memberikan angka pastinya di sini karena hampir semua nomor akan bekerja. Anda dapat memiliki 1: 1: 1 rasio dan itu akan bekerja. A 2: 1: rasio 3 bekerja. Hampir setiap rasio bahan bekerja untuk reaksi ini. Satu-satunya perbedaan adalah apa yang tersisa di e produk jadi. Add namun banyak semu Anda ingin labu mL vakum 2000 dan kemudian menambahkan jumlah yang sama yodium itu. Berputar-putar di sekitar sehingga liquifies, tambahkan sedikit air suling untuk ini sebelum menambahkan fosfor. Kemudian tambahkan sepertiga dari jumlah psuedoephedrine fosfor untuk labu dan segel itu. Setup penting karena reaksi akan menghasilkan uap yang mematikan. Pistol harus memiliki tabung karet yang melekat dan dijepit off. Ini akan menjadi untuk keadaan darurat di mana Anda mungkin perlu menambahkan sesuatu untuk reaksi. Kemungkinan besar Anda tidak akan. Bagian atas labu perlu memiliki selang yang melekat padanya yang akan berjalan ke dalam sebuah carboy yang melekat carboy lain di moncong bawah. Ini akan memiliki air di dalamnya sehingga ketika tekanan datang dari reaksi semua uap yang terkandung dan tidak akan melarikan diri. Kami menyebutnya "push-pull" sistem. Dapatkan panci sup labu besar yang Anda akan cocok dan meletakkannya di kompor. Masukan labu di dalamnya dan mulai panas itu. Anda akan ingin memasak di 150 derajat Celcius selama sekitar kelipatan dua jam. Anda akan perlu untuk terus memeriksa reaksi dan angkat dan aduk sekitar untuk mendapatkannya bergerak, pada awalnya Anda akan melihat air tingkat perubahan Anda push-tarikan sehingga dalam salah satu akan memiliki tingkat rendah dan luar satu akan memiliki tingkat tinggi. Ketika tingkat perubahan dan itu menarik air kembali reaksi dilakukan. Si juru masak harus terus untuk setidaknya dua siklus karena tidak semua pseudo tersebut akan bereaksi dengan beberapa kali dan itu akan menyebabkan produk jadi Anda untuk memiliki kehidupan rak. Pseudo akan berubah met menjadi pseudo. Setelah ini dilakukan, biarkan hal-hal yang dingin sebelum membuka termos. Kemudian tambahkan air suling untuk itu dan menuangkannya melalui tumpukan filter kopi. Tambahkan lebih banyak air dan mendapatkan semua yang keluar dari termos. Simpan lumpur yang tersisa di filter karena Anda dapat menarik lebih dari itu kemudian direbus dalam air dan mengulangi proses ini. Fosfor dapat digunakan kembali juga. Cairan yang Anda miliki adalah produk Anda, hanya perlu dibersihkan sedikit. Pertama pelarut non polar yang ditambahkan ke dalamnya dan memungkinkan untuk menyelesaikan ke lapisan tebal di atas cairan. Natrium hidroksida ditambahkan ke dalam campuran dan setelah selesai bereaksi, meth adalah dalam bentuk Freebase terlarut di lapisan atas. Lapisan ini perlu dipisahkan dan gased seperti kita dijelaskan sebelumnya. Setelah rekristalisasi itu adalah langkah terakhir. Birch Pengurangan Psuedoephedrine Anda akan perlu pseudo Anda, lithium strip logam, amonia anhidrat dan toluena. Reaksi ini berbahaya karena adanya air atau uap air akan menyebabkan ledakan. Logam lithium dari baterai yang Anda akan perlu untuk memotong terbuka dan menghapus kumparan logam batin. Ini adalah logam lithium dan itu akan meledak di udara terbuka bila terkena uap air.

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