I can’t stand anymore. My hand gently stroking my buddy outside my pan terjemahan - I can’t stand anymore. My hand gently stroking my buddy outside my pan Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I can’t stand anymore. My hand gent

I can’t stand anymore. My hand gently stroking my buddy outside my pants. I can’t believe I'm doing this. But it was so incredible. Moreover, I heard Tiffany scream. I also can’t stop imagining her being dressed. I imagined I could saw her white and smooth skin.
"Tae? You still there, is not it? I'm almost finished." Tiffany again asked existence.
"Y-you don’t need to hurry..." I said with difficulty.
I increasingly my movements. But I was not satisfied with what I do. Finally, I slip my hand into my pants. Then I returned to stroke my buddy.
I want to remove my buddy. I can’t stand anymore. But I'm afraid if Tiffany suddenly came out of the bathroom. She can went out anytime.
My body tensed. I'm almost there. Taste delicious spread on my body. But there was a feeling of guilt because I did it all.
"Tae... I'm finished. I'm coming." said Tiffany from behind the door. My byun brain that makes me think more again.
"M-me too..." I'm cuming too, Fany-ah.
Directly my eyes wide open. I quickly pulled my hand from my pants. I immediately felt pain when I'm not reach . At the same time Tiffany came out of the bathroom.
Tiffany has been changed into a loose T-shirt and shorts. Her shirt that looks greatness was almost covered her shorts. She looks like not wearing any pants. Oohh... Her smooth thighs.
"Tae? What's wrong with you?" Tiffany noticed my sweaty face and I was panting.
"I-I can’t stand it anymore..." I muttered. My eyes were closed with lust. I feel like want pounce Tiffany's body. But I tried hard to hold it.
"I-I want... to pee."
"Aaahh... Well... Do not stay long. I'm still scared." Tiffany pouted. She shifted her body from the front door to give me space in order to enter the bathroom.
I entered the bathroom. Then I shut the bathroom door quickly. I lowered my pants zipper. I felt something very comforting. My Buddy straight out proudly.
But I still feel the pain. I really have to have an . I move my hands up and down. Occasionally I play tip of my . I have to do this quickly so that Tiffany was not suspicious to me. But somehow I felt less satisfied to do all this.
My eyes looked toward the corner of the bathroom. I saw a bucket that was there. I hope it was a place where Tiffany put the dirty clothes. I moved quickly and opened it.
I like going to scream out loudly when what I expected really happened. I saw her dress. Complete with her under ware.
Ooohhh... She was wearing a black bra and panties... It was well suited to her smooth white body.
I took her panties. I closed my eyes while inhaling it. Ooohhh... I love this feminine scent...
My other hand continues to stroke my buddy. I her panties. I was very lucky when I saw some hair of her femininity. It makes my fantasies more wild.
I must have been really crazy. But I'm only human. I can’t resist all this. Moreover, this was better than anything. I did this at her apartment.
"Tae? Why are you so long?" Tiffany knocked on the bathroom door.
"Y-yeaahhh..." I said with difficulty. My buddy was so long and big, Fany-ah.
"Can you be faster?" Tiffany voice sounded worried and frightened.
Faster? Okay... I'm going to do this very faster, baby...
I continued to accelerate the movement of my hand. I also never stopped inhaling and her panties. Finally I felt that sensation again. My body stiffened. I almost had an .
My fluid out with the swift. In fact, I spend up to five shots. I closed my eyes to feel this incredible sensation. I did not forget to inhale her panties too.
I re-opened my eyes. My buddy finally limp back to normal. I chuckled. I can’t believe I did this. I e in the apartment of a woman.
I throw Tiffany panties back into a bucket. Then I clean up my buddy and wear my pants back. I finally got out of the bathroom with a smile on my lips.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I can’t stand anymore. My hand gently stroking my buddy outside my pants. I can’t believe I'm doing this. But it was so incredible. Moreover, I heard Tiffany scream. I also can’t stop imagining her being dressed. I imagined I could saw her white and smooth skin."Tae? You still there, is not it? I'm almost finished." Tiffany again asked existence."Y-you don’t need to hurry..." I said with difficulty.I increasingly my movements. But I was not satisfied with what I do. Finally, I slip my hand into my pants. Then I returned to stroke my buddy."Nngg..."I want to remove my buddy. I can’t stand anymore. But I'm afraid if Tiffany suddenly came out of the bathroom. She can went out anytime.My body tensed. I'm almost there. Taste delicious spread on my body. But there was a feeling of guilt because I did it all."Tae... I'm finished. I'm coming." said Tiffany from behind the door. My byun brain that makes me think more again."M-me too..." I'm cuming too, Fany-ah.!Directly my eyes wide open. I quickly pulled my hand from my pants. I immediately felt pain when I'm not reach . At the same time Tiffany came out of the bathroom.Tiffany has been changed into a loose T-shirt and shorts. Her shirt that looks greatness was almost covered her shorts. She looks like not wearing any pants. Oohh... Her smooth thighs."Tae? What's wrong with you?" Tiffany noticed my sweaty face and I was panting."I-I can’t stand it anymore..." I muttered. My eyes were closed with lust. I feel like want pounce Tiffany's body. But I tried hard to hold it."Huh?""I-I want... to pee.""Aaahh... Well... Do not stay long. I'm still scared." Tiffany pouted. She shifted her body from the front door to give me space in order to enter the bathroom.I entered the bathroom. Then I shut the bathroom door quickly. I lowered my pants zipper. I felt something very comforting. My Buddy straight out proudly.But I still feel the pain. I really have to have an . I move my hands up and down. Occasionally I play tip of my . I have to do this quickly so that Tiffany was not suspicious to me. But somehow I felt less satisfied to do all this.My eyes looked toward the corner of the bathroom. I saw a bucket that was there. I hope it was a place where Tiffany put the dirty clothes. I moved quickly and opened it.I like going to scream out loudly when what I expected really happened. I saw her dress. Complete with her under ware.Ooohhh... She was wearing a black bra and panties... It was well suited to her smooth white body.I took her panties. I closed my eyes while inhaling it. Ooohhh... I love this feminine scent...My other hand continues to stroke my buddy. I her panties. I was very lucky when I saw some hair of her femininity. It makes my fantasies more wild.I must have been really crazy. But I'm only human. I can’t resist all this. Moreover, this was better than anything. I did this at her apartment."Tae? Why are you so long?" Tiffany knocked on the bathroom door.
"Y-yeaahhh..." I said with difficulty. My buddy was so long and big, Fany-ah.
"Can you be faster?" Tiffany voice sounded worried and frightened.
Faster? Okay... I'm going to do this very faster, baby...
I continued to accelerate the movement of my hand. I also never stopped inhaling and her panties. Finally I felt that sensation again. My body stiffened. I almost had an .
My fluid out with the swift. In fact, I spend up to five shots. I closed my eyes to feel this incredible sensation. I did not forget to inhale her panties too.
I re-opened my eyes. My buddy finally limp back to normal. I chuckled. I can’t believe I did this. I e in the apartment of a woman.
I throw Tiffany panties back into a bucket. Then I clean up my buddy and wear my pants back. I finally got out of the bathroom with a smile on my lips.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tidak tahan lagi. Tanganku lembut membelai teman saya di luar celana saya. Aku tidak percaya aku melakukan ini. Tapi itu begitu luar biasa. Selain itu, saya mendengar Tiffany menjerit. Saya juga tidak bisa berhenti membayangkan dirinya sedang berpakaian. Aku membayangkan aku bisa melihat kulit putih dan mulus nya.
"Tae? Kamu masih ada, bukan? Aku hampir selesai." Tiffany lagi bertanya keberadaan.
"Y-Anda tidak perlu terburu-buru ..." kataku dengan kesulitan.
Saya semakin gerakan saya. Tapi aku tidak puas dengan apa yang saya lakukan. Akhirnya, aku menyelinap tanganku ke dalam celana saya. Kemudian saya kembali stroke teman saya.
"Nngg ..."
Aku ingin menghapus teman saya. Aku tidak tahan lagi. Tapi aku takut jika Tiffany tiba-tiba keluar dari kamar mandi. Dia bisa pergi kapan saja.
Tubuhku tegang. Aku hampir ada. Rasa penyebaran lezat di tubuhku. Tapi ada perasaan bersalah karena saya melakukan semuanya.
"Tae ... aku selesai. Aku datang." kata Tiffany dari balik pintu. Saya otak Byun yang membuat saya berpikir lebih lagi.
"M-aku juga ..." Aku cuming juga,
Langsung mata saya terbuka lebar. Aku cepat-cepat menarik tanganku dari celana saya. Saya langsung merasa sakit ketika aku tidak mencapai. Pada saat yang sama Tiffany keluar dari kamar mandi.
Tiffany telah berubah menjadi longgar T-shirt dan celana pendek. Bajunya yang terlihat kebesaran itu hampir menutupi celana pendeknya. Dia tampak seperti tidak memakai celana apapun. Oohh ... paha mulus nya.
"Tae? Apa yang salah dengan Anda?" Tiffany melihat wajah berkeringat dan terengah-engah saya.
"II tidak tahan lagi ..." gumamku. Mataku ditutup dengan nafsu. Aku merasa seperti ingin menerkam tubuh Tiffany. Tapi aku berusaha keras untuk menahannya.
"II ingin ... buang air kecil."
"Aaahh ... Yah ... Tidak tinggal lama. Aku masih takut." Tiffany cemberut. Dia bergeser tubuhnya dari pintu depan untuk memberikan ruang untuk memasuki kamar mandi.
Aku memasuki kamar mandi. Lalu aku menutup pintu kamar mandi dengan cepat. Aku menurunkan celana ritsleting. Aku merasa sesuatu yang sangat menghibur. Buddy saya langsung bangga.
Tapi aku masih merasakan sakit. Aku benar-benar harus memiliki. Aku menggerakkan tangan saya naik dan turun. Kadang-kadang saya bermain ujung saya. Saya harus melakukan ini dengan cepat sehingga Tiffany tidak mencurigakan bagi saya. Tapi entah kenapa aku merasa kurang puas untuk melakukan semua ini.
Mataku melihat ke arah sudut kamar mandi. Aku melihat ember yang ada. Saya berharap itu adalah tempat di mana Tiffany meletakkan pakaian kotor. Aku bergerak cepat dan membukanya.
Saya suka pergi berteriak keras ketika apa yang saya harapkan benar-benar terjadi. Aku melihat gaunnya. Lengkap dengan anaknya di bawah ware.
Ooohhh ... Dia mengenakan bra hitam dan celana ... Itu cocok dengan tubuh putih mulus nya.
Aku mengambil celana dalamnya. Aku memejamkan mata sambil menghirup itu. Ooohhh ... Saya suka aroma feminin ini ...
Tanganku lainnya terus stroke teman saya. Saya celana dalamnya. Saya sangat beruntung ketika aku melihat beberapa rambut kewanitaannya. Itu membuat fantasi saya lebih liar.
Aku pasti benar-benar gila. Tapi aku hanya manusia. Aku tidak bisa menahan semua ini. Selain itu, ini adalah lebih baik dari apa pun. Saya melakukan ini di apartemennya.
"Tae? Mengapa Anda begitu lama?" Tiffany mengetuk pintu kamar mandi.
"Y-yeaahhh ..." kataku dengan kesulitan. Teman saya itu begitu panjang dan besar, Fany-ah.
"Bisakah Anda menjadi lebih cepat?" Suara Tiffany terdengar khawatir dan takut.
"N-ne ..."
Lebih cepat? Oke ... aku akan melakukan hal ini sangat cepat, bayi ...
aku terus mempercepat gerakan tangan saya. Saya juga tidak pernah berhenti menghirup dan celana dalamnya. Akhirnya saya merasa sensasi itu lagi. Tubuhku menegang. Aku hampir memiliki.
Cairan saya dengan cepat itu. Bahkan, saya menghabiskan sampai lima tembakan. Aku memejamkan mata untuk merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa ini. Aku tidak lupa untuk menghirup celana dalamnya juga.
Aku kembali membuka mata. Teman saya akhirnya lemas kembali normal. Aku tertawa. Aku tidak percaya aku melakukan ini. Aku e di apartemen seorang wanita.
Aku melemparkan Tiffany celana kembali ke dalam ember. Lalu aku membersihkan teman saya dan mengenakan celana saya kembali. Saya akhirnya keluar dari kamar mandi dengan senyum di bibir saya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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