2.4.2 Error According to Brown, (1980: 165) Error is a noticeable devi terjemahan - 2.4.2 Error According to Brown, (1980: 165) Error is a noticeable devi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2.4.2 Error According to Brown, (19

2.4.2 Error
According to Brown, (1980: 165) Error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the Interlingual competence of the learners.
Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases which are difficult enough to avoid. Error analysis is the process of determination the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language.
Richards et. al (1973) state that:
Error analysis is an activity to reveal errors found in writing and speaking. Error analysis also is the study of errors made by the second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to (a) find out how well someone knows a language, (b) find out how a person learns a language, and (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials. This definition stresses the functions of error analysis.

Another concept of error analysis is given By Brown, he defined error analysis as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learner.It seems this concept is the same as the one proposed by Crystal i.e. Error analysis is a technique for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign language, using any of the principles and procedures provided by linguistics.The three definitions above clarify that error analysis is an activity to identify, classify and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing English sentences. Another thing which should be noticed is the procedure of error analysis.
2.4.3 The Types of Error
According to Dulay, (1982) There are four types of error based on the surface strategy taxonomy, omission, addition, misinformation and misordering.
a. Omission
Omission errors are characterized by the absence of items that must be present in a well-formed utterance.
- He is good student.
- She is best teacher in my school.
In utterance the students omits an indefinite article 1 for He is good student, while in utterance 2 a definite article the is omitted for She is best teacher in my school.

b. Addition
Addition errors are the opposite of omission errors. They are characterized by the presence of an item which must not be present in a well-formed utterance. Dullay, Burt and Krashen, (1982) as quoted by Haryono (2011) divides addition error into three types, they are as follows:
1. Double Marking
Many addition errors are more accurately described as the failure to delete certain items which are required in some linguistics construction, but not in others.
a. They didn’t went here.
b. I did not arrived on time.
In utterance a two items rather than one are marked for the same feature (tense in these examples).
2. Regularization
Regularization error refers to an error having exceptional items of the given class that do not take a marker’s form.
For example:
Incorrect correct
- Mans : Men (plural from man)
- Buyed : Bought (past tense from buy)
- Childs : Children (plural from child)
The examples above are regularization errors, in which the regular plural noun and tense markers respectively have been added to items which do not take marker.
3. Simple Addition
Errors of simple addition refer to the addition of one element to the correct utterance.
1. I am is a students
2. You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime.
In the utterance 1 the sentence i am is a student incorrect sentence because add with word is. So, the correct sentence is I am a students. And in the utterance 2 the sentence You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime is incorrect sentence because add with word to. So, the correct sentence is You can swim in the swimming pool anytime.
c. Misinformation
Misinformation errors are characterized by the use of the unacceptable forms of the morpheme or structure. While in omission errors the item is not supplied at all, in misinformation errors the learner supplies something, although it is incorrect. There are three subtypes of misinformation errors, they are as follows:
1) Regularization Errors
Regularization errors are errors in which regular marker are used in place of irregular ones, as in runned for ran or sheeps for sheep.
2) Archi-forms
The selection of marker of one member of a class of forms to represent other in the class is a common characteristic of all stages of second language acquisition. The form selected by the learner is called archi-forms.
The following examples are dealing with the use of demonstrative adjective this, that, these, and those.
1. That cats.
2. This students.
3. These book.
4. Those table.
This type of misinformation errors has been called archi- form. That should be followed by singular forms, while these should be followed by the plural forms, and the correct form of the examples above are as follows:
1. That cat.
2. This student.
3. These books.
4. Those tables.
3) Alternating Form
As learner’s vocabulary and grammar grow, the use of archi-form often gives away to the apparently free alternation of various member of class with each other.
a. She seen her yesterday.
b. He would have saw them.
The utterances above have incorrect verbs seen and saw instead of saw and seen respectively.

d. Misordering Errors
The incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance characterized misordering error. Misordering errors occur systematically for both L1 and L2 learners.
1. I don’t know who is he.
2. What you are thinking about?
Taking a look at both sentences above have incorrect placement of is and are. Grammatically, the utterance should be written as follows:
1. I don’t know who he is.
2. What are you thinking about?
In addition to these creative misordering errors, the students have made written misordering errors that are word-for-word translation of native language surface structure.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that there are may type of error analysis and the researcher conclude the meaning of error analysis is the process of determination the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language.
2.5 Review of The Related Finding
In this research there are some previous study that the researcher found when it write this research. First, Fajariani (2010) that the tittle is “ an analysis of students’ error in writing at second years students of senior high school 1 Cigudeg Bogor”. She describe about the students’ commonly error in writing. She conclude that there are many mistake that the students do in writing text especially in using tenses.
Second, Wirlianisa (2011) that the tittle is “ grammatical error analysis of students writing recount text”. She found the students ability in write recount text is moderate. Because many mistakes of students in write recount text until 60%. She conlcude the students error in grammatical of recount text is moderate.
Based on the previous research above, the researcher know that the grammatical error in students’ writing is still low. There are many students still confused to use the tense in kind of text. so, the researcher want to analyze about the students grammatical error in writing recount text. Because, recount text is one of subject that the students learn in Senior High School.
2.6 Conceptual framework
In this research, it analyze of the students skill in writing. The researcher will find some problem of the students in writing recount text. The are many problem of the students, but the researcher only analyze of the students problem in grammatical errors. So, the researcher analyze of the students grammatical errors in writing recount text.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2.4.2 Error According to Brown, (1980: 165) Error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the Interlingual competence of the learners. Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases which are difficult enough to avoid. Error analysis is the process of determination the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language.Richards et. al (1973) state that: Error analysis is an activity to reveal errors found in writing and speaking. Error analysis also is the study of errors made by the second and foreign language learners. Error analysis may be carried out in order to (a) find out how well someone knows a language, (b) find out how a person learns a language, and (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials. This definition stresses the functions of error analysis.Another concept of error analysis is given By Brown, he defined error analysis as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learner.It seems this concept is the same as the one proposed by Crystal i.e. Error analysis is a technique for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign language, using any of the principles and procedures provided by linguistics.The three definitions above clarify that error analysis is an activity to identify, classify and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or in writing English sentences. Another thing which should be noticed is the procedure of error analysis.2.4.3 The Types of ErrorAccording to Dulay, (1982) There are four types of error based on the surface strategy taxonomy, omission, addition, misinformation and misordering.a. Omission Omission errors are characterized by the absence of items that must be present in a well-formed utterance.Example:- He is good student.- She is best teacher in my school.In utterance the students omits an indefinite article 1 for He is good student, while in utterance 2 a definite article the is omitted for She is best teacher in my school.b. Addition Addition errors are the opposite of omission errors. They are characterized by the presence of an item which must not be present in a well-formed utterance. Dullay, Burt and Krashen, (1982) as quoted by Haryono (2011) divides addition error into three types, they are as follows:1. Double MarkingMany addition errors are more accurately described as the failure to delete certain items which are required in some linguistics construction, but not in others. Example:a. They didn’t went here.b. I did not arrived on time. In utterance a two items rather than one are marked for the same feature (tense in these examples).2. RegularizationRegularization error refers to an error having exceptional items of the given class that do not take a marker’s form.For example:Incorrect correct- Mans : Men (plural from man)- Buyed : Bought (past tense from buy)- Childs : Children (plural from child)The examples above are regularization errors, in which the regular plural noun and tense markers respectively have been added to items which do not take marker.3. Simple Addition Errors of simple addition refer to the addition of one element to the correct utterance.Example:1. I am is a students2. You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime.In the utterance 1 the sentence i am is a student incorrect sentence because add with word is. So, the correct sentence is I am a students. And in the utterance 2 the sentence You can to swim in the swimming pool anytime is incorrect sentence because add with word to. So, the correct sentence is You can swim in the swimming pool anytime.c. Misinformation Misinformation errors are characterized by the use of the unacceptable forms of the morpheme or structure. While in omission errors the item is not supplied at all, in misinformation errors the learner supplies something, although it is incorrect. There are three subtypes of misinformation errors, they are as follows:1) Regularization ErrorsRegularization errors are errors in which regular marker are used in place of irregular ones, as in runned for ran or sheeps for sheep.2) Archi-formsThe selection of marker of one member of a class of forms to represent other in the class is a common characteristic of all stages of second language acquisition. The form selected by the learner is called archi-forms.The following examples are dealing with the use of demonstrative adjective this, that, these, and those. Example:1. That cats.2. This students.3. These book.4. Those table.This type of misinformation errors has been called archi- form. That should be followed by singular forms, while these should be followed by the plural forms, and the correct form of the examples above are as follows: 1. That cat.2. This student.3. These books.4. Those tables.3) Alternating FormAs learner’s vocabulary and grammar grow, the use of archi-form often gives away to the apparently free alternation of various member of class with each other.a. She seen her yesterday.b. He would have saw them. The utterances above have incorrect verbs seen and saw instead of saw and seen respectively.d. Misordering ErrorsThe incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance characterized misordering error. Misordering errors occur systematically for both L1 and L2 learners.Examples:1. I don’t know who is he.2. What you are thinking about?Taking a look at both sentences above have incorrect placement of is and are. Grammatically, the utterance should be written as follows:1. I don’t know who he is.2. What are you thinking about?In addition to these creative misordering errors, the students have made written misordering errors that are word-for-word translation of native language surface structure.Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that there are may type of error analysis and the researcher conclude the meaning of error analysis is the process of determination the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language.2.5 Review of The Related FindingIn this research there are some previous study that the researcher found when it write this research. First, Fajariani (2010) that the tittle is “ an analysis of students’ error in writing at second years students of senior high school 1 Cigudeg Bogor”. She describe about the students’ commonly error in writing. She conclude that there are many mistake that the students do in writing text especially in using tenses. Second, Wirlianisa (2011) that the tittle is “ grammatical error analysis of students writing recount text”. She found the students ability in write recount text is moderate. Because many mistakes of students in write recount text until 60%. She conlcude the students error in grammatical of recount text is moderate.Based on the previous research above, the researcher know that the grammatical error in students’ writing is still low. There are many students still confused to use the tense in kind of text. so, the researcher want to analyze about the students grammatical error in writing recount text. Because, recount text is one of subject that the students learn in Senior High School.2.6 Conceptual frameworkIn this research, it analyze of the students skill in writing. The researcher will find some problem of the students in writing recount text. The are many problem of the students, but the researcher only analyze of the students problem in grammatical errors. So, the researcher analyze of the students grammatical errors in writing recount text.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2.4.2 Kesalahan
Menurut Brown, (1980: 165) Kesalahan adalah penyimpangan terlihat dari tata bahasa dewasa penutur asli, yang mencerminkan kompetensi interlingual dari peserta didik.
Kesalahan dalam pengajaran bahasa asing terutama bahasa Inggris adalah kasus yang cukup sulit untuk menghindari. Analisis kesalahan adalah proses penentuan kejadian, alam, menyebabkan, dan konsekuensi dari bahasa berhasil.
Richards et. al (1973) menyatakan bahwa:
Kesalahan analisis adalah kegiatan untuk mengungkapkan kesalahan yang ditemukan dalam menulis dan berbicara. Analisis kesalahan juga adalah studi tentang kesalahan yang dibuat oleh pembelajar bahasa kedua dan asing. Analisis kesalahan dapat dilakukan dalam rangka (a) mengetahui seberapa baik seseorang tahu bahasa, (b) mengetahui bagaimana seseorang belajar bahasa, dan (c) memperoleh informasi tentang kesulitan umum dalam pembelajaran bahasa, sebagai bantuan dalam mengajar atau dalam penyusunan bahan ajar. Definisi ini menekankan fungsi analisis kesalahan. Konsep lain dari analisis kesalahan diberikan oleh Brown, ia didefinisikan analisis kesalahan sebagai proses untuk mengamati, menganalisis, dan mengklasifikasikan penyimpangan dari aturan bahasa kedua dan kemudian untuk mengungkapkan sistem yang dioperasikan oleh learner.It tampaknya konsep ini adalah sama dengan yang diusulkan oleh Crystal yaitu Kesalahan analisis adalah teknik untuk mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi dan sistematis menafsirkan bentuk tidak dapat diterima yang dihasilkan oleh seseorang belajar bahasa asing, menggunakan prinsip-prinsip dan prosedur yang disediakan oleh linguistik. Tiga definisi di atas menjelaskan bahwa analisis kesalahan adalah kegiatan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasikan dan menafsirkan atau menggambarkan kesalahan yang dibuat oleh seseorang dalam berbicara atau menulis dan itu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kesulitan umum yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam berbicara atau menulis kalimat bahasa Inggris . Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan adalah prosedur analisis kesalahan. 2.4.3 The Jenis Kesalahan Menurut Dulay, (1982) Ada empat jenis kesalahan berdasarkan strategi permukaan taksonomi, kelalaian, Selain itu, informasi yang salah dan misordering. a. Kelalaian kesalahan Kelalaian yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya barang-barang yang harus hadir dalam ucapan baik terbentuk. Contoh: - Dia adalah siswa yang baik. - Dia adalah guru terbaik di sekolah saya. Dalam ucapan siswa menghilangkan sebuah artikel terbatas 1 untuk Dia murid yang baik, sedangkan di ucapan 2 artikel yang pasti dihilangkan untuk Dia guru terbaik di sekolah saya. b. Selain kesalahan Penambahan adalah kebalikan dari kesalahan kelalaian. Mereka dicirikan oleh adanya item yang tidak harus hadir dalam ucapan well-formed. Dullay, Burt dan Krashen, (1982) seperti dikutip Haryono (2011) membagi kesalahan Selain menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu sebagai berikut: 1. Menandai ganda Banyak kesalahan Selain lebih tepat disebut sebagai kegagalan untuk menghapus item tertentu yang diperlukan dalam beberapa konstruksi linguistik, tetapi tidak pada orang lain. Contoh: a. Mereka tidak pergi di sini. b. Saya tidak tiba tepat waktu. Dalam ucapan dua item daripada satu ditandai untuk fitur yang sama (tegang dalam contoh ini). 2. Regularisasi regularisasi kesalahan mengacu kesalahan memiliki item luar biasa dari kelas tertentu yang tidak mengambil bentuk penanda itu. Misalnya: Salah benar - Mans: Pria (jamak dari manusia) - buyed: Membeli (past tense dari buy) - Childs: Anak-anak (jamak dari anak) Contoh di atas adalah kesalahan regularisasi, di mana kata benda jamak biasa dan spidol tegang masing-masing telah ditambahkan ke item yang tidak mengambil spidol. 3. Penambahan sederhana Kesalahan penambahan sederhana mengacu pada penambahan satu elemen untuk ucapan yang benar. Contoh: 1. Saya adalah siswa 2. Anda dapat berenang di kolam renang kapan saja. Dalam ucapan 1 kalimat saya adalah kalimat benar mahasiswa karena menambah dengan kata adalah. Jadi, kalimat yang benar adalah saya seorang mahasiswa. Dan dalam ucapan 2 kalimat Anda bisa untuk berenang di kolam renang kapan saja adalah kalimat yang salah karena menambahkan dengan kata untuk. Jadi, kalimat yang benar adalah Anda dapat berenang di kolam renang kapan saja. c. Misinformasi kesalahan Misinformation ditandai dengan penggunaan bentuk-bentuk yang tidak dapat diterima morfem atau struktur. Sementara kesalahan kelalaian item tidak disediakan sama sekali, kesalahan informasi yang salah persediaan pelajar sesuatu, meskipun tidak benar. Ada tiga subtipe kesalahan informasi yang salah, mereka adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Kesalahan regularisasi kesalahan regularisasi kesalahan di mana penanda biasa digunakan di tempat yang tidak teratur, seperti dalam runned untuk berlari atau domba untuk domba. 2) Archi-bentuk Pemilihan penanda dari salah satu anggota kelas bentuk untuk mewakili lain di kelas merupakan karakteristik umum dari semua tahapan akuisisi bahasa kedua. . Bentuk yang dipilih oleh pelajar disebut archi-bentuk Contoh berikut berurusan dengan penggunaan kata sifat demonstratif ini, itu, ini, dan mereka. Contoh: 1. Bahwa kucing. 2. Ini siswa. 3. Buku ini. 4. Meja mereka. Jenis kesalahan informasi yang salah telah disebut bentuk archi-. Yang harus diikuti oleh bentuk tunggal, sementara ini harus diikuti oleh bentuk jamak, dan bentuk yang benar dari contoh di atas adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Kucing itu. 2. Mahasiswa ini. 3. Buku-buku ini. 4. Meja tersebut. 3) Alternating Form Seperti kosakata pelajar dan tata bahasa tumbuh, penggunaan archi-bentuk sering memberikan pergi ke pergantian tampaknya bebas dari berbagai anggota dari kelas satu sama lain. a. Dia melihat dia kemarin. b. Dia akan melihat mereka. Ucapan-ucapan di atas telah verba benar melihat dan melihat bukan melihat dan melihat masing-masing. d. Misordering Kesalahan Penempatan yang salah morfem atau kelompok morfem dalam ucapan ditandai misordering kesalahan. Kesalahan misordering terjadi secara sistematis untuk kedua L1 dan L2 peserta didik. Contoh: 1. Saya tidak tahu siapa dia. 2. Apa yang Anda pikirkan? Mengambil melihat kedua kalimat di atas memiliki penempatan yang salah dari yaitu dan. Gramatikal, ucapan harus ditulis sebagai berikut: 1. Saya tidak tahu siapa dia. 2. Apa yang Anda pikirkan? Selain kesalahan ini misordering kreatif, siswa telah membuat kesalahan misordering tertulis yang terjemahan kata demi kata dari struktur permukaan bahasa asli. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ada mungkin jenis dari analisis kesalahan dan peneliti menyimpulkan makna analisis kesalahan adalah proses penentuan kejadian, alam, menyebabkan, dan konsekuensi dari bahasa berhasil. 2.5 Ulasan The terkait Finding Dalam penelitian ini ada beberapa studi sebelumnya yang peneliti menemukan ketika menulis penelitian ini. Pertama, Fajariani (2010) bahwa judul adalah "analisis kesalahan siswa dalam menulis di tahun siswa kedua SMA 1 Cigudeg Bogor". Dia menjelaskan tentang kesalahan umum siswa dalam menulis. Dia menyimpulkan bahwa ada banyak kesalahan yang siswa lakukan dalam menulis teks terutama dalam menggunakan bentuk kata. Kedua, Wirlianisa (2011) bahwa judul adalah "analisis kesalahan gramatikal siswa menulis teks recount". Dia menemukan kemampuan siswa dalam teks tulis recount moderat. Karena banyak kesalahan siswa dalam teks tulis recount sampai 60%. Dia conlcude kesalahan siswa dalam tata bahasa teks recount moderat. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya di atas, peneliti tahu bahwa kesalahan tata bahasa dalam menulis siswa masih rendah. Ada banyak siswa masih bingung untuk menggunakan tegang dalam bentuk teks. sehingga, peneliti ingin menganalisis tentang mahasiswa kesalahan tata bahasa dalam teks tertulis recount. Karena, teks recount adalah salah satu subjek bahwa siswa belajar di SMA. 2.6 Kerangka Konseptual Dalam penelitian ini, menganalisis dari keterampilan siswa dalam menulis. Peneliti akan menemukan beberapa masalah siswa dalam menulis teks recount. The banyak masalah siswa, tetapi peneliti hanya menganalisis masalah siswa dalam kesalahan tata bahasa. Jadi, peneliti menganalisis siswa kesalahan tata bahasa dalam menulis teks recount.

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