Object of the Invention[0001) The instant invention discloses the use  terjemahan - Object of the Invention[0001) The instant invention discloses the use  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Object of the Invention[0001) The i

Object of the Invention
[0001) The instant invention discloses the use of a film having a matte finish for lamination of printed matter according to claim 1 which provides several competitive advantages with respect of the films traditionally applied in this sector.
[0002] The application of this product is the market of lamination, among these, lamination of book covers, cartons, boxes, bags, posters, impermeable corrugated cardboard, giftwrapping paper, catalogues, printing jobs and printed matter in general.

Background of the Invention
[0003] The lamination of graphic supports for matte finishes is currently made employing films that are manufactured by the coextrusion method, in which the matte face is shaped by means of a coextrusion by the incorporation of a polyolefin that is incompatible with the substrate base. Coextrusion is the simultaneous extrusion through a die of two or more polyoletins to form a multilayered structure. Whether dealing with the procedure of blown films, cast films, laminas or profiles, the coextrusion system needs to distribute the coextruded output guaranteeing a uniform distribution of its thickness, minimizing the distortions in the interface between the different levels and foreseeing problems of interfacial instability.
[0004] Coextrusion enables the combination of polymers that possess different properties so as to ensure a more economical and functional packing. However, current matte films manufactured by extrusion and employed in the lamination of supports display certain deficiencies such as, for example, a relatively low resistance to scratching and a certain tendency to deteriorate or skew the tonalities of the colors of the graphic support.

Description of the Invention
[0005] The film object of the invention is configured by a substrata or nucleus of plastic film manufactured by extrusion with thicknesses comprising between 10 and 40 um. To this is added by coating a liquid dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane base having a milky white appearance, which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, and preferably between 70% and 95%. The thickness of said coating, when dry, is comprised of between 0.2 and 5 ILm and preferably between 1 and 3 ILm. [0006] Said dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane incorporates in its composition a specific primer for plastic laminas, preferably a urethane aliphaticdispersion which has as its purpose to improve the adherence ofthe plastic substrate and I or hardness of the film for lamination. (0007) Furthermore,the aliphatic polyurethane dispersion incorporates into its composition a hardener of a type of polymer chains with crossiinkers and I or other plastic resins that act as binders, comprising between 0 and 70% in weight. and which function as a base and support of the polyurethane resin and make it possible to obtain desired degree of soft touch and matte. [0008] The film obtained in this way can be a dry finish, in which case a self-adhesive laminated resin is used on the non-matte face, that could be polyethylene (PE), ethylvinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (EBA), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and f or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA). These enable the adhesion to the graphic support by means of heat application. The film can also be manufactured with a wet finish, in which case no self-adhesive resin whatsoever is applied on the non-matte face, rather the surface of said face is modified by a eorona or chemical treatment. and thus is prepared for the application of adhesives and glues during the lamination process. [0009] This kind of matte film for lamination of graphic support is manufactured by extrusion of one substrata or nucleus of plastic film, to which is added a liquid dispersion coating of aliphatic polyurelhane base having a milky white appearance. Besides surmounting the drawbacks of traditional films, this kind of film provides other important features and improvements that make it unique and significantly distinguishable from the rest of matte films that currently exist in the market. The main advantages and differentiating features of this film, especially in reference to its malte face, are Ihe following:
- Good anti-scratch effects.
- A soft tOUCh,that Is to say, a very enjoyable peach skin effect to the touch, and the elimination of the "plastic" effect of traditional films.
- Depending on the percentage of polyurethane applied in the mixture, a shine value of less than 5%,measured at 60· (ASTM 02457-90) can be obtained. The result of this value is that it results practically in a complete lack of reflection in comparison with traditional matte films manufactured by extrusion, the shine range of which is between 8% and 12%.
- A high transparency by contact. There is practically no loss of tonality of the graphic support. Traditional matte films produce a whitish film on account of the type of matting agent that causes a loss of tonality of the colors it covers.

Description of the Drawings
[0010] To complete the description that is being provided and for the purposeoffacilitating the understanding of the features of the Invention, the instant document is accompanied by a set of figures in which, for illustrative purposes and not limiting, the foHowing is depicted:

Figure 1 shows a transversal section of a film for the lamination of graphic supports, provided with a dry finish.
Figure 2 shows a transversal section of a film for the lamination of graphic supports, provided with a wet finish.

Preferred Embodiment of the Invention

[0011] As can be seen in the referenced figures, the film for lamination of graphic supports comprises a substrate or nucleus of plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion thicknesses comprising between 10 and 40 micro meter to which is added by coating a liquid dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane base (2) having a milky white appearance, which could contain other chemical products such as other plastic resins (binders), hardeners (crosslinkers) and lor adhesives (primers) for the purpose of obtaining the desired degree of hardness, adherence and soft touch.
[0012] As can be seen in Figure 1, a self - adhesive resin (3) has been applied to the non-matte face. This adhesive resin could be polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (E8A), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and I or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA), that is attached to the support by means of adhesion and heat application, thus providing it a dry finish.
[0013] Figure 2 shows a film with a wet finish, which Is obtained by applying a corona or chemical treatment to the non-matte face, leaving it prepared for the application of adhesives and glues, without applying in this case any self-adhesive resin whatsoever on the surface of said face. (0014] Having sufficiently described the nature of the invention, as well as an example ofthe preferred embediment. it is hereby stated for the appropriate purposes, that the materials, shape, size and disposition of the described elements could be modified, as long as any modification does not Imply an alteration of the essential features of the invention, which are claimed as follows:


1. A use of a film comprising a substrate of plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion with a thickness comprising between 10 and 40 mocro meter to which is added by coating a liquid base dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane (2), which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, the thickness of said coating, when dry, being comprised between 0.2 and 5 micro meter, in the lamination of printed matter.

2. The use of a film according to claim 1, wherein the thickness of the coating. when dry, is comprised between 1 and 3 micrometer

3. The use of a film according to anyone of the previous claims, wherein the content of solids is between 70% and 95% depending on the degree of soft touch required.

4. The use of a film according to anyone of the previous claims, wherein the liquid base dispersion further comprises a urethane aliphatic dispersion as a primer specific for plastic laminas.

5. The use of a film according to anyone of previous claims, wherein the liquid base dispersion further comprises a hardener of a type of polymer chains with crosslinkers and/or other plastic resins that act as binders, comprising between 0 and 70% inweight.

6. The use of a film according to anyone ofthe previous claims, wherein a self-adhesive resin (3) based on polyethylene (PE). ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (EBA), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and I or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA) is ap plied on the face of the film opposed to the coating. for its attachment to the printed matter by means of adhesion by heat application in such a manner that a dry finish is obtained.

7. The use of a film according to anyone of previous claims 1-5, wherein a corona or chemical treatment is applied on the face of the film opposed to the coating, leaving said face prepared for the application of adhesives and glues for its attachment to the printed matter in such a manner that a wet finish is obtained.

8. A method for manufacturing a film for the lamination of printed matter, the method comprising the steps of :

a) providing a plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion with a thickness comprising between 10 and 40 micro meter, and
b) adding to the plastic film (1) by coating a liquid base dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane (2) which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, the thickness of said coating, when dry, being comprised between 0.2 and 5 micro meter,
9. The method according to previous claim 8. Wherein the thickness of the coating to the plastic film, when dry, is comprised between 1 and 3 micro meter

10. The method according to anyone of previous claims 8-9, wherein
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Objek dari penemuan[0001) penemuan instan mengungkapkan penggunaan film memiliki matte finish untuk laminasi cetak materi menurut klaim 1 yang menyediakan beberapa keunggulan kompetitif dengan menghormati film yang secara tradisional diterapkan di sektor ini.[0002] aplikasi dari produk ini adalah pasar laminasi, di antaranya, laminasi sampul buku, karton, kotak, kantong, poster, kedap air bergelombang karton, kertas giftwrapping, Katalog, mencetak pekerjaan dan dicetak secara umum. Latar belakang penemuan[0003] laminasi grafis mendukung untuk matte selesai saat ini telah mempekerjakan film yang diproduksi oleh coextrusion metode, di mana wajah matte dibentuk dengan cara coextrusion oleh penggabungan polyolefin yang tidak sesuai dengan substrat dasar. Coextrusion adalah ekstrusi simultan melalui mati dari dua atau lebih polyoletins untuk membentuk struktur berlapis-lapis. Apakah berhubungan dengan prosedur film ditiup, pemain film, laminas atau profil, sistem coextrusion kebutuhan untuk mendistribusikan output coextruded menjamin distribusi ketebalannya, meminimalkan distorsi dalam antarmuka antara tingkat yang berbeda dan meramalkan masalah ketidakstabilan interfacial.[0004] coextrusion memungkinkan kombinasi dari polimer yang memiliki sifat yang berbeda untuk memastikan Kemasan lebih ekonomis dan fungsional. Namun, saat ini matte film diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dan bekerja di laminasi mendukung menampilkan kekurangan-kekurangan tertentu seperti, misalnya, perlawanan yang relatif rendah untuk menggaruk dan kecenderungan tertentu untuk memburuk atau condong tonalities warna dukungan grafis. Deskripsi penemuan[0005] The film object of the invention is configured by a substrata or nucleus of plastic film manufactured by extrusion with thicknesses comprising between 10 and 40 um. To this is added by coating a liquid dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane base having a milky white appearance, which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, and preferably between 70% and 95%. The thickness of said coating, when dry, is comprised of between 0.2 and 5 ILm and preferably between 1 and 3 ILm. [0006] Said dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane incorporates in its composition a specific primer for plastic laminas, preferably a urethane aliphaticdispersion which has as its purpose to improve the adherence ofthe plastic substrate and I or hardness of the film for lamination. (0007) Furthermore,the aliphatic polyurethane dispersion incorporates into its composition a hardener of a type of polymer chains with crossiinkers and I or other plastic resins that act as binders, comprising between 0 and 70% in weight. and which function as a base and support of the polyurethane resin and make it possible to obtain desired degree of soft touch and matte. [0008] The film obtained in this way can be a dry finish, in which case a self-adhesive laminated resin is used on the non-matte face, that could be polyethylene (PE), ethylvinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (EBA), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and f or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA). These enable the adhesion to the graphic support by means of heat application. The film can also be manufactured with a wet finish, in which case no self-adhesive resin whatsoever is applied on the non-matte face, rather the surface of said face is modified by a eorona or chemical treatment. and thus is prepared for the application of adhesives and glues during the lamination process. [0009] This kind of matte film for lamination of graphic support is manufactured by extrusion of one substrata or nucleus of plastic film, to which is added a liquid dispersion coating of aliphatic polyurelhane base having a milky white appearance. Besides surmounting the drawbacks of traditional films, this kind of film provides other important features and improvements that make it unique and significantly distinguishable from the rest of matte films that currently exist in the market. The main advantages and differentiating features of this film, especially in reference to its malte face, are Ihe following:- Good anti-scratch effects.- A soft tOUCh,that Is to say, a very enjoyable peach skin effect to the touch, and the elimination of the "plastic" effect of traditional films.- Depending on the percentage of polyurethane applied in the mixture, a shine value of less than 5%,measured at 60· (ASTM 02457-90) can be obtained. The result of this value is that it results practically in a complete lack of reflection in comparison with traditional matte films manufactured by extrusion, the shine range of which is between 8% and 12%.- A high transparency by contact. There is practically no loss of tonality of the graphic support. Traditional matte films produce a whitish film on account of the type of matting agent that causes a loss of tonality of the colors it covers. Description of the Drawings[0010] To complete the description that is being provided and for the purposeoffacilitating the understanding of the features of the Invention, the instant document is accompanied by a set of figures in which, for illustrative purposes and not limiting, the foHowing is depicted: Figure 1 shows a transversal section of a film for the lamination of graphic supports, provided with a dry finish.Figure 2 shows a transversal section of a film for the lamination of graphic supports, provided with a wet finish.Preferred Embodiment of the Invention [0011] As can be seen in the referenced figures, the film for lamination of graphic supports comprises a substrate or nucleus of plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion thicknesses comprising between 10 and 40 micro meter to which is added by coating a liquid dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane base (2) having a milky white appearance, which could contain other chemical products such as other plastic resins (binders), hardeners (crosslinkers) and lor adhesives (primers) for the purpose of obtaining the desired degree of hardness, adherence and soft touch.[0012] As can be seen in Figure 1, a self - adhesive resin (3) has been applied to the non-matte face. This adhesive resin could be polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (E8A), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and I or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA), that is attached to the support by means of adhesion and heat application, thus providing it a dry finish.[0013] Figure 2 shows a film with a wet finish, which Is obtained by applying a corona or chemical treatment to the non-matte face, leaving it prepared for the application of adhesives and glues, without applying in this case any self-adhesive resin whatsoever on the surface of said face. (0014] Having sufficiently described the nature of the invention, as well as an example ofthe preferred embediment. it is hereby stated for the appropriate purposes, that the materials, shape, size and disposition of the described elements could be modified, as long as any modification does not Imply an alteration of the essential features of the invention, which are claimed as follows: Claims1. A use of a film comprising a substrate of plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion with a thickness comprising between 10 and 40 mocro meter to which is added by coating a liquid base dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane (2), which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, the thickness of said coating, when dry, being comprised between 0.2 and 5 micro meter, in the lamination of printed matter. 2. The use of a film according to claim 1, wherein the thickness of the coating. when dry, is comprised between 1 and 3 micrometer 3. The use of a film according to anyone of the previous claims, wherein the content of solids is between 70% and 95% depending on the degree of soft touch required.
4. The use of a film according to anyone of the previous claims, wherein the liquid base dispersion further comprises a urethane aliphatic dispersion as a primer specific for plastic laminas.

5. The use of a film according to anyone of previous claims, wherein the liquid base dispersion further comprises a hardener of a type of polymer chains with crosslinkers and/or other plastic resins that act as binders, comprising between 0 and 70% inweight.

6. The use of a film according to anyone ofthe previous claims, wherein a self-adhesive resin (3) based on polyethylene (PE). ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), ethylene butyl acrylate (EBA), ethylene methyl acrylate (EMA) and I or ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA) is ap plied on the face of the film opposed to the coating. for its attachment to the printed matter by means of adhesion by heat application in such a manner that a dry finish is obtained.

7. The use of a film according to anyone of previous claims 1-5, wherein a corona or chemical treatment is applied on the face of the film opposed to the coating, leaving said face prepared for the application of adhesives and glues for its attachment to the printed matter in such a manner that a wet finish is obtained.

8. A method for manufacturing a film for the lamination of printed matter, the method comprising the steps of :

a) providing a plastic film (1) manufactured by extrusion with a thickness comprising between 10 and 40 micro meter, and
b) adding to the plastic film (1) by coating a liquid base dispersion of aliphatic polyurethane (2) which contains between 30% and 100% solids depending on the degree of soft touch required, the thickness of said coating, when dry, being comprised between 0.2 and 5 micro meter,
9. The method according to previous claim 8. Wherein the thickness of the coating to the plastic film, when dry, is comprised between 1 and 3 micro meter

10. The method according to anyone of previous claims 8-9, wherein
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Obyek Penemuan
[0001) Penemuan instan mengungkapkan penggunaan film memiliki matte untuk laminasi cetak materi menurut klaim 1 yang memberikan beberapa keuntungan kompetitif dengan hormat dari film tradisional diterapkan di sektor ini.
[0002] Aplikasi produk ini adalah pasar laminasi, di antara, laminasi sampul buku, karton, kotak, tas, poster, karton kedap bergelombang, kertas giftwrapping, katalog, pekerjaan pencetakan dan cetakan pada umumnya. Latar Belakang Penemuan [0003] The laminasi grafis mendukung untuk selesai matte saat dibuat menggunakan film-film yang diproduksi dengan metode koekstrusi, dimana wajah matte dibentuk dengan cara coextrusion dengan penggabungan poliolefin yang tidak sesuai dengan dasar substrat. Coextrusion adalah ekstrusi simultan melalui mati dari dua atau lebih polyoletins untuk membentuk struktur berlapis-lapis. Apakah berurusan dengan prosedur film ditiup, film cast, lamina atau profil, sistem coextrusion perlu untuk mendistribusikan output coextruded menjamin distribusi seragam ketebalannya, meminimalkan distorsi di antarmuka antara tingkat yang berbeda dan masalah meramalkan ketidakstabilan antarmuka. [0004] Coextrusion memungkinkan kombinasi polimer yang memiliki sifat yang berbeda sehingga untuk memastikan kemasan lebih ekonomis dan fungsional. Namun, film matte saat diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dan bekerja di laminasi mendukung menampilkan kekurangan tertentu seperti, misalnya, resistensi yang relatif rendah untuk menggaruk dan kecenderungan tertentu memburuk atau membelokkan tonalities warna dukungan grafis. Deskripsi Penemuan [0005] Tujuan film penemuan dikonfigurasi oleh substrat atau inti dari film plastik yang diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dengan ketebalan yang terdiri antara 10 dan 40 um. Untuk ini ditambahkan dengan melapisi dispersi cair dasar polyurethane alifatik memiliki penampilan putih susu, yang berisi antara 30% dan 100% padatan tergantung pada derajat sentuhan lembut diperlukan, dan lebih disukai antara 70% dan 95%. Ketebalan lapisan mengatakan, saat kering, terdiri dari antara 0,2 dan 5 ILM dan lebih disukai antara 1 dan 3 ILM. [0006] Kata dispersi poliuretan alifatik menggabungkan dalam komposisi primer spesifik untuk lamina plastik, sebaiknya aliphaticdispersion urethane yang memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan tersebut yang substrat plastik dan saya atau kekerasan film untuk laminasi. (0007) Selanjutnya, dispersi poliuretan alifatik menggabungkan menjadi komposisi pengeras dari jenis rantai polimer dengan crossiinkers dan saya atau resin plastik lainnya yang bertindak sebagai pengikat, yang terdiri antara 0 dan 70% berat. dan yang berfungsi sebagai dasar dan dukungan dari resin poliuretan dan memungkinkan untuk memperoleh gelar yang diinginkan dari sentuhan lembut dan matte. [0008] Film yang diperoleh dengan cara ini dapat selesai kering, dalam hal resin laminasi perekat diri digunakan pada wajah non-matte, yang bisa polyethylene (PE), ethylvinyl asetat (EVA), etilena butil akrilat (EBA), etilen metil akrilat (EMA) dan f atau etilena etil akrilat (EEA). Ini memungkinkan adhesi untuk dukungan grafis dengan cara aplikasi panas. Film ini juga dapat diproduksi dengan selesai basah, dalam hal ini tidak ada resin perekat diri apapun diterapkan pada wajah non-matte, bukan permukaan wajah mengatakan dimodifikasi oleh eorona atau pengobatan kimia. dan dengan demikian siap untuk aplikasi perekat dan lem selama proses laminasi. [0009] semacam ini film matte untuk laminasi dukungan grafis yang diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dari satu substrat atau inti dari film plastik, yang ditambahkan lapisan dispersi cair dari dasar polyurelhane alifatik memiliki penampilan putih susu. Selain terlampauinya kelemahan dari film tradisional, jenis film menyediakan fitur penting lainnya dan perbaikan yang membuatnya unik dan signifikan dibedakan dari sisa film matte yang saat ini ada di pasar. Keuntungan utama dan fitur membedakan film ini, terutama mengacu pada wajah malte nya, adalah IHE berikut: -. Baik efek anti gores - sentuhan lembut, yang adalah untuk mengatakan, efek persik kulit sangat menyenangkan untuk disentuh, dan penghapusan "plastik" efek film tradisional. - Tergantung pada persentase poliuretan diterapkan dalam campuran, nilai bersinar kurang dari 5%, diukur pada 60 · (ASTM 02457-90) dapat diperoleh. Hasil nilai ini adalah bahwa hasil praktis dalam kurang lengkap refleksi dibandingkan dengan film-film matte tradisional yang diproduksi oleh ekstrusi, kisaran bersinar yaitu antara 8% dan 12%. - Sebuah transparansi yang tinggi melalui kontak. Praktis tidak ada kehilangan nada suara dukungan grafis. Film matte tradisional menghasilkan film keputihan karena jenis agen anyaman yang menyebabkan hilangnya nada suara dari warna itu mencakup. Deskripsi Gambar [0010] Untuk melengkapi keterangan yang disediakan dan untuk purposeoffacilitating pemahaman fitur Invensi, dokumen instan disertai dengan seperangkat angka di mana, untuk tujuan ilustrasi dan tidak membatasi, foHowing yang digambarkan: Gambar 1 menunjukkan bagian transversal dari film untuk laminasi dukungan grafis, dilengkapi dengan kering finish. Gambar 2 menunjukkan bagian transversal dari film untuk laminasi dukungan grafis, tersedia dengan selesai basah. Preferred Perwujudan Penemuan [0011] Seperti yang bisa dilihat pada gambar direferensikan, film untuk laminasi dari dukungan grafis terdiri dari substrat atau inti film plastik (1) yang diproduksi oleh ketebalan ekstrusi terdiri antara 10 dan 40 meter mikro yang ditambahkan oleh lapisan dispersi cair dasar polyurethane alifatik (2) memiliki penampilan putih susu, yang dapat mengandung produk kimia lainnya seperti resin plastik lainnya (pengikat), pengeras (crosslinkers) dan perekat lor (primer) untuk tujuan memperoleh derajat yang diinginkan kekerasan, kepatuhan dan sentuhan lembut. [0012] Seperti dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1, diri - resin perekat ( 3) telah diterapkan pada wajah non-matte. Resin perekat ini bisa menjadi polyethylene (PE), etil vinil asetat (EVA), etilen butil akrilat (E8A), etilen metil akrilat (EMA) dan saya atau etilena etil akrilat (EEA), yang melekat pada dukungan dengan cara adhesi dan aplikasi panas, sehingga memberikan hasil akhir yang kering. [0013] Gambar 2 menunjukkan sebuah film dengan selesai basah, yang Apakah diperoleh dengan menerapkan korona atau pengobatan kimia untuk wajah non-matte, meninggalkannya disiapkan untuk aplikasi perekat dan lem, tanpa menerapkan dalam hal ini resin perekat diri apapun pada permukaan wajah kata. (0014] Memiliki cukup menggambarkan sifat penemuan, serta contoh tersebut yang embediment disukai. Dengan ini menyatakan untuk tujuan yang tepat, bahwa bahan, bentuk, ukuran dan disposisi dari unsur-unsur yang dijelaskan dapat dimodifikasi, asalkan modifikasi tidak menyiratkan suatu perubahan fitur penting dari penemuan ini, yang diklaim sebagai berikut: Klaim 1. penggunaan film yang terdiri dari substrat plastik film (1) yang diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dengan ketebalan yang terdiri antara 10 dan 40 mocro meter untuk yang ditambahkan oleh lapisan dasar dispersi cair poliuretan alifatik (2), yang berisi antara 30% dan 100% padatan tergantung pada derajat sentuhan lembut diperlukan, ketebalan lapisan mengatakan, saat kering, yang terdiri antara 0,2 dan 5 meter mikro, di laminasi dari cetakan. 2. Penggunaan film menurut klaim 1, dimana ketebalan lapisan. saat kering, terdiri antara 1 dan 3 mikrometer 3. Penggunaan film sesuai dengan siapa pun dari klaim sebelumnya, dimana kandungan padatan adalah antara 70% dan 95% tergantung pada derajat sentuhan lembut diperlukan. 4. Penggunaan film sesuai dengan siapa pun dari klaim sebelumnya, dimana dispersi dasar cair selanjutnya terdiri dari urethane dispersi alifatik sebagai primer spesifik untuk lamina plastik. 5. Penggunaan film sesuai dengan siapa pun dari klaim sebelumnya, dimana dispersi dasar cair selanjutnya terdiri dari pengeras dari jenis rantai polimer dengan crosslinkers dan / atau resin plastik lainnya yang bertindak sebagai pengikat, yang terdiri antara 0 dan 70% inweight. 6. Penggunaan film sesuai dengan siapa pun ofthe klaim sebelumnya, dimana resin perekat diri (3) berdasarkan polyethylene (PE). etil vinil asetat (EVA), etilen butil akrilat (EBA), etilen metil akrilat (EMA) dan saya atau etilena etil akrilat (EEA) adalah ap menghujani di muka film menentang lapisan. untuk lampiran terhadap barang cetakan dengan cara adhesi oleh aplikasi panas sedemikian rupa bahwa finish kering diperoleh. 7. Penggunaan film sesuai dengan siapa pun dari klaim sebelumnya 1-5, dimana korona atau perawatan kimia diterapkan di muka film menentang lapisan, meninggalkan kata wajah disiapkan untuk aplikasi perekat dan perekat untuk lampiran ke dicetak materi sedemikian rupa bahwa finish basah diperoleh. 8. Sebuah metode untuk pembuatan film untuk laminasi dari cetakan, metode terdiri dari tahap: a) menyediakan film plastik (1) yang diproduksi oleh ekstrusi dengan ketebalan yang terdiri antara 10 dan 40 meter mikro, dan b) menambah plastik Film (1) dengan melapisi dasar dispersi cair poliuretan alifatik (2) yang berisi antara 30% dan 100% padatan tergantung pada derajat sentuhan lembut diperlukan, ketebalan lapisan mengatakan, saat kering, yang terdiri antara 0,2 dan 5 mikro meter, 9. Metode menurut klaim sebelumnya 8. Dimana ketebalan lapisan untuk film plastik, saat kering, terdiri antara 1 dan 3 meter mikro 10. Metode menurut siapa pun dari klaim sebelumnya 8-9, dimana

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