Dichotomy A split by which a person experiencesor sees opposing forces terjemahan - Dichotomy A split by which a person experiencesor sees opposing forces Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Dichotomy A split by which a person

Dichotomy A split by which a person experiences
or sees opposing forces; a polarity (weak/
strong, dependent/independent).
Dream work The Gestalt approach does not
interpret and analyze dreams. Instead, the intent
is to bring dreams back to life and relive them as
though they were happening now.
Emotion-focused therapy Emotion-focused
therapy (EFT) entails the practice of therapy
being informed by understanding the role of
emotion in psychotherapeutic change.
Empty-chair technique A role-playing intervention
in which clients play confl icting parts.
This typically consists of clients engaging in an
imaginary dialogue between different sides of
Exercises Ready-made techniques that are
sometimes used to make something happen in a
therapy session or to achieve a goal.
Experiments Procedures aimed at encouraging
spontaneity and inventiveness by bringing
the possibilities for action directly into the
therapy session. Experiments are designed to enhance
here-and-now awareness. They are activities
clients try out as a way of testing new ways
of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Field A dynamic system of interrelationships.
Field theory Paying attention to and exploring
what is occurring at the boundary between the
person and the environment.
Figure Those aspects of the individual’s experience
that are most salient at any moment.
Figure-formation process Describes how the
individual organizes the environment from moment
to moment and how the emerging focus of
attention is on what is fi gural.
Ground Those aspects of the individual’s experience
that tend to be out of awareness or in the
Holism Attending to a client’s thoughts, feelings,
behaviors, body, and dreams.
Impasse The stuck point in a situation in
which individuals believe they are unable to support
themselves and thus seek external support.
Introjection The uncritical acceptance of others’
beliefs and standards without assimilating
them into one’s own personality.
Organismic self-regulation An individual’s
tendency to take actions and make contacts that
will restore equilibrium or contribute to change.
Paradoxical theory of change A theoretical
position that authentic change occurs more from
being who we are than from trying to be who we
are not.
Phenomenological inquiry Through a therapist
asking “what” and “how” questions, clients
are assisted in noticing what is occurring in the
present moment.
Projection The process by which we disown
certain aspects of ourselves by ascribing them to
the environment; the opposite of introjection.
Relational Gestalt therapy A supportive,
kind, and compassionate style that emphasizes
dialogue in the therapeutic relationship, rather
than the confrontational style of Fritz Perls.
Retroflection The act of turning back onto
ourselves something we would like to do (or have
done) to someone else.
Techniques Exercises or interventions that are
often used to bring about action or interaction,
sometimes with a prescribed outcome in mind.
Unfinished business Unexpressed feelings
(such as resentment, guilt, anger, grief) dating
back to childhood that now interfere with
effective psychological functioning; needless
emotional debris that clutters present-centered
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dikotomi A split yang seseorang mengalamiatau melihat menentang kekuatan; polaritas (lemah /kuat, tergantung/independen).Pekerjaan impian The Gestalt pendekatan tidakmenafsirkan dan menganalisis mimpi. Sebaliknya, maksudadalah untuk membawa mimpi kembali ke kehidupan dan menghidupkan kembali mereka sebagaiMeskipun mereka sedang terjadi sekarang.Emosi-terfokus terapi berfokus pada emositerapi (EFT) memerlukan praktek terapimenjadi informasi dengan memahami peranemosi dalam psikoterapi perubahan.Teknik kosong-kursi A role-playing intervensidi mana klien bermain confl bagian icting.Ini biasanya terdiri dari klien yang terlibat dalamdialog imajiner antara sisi yang berbeda daridiri mereka sendiri.Latihan teknik siap pakai yangkadang-kadang digunakan untuk membuat sesuatu terjadi dalamsesi terapi atau untuk mencapai tujuan.Prosedur eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mendorongspontanitas dan temu dengan membawakemungkinan untuk tindakan langsung kesesi terapi. Percobaan dirancang untuk meningkatkankesadaran di sini dan sekarang. Mereka adalah kegiatanklien mencoba sebagai cara untuk menguji cara baruberpikir, perasaan, dan berperilaku.Bidang sistem dinamis antar hubungan.Teori medan memperhatikan dan menjelajahiapa yang terjadi pada batas antaraorang dan lingkungan.Mencari aspek-aspek dari pengalaman individupaling menonjol di setiap saat.Proses pembentukan-gambar Describes bagaimanaindividu dapat mengatur lingkungan dari saatuntuk saat ini dan bagaimana muncul fokus dariperhatian adalah pada apa fi gural.Tanah aspek-aspek dari pengalaman individuyang cenderung dari kesadaran atau dilatar belakang.Holisme menghadiri untuk klien pikiran, perasaan,perilaku, tubuh, dan impian.Kebuntuan titik terjebak dalam situasi diorang-orang yang percaya bahwa mereka tidak dapat mendukungsendiri dan dengan demikian mencari dukungan eksternal.Introjection penerimaan tidak kritis lainnyakeyakinan dan standar tanpa asimilasimereka menjadi kepribadian sendiri.Organismic pengaturan diri individu dikecenderungan untuk mengambil tindakan dan membuat kontak yangakan mengembalikan keseimbangan atau berkontribusi terhadap perubahan.Paradoks teori perubahan teoretisposisi yang otentik perubahan terjadi lebih darimenjadi siapa kita daripada mencoba untuk menjadi diri kitayang tidak.Fenomenologis permintaan melalui seorang terapisbertanya "apa" dan "bagaimana" pertanyaan, kliendibantu untuk melihat apa yang terjadi disaat ini.Proyeksi proses oleh yang yang kami menafikanaspek-aspek tertentu dari diri kita sendiri dengan menganggap mereka untuklingkungan; kebalikan dari introjection.Relasional Gestalt terapi suportif,jenis, dan penyayang style yang menekankandialog dalam hubungan terapeutik, agakdaripada konfrontatif gaya Fritz Perls.Retroflection undang-undang untuk mengubah kembali kediri kita sesuatu yang kita ingin lakukan (atau memilikidilakukan) kepada orang lain.Teknik latihan atau intervensi yangsering digunakan untuk membawa tentang tindakan atau interaksi,kadang-kadang dengan hasil yang ditentukan dalam pikiran.Urusan Unexpressed perasaan(seperti kemarahan, rasa bersalah, kemarahan, kesedihan) kencankembali ke masa kanak-kanak yang sekarang mengganggufungsi psikologis yang efektif; tidak perlupuing-puing emosional yang clutters berpusat pada saatkesadaran.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dichotomy A split by which a person experiences
or sees opposing forces; a polarity (weak/
strong, dependent/independent).
Dream work The Gestalt approach does not
interpret and analyze dreams. Instead, the intent
is to bring dreams back to life and relive them as
though they were happening now.
Emotion-focused therapy Emotion-focused
therapy (EFT) entails the practice of therapy
being informed by understanding the role of
emotion in psychotherapeutic change.
Empty-chair technique A role-playing intervention
in which clients play confl icting parts.
This typically consists of clients engaging in an
imaginary dialogue between different sides of
Exercises Ready-made techniques that are
sometimes used to make something happen in a
therapy session or to achieve a goal.
Experiments Procedures aimed at encouraging
spontaneity and inventiveness by bringing
the possibilities for action directly into the
therapy session. Experiments are designed to enhance
here-and-now awareness. They are activities
clients try out as a way of testing new ways
of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Field A dynamic system of interrelationships.
Field theory Paying attention to and exploring
what is occurring at the boundary between the
person and the environment.
Figure Those aspects of the individual’s experience
that are most salient at any moment.
Figure-formation process Describes how the
individual organizes the environment from moment
to moment and how the emerging focus of
attention is on what is fi gural.
Ground Those aspects of the individual’s experience
that tend to be out of awareness or in the
Holism Attending to a client’s thoughts, feelings,
behaviors, body, and dreams.
Impasse The stuck point in a situation in
which individuals believe they are unable to support
themselves and thus seek external support.
Introjection The uncritical acceptance of others’
beliefs and standards without assimilating
them into one’s own personality.
Organismic self-regulation An individual’s
tendency to take actions and make contacts that
will restore equilibrium or contribute to change.
Paradoxical theory of change A theoretical
position that authentic change occurs more from
being who we are than from trying to be who we
are not.
Phenomenological inquiry Through a therapist
asking “what” and “how” questions, clients
are assisted in noticing what is occurring in the
present moment.
Projection The process by which we disown
certain aspects of ourselves by ascribing them to
the environment; the opposite of introjection.
Relational Gestalt therapy A supportive,
kind, and compassionate style that emphasizes
dialogue in the therapeutic relationship, rather
than the confrontational style of Fritz Perls.
Retroflection The act of turning back onto
ourselves something we would like to do (or have
done) to someone else.
Techniques Exercises or interventions that are
often used to bring about action or interaction,
sometimes with a prescribed outcome in mind.
Unfinished business Unexpressed feelings
(such as resentment, guilt, anger, grief) dating
back to childhood that now interfere with
effective psychological functioning; needless
emotional debris that clutters present-centered
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