Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
A comparison of control groups and experimental groups indicates that an accounting change did induce changes in decisions by memhers of the experimental groups. In the increase condition, the average difference score across all subjects in the control group was 4.26 percent, while the score averaged across all subjects in the corresponding experimental groups was 27.23 percent. The one-tailed t value (df = 51) is 3.096 and is significant at the .0016 level. Corresponding values in the decrease condition are 6.91 and 14.66 percent, resulting in a t value of 3.246, significant at the .0010 level. The analysis-of-variance conducted on the four experimental groupssupports my hypotheses concerning the increase/decrease condition and the interaction, but not the information condition. As stated earlier, I hypothesized that (a) the increase condition (changing from full cost data to variable cost data) would result in a larger change in decision models (less fixation) than would the decrease condition, {b) the high information condition would result in less fixation than the low informa-tion condition, and (c) the interaction between the two experimental treatments would not be significant. Comparison of increase {x = 27.23%) and decrease ix = 14.66%) conditions yielded anF value {df = 1,76) of 8.20 and &p value of .005. Comparison of low information (a": = 21.70%) and high information (x = 20.19%) conditions yielded axxF {df = 1,76) of 0.12 and a p of .731. Interaction resulted in a n F {df = 1,76) of0.38 dan p.538. Grafik interaksi dalam figtire 2 menunjukkan bahwa efek pengobatan eksperimental yang satu tidak tergantung pada efek perawatan lainnya.DOLLAR NILAI RATA-RATA PERBEDAAN Analisis dalam hal nilai rata-rata perbedaan dolar menghasilkan statistik nonsignificant hasil untuk perawatan dan interaksi. Untuk kelompok eksperimental, mengurangi kondisi menghasilkan n F = 1.13, p =. 291; informasi kondisi, F = 0,20, p =. 657; dan interaksi, F = 0.75, p -.388. Perbandingan kelompok kontrol dengan eksperimental giroups menunjukkan bahwa perubahan akuntansi diinduksiperubahan dalam keputusan hy mata pelajaran, sama seperti analisis dalam hal persentase telah menunjukkan. Nilai t untuk meningkatkan kondisi adalah 1.954, p =.0281, ketika nilai-nilai yang sesuai untuk kondisi penurunan t = 3.389, p =.0007. Hasil ini yang tidak berubah dengan pengecualian outlier jelas (subyek kedua tercantum berkelompok kenaikan-rendah informasi dalam tabel 2). Harus ditekankan, namun, analisa termts jumlah dolar mungkin menjadi jauh lebih sah daripada analisa persyaratan persentase karena persentase penyimpangan dari
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