„Yan Er, but also remembered you in childhood, I one that you had clim terjemahan - „Yan Er, but also remembered you in childhood, I one that you had clim Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Yan Er, but also remembered you in

„Yan Er, but also remembered you in childhood, I one that you had climbing mountains.” The Meng Hao sound is gentle, spreads to the Yan Er ear.
„Remembers that” in Yan Er reveals to recall, is thinking when childhood just saw the teacher, thought that the opposite party is a swindler, even after arriving on the mountain, has that some time, throughout thinks the opposite party is a swindler, thinks that she covered the mouth to smile, the moonlight has caressed on her face, caused her small face, looked like especially beautiful.
„Told a story for the master to you.” Meng Hao looked at Yan Er, in item is even more gentle, has revealed recalling, is only his recalling, here profound too many be too more than Yan Er, because in this story, contained a Juan River of continuously years.
„Once, was called the Mountains and Seas Plane place in one, there is stars, Planet South Heaven”
„On Planet South Heaven, there is Mount Daqing”
„That person, his pay respects to join Reliance Sect, there, he has met one to be called Wang Tenfei Chosen.”
„That is his first time sees that female, she is the Wang Tenfei fiancee.”
„When that Kunpeng very is very only big, flies, can cover the world, the wind that curls up, her with that person, was involved to ban in the spirit mountain valley”
„In the Violet Fate Sect, they became same side”
„The day, he has gotten married, she in his wife's side, the vision that stares, she thinks that he has not seen”
„Afterward she became an immortal, along with her teacher Pill Demon, went to Dao of Kunlun”
„In Ru Feng Plane, she for him, has paid the soul, has paid all, what she thinks had not regretted”
„In Dao of Kunlun, he came, looks at her corpse, launches the law of time, cannot get back to its soul, on that day, his heart was torn”
„In Eighth Mountain and Sea, he seeks, but had not found to be possible he to understand that he owes this female, the sentiment of first” Meng Hao muttered whispers, said toward Yan Er a story, this story was very long, was very long, he said for night, when the sky rising sun of distant place gained ground, this story just said.
When Yan Er starts also somewhat absent-minded, may listen to listen, why she does not know, her heart in the stabbing pain, as if has some consciousness to regain consciousness in own mind.
Until the Meng Hao story said that she there, for a long time for a long time
„Teacher, the female in story, she names” Yan Er to gain ground, is looking at the present teacher, in a soft voice to open mouth.
„She called Chu Yuyan.” Meng Hao looks at the rising sun of distant place, replied in a soft voice.
„Story also has following” Yan Er suddenly Dao Seeking.
Meng Hao is silent, after long time, nodded.
„You want to listen”
The Yan Er body trembles, silent for a long time, gradually in the eye no longer is confused, but was such as was the same in the past, as if mindless appearance, was looking at Meng Hao, shook the head.
„Now does not want to listen, after, after later, someday, I want to listen, the teacher you can continue to give me to say”
Two deliver,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Yan Er, but also remembered you in childhood, I one that you had climbing mountains.” The Meng Hao sound is gentle, spreads to the Yan Er ear.„Remembers that” in Yan Er reveals to recall, is thinking when childhood just saw the teacher, thought that the opposite party is a swindler, even after arriving on the mountain, has that some time, throughout thinks the opposite party is a swindler, thinks that she covered the mouth to smile, the moonlight has caressed on her face, caused her small face, looked like especially beautiful.„Told a story for the master to you.” Meng Hao looked at Yan Er, in item is even more gentle, has revealed recalling, is only his recalling, here profound too many be too more than Yan Er, because in this story, contained a Juan River of continuously years.„Once, was called the Mountains and Seas Plane place in one, there is stars, Planet South Heaven”„On Planet South Heaven, there is Mount Daqing”„That person, his pay respects to join Reliance Sect, there, he has met one to be called Wang Tenfei Chosen.”„That is his first time sees that female, she is the Wang Tenfei fiancee.”„When that Kunpeng very is very only big, flies, can cover the world, the wind that curls up, her with that person, was involved to ban in the spirit mountain valley”„In the Violet Fate Sect, they became same side”„The day, he has gotten married, she in his wife's side, the vision that stares, she thinks that he has not seen”"Sesudah itu ia menjadi abadi, bersama dengan gurunya pil setan, pergi ke Dao Kunlun""Di Ru Feng pesawat, dia baginya, telah membayar jiwa, telah membayar semua, apa yang dia berpikir telah tidak menyesali""Di Dao Kunlun, ia datang, memandang mayat nya, meluncurkan hukum waktu, tidak bisa kembali ke jiwanya, pada hari itu, hatinya terkoyak""Dalam delapan gunung dan laut, ia mencari, tetapi tidak menemukan menjadi mungkin dia mengerti bahwa ia berutang laki-laki ini, sentimen dari pertama" Meng Hao bergumam berbisik, kata menuju Yan Er cerita, cerita ini sangat panjang, adalah sangat panjang, katanya selama malam, ketika langit rising sun memperoleh tanah tempat yang jauh, cerita ini hanya mengatakan.Ketika Yan Er dimulai juga agak linglung, Mei mendengarkan untuk mendengarkan, mengapa dia tidak tahu, hatinya sakit menusuk, seolah-olah memiliki beberapa kesadaran untuk mendapatkan kembali kesadaran dalam pikiran sendiri.Sampai cerita Meng Hao berkata bahwa dia di sana, untuk waktu yang lama untuk waktu yang lama"Guru, laki-laki dalam cerita, dia nama" Yan Er untuk mendapatkan tanah, melihat hadir guru, dengan suara lembut untuk membuka mulut."Dia disebut Chu Yuyan." Meng Hao melihat matahari terbit dari tempat yang jauh, menjawab dengan suara lembut."Cerita juga memiliki berikut" Yan Er tiba-tiba Dao mencari.Meng Hao diam, setelah lama, mengangguk."Anda ingin mendengarkan"Yan Er tubuh gemetar, diam untuk waktu yang lama, secara bertahap di mata tidak lagi bingung, tapi itu seperti seperti yang sama di masa lalu, seolah-olah mindless penampilan, memandang Meng Hao, menggelengkan kepala.„Now does not want to listen, after, after later, someday, I want to listen, the teacher you can continue to give me to say”„Can”Two deliver,
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