Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline t terjemahan - Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Putting the two of you together is

Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline together: it's explosive! You make each other feel fired up and zealous, and you jointly pursue goals with vigor and intense dynamic energy. Sexual attraction is also aroused suddenly and unexpectedly and is very intense. You must strive to be patient and understanding with each other because the volatile energy of this relationship can erupt into anger and combativeness.

Harry's Mars conjunct Desi's Uranus orb 2° 0'

You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each other and can easily get into lots of arguments and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. If you find each other at all physically attractive, then your sexual responsiveness to each other is very direct and even aggressive at times.

Harry's Uranus opposition Desi's Mars orb 1° 33'

You become impatient and even reckless with each other. You enjoy vigorous physical activities together, and it is likely that you play competitive sports with one another. If you find each other even mildly physically attractive, then sexual arousal will be intense, electric, and sudden, but lacking in finesse and gentleness. If you come to cross purposes, you can become very hostile towards each other.

Harry's Neptune opposition Desi's Venus orb 2° 13'

You arouse unusual, perhaps strange, feelings and yearnings in each other. You evoke feelings of sympathy, compassion, a sensitivity to music and poetry, dreamy romanticism, and perhaps even religious fervor. The dreamy, idealistic feelings that you stimulate in each other makes it nearly impossible for you to see each other in a realistic, objective light but this is not likely to bother either of you - your idealized dreamy love for each other is much more fun than realism! Recognize, however, that your partner does indeed have clay feet and do not expect Perfect Love from this relationship, or you will be sadly disillusioned.

Harry's Neptune opposition Desi's Mars orb 0° 13'

You can act very silly and childish together. When the two of you get together, you love to let your imaginations run wild. You have difficulty accomplishing anything of a serious or mundane nature together, and you prefer to explore artistic, religious, and metaphysical areas, rather than focus on more mundane affairs. If there is a physical or romantic attraction to each other, you are likely to feel mesmerized by each other, and fall into a very dreamy romance. Your sexual life also has a strong element of fantasy.

Harry's Moon square Desi's Venus orb 1° 7'

You love each other very deeply and the attraction between you is very strong, but your relationship is also prone to emotional ups and downs. It is not unusual for the quality of feelings that you have for each other to be quite different and this can lead to misunderstandings. For example, Desi may be in a romantic mood at a given time while Harry is feeling friendly, but not romantic. The roles sometimes reverse, and you find that your feelings frequently just won't synchronize. You also easily hurt each other's feelings, not realizing how much the other person loves and cherishes you. By being flexible and adaptable, and really trying to sympathize with each other, you can avoid these problems most of the time.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Putting the two of you together is like putting a match and gasoline together: it's explosive! You make each other feel fired up and zealous, and you jointly pursue goals with vigor and intense dynamic energy. Sexual attraction is also aroused suddenly and unexpectedly and is very intense. You must strive to be patient and understanding with each other because the volatile energy of this relationship can erupt into anger and combativeness.Harry's Mars conjunct Desi's Uranus orb 2° 0' You feel energized and get into a dynamic, sometimes impatient and reckless mood together. You enjoy engaging in exciting or daring activities together. You get impatient with each other and can easily get into lots of arguments and feelings of irritation and annoyance with each other. If you find each other at all physically attractive, then your sexual responsiveness to each other is very direct and even aggressive at times.Harry's Uranus opposition Desi's Mars orb 1° 33' You become impatient and even reckless with each other. You enjoy vigorous physical activities together, and it is likely that you play competitive sports with one another. If you find each other even mildly physically attractive, then sexual arousal will be intense, electric, and sudden, but lacking in finesse and gentleness. If you come to cross purposes, you can become very hostile towards each other.Harry's Neptune opposition Desi's Venus orb 2° 13' You arouse unusual, perhaps strange, feelings and yearnings in each other. You evoke feelings of sympathy, compassion, a sensitivity to music and poetry, dreamy romanticism, and perhaps even religious fervor. The dreamy, idealistic feelings that you stimulate in each other makes it nearly impossible for you to see each other in a realistic, objective light but this is not likely to bother either of you - your idealized dreamy love for each other is much more fun than realism! Recognize, however, that your partner does indeed have clay feet and do not expect Perfect Love from this relationship, or you will be sadly disillusioned.Harry's Neptune opposition Desi's Mars orb 0° 13' You can act very silly and childish together. When the two of you get together, you love to let your imaginations run wild. You have difficulty accomplishing anything of a serious or mundane nature together, and you prefer to explore artistic, religious, and metaphysical areas, rather than focus on more mundane affairs. If there is a physical or romantic attraction to each other, you are likely to feel mesmerized by each other, and fall into a very dreamy romance. Your sexual life also has a strong element of fantasy.Harry's Moon square Desi's Venus orb 1° 7' You love each other very deeply and the attraction between you is very strong, but your relationship is also prone to emotional ups and downs. It is not unusual for the quality of feelings that you have for each other to be quite different and this can lead to misunderstandings. For example, Desi may be in a romantic mood at a given time while Harry is feeling friendly, but not romantic. The roles sometimes reverse, and you find that your feelings frequently just won't synchronize. You also easily hurt each other's feelings, not realizing how much the other person loves and cherishes you. By being flexible and adaptable, and really trying to sympathize with each other, you can avoid these problems most of the time.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menempatkan Anda berdua bersama-sama adalah seperti meletakkan pertandingan dan bensin sama: itu meledak! Anda membuat masing-masing merasa lain bersemangat dan bersemangat, dan Anda bersama-sama mengejar tujuan dengan semangat dan energi dinamis intens. Tarik seksual juga terangsang tiba-tiba dan tak terduga dan sangat intens. Anda harus berusaha untuk bersabar dan pemahaman satu sama lain karena energi stabil hubungan ini dapat meledak menjadi kemarahan dan combativeness. Harry Mars diperbantukan Desi Uranus bola 2 ° 0 'Anda merasa berenergi dan masuk ke dinamis, kadang-kadang tidak sabar dan sembrono suasana hati bersama-sama . Anda menikmati terlibat dalam kegiatan menarik atau berani bersama-sama. Anda tidak sabar satu sama lain dan dapat dengan mudah masuk ke banyak argumen dan perasaan iritasi dan jengkel dengan satu sama lain. Jika Anda menemukan satu sama lain sama sekali menarik secara fisik, maka respon seksual Anda satu sama lain sangat langsung dan bahkan agresif di kali. Harry Uranus oposisi Desi Mars orb 1 ° 33 'Anda menjadi tidak sabar dan bahkan nekat dengan satu sama lain. Anda menikmati aktivitas fisik yang kuat bersama-sama, dan ada kemungkinan bahwa Anda bermain olahraga kompetitif dengan satu sama lain. Jika Anda menemukan satu sama lain bahkan agak menarik secara fisik, maka gairah seksual akan semakin ketat, listrik, dan tiba-tiba, tapi kurang dalam kemahiran dan kelembutan. Jika Anda datang untuk menyeberang tujuan, Anda bisa menjadi sangat bermusuhan terhadap satu sama lain. Harry Neptunus oposisi Desi Venus orb 2 ° 13 'Anda menggugah perasaan yang tidak biasa, mungkin aneh, dan hasrat satu sama lain. Anda membangkitkan rasa simpati, kasih sayang, kepekaan terhadap musik dan puisi, romantisme melamun, dan semangat bahkan mungkin agama. The melamun, perasaan idealis yang merangsang satu sama lain membuat hampir tidak mungkin bagi Anda untuk melihat satu sama lain dalam realistis, cahaya tujuan tapi ini tidak mungkin untuk mengganggu salah satu dari Anda - cinta melamun ideal Anda untuk satu sama lain jauh lebih menyenangkan daripada realisme! Kenali, bagaimanapun, bahwa pasangan Anda memang memiliki kaki tanah liat dan tidak mengharapkan Sempurna Cinta dari hubungan ini, atau Anda akan sedih kecewa. Harry Neptunus oposisi Desi Mars orb 0 ° 13 'Anda dapat bertindak sangat konyol dan kekanak-kanakan bersama-sama. Ketika Anda berdua bersama-sama, Anda senang membiarkan imajinasi Anda berjalan liar. Anda memiliki kesulitan mencapai sesuatu yang bersifat serius atau biasa bersama-sama, dan Anda lebih memilih untuk menjelajahi daerah artistik, agama, dan metafisik, daripada fokus pada urusan yang lebih biasa. Jika ada ketertarikan fisik atau romantis satu sama lain, Anda mungkin merasa terpesona oleh satu sama lain, dan jatuh ke dalam cinta yang sangat melamun. Kehidupan seksual Anda juga memiliki elemen kuat dari fantasi. Harry Bulan persegi Desi Venus orb 1 ° 7 'Anda saling mencintai sangat mendalam dan tarik antara Anda sangat kuat, tapi hubungan Anda juga rentan terhadap turunnya emosi. Hal ini tidak biasa untuk kualitas perasaan yang Anda miliki untuk satu sama lain untuk menjadi sangat berbeda dan ini dapat menyebabkan kesalahpahaman. Sebagai contoh, Desi mungkin dalam suasana hati yang romantis pada waktu tertentu sedangkan Harry merasa ramah, tapi tidak romantis. Peran kadang mundur, dan Anda menemukan bahwa perasaan Anda sering tidak akan melakukan sinkronisasi. Anda juga dengan mudah menyakiti perasaan masing-masing, tidak menyadari berapa banyak orang lain mencintai dan menghargai Anda. Dengan menjadi fleksibel dan mudah beradaptasi, dan benar-benar mencoba untuk bersimpati dengan satu sama lain, Anda dapat menghindari masalah ini sebagian besar waktu.

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