It's birthday month and you have plenty of activities onyour agenda. R terjemahan - It's birthday month and you have plenty of activities onyour agenda. R Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It's birthday month and you have pl

It's birthday month and you have plenty of activities on
your agenda. Rightly so, dear Cancer - you have Mars in
your sign, putting you front and center for all that will
happen now. You are used to standing on the sidelines
to wait for the right moment to act, but that won't be
the case in July. Finally, you have your moment to call
the shots, and others around you will have to follow
what you say. We only get Mars in our sign every two
years for a six-week period, so this is a rare and special
time for you. The last time you had favor from Mars in
Cancer it was in July 2013. Now that you hold power in
your hands, use it well.
Mars will make you more determined and courageous
than ever before. You will be ready to take on any VIP
who turns you down. Rather than walk away, you'll
come back as strong as ever to present all the reasons
why they should reconsider your ideas.
It will be necessary to be persuasive, so to be effective,
it will be critical that you do your homework and have
the right response to any Doubting Thomas you may
encounter. Remarkably, if you do come fully prepared,
the VIP who at first was unconvinced of the soundness
of your plan will listen to you with an open mind. Mars
in Cancer will give you drive, and higher-ups will be
impressed by your passion. Life can't always be this
sweet, so while it is, use it to your advantage. Prioritize
your goals and go after the ones that mean the most to
The month starts out with a full moon that will have you
thinking about your relationship with your partner. The
full moon of July 1 will bring your relationship to a new
or very different phase. Things look quite positive for
progress, so you may get engaged or married.
However, if you were not happy with your relationship,
then this month would be the time you break up. Pluto
will oppose the Sun, so you may feel your partner is too
dominant or uncaring of you, the reason why you have
not been content. I feel most Cancers will enjoy this full
moon, but I do admit not all will feel that way. With the
full moon's beautiful beam from Neptune, you may travel
quite a distance with your partner, perhaps for a
vacation either early in July or later, mid-month, a good
time to do so.
On the same day as the full moon, July 1, Venus and
Jupiter will make their annual monumental conjunction.
This will likely bring you a large check that would be
directly related to your earned income for the impressive
performance you've put into your career. It is very
possible that your reputation and fine work is now
becoming known, a wonderful development, for this will
help you negotiate better salary or fees in the future.
You may have another benefit from the meeting of Venus
and Jupiter on July 1. You may get superb financial
news from one of your parents or receive money through
a family inheritance. Or, you may see a handsome profit
from the sale of real estate or personal property.
If improving your cash flow quickly is a big goal for you,
you may want to consider having a roommate or boarder
in your home if you have an extra room that's not being
used. If you are moving into a new space over July 1-
July 4, you will have chosen a perfect time to do so.
Chances are, you'll love your new space now and for
many years to come.
Now let's move on to certain dates to keep in mind.
Avoid scheduling a business presentation or apply for
funding from a venture capitalist on July 6 when Pluto
will oppose the Sun. The terms of the deal would be
unattractive, and you may come away wondering why
you ever thought this person could help you in the first
If you are in a partnership of any kind, personal or
professional, on July 6 you are not likely to see eye-to-
eye, and may become overwhelmed and feeling
checkmated by your partner. You may not know the
words you want to use to express yourself, so take time
to break talks and agree to resume a few days later.
The annual new moon in Cancer, 23 degrees, on July 15
will be mixed in outlook and will require you to take
time to think through your actions. The most
troublesome element will be that Uranus will be at hard
angles to this new moon and Sun, and could possibly
cause unexpected turbulence in your career and in terms
of your earning power. Be careful about any impulsive
moves you will suddenly want to make at this time, for
impulsive actions may jeopardize all or part of your
Instead, take a surefooted, careful approach. As a
Cancer, you are generally very talented at handling
finances. You tend to be interested in saving money, and
are generally financially conservative. This month,
however, you seem in the mood to turn over the apple
cart when emotionally you feel you've come to the end.
Still, you may inadvertently cut ties with people whose
support you will need later, so easy does it. Mars and
Mercury will both oppose Pluto at the new moon, July
15, so things could suddenly turn rocky between you
and a partner or collaborator at mid-month. If this
person is important to you, be diplomatic. Once you say
something, you won't be able to take it back.
Fortunately, this new moon will be in positive angle to
Saturn in Scorpio, suggesting your actions will have
permanence and weight. (Of course, if you walk out of
your job, there will be no way for you to get back in.)
Also, if you are artistic or work to support creative
people, you will also likely do well, for Saturn is in your
solar fifth house and is in good angle to this new moon,
July 15. Saturn will offer you a chance to stabilize your
personal life. Pregnancy and children are also governed
by the fifth house, and will be protected. Any decisions
you make in the second half of the July will have
longevity, possibly good news to you.
This new moon of July 15 in Cancer at 23 degrees will
open a portal of two weeks of very strong energy and
focus you on what steps you need to take to be truly
Concurrent to this new moon, you will have Mars in
elegant angle to Neptune suggesting that travel would
be the ideal way to rekindle romance of a past romantic
relationship or to spark an ongoing one that seems to
have become flat.
Foreign people and places will be fortunate for you too
at the new moon, as will the industries related to
intellect and communication - publishing, the Internet,
broadcasting, and with people in academia.
If your birthday falls on or within four days of July 15,
you will notice the effects of the new moon most
strongly. If you have your natal chart, have a look to see
you have a planet, the Sun, natal moon, or rising sign
within five degrees of 23 degrees of Cancer, Scorpio,
Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. If you do, you will
feel the changes, benefits, and ups and down of this
new moon. Keep in mind that any element that falls away
this month was deemed by the universe to be weak. The
space that results will allow you to choose something
far better to fill its place.
If you have had problems reaching an accord with a
business or romantic partner, you might want to reopen
talks on July 21, a day when you are more likely to find
an answer to a pressing or ongoing question that has
troubled you. This will be an especially productive day if
the topic you have disagreed about involves money.
Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6.
We all feel the effects of the so-called personal planets
(Mercury, Venus, and Mars) when they go retrograde far
more than when the outer planets go retrograde (Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). A retrograde planet
emits a weak vibration, and in your case, Venus is the
natural ruler of your fourth house of home. You may
have to retrace steps involving a decision or action
you've taken (or were planning to take soon) involving a
real estate matter. Indeed, a home, property, or family
matter will make little progress.
Venus retrograde is also not a time to make any big
changes involving your looks, or to take a big step in a
romance, such as to get engaged, for Venus rules
beauty, good looks, parties, and love. Wait until after
September 6, but better yet, wait until after October 9
when Venus will be even stronger.
Uranus will go retrograde too this month on July 26, and
remain that way until Christmas Day this year, December
25. It is common for Uranus to go retrograde for five
months at a time. Certain financial talks and career
progress may slow now, for Uranus is in your
prestigious tenth house of fame and honors, but will
give you time to tweak your plan if you suffer a setback.
You will get a second chance to try again in early 2016,
especially in February, so spend the intervening time
studying how to strengthen things.
Finances will be your focus again at the full moon, July
31 at 8 degrees Aquarius. Matters related to credit cards,
student loans, mortgage, and all similar financial
obligations will be on the agenda, and with Uranus
going retrograde, you may refine or completely change
your mind about the way you handle certain funds.
Meet with your financial advisor to go over the progress
of your retirement portfolio. Go over your insurance
needs too, and decide whether you need to add more
insurance or lower your coverage, depending on your
evolving needs.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ulang tahun bulan dan Anda memiliki banyak kegiatan diagenda Anda. Benar Jadi, sayang kanker - Anda memiliki MarsAnda tanda, menempatkan Anda depan dan pusat untuk semua yang akanterjadi sekarang. Anda digunakan untuk berdiri di sela-selamenunggu saat yang tepat untuk tindakan, tetapi yang tidak akankasus pada bulan Juli. Akhirnya, Anda memiliki Anda saat memanggiltembakan, dan lain-lain di sekitar Anda akan mengikutiapa yang Anda katakan. Kita hanya bisa Mars dalam tanda kami setiap duatahun untuk periode enam minggu, jadi ini adalah langka dan khususwaktu untuk Anda. Terakhir kali Anda punya bantuan dari Mars diKanker pada Juli 2013. Sekarang bahwa Anda memegang kekuasaan ditangan Anda, menggunakannya juga.Mars akan membuat Anda lebih ditentukan dan beranidaripada sebelumnya. Anda akan siap untuk mengambil VIPyang ternyata Anda. Alih-alih berjalan kaki, Anda akandatang kembali sekuat pernah untuk menyajikan semua alasanMengapa mereka harus kembali ide-ide Anda.Akan diperlukan untuk menjadi persuasif, sehingga untuk menjadi efektif,ini akan menjadi penting bahwa Anda melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda dan memilikirespons yang tepat untuk Thomas meragukan apapun Anda mungkinpertemuan. Luar biasa, jika Anda datang sepenuhnya siap,VIP yang pertama adalah tidak yakin tentang kesehatanrencana Anda akan mendengarkan Anda dengan pikiran terbuka. Marskanker akan memberikan Anda mengemudi, dan lebih tinggi-up akanterkesan oleh semangat Anda. Hidup tidak selalu bisa inimanis, jadi sementara itu, menggunakannya untuk keuntungan Anda. Memprioritaskantujuan dan pergi setelah orang-orang yang bermaksud yang paling Andayou.The month starts out with a full moon that will have youthinking about your relationship with your partner. Thefull moon of July 1 will bring your relationship to a newor very different phase. Things look quite positive forprogress, so you may get engaged or married.However, if you were not happy with your relationship,then this month would be the time you break up. Plutowill oppose the Sun, so you may feel your partner is toodominant or uncaring of you, the reason why you havenot been content. I feel most Cancers will enjoy this fullmoon, but I do admit not all will feel that way. With thefull moon's beautiful beam from Neptune, you may travelquite a distance with your partner, perhaps for avacation either early in July or later, mid-month, a goodtime to do so.On the same day as the full moon, July 1, Venus andJupiter will make their annual monumental conjunction.This will likely bring you a large check that would bedirectly related to your earned income for the impressiveperformance you've put into your career. It is verypossible that your reputation and fine work is nowbecoming known, a wonderful development, for this willhelp you negotiate better salary or fees in the future.You may have another benefit from the meeting of Venusand Jupiter on July 1. You may get superb financialnews from one of your parents or receive money througha family inheritance. Or, you may see a handsome profitfrom the sale of real estate or personal property.If improving your cash flow quickly is a big goal for you,you may want to consider having a roommate or boarderin your home if you have an extra room that's not beingused. If you are moving into a new space over July 1-July 4, you will have chosen a perfect time to do so.Chances are, you'll love your new space now and formany years to come.Now let's move on to certain dates to keep in mind.Avoid scheduling a business presentation or apply forfunding from a venture capitalist on July 6 when Plutowill oppose the Sun. The terms of the deal would beunattractive, and you may come away wondering whyyou ever thought this person could help you in the firstplace.If you are in a partnership of any kind, personal orprofessional, on July 6 you are not likely to see eye-to-eye, and may become overwhelmed and feelingcheckmated by your partner. You may not know thewords you want to use to express yourself, so take timeto break talks and agree to resume a few days later.The annual new moon in Cancer, 23 degrees, on July 15will be mixed in outlook and will require you to taketime to think through your actions. The mosttroublesome element will be that Uranus will be at hardangles to this new moon and Sun, and could possiblycause unexpected turbulence in your career and in termsof your earning power. Be careful about any impulsivemoves you will suddenly want to make at this time, forimpulsive actions may jeopardize all or part of yourincome.Instead, take a surefooted, careful approach. As aCancer, you are generally very talented at handlingfinances. You tend to be interested in saving money, andare generally financially conservative. This month,however, you seem in the mood to turn over the applecart when emotionally you feel you've come to the end.Still, you may inadvertently cut ties with people whosesupport you will need later, so easy does it. Mars andMercury will both oppose Pluto at the new moon, July15, so things could suddenly turn rocky between youand a partner or collaborator at mid-month. If thisperson is important to you, be diplomatic. Once you saysomething, you won't be able to take it back.Fortunately, this new moon will be in positive angle toSaturn in Scorpio, suggesting your actions will havepermanence and weight. (Of course, if you walk out ofyour job, there will be no way for you to get back in.)Also, if you are artistic or work to support creativepeople, you will also likely do well, for Saturn is in yoursolar fifth house and is in good angle to this new moon,July 15. Saturn will offer you a chance to stabilize yourpersonal life. Pregnancy and children are also governedby the fifth house, and will be protected. Any decisionsyou make in the second half of the July will havelongevity, possibly good news to you.This new moon of July 15 in Cancer at 23 degrees willopen a portal of two weeks of very strong energy andfocus you on what steps you need to take to be trulyhappy.Concurrent to this new moon, you will have Mars inelegant angle to Neptune suggesting that travel wouldbe the ideal way to rekindle romance of a past romanticrelationship or to spark an ongoing one that seems tohave become flat.Foreign people and places will be fortunate for you tooat the new moon, as will the industries related tointellect and communication - publishing, the Internet,broadcasting, and with people in academia.If your birthday falls on or within four days of July 15,you will notice the effects of the new moon moststrongly. If you have your natal chart, have a look to seeyou have a planet, the Sun, natal moon, or rising signwithin five degrees of 23 degrees of Cancer, Scorpio,Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. If you do, you willfeel the changes, benefits, and ups and down of thisnew moon. Keep in mind that any element that falls awaythis month was deemed by the universe to be weak. Thespace that results will allow you to choose somethingfar better to fill its place.If you have had problems reaching an accord with abusiness or romantic partner, you might want to reopentalks on July 21, a day when you are more likely to findan answer to a pressing or ongoing question that hastroubled you. This will be an especially productive day ifthe topic you have disagreed about involves money.Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6.We all feel the effects of the so-called personal planets(Mercury, Venus, and Mars) when they go retrograde farmore than when the outer planets go retrograde (Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). A retrograde planetemits a weak vibration, and in your case, Venus is thenatural ruler of your fourth house of home. You mayhave to retrace steps involving a decision or actionyou've taken (or were planning to take soon) involving areal estate matter. Indeed, a home, property, or familymatter will make little progress.Venus retrograde is also not a time to make any bigchanges involving your looks, or to take a big step in aromance, such as to get engaged, for Venus rulesbeauty, good looks, parties, and love. Wait until afterSeptember 6, but better yet, wait until after October 9when Venus will be even stronger.Uranus will go retrograde too this month on July 26, andremain that way until Christmas Day this year, December25. It is common for Uranus to go retrograde for fivemonths at a time. Certain financial talks and careerprogress may slow now, for Uranus is in yourprestigious tenth house of fame and honors, but willgive you time to tweak your plan if you suffer a setback.You will get a second chance to try again in early 2016,especially in February, so spend the intervening timestudying how to strengthen things.Finances will be your focus again at the full moon, July31 at 8 degrees Aquarius. Matters related to credit cards,student loans, mortgage, and all similar financialobligations will be on the agenda, and with Uranusgoing retrograde, you may refine or completely changeyour mind about the way you handle certain funds.Meet with your financial advisor to go over the progressof your retirement portfolio. Go over your insuranceneeds too, and decide whether you need to add moreinsurance or lower your coverage, depending on yourevolving needs.
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