REMOVING BREADBread pan and baking chamber will be hot and oven mitts  terjemahan - REMOVING BREADBread pan and baking chamber will be hot and oven mitts  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

REMOVING BREADBread pan and baking

Bread pan and baking chamber will be hot and oven mitts should be used.Remove the bread pan by lifting the handle and turning it counterclockwise to unlock and pull bread pan straight up from the base of the chamber.
Carefully shake the bread upside down until the bread falls out of the bread pan.Allow to cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes before slicing and slice with bread knife.
TIP:If kneading paddle comes out in the loaf,remove it with a spatula or small utensil.
1. Bread Flour
Bread flour is the most important ingredients of making bread and is recommended in most yeast-bread recipes.It has a high gluten content and (so it can be also called high-gluten flour which contains high protein), and keep the size of the bread from collapsing after rising.Flour varies by region. The gluten content is higher than the all-purpose flour, so it can be used for making bread with large in size and higher inner fiber.
2. All-Purpose Flour
Flour that contains no baking powder,suitable for “quick”breads or bread made with the Quick settings.Bread flour is better suited for yeast breads.
3. Whole-Wheat Flour
Whole-wheat flour is ground from the entire wheat kernel.Bread made with all or part whole-wheat flour will higher fiber and nutritional content.Whole-Wheat flour is heavier and,as a result,loaves may be smaller in size and have a heavier texture.
It contains wheat skin and gluten. Many recipes usually combine with Whole -Wheat flour or Bread Flour to achieve the best result.
4. Black Wheat Flour
Black Wheat Flour, also named as“Rye Flour”, it is a kind of high fiber flour, and it is similar with whole-wheat flour. To obtain the large size after rising, it must be used in combination with high proportion of bread flour.
5. Self-rising flour
Flour that contains baking powder,use especially for making cakes.Do not use self-rising flour in combination with yeast.
6. Corn flour and oatmeal flour
Corn flour and oatmeal flour are ground from corn and oatmeal separately. They are the additive ingredients of making rough bread, which are used for enhancing the flavor and texture.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
REMOVING BREADBread pan and baking chamber will be hot and oven mitts should be used.Remove the bread pan by lifting the handle and turning it counterclockwise to unlock and pull bread pan straight up from the base of the chamber.Carefully shake the bread upside down until the bread falls out of the bread pan.Allow to cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes before slicing and slice with bread knife.TIP:If kneading paddle comes out in the loaf,remove it with a spatula or small utensil.INGREDIENTS INTRODUCTION1. Bread FlourBread flour is the most important ingredients of making bread and is recommended in most yeast-bread recipes.It has a high gluten content and (so it can be also called high-gluten flour which contains high protein), and keep the size of the bread from collapsing after rising.Flour varies by region. The gluten content is higher than the all-purpose flour, so it can be used for making bread with large in size and higher inner fiber.2. All-Purpose Flour Flour that contains no baking powder,suitable for “quick”breads or bread made with the Quick settings.Bread flour is better suited for yeast breads.3. Whole-Wheat Flour Whole-wheat flour is ground from the entire wheat kernel.Bread made with all or part whole-wheat flour will higher fiber and nutritional content.Whole-Wheat flour is heavier and,as a result,loaves may be smaller in size and have a heavier texture.It contains wheat skin and gluten. Many recipes usually combine with Whole -Wheat flour or Bread Flour to achieve the best result.4. Black Wheat Flour Black Wheat Flour, also named as“Rye Flour”, it is a kind of high fiber flour, and it is similar with whole-wheat flour. To obtain the large size after rising, it must be used in combination with high proportion of bread flour.5. Self-rising flour Flour that contains baking powder,use especially for making cakes.Do not use self-rising flour in combination with yeast.6. Corn flour and oatmeal flour Corn flour and oatmeal flour are ground from corn and oatmeal separately. They are the additive ingredients of making rough bread, which are used for enhancing the flavor and texture.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Roti pan dan ruang pembakaran akan panas dan sarung tangan oven harus used.Remove roti pan dengan mengangkat pegangan dan mengubahnya berlawanan untuk membuka dan menarik roti pan lurus ke atas dari dasar ruangan.
Hati-hati mengguncang roti terbalik sampai roti jatuh dari roti pan.Allow dingin di rak kawat selama 10 menit sebelum mengiris dan iris dengan pisau roti.
TIP: Jika adonan dayung keluar di roti, keluarkan dengan spatula atau perkakas kecil.
1. Roti Tepung
Roti tepung adalah bahan yang paling penting dari pembuatan roti dan dianjurkan dalam kebanyakan ragi-roti recipes.It memiliki kandungan gluten tinggi dan (sehingga dapat juga disebut tepung tinggi gluten yang mengandung protein tinggi), dan menjaga ukuran roti dari runtuh setelah rising.Flour bervariasi menurut wilayah. Kandungan gluten lebih tinggi daripada tepung semua tujuan, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membuat roti dengan besar dalam ukuran dan serat dalam lebih tinggi.
2. All-Purpose Flour
Flour yang tidak mengandung baking powder, cocok untuk "cepat" roti atau roti dibuat dengan tepung settings.Bread Cepat lebih cocok untuk roti ragi.
3. Whole-Wheat Flour
seluruh tepung gandum adalah tanah dari seluruh gandum kernel.Bread dibuat dengan seluruh atau sebagian tepung gandum akan serat yang lebih tinggi dan gizi content.Whole-Tepung terigu lebih berat dan, sebagai hasilnya, roti mungkin lebih kecil di ukuran dan memiliki tekstur yang lebih berat.
Ini berisi kulit gandum dan gluten. Banyak resep biasanya menggabungkan dengan tepung -Wheat Whole atau Bread Flour untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.
4. Hitam Tepung Terigu
hitam Tepung Terigu, juga disebut sebagai "Rye Tepung", itu adalah semacam tepung serat yang tinggi, dan hal ini sama dengan tepung gandum. Untuk mendapatkan ukuran yang besar setelah naik, itu harus digunakan dalam kombinasi dengan proporsi yang tinggi dari tepung roti.
5. Self-naik tepung
Tepung yang berisi baking powder, gunakan terutama untuk membuat cakes.Do tidak menggunakan tepung diri meningkat dalam kombinasi dengan ragi.
6. Tepung jagung dan tepung oatmeal
tepung jagung dan tepung oatmeal adalah tanah dari jagung dan oatmeal secara terpisah. Mereka adalah bahan aditif pembuatan roti kasar, yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan rasa dan tekstur.

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