ObjectivesThe paramount goal of the United States is to safeguard U.S. terjemahan - ObjectivesThe paramount goal of the United States is to safeguard U.S. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ObjectivesThe paramount goal of the

The paramount goal of the United States is to safeguard U.S. citizens and U.S. interests, including protection of the lawful flow of commerce off the HOA. This will best be accomplished in the maritime domain by repressing Somali piracy through actions by the United States and the international community in the short term and by enabling the Somali government to eventually police its own territory. The United States, in concert with partner nations, international coalitions, and nongovernmental organizations, will continue to focus on the three primary areas of prevention, response, and governance. U.S. departments and agencies, consistent with respective authorities and other national missions and priorities, shall pursue the following objectives.
Prevention of Attacks
The international community, despite its commitment to combating piracy and related maritime crime, cannot effectively patrol the entire region off the HOA. Support by industry and merchant mariners is critical to making the pirate business model unsustainable. Making piracy and related maritime crime an untenable business is best realized by preventing the capture of merchant mariners and commercial vessels in waters under pirate threat, which will significantly hinder financial gains by the criminal enterprise. Specific actions including the following:
Inform U.S. citizens. Maritime Advisories and Port Security Advisories, which clearly outline regional threats, continue to provide critical guidance on BMP to protect U.S. merchant mariners, ships, and cargo off the HOA. U.S. departments and agencies will work with public-facing elements of the United States Government, such as the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Department of
Transportation to provide timely threat assessments and warnings for U.S. citizens and companies traveling off the HOA.
Lead and participate substantively in the ongoing work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, which the United States helped to establish in January 2009 pursuant to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1851.
Encourage international commercial shipping firms to increase the compliance rate for BMP and harden vessels, including the incorporation of properly trained and equipped armed security. Partner with the shipping industry to improve practical steps merchant ships and crews take to avoid, deter, delay, and counter pirate attacks. The shipping industry’s use of BMPs and the increasing use of PCASP are among the measures that continue to be the most effective deterrents against pirate attacks.
Lead and participate substantively in the Maritime Security Working Group established by the Maritime Safety Committee at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to provide communication and education in U.S. policies and doctrines involving counter-piracy preventive measures, and to assist in the development of guidelines and recommendations to increase global participation by IMO Member States in counter piracy prevention measures.
Pursue the implementation of international standards for PCASP, which include an integrated approach to security, planning, training, awareness, documentation, and communication skills.
Continue industry partnerships, including organizing and participating in workshops with the maritime industry to update, educate, and share information on ways to mitigate the threat of piracy.
Respond to Acts of Maritime Crime
The United States will continue to ensure that pirates do not have easy access or freedom of action in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden through continued naval and law enforcement support.
Provide persistent interdiction-capable presence at sea off the HOA. Consistent with other U.S. mission requirements, U.S. Navy and/or U.S. Coast Guard forces operating in the region provide persistent interdiction through presence, conduct maritime counter-piracy operations, and coordinate counter-piracy activities with other forces operating in the region to the extent practicable. When in range, these forces will prevent suspected pirate vessels from operating, respond to reports of pirate attacks with the objective of disrupting such attacks, and, in appropriate circumstances, terminate the act of piracy and any resultant hostage situation with intent to deliver any surviving pirates ashore for prosecution. These forces will also coordinate efforts among all multilateral coalitions such as Combined Maritime Forces, NATO’s OPERATION OCEAN SHIELD, the European Union’s OPERATION ATALANTA, and independent naval forces.
Reinforce the longstanding U.S. policy of discouraging the payment of ransoms, prisoner release, policy changes, or other acts of concession. Ransom payments lead to future hijackings of ships at sea, and future hijackings lead to additional ransom payments. Such ransom payments build the capacity of militant and terrorist organizations to conduct attacks.
Encourage and support international counter-piracy initiatives. The United States will leverage the efforts of various international bodies, such as the Maritime Security Centre – HOA in Northwood, United Kingdom, and the Regional Fusion and Law Enforcement Center for Safety and Security at Sea (REFLECS3) in Victoria, Seychelles, to combat piracy and related maritime crime, share information, build capacity; and Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE) meetings.
Disrupt and dismantle pirate bases ashore. Pirates require land-based support and access to weapons to commit acts of violence. Piracy at sea can only be reduced if pirate bases ashore are disrupted or dismantled. U.N. Security Council resolutions confer the authority to take “all appropriate measures” to end piracy, including operations in the littoral and land territory of Somalia. As such, the United States will work with other governments and international organizations to disrupt and dismantle pirate bases to the fullest extent permitted by U.S. and international law.
Employ criminal investigative capabilities to identify and target the finances of criminals who operate at the higher organizational levels of the piracy enterprise. The piracy model is based on the economic benefits associated with crime. Targeting the finances of the organization and blocking assets of organizational leaders will assist in defeating the criminal enterprise that supports piracy and related maritime crime. The United States will continue to block the assets of certain persons determined pursuant to Executive Order 13536 to have threatened the peace, security, or stability of Somalia through acts of piracy or armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia.
Support and encourage the exercise of relevant and appropriate jurisdiction through the framework of applicable international conventions. In addition to the relevant customary international law on piracy reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the 1979 Hostage Taking Convention, the 1988 Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, the 2000 Transnational Organized Crime Convention, and the 1999 Terrorist Financing Convention may apply to piracy cases in some circumstances. The United States will fully support and encourage the appropriate exercise of jurisdiction over interdicted pirates in accordance with relevant international law.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
TujuanTujuan Amerika Serikat adalah untuk melindungi warga negara AS dan kepentingan-kepentingan AS, termasuk perlindungan dari aliran sah perdagangan dari HOA. Ini akan terbaik dicapai dalam domain Maritim dengan menekan pembajakan Somalia melalui tindakan-tindakan oleh Amerika Serikat dan masyarakat internasional dalam jangka pendek dan memungkinkan pemerintah Somalia untuk akhirnya polisi wilayahnya sendiri. Amerika Serikat, dalam konser dengan negara-negara mitra, koalisi internasional dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat, akan terus fokus pada tiga bidang utama pencegahan, respon dan pemerintahan. US Departemen dan instansi, sesuai dengan kewenangannya dan misi nasional dan prioritas, harus mengejar tujuan berikut.Pencegahan seranganMasyarakat internasional, meskipun komitmennya untuk memerangi perompakan dan kejahatan maritim yang terkait, tidak dapat secara efektif patroli seluruh wilayah lepas HOA. Dukungan oleh industri dan pedagang pelaut sangat penting untuk membuat bisnis bajak laut yang model tidak berkelanjutan. Membuat perompakan dan kejahatan Maritim terkait bisnis tidak dapat dipertahankan terbaik diwujudkan dengan mencegah penangkapan pedagang pelaut dan kapal komersial di perairan di bawah ancaman bajak laut, yang akan secara signifikan menghambat keuntungan finansial perusahaan kriminal. Tindakan spesifik yang termasuk berikut:Memberitahukan kepada warga negara AS. Maritim nasihat dan nasihat keamanan Port, yang jelas garis regional ancaman, terus menyediakan panduan kritis BMP untuk melindungi merchant mariners US, kapal dan kargo dari HOA. US Departemen dan instansi akan bekerja dengan unsur-unsur umum menghadap pemerintah Amerika Serikat, seperti Departemen Luar Negeri Biro Urusan Konsuler, U.S. Coast Guard dan Departemen4Transportasi untuk memberikan penilaian ancaman yang tepat waktu dan peringatan bagi warga negara AS dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bepergian dari HOA.Memimpin dan berpartisipasi substantif dalam pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung Group Contact pada pembajakan di lepas pantai Somalia, yang membantu Amerika Serikat untuk membangun pada bulan Januari 2009 berdasarkan 1851 resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB.Mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan pelayaran komersial internasional untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan untuk BMP dan mengeraskan pembuluh, termasuk penggabungan terlatih dan dilengkapi keamanan bersenjata. Mitra dengan industri perkapalan untuk memperbaiki pedagang langkah-langkah praktis kapal dan kru mengambil untuk menghindari, mencegah, penundaan, dan serangan bajak laut counter. Industri perkapalan penggunaan BMP dan meningkatnya penggunaan PCASP di antara langkah-langkah yang terus penegakan hukum yang paling efektif terhadap serangan bajak laut.Memimpin dan berpartisipasi substantif dalam Maritim keamanan Working Group didirikan oleh Komite keselamatan maritim di International Maritime organisasi (IMO) untuk memberikan komunikasi dan pendidikan dalam kebijakan AS dan doktrin-doktrin yang melibatkan langkah-langkah pencegahan penanggulangan pembajakan, dan untuk membantu dalam pengembangan pedoman dan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan partisipasi global oleh negara-negara anggota IMO dalam langkah-langkah pencegahan pembajakan counter.Mengejar pelaksanaan standar internasional untuk PCASP, yang meliputi pendekatan terpadu untuk keamanan, perencanaan, pelatihan, kesadaran, dokumentasi, dan keterampilan komunikasi.Melanjutkan kemitraan industri, termasuk mengatur dan berpartisipasi dalam lokakarya dengan industri Maritim untuk memperbarui, mendidik, dan berbagi informasi tentang cara untuk mengurangi ancaman bajak laut.Menanggapi tindakan kejahatan MaritimAmerika Serikat akan terus memastikan bahwa pembajak tidak memiliki akses atau kebebasan tindakan di Samudra Hindia, laut merah, dan Teluk Aden melalui terus angkatan laut dan dukungan penegakan hukum.Menyediakan gigih berkemampuan pemegatan kehadiran di laut lepas HOA. Konsisten dengan persyaratan lain misi US, pasukan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat dan/atau U.S. Coast Guard yang beroperasi di wilayah memberikan gigih pemegatan melalui kehadiran, melakukan operasi maritim penanggulangan pembajakan, dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan penanggulangan pembajakan dengan kekuatan lain yang beroperasi di wilayah sejauh praktis. Ketika Anda berada dalam jangkauan, kekuatan-kekuatan ini akan mencegah dugaan pirate kapal dari operasi, menanggapi laporan serangan bajak laut dengan tujuan mengganggu serangan tersebut, dan, dalam kondisi yang tepat mengakhiri tindakan pembajakan dan situasi resultan sandera dengan maksud untuk memberikan setiap bajak laut yang masih hidup darat untuk penuntutan. Kekuatan ini juga akan mengkoordinasi usaha antara semua multilateral koalisi gabungan pasukan Maritim, NATO operasi OCEAN perisai, Uni Eropa operasi ATALANTA dan independen angkatan laut.5Memperkuat kebijakan AS telah lama mengecilkan pembayaran uang tebusan, pembebasan tahanan, perubahan kebijakan, atau tindakan lainnya konsesi. Pembayaran uang tebusan menyebabkan masa depan pembajakan kapal di laut, dan masa depan pembajakan menyebabkan pembayaran tambahan tebusan. Pembayaran uang tebusan membangun kapasitas organisasi militan dan teroris untuk melakukan serangan.Mendorong dan mendukung inisiatif internasional penanggulangan pembajakan. Amerika Serikat akan meningkatkan upaya dari berbagai badan-badan internasional seperti pusat keamanan laut-HOA di Northwood, Inggris Raya, dan Regional Fusion dan pusat penegakan hukum untuk keselamatan dan keamanan di laut (REFLECS3) di Victoria, Seychelles, untuk memerangi perompakan dan kejahatan maritim yang terkait, berbagi informasi, membangun kapasitas; dan pertemuan bersama kesadaran dan Deconfliction (warna).Mengganggu dan membongkar basis bajak laut ke darat. Bajak laut memerlukan dukungan darat dan akses ke senjata untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan. Perompakan di laut dapat dikurangi hanya jika basis bajak laut ke darat terganggu atau dibongkar. Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB memberikan wewenang untuk mengambil "semua langkah yang tepat" akhir pembajakan, termasuk operasi di pesisir dan tanah wilayah Somalia. Dengan demikian, Amerika Serikat akan bekerja dengan pemerintah dan organisasi internasional untuk mengganggu dan membongkar bajak laut basis ke sejauh diizinkan oleh AS dan hukum internasional lainnya.Menggunakan kemampuan Investigasi Kriminal untuk mengidentifikasi dan target keuangan penjahat yang beroperasi pada tingkat organisasi yang lebih tinggi dari perusahaan pembajakan. Model pembajakan didasarkan pada manfaat ekonomi yang dihubungkan dengan kejahatan. Penargetan keuangan organisasi dan memblokir aset pemimpin organisasi akan membantu dalam mengalahkan perusahaan kriminal yang mendukung perompakan dan kejahatan maritim yang terkait. Amerika Serikat akan terus memblokir aset pihak-pihak tertentu yang ditentukan berdasarkan 13536 Executive Order untuk telah mengancam perdamaian, keamanan, atau stabilitas Somalia melalui tindakan pembajakan atau perampokan bersenjata di laut lepas pantai Somalia.Dukungan dan mendorong pelaksanaan yurisdiksi yang relevan dan tepat melalui kerangka konvensi internasional yang berlaku. Selain relevan internasional hukum adat pembajakan yang tercermin dalam Konvensi laut hukum 1982, tahun 1979 sandera mengambil Konvensi, Konvensi 1988 penindasan dari melanggar hukum tindakan terhadap the keselamatan maritim navigasi, Konvensi kejahatan terorganisir transnasional 2000 dan Konvensi pembiayaan 1999 teroris mungkin berlaku untuk kasus-kasus pembajakan di beberapa keadaan. Amerika Serikat akan sepenuhnya mendukung dan mendorong sesuai pelaksanaan yurisdiksi atas bajak laut interdicted sesuai dengan hukum internasional yang relevan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The paramount goal of the United States is to safeguard U.S. citizens and U.S. interests, including protection of the lawful flow of commerce off the HOA. This will best be accomplished in the maritime domain by repressing Somali piracy through actions by the United States and the international community in the short term and by enabling the Somali government to eventually police its own territory. The United States, in concert with partner nations, international coalitions, and nongovernmental organizations, will continue to focus on the three primary areas of prevention, response, and governance. U.S. departments and agencies, consistent with respective authorities and other national missions and priorities, shall pursue the following objectives.
Prevention of Attacks
The international community, despite its commitment to combating piracy and related maritime crime, cannot effectively patrol the entire region off the HOA. Support by industry and merchant mariners is critical to making the pirate business model unsustainable. Making piracy and related maritime crime an untenable business is best realized by preventing the capture of merchant mariners and commercial vessels in waters under pirate threat, which will significantly hinder financial gains by the criminal enterprise. Specific actions including the following:
Inform U.S. citizens. Maritime Advisories and Port Security Advisories, which clearly outline regional threats, continue to provide critical guidance on BMP to protect U.S. merchant mariners, ships, and cargo off the HOA. U.S. departments and agencies will work with public-facing elements of the United States Government, such as the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Department of
Transportation to provide timely threat assessments and warnings for U.S. citizens and companies traveling off the HOA.
Lead and participate substantively in the ongoing work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, which the United States helped to establish in January 2009 pursuant to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1851.
Encourage international commercial shipping firms to increase the compliance rate for BMP and harden vessels, including the incorporation of properly trained and equipped armed security. Partner with the shipping industry to improve practical steps merchant ships and crews take to avoid, deter, delay, and counter pirate attacks. The shipping industry’s use of BMPs and the increasing use of PCASP are among the measures that continue to be the most effective deterrents against pirate attacks.
Lead and participate substantively in the Maritime Security Working Group established by the Maritime Safety Committee at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to provide communication and education in U.S. policies and doctrines involving counter-piracy preventive measures, and to assist in the development of guidelines and recommendations to increase global participation by IMO Member States in counter piracy prevention measures.
Pursue the implementation of international standards for PCASP, which include an integrated approach to security, planning, training, awareness, documentation, and communication skills.
Continue industry partnerships, including organizing and participating in workshops with the maritime industry to update, educate, and share information on ways to mitigate the threat of piracy.
Respond to Acts of Maritime Crime
The United States will continue to ensure that pirates do not have easy access or freedom of action in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden through continued naval and law enforcement support.
Provide persistent interdiction-capable presence at sea off the HOA. Consistent with other U.S. mission requirements, U.S. Navy and/or U.S. Coast Guard forces operating in the region provide persistent interdiction through presence, conduct maritime counter-piracy operations, and coordinate counter-piracy activities with other forces operating in the region to the extent practicable. When in range, these forces will prevent suspected pirate vessels from operating, respond to reports of pirate attacks with the objective of disrupting such attacks, and, in appropriate circumstances, terminate the act of piracy and any resultant hostage situation with intent to deliver any surviving pirates ashore for prosecution. These forces will also coordinate efforts among all multilateral coalitions such as Combined Maritime Forces, NATO’s OPERATION OCEAN SHIELD, the European Union’s OPERATION ATALANTA, and independent naval forces.
Reinforce the longstanding U.S. policy of discouraging the payment of ransoms, prisoner release, policy changes, or other acts of concession. Ransom payments lead to future hijackings of ships at sea, and future hijackings lead to additional ransom payments. Such ransom payments build the capacity of militant and terrorist organizations to conduct attacks.
Encourage and support international counter-piracy initiatives. The United States will leverage the efforts of various international bodies, such as the Maritime Security Centre – HOA in Northwood, United Kingdom, and the Regional Fusion and Law Enforcement Center for Safety and Security at Sea (REFLECS3) in Victoria, Seychelles, to combat piracy and related maritime crime, share information, build capacity; and Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE) meetings.
Disrupt and dismantle pirate bases ashore. Pirates require land-based support and access to weapons to commit acts of violence. Piracy at sea can only be reduced if pirate bases ashore are disrupted or dismantled. U.N. Security Council resolutions confer the authority to take “all appropriate measures” to end piracy, including operations in the littoral and land territory of Somalia. As such, the United States will work with other governments and international organizations to disrupt and dismantle pirate bases to the fullest extent permitted by U.S. and international law.
Employ criminal investigative capabilities to identify and target the finances of criminals who operate at the higher organizational levels of the piracy enterprise. The piracy model is based on the economic benefits associated with crime. Targeting the finances of the organization and blocking assets of organizational leaders will assist in defeating the criminal enterprise that supports piracy and related maritime crime. The United States will continue to block the assets of certain persons determined pursuant to Executive Order 13536 to have threatened the peace, security, or stability of Somalia through acts of piracy or armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia.
Support and encourage the exercise of relevant and appropriate jurisdiction through the framework of applicable international conventions. In addition to the relevant customary international law on piracy reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the 1979 Hostage Taking Convention, the 1988 Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, the 2000 Transnational Organized Crime Convention, and the 1999 Terrorist Financing Convention may apply to piracy cases in some circumstances. The United States will fully support and encourage the appropriate exercise of jurisdiction over interdicted pirates in accordance with relevant international law.
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