Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
ConclusionThe rapid and simultaneous determination of RIF, INH, andPZA is only possible if these drugs are adequately resolved in atimely manner. The complexity of chromatographic systemslies in the existence of multiple optimal experimental conditions.The intentional variation of system conditions can oftencause peaks to “cross” one another and to change their elutionorder. Conditions for which all peaks are separated from eachother represent the maximum chromatographic performance.However, many sets of experimental conditions might providepeak separation. The problem then is to predict the experimentalcondition with certain constraints, such as analysistime. Usually, optimum separation means that all componentsof the sample are separated in a reasonable time. The time ofanalysis is limited by the retention time of the most retentivecomponent. Another important aspect of separation is resolution.Hence, two criteria are important: retention time, whichshould be as low as possible, and resolution, which shouldpossess the greatest value while reasonable maximum peakretention time is maintained.Optimization of the chromatographic conditions for RIF,INH, and PZA separation was achieved using the ANN as amodeling tool. The aim of this optimization was to achieve areasonably short retention time for RIF, INH, and PZA to beadequately resolved because the structural similarity betweenINH and PZA and the differences between those two drugs andRIF makes that difficult to achieve.The selectivity and optimization of separation was achievedby controlling the amount of organic modifier to adjust theretention and type of organic modifier, type of buffer, and pH
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