The plant Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), is a speciesof ho terjemahan - The plant Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), is a speciesof ho Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The plant Lonicera japonica Thunb.

The plant Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), is a species
of honeysuckle native to eastern Asia, including Japan, Korea,
northern and eastern China, and Taiwan, which is a major invasive
species in North America. L. japonica is traditionally used as a
medicinal plant (Peng, Mei, Jiang, Zhou, & Sun, 2000 ). Pharmaco-logical studies and clinical practice have demonstrated that L.
japonica possesses many biological functions, including hepatopro-tective, cytoprotective, antimicrobial, antioxidative, antiviral and
anti-inflammatory (Chang et al., 1995 ). The constituents of this
plant have been previously investigated and shown to contain irid-oid glucosides (Kakuda, Imai, Yaoita, Machida, & Kikuchi, 2000 )
and polyphenolic compounds ( Peng et al., 2000 ). The main poly-phenolic components in L. japonica are hyperoside, chlorogenic
acid, luteolin and caffeic acid (Kakuda et al., 2000; Peng et al.,
2000). Some related investigations showed that hyperoside, chlor-ogenic acid and other flavones could be used to scavenge free rad-icals and have anti-inflammatory activity (Leung, Wu, Lin, & Lee,
2005). The major parts of this plant have medicinal properties;
flower buds have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties
(Zhang, Yang, & Liu, 2008), leaf has antioxidant and tyrosinase inhi-bition properties ( Byun, Jo, Lee, Jo, & Kim, 2004b ) and stem has
tyrosinase inhibition, xanthine oxidase inhibition, and nitrite-scav-enging activities ( Byun, Jo, Jeon, & Hong, 2004a ). However, re-search on antibacterial properties of L . japonica is still scarce;
only a few scientific articles reported some of these activities (Byun
et al., 2004a; Shan, Cai, Brooks, & Corke, 2007). Despite its various
medicinal properties, no report is available in the literature on
chemical composition and antibacterial property of essential oil
derived from flower parts of L. japonica . Hence, efforts have been
made to investigate the antibacterial properties of the essential
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The plant Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), is a speciesof honeysuckle native to eastern Asia, including Japan, Korea,northern and eastern China, and Taiwan, which is a major invasivespecies in North America. L. japonica is traditionally used as amedicinal plant (Peng, Mei, Jiang, Zhou, & Sun, 2000 ). Pharmaco-logical studies and clinical practice have demonstrated that L.japonica possesses many biological functions, including hepatopro-tective, cytoprotective, antimicrobial, antioxidative, antiviral andanti-inflammatory (Chang et al., 1995 ). The constituents of thisplant have been previously investigated and shown to contain irid-oid glucosides (Kakuda, Imai, Yaoita, Machida, & Kikuchi, 2000 )and polyphenolic compounds ( Peng et al., 2000 ). The main poly-phenolic components in L. japonica are hyperoside, chlorogenicacid, luteolin and caffeic acid (Kakuda et al., 2000; Peng et al.,2000). Some related investigations showed that hyperoside, chlor-ogenic acid and other flavones could be used to scavenge free rad-icals and have anti-inflammatory activity (Leung, Wu, Lin, & Lee,2005). The major parts of this plant have medicinal properties;flower buds have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties(Zhang, Yang, & Liu, 2008), leaf has antioxidant and tyrosinase inhi-bition properties ( Byun, Jo, Lee, Jo, & Kim, 2004b ) and stem hastyrosinase inhibition, xanthine oxidase inhibition, and nitrite-scav-enging activities ( Byun, Jo, Jeon, & Hong, 2004a ). However, re-search on antibacterial properties of L . japonica is still scarce;only a few scientific articles reported some of these activities (Byunet al., 2004a; Shan, Cai, Brooks, & Corke, 2007). Despite its variousmedicinal properties, no report is available in the literature onchemical composition and antibacterial property of essential oilderived from flower parts of L. japonica . Hence, efforts have beenmade to investigate the antibacterial properties of the essential
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pabrik Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), adalah spesies
dari honeysuckle asli Asia Timur, termasuk Jepang, Korea,
China utara dan timur, dan Taiwan, yang merupakan invasif besar
spesies di Amerika Utara. L. japonica secara tradisional digunakan sebagai
tanaman obat (Peng, Mei, Jiang, Zhou, & Sun, 2000). Studi pharmaco-logis dan praktek klinis telah menunjukkan bahwa L.
japonica memiliki banyak fungsi biologis, termasuk hepatopro-tective, sitoprotektif, antimikroba, antioksidan, antivirus dan
anti-inflamasi (Chang et al., 1995). Konstituen ini
tanaman sebelumnya telah diselidiki dan terbukti mengandung IRID-oid glukosida (Kakuda, Imai, Yaoita, Machida, & Kikuchi, 2000)
dan senyawa polifenol (Peng et al., 2000). Komponen poli-fenolik utama dalam L. japonica adalah hyperoside, chlorogenic
acid, luteolin dan asam caffeic (Kakuda et al, 2000;. Peng et al,.
2000). Beberapa penyelidikan terkait menunjukkan bahwa hyperoside, asam klor-ogenic dan flavon lainnya dapat digunakan untuk mengais rad-icals gratis dan memiliki aktivitas anti-inflamasi (Leung, Wu, Lin, & Lee,
2005). Bagian utama dari tanaman ini memiliki sifat obat;
kuncup bunga memiliki antikanker dan anti-inflamasi properti
(Zhang, Yang, & Liu, 2008), daun memiliki sifat zona penghambatan, de-bition antioksidan dan tirosinase (Byun, Jo, Lee, Jo, & Kim , 2004b) dan batang memiliki
penghambatan tirosinase, penghambatan xantin oksidase, dan kegiatan nitrit-SCAV-enging (Byun, Jo, Jeon, & Hong, 2004a). Namun, kembali pencarian di sifat antibakteri L. japonica masih langka,
hanya beberapa artikel ilmiah melaporkan beberapa kegiatan ini (Byun
. et al, 2004a; Shan, Cai, Brooks, & Corke, 2007). Meskipun berbagai nya
sifat obat, tidak ada laporan yang tersedia dalam literatur tentang
komposisi kimia dan properti antibakteri minyak esensial
yang berasal dari bagian bunga L. japonica. Oleh karena itu, upaya telah
dilakukan untuk menyelidiki sifat antibakteri dari esensial
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