Framework purpose and development
The aim of Good Governance in the Public Sector (International Framework) is to encourage better service delivery and improved accountability by establishing a benchmark for good governance in the public sector. The International Framework is not intended to replace national and sectoral governance codes. Instead, it is anticipated that those who develop and set national governance codes for the public sector will refer to the International Framework in updating and reviewing their own codes. Where codes and guidance do not exist, the International Framework will provide both a shared understanding of what constitutes good governance in the public sector and a powerful stimulus for positive action.
The experiences this framework draws on were primarily gained in countries with liberal market economies where governments are subject to regular election. It will, therefore, be easiest to apply its principles in a similar context. Nevertheless, CIPFA and IFAC believe its concepts are capable of general application, even in the context of other political and economic systems—wherever government provides services to achieve specifiable outcomes affecting its citizens reliably, effectively, and efficiently. Consultation Question 5 seeks further examples from other jurisdictions.
This Consultation Draft was developed with input from an International Reference Group whose members are listed in Appendix A. Their input was provided in their individual capacities and not as representatives of their organizations. The draft was developed after an initial review of relevant current governance literature. An overview of how the proposed International Framework maps to this literature is available on the IFAC website.
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