Nowsuppose the public sector budget is balanced, so that Sg = 0. In th terjemahan - Nowsuppose the public sector budget is balanced, so that Sg = 0. In th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nowsuppose the public sector budget

Nowsuppose the public sector budget is balanced, so that Sg = 0. In that case, net
foreign investment is equal to the difference between private domestic saving and
investment. If domestic saving exceeds investment, the excess saving that is not
invested in the home country is invested abroad. If investment exceeds domestic
saving, the additional funds are supplied by foreign investors. The US has run
a current account deficit almost every year since 1982, so we consider the case
where net foreign investment is negative; i.e., domestic investment exceeds saving.
That means foreign investors are providing some of the saving that is boosting
domestic real growth. That could reflect either a rise in investment, or a decline in
domestic saving that would allow consumers to spend a greater proportion of their
current income. Indeed, the surge in the trade deficit in the late 1990s coincided
with a sharp decline in the personal saving rate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nowsuppose the public sector budget is balanced, so that Sg = 0. In that case, netforeign investment is equal to the difference between private domestic saving andinvestment. If domestic saving exceeds investment, the excess saving that is notinvested in the home country is invested abroad. If investment exceeds domesticsaving, the additional funds are supplied by foreign investors. The US has runa current account deficit almost every year since 1982, so we consider the casewhere net foreign investment is negative; i.e., domestic investment exceeds saving.That means foreign investors are providing some of the saving that is boostingdomestic real growth. That could reflect either a rise in investment, or a decline indomestic saving that would allow consumers to spend a greater proportion of theircurrent income. Indeed, the surge in the trade deficit in the late 1990s coincidedwith a sharp decline in the personal saving rate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nowsuppose sektor publik anggaran yang seimbang, sehingga Sg = 0. Dalam hal ini, bersih
investasi asing adalah sama dengan perbedaan antara tabungan domestik swasta dan
investasi. Jika tabungan domestik melebihi investasi, kelebihan tabungan yang tidak
diinvestasikan di dalam negeri yang diinvestasikan di luar negeri. Jika investasi melebihi negeri
tabungan, dana tambahan dipasok oleh investor asing. AS telah menjalankan
defisit transaksi berjalan hampir setiap tahun sejak tahun 1982, jadi kami mempertimbangkan kasus
di mana investasi asing bersih adalah negatif; yaitu, investasi domestik melebihi tabungan.
Itu berarti investor asing memberikan beberapa tabungan yang mendorong
pertumbuhan riil dalam negeri. Itu bisa mencerminkan baik kenaikan investasi, atau penurunan
tabungan domestik yang akan memungkinkan konsumen untuk menghabiskan proporsi yang lebih besar dari mereka
penghasilan saat ini. Memang, lonjakan defisit perdagangan di akhir 1990-an bertepatan
dengan penurunan tajam dalam tingkat tabungan pribadi.
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