Results1. Characteristics of the participants according to serum zinc  terjemahan - Results1. Characteristics of the participants according to serum zinc  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Results1. Characteristics of the pa

1. Characteristics of the participants according to serum zinc levels and the correlations between serum zinc levels and metabolic syndrome components The present study was conducted using a total of 1,926
participants. In this population, the prevalence of MetS was 26.4% (n = 248) in men and 26.4% (n = 260) in women. Mean serum zinc levels in men with and without MetS were 142.062.4mg/dL and
141.161.9mg/dL (p = 0.717), respectively, and in women with and without MetS were 127.562.5mg/dL and 129.661.9mg/dL (p = 0.419), respectively. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the study participants according to serum zinc level quartiles, in particular, Q1-3 versus Q4. In men, significant differences in age and fasting glucose and insulin levels were observed according to serum zinc levels, while age, systolic blood pressure, and insulin levels were higher in women in serum zinc level Q1-3 than in Q4.
In both men and women, significant negative correlations were observed between serum zinc levels and fasting glucose (for men: r=20.127, p = 0.003; for women: r =20.078, p = 0.045) and the
HOMA-IR index (r =20.120, p = 0.003 for men, r =20.113, p = 0.006 for women), and, in women, between serum zinc levels and systolic blood pressure (r =20.082, p = 0.015) and insulin levels (r =20.097, p = 0.023) (Table 2).

2. Mean metabolic syndrome component values
according to serum zinc level quartile The mean values of MetS components adjusted for age,
smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, BMI, and eGFR levels according to serum zinc level quartile are shown in Table 3. In men, as serum zinc levels increased, fasting glucose levels
decreased (p for trend = 0.013). HDL-cholesterol levels were not significantly different according to quartiles of serum zinc levels in both men and women (p = 0.398 and 0.308, respectively), but as
serum zinc levels increased, HDL-cholesterol levels showed a decreasing trend (p for trend = 0.088 and 0.083, respectively).

3. Associations between serum zinc levels and metabolic
syndrome and its components Unadjusted odds ratios (ORs), age-adjusted ORs (model 1), and
multivariate-adjusted ORs (model 2) of serum zinc levels according to the presence of MetS and its components are shown in Table 4. Men with elevated fasting glucose levels were more
likely to have low serum zinc levels than were those with normal fasting glucose levels (unadjusted OR 0.50, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.33–0.77, p = 0.001), and this negative association
remained significant after adjusting for covariates (adjusted OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.36–0.93, p = 0.023). The multivariate-adjusted OR of serum zinc levels for elevated triglyceride levels in men was
1.47 (95% CI 1.01–2.13, p = 0.044). However, no significant association between MetS components and serum zinc levels was found in women. No association was detected between the presence of MetS and serum zinc levels in either men or women.

4. Serum zinc levels and the percentage of the highest
zinc level group (Q4) according to the number of metabolic syndrome components Figure 1 shows mean serum zinc levels, and the percentage of the highest zinc level group (Q4) according to the number of MetS components. After adjusting for age, smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, BMI, and eGFR levels, in women, a difference in serum zinc levels was observed based on the number of MetS
components (p = 0.002). Furthermore, in women with MetS (the number of MetS components: 3, 4 and 5), serum zinc levels showed a decreasing trend as the number of MetS components increased. In terms of the percentage of Q4, the difference showed according to number of MetS components, and the percentage of Q4 in women with MetS showed a decreasing trend as the number of MetS components increased (p = 0.050). No differences in mean serum zinc levels and the percentages of Q4 according to number of MetS components were observed in men (p = 0.727 and p = 0.741, respectively).

5. Percentages of participants according to the MetS
component combinations (MetS phenotypes) and serum zinc levels The participant distribution according to the MetS component combinations and serum zinc levels (Q1-3, and Q4) is shown in
Figure 2. In men with the MetS phenotype manifesting as increases in waist circumference, blood pressure and fasting glucose, the percentage of participants in Q4 was lower than in
Q1-3 (p = 0.021); on the other hand, in men with the MetS phenotype manifesting as increased waist circumference, elevated triglyceride, and reduced HDL-cholesterol, the percentage in Q4
was higher than in Q1-3 (p = 0.012). There were no significant differences in the percentage of men with other MetS phenotypes. Among women of almost every MetS phenotype, the percentage
of participants in Q4 was significantly lower than those in Q1-3, with the exception of the MetS phenotypes manifesting as increased waist circumference, elevated fasting glucose and
reduced HDL-cholesterol, and as increased waist circumference, elevated triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol.

We investigated the associations of serum zinc levels with MetS or its metabolic risk factors in Korean adults. The results of this study showed associations between serum zinc levels and certain
MetS components. Serum zinc levels in men were negatively associated with elevated fasting glucose and positively associated with elevated triglycerides. In both men and women, as serum zinc
levels increased, HDL-cholesterol levels showed a decreasing trend. Although there was no significant association found between serum zinc levels and the prevalence of MetS in either men or women, there were differences in serum zinc levels
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Results1. Characteristics of the participants according to serum zinc levels and the correlations between serum zinc levels and metabolic syndrome components The present study was conducted using a total of 1,926participants. In this population, the prevalence of MetS was 26.4% (n = 248) in men and 26.4% (n = 260) in women. Mean serum zinc levels in men with and without MetS were 142.062.4mg/dL and141.161.9mg/dL (p = 0.717), respectively, and in women with and without MetS were 127.562.5mg/dL and 129.661.9mg/dL (p = 0.419), respectively. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the study participants according to serum zinc level quartiles, in particular, Q1-3 versus Q4. In men, significant differences in age and fasting glucose and insulin levels were observed according to serum zinc levels, while age, systolic blood pressure, and insulin levels were higher in women in serum zinc level Q1-3 than in Q4.In both men and women, significant negative correlations were observed between serum zinc levels and fasting glucose (for men: r=20.127, p = 0.003; for women: r =20.078, p = 0.045) and theHOMA-IR index (r =20.120, p = 0.003 for men, r =20.113, p = 0.006 for women), and, in women, between serum zinc levels and systolic blood pressure (r =20.082, p = 0.015) and insulin levels (r =20.097, p = 0.023) (Table 2).2. Mean metabolic syndrome component valuesaccording to serum zinc level quartile The mean values of MetS components adjusted for age,smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, BMI, and eGFR levels according to serum zinc level quartile are shown in Table 3. In men, as serum zinc levels increased, fasting glucose levelsdecreased (p for trend = 0.013). HDL-cholesterol levels were not significantly different according to quartiles of serum zinc levels in both men and women (p = 0.398 and 0.308, respectively), but asserum zinc levels increased, HDL-cholesterol levels showed a decreasing trend (p for trend = 0.088 and 0.083, respectively).3. Associations between serum zinc levels and metabolicsyndrome and its components Unadjusted odds ratios (ORs), age-adjusted ORs (model 1), andmultivariate-adjusted ORs (model 2) of serum zinc levels according to the presence of MetS and its components are shown in Table 4. Men with elevated fasting glucose levels were morelikely to have low serum zinc levels than were those with normal fasting glucose levels (unadjusted OR 0.50, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.33–0.77, p = 0.001), and this negative associationremained significant after adjusting for covariates (adjusted OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.36–0.93, p = 0.023). The multivariate-adjusted OR of serum zinc levels for elevated triglyceride levels in men was1.47 (95% CI 1.01–2.13, p = 0.044). However, no significant association between MetS components and serum zinc levels was found in women. No association was detected between the presence of MetS and serum zinc levels in either men or women.4. Serum zinc levels and the percentage of the highestzinc level group (Q4) according to the number of metabolic syndrome components Figure 1 shows mean serum zinc levels, and the percentage of the highest zinc level group (Q4) according to the number of MetS components. After adjusting for age, smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, BMI, and eGFR levels, in women, a difference in serum zinc levels was observed based on the number of MetScomponents (p = 0.002). Furthermore, in women with MetS (the number of MetS components: 3, 4 and 5), serum zinc levels showed a decreasing trend as the number of MetS components increased. In terms of the percentage of Q4, the difference showed according to number of MetS components, and the percentage of Q4 in women with MetS showed a decreasing trend as the number of MetS components increased (p = 0.050). No differences in mean serum zinc levels and the percentages of Q4 according to number of MetS components were observed in men (p = 0.727 and p = 0.741, respectively).5. Percentages of participants according to the MetScomponent combinations (MetS phenotypes) and serum zinc levels The participant distribution according to the MetS component combinations and serum zinc levels (Q1-3, and Q4) is shown inFigure 2. In men with the MetS phenotype manifesting as increases in waist circumference, blood pressure and fasting glucose, the percentage of participants in Q4 was lower than inQ1-3 (p = 0.021); on the other hand, in men with the MetS phenotype manifesting as increased waist circumference, elevated triglyceride, and reduced HDL-cholesterol, the percentage in Q4
was higher than in Q1-3 (p = 0.012). There were no significant differences in the percentage of men with other MetS phenotypes. Among women of almost every MetS phenotype, the percentage
of participants in Q4 was significantly lower than those in Q1-3, with the exception of the MetS phenotypes manifesting as increased waist circumference, elevated fasting glucose and
reduced HDL-cholesterol, and as increased waist circumference, elevated triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol.

We investigated the associations of serum zinc levels with MetS or its metabolic risk factors in Korean adults. The results of this study showed associations between serum zinc levels and certain
MetS components. Serum zinc levels in men were negatively associated with elevated fasting glucose and positively associated with elevated triglycerides. In both men and women, as serum zinc
levels increased, HDL-cholesterol levels showed a decreasing trend. Although there was no significant association found between serum zinc levels and the prevalence of MetS in either men or women, there were differences in serum zinc levels
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Karakteristik peserta sesuai dengan kadar zinc serum dan korelasi antara kadar zinc serum dan komponen sindrom metabolik Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan total 1.926
peserta. Dalam populasi ini, prevalensi Mets adalah 26,4% (n = 248) pada pria dan 26,4% (n = 260) pada wanita. Berarti kadar zinc serum pada pria dengan dan tanpa Mets adalah 142.062.4mg / dL dan
141.161.9mg / dL (p = 0,717), masing-masing, dan pada wanita dengan dan tanpa Mets adalah 127.562.5mg / dL dan 129.661.9mg / dL ( p = 0,419), masing-masing. Tabel 1 menunjukkan karakteristik peserta studi sesuai dengan kuartil kadar seng serum, khususnya, Q1-3 dibandingkan Q4. Pada pria, perbedaan yang signifikan dalam usia dan glukosa puasa dan insulin yang diamati sesuai dengan kadar zinc serum, sedangkan usia, tekanan darah sistolik, dan tingkat insulin yang lebih tinggi pada wanita dalam serum kadar seng Q1-3 daripada di Q4.
Dalam kedua laki-laki dan wanita, korelasi negatif yang signifikan yang diamati antara kadar serum seng dan glukosa puasa (untuk laki-laki: r = 20,127, p = 0,003; bagi perempuan: r = 20,078, p = 0,045) dan
indeks HOMA-IR (r = 20.120, p = 0,003 untuk pria, r = 20,113, p = 0,006 untuk wanita), dan, pada wanita, antara kadar serum seng dan tekanan darah sistolik (r = 20,082, p = 0,015) dan tingkat insulin (r = 20,097, p = 0,023) ( Tabel 2). 2. Berarti nilai-nilai komponen sindrom metabolik sesuai dengan serum kuartil kadar seng Nilai rata-rata komponen Mets disesuaikan dengan usia, merokok, konsumsi alkohol, aktivitas fisik, tingkat BMI, dan eGFR menurut serum kadar seng kuartil ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3. Pada pria, seperti kadar serum seng meningkat, puasa kadar glukosa menurun (p untuk trend = 0,013). Kadar HDL-kolesterol tidak berbeda secara signifikan sesuai dengan kuartil kadar seng serum pada laki-laki dan perempuan (p = 0,398 dan 0,308, masing-masing), tetapi sebagai tingkat serum seng meningkat, kadar HDL-kolesterol menunjukkan tren menurun (p untuk trend = 0,088 dan 0,083, masing-masing). 3. Hubungan antara kadar serum seng dan metabolik sindrom dan komponennya peluang Disesuaikan rasio (OR), OR yang disesuaikan menurut umur (model 1), dan OR multivariat disesuaikan (model 2) tingkat seng serum sesuai dengan kehadiran Mets dan komponennya ditunjukkan pada Tabel 4. Pria dengan kadar glukosa puasa meningkat lebih cenderung memiliki kadar serum seng yang rendah dibandingkan mereka dengan tingkat normal glukosa puasa (disesuaikan OR 0,50, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0,33-0,77, p = 0,001), dan hubungan negatif ini tetap signifikan setelah disesuaikan untuk kovariat (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0,36-0,93, p = 0,023). Serum kadar zinc multivariat disesuaikan OR untuk tingkat trigliserida pada pria adalah 1,47 (95% CI 1,01-2,13, p = 0,044). Namun, tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara Mets komponen dan kadar zinc serum ditemukan pada wanita. Tidak ada hubungan yang terdeteksi antara kehadiran Mets dan tingkat serum seng dalam laki-laki atau perempuan. 4. Kadar zinc serum dan persentase tertinggi kelompok kadar seng (Q4) sesuai dengan jumlah komponen sindrom metabolik Gambar 1 menunjukkan berarti kadar zinc serum, dan persentase kelompok kadar seng tertinggi (Q4) sesuai dengan jumlah komponen Mets . Setelah disesuaikan untuk usia, merokok, minum alkohol, aktivitas fisik, BMI, dan tingkat eGFR, pada wanita, perbedaan dalam kadar zinc serum diamati berdasarkan jumlah Mets komponen (p = 0,002). Selanjutnya, pada wanita dengan Mets (jumlah komponen Mets: 3, 4 dan 5), kadar seng serum menunjukkan tren menurun karena jumlah Mets komponen meningkat. Dalam hal persentase Q4, perbedaan menunjukkan sesuai dengan jumlah komponen Mets, dan persentase Q4 pada wanita dengan Mets menunjukkan tren menurun karena jumlah komponen Mets meningkat (p = 0.050). Tidak ada perbedaan dalam tingkat serum seng rata-rata dan persentase Q4 menurut jumlah komponen Mets diamati pada laki-laki (p = 0,727 dan p = 0,741, masing-masing). 5. Persentase peserta sesuai dengan Mets kombinasi komponen (Mets fenotipe) dan kadar zinc serum Distribusi peserta sesuai dengan Mets kombinasi komponen dan tingkat serum seng (Q1-3, dan Q4) ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2. Pada pria dengan Mets fenotipe mewujudkan sebagai peningkatan lingkar pinggang, tekanan darah dan glukosa puasa, persentase peserta Q4 lebih rendah daripada di Q1-3 (p = 0.021); di sisi lain, pada pria dengan Mets fenotipe mewujudkan sebagai peningkatan lingkar pinggang, trigliserida, dan mengurangi HDL-kolesterol, persentase di Q4 lebih tinggi daripada di Q1-3 (p = 0,012). Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam persentase laki-laki dengan fenotipe lainnya Mets. Di antara perempuan dari hampir setiap Mets fenotipe, persentase peserta di Q4 secara signifikan lebih rendah daripada mereka di Q1-3, dengan pengecualian dari Mets fenotipe mewujudkan sebagai peningkatan lingkar pinggang, glukosa puasa tinggi dan mengurangi HDL-kolesterol, dan meningkatnya pinggang lingkar, peningkatan trigliserida dan menurunkan kolesterol HDL. Diskusi Kami menyelidiki asosiasi tingkat seng serum dengan Mets atau faktor risiko metabolik pada orang dewasa Korea. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan antara kadar seng serum dan beberapa komponen Mets. Kadar zinc serum pada pria yang negatif terkait dengan glukosa puasa tinggi dan positif dengan peningkatan trigliserida. Baik pada pria dan wanita, sebagai serum seng tingkat meningkat, kadar HDL-kolesterol menunjukkan tren menurun. Meskipun tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan ditemukan antara kadar zinc serum dan prevalensi Mets baik laki-laki atau perempuan, ada perbedaan dalam tingkat serum seng

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