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Blok bangunan aliran pendapatan mewakili menghasilkan sebuah perusahaan uang tunai dari setiap segmen pelanggan (biaya harus dipotong dari pendapatan untuk menciptakan penghasilan)Jika pelanggan terdiri dari jantung model bisnis, arus pendapatan adalah arteri yang. Sebuah perusahaan harus bertanya pada diri sendiri, untuk nilai apa yang setiap pelanggan segmen benar-benar bersedia membayar? Berhasil menjawab pertanyaan itu memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan aliran pendapatan satu atau lebih dari setiap segmen pelanggan. Aliran pendapatan masing-masing memiliki diΩerent harga mekanisme, seperti daftar harga tetap, tawar-menawar, melelang, volume pasar tergantung, tergantung, atau hasil pengelolaan.Model bisnis yang dapat melibatkan dua diΩerent jenis aliran pendapatan:1. transaksi pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari pelanggan satu kali pembayaran2. berulang pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari pembayaran yang berkelanjutan untuk memberikan proposisi nilai kepada pelanggan atau menyediakan dukungan pelanggan pasca-pembelianUntuk nilai apa yang pelanggan kami benar-benar bersedia membayar? Apa Apakah mereka sedang membayar? Bagaimana mereka saat ini membayar? Bagaimana mereka akan lebih memilih untuk membayar? Berapa banyak pendapatan masing-masing berkontribusi pendapatan keseluruhan?Ada beberapa cara untuk menghasilkan aliran pendapatan:Penjualan asetYang paling luas dipahami aliran pendapatan berasal dari penjualan hak kepemilikan produk fisik. Amazon.com menjual buku, musik, elektronik konsumen, dan banyak lagi secara online. Fiat menjual mobil, pembeli yang bebas untuk berkendara, menjual kembali atau bahkan menghancurkan.Usage feeThis Revenue Stream is generated by the use of a particular service. The more a service is used, the more the customer pays. A telecom operator may charge customers for the number of minutes spent on the phone. A hotel charges customers for the number of nights rooms are used. A package delivery service charges customers for the delivery of a parcel from one location to another.Subscription feesThis Revenue Stream is generated by selling continuous access to a service. A gym sells its members monthly or yearly subscriptions in exchange for access to its exercise facilities. World of Warcraft Online, a Web-based computer game, allows users toplay its online game in exchange for a monthly subscription fee. Nokia’s Comes with Music service gives users access to a music library for a subscription fee.Lending/Renting/LeasingThis Revenue Stream is created by temporarily granting someone the exclusive right to use a particular asset for a fixed period in return for a fee. For the lender this provides the advantage of recurring revenues. Renters or lessees, on the other hand, enjoy the benefits of incurring expenses for only a limited time rather than bearing the full costs of ownership. Zipcar.com provides a good illustration. The company allows customers to rent cars by the hour in North American cities. Zipcar.com’s servicehas led many people to decide to rent rather than purchase automobiles.LicensingThis Revenue Stream is generated by giving customers permission to use protected intellectual property in exchange for licensing fees. Licensing allows rightsholdersto generate revenues from their property without having to manufacture a product or commercialize a service. Licensing is common in the media industry, where content owners retain copyright while selling usage licenses to third parties. Similarly, in technology sectors, patentholders grant other companies the right to use a patented technology in return for a license fee.Brokerage feesThis Revenue Stream derives from intermediation services performed on behalf of two or more parties. Credit card providers, for example, earn revenues by taking a percentage of the value of each sales transaction executed between credit card merchantsand customers. Brokers and real estate agents earn a commission each time they successfully match a buyer and seller.AdvertisingThis Revenue Stream results from fees for advertising a particular product, service, or brand. Traditionally,the media industry and event organizers relied heavilyon revenues from advertising. In recent years other sectors, including software and services, have started relying more heavily on advertising revenues. Each Revenue Stream might have diferent pricing mechanisms. The type of pricing mechanism chosen can make a big diΩerence in terms of revenues generated. There are two main types of pricing mechanism: fixed and dynamic pricing.
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