The near 4 W peo­ple of [Zhan Long] trade union enter the plain rapidl terjemahan - The near 4 W peo­ple of [Zhan Long] trade union enter the plain rapidl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The near 4 W peo­ple of [Zhan Long]

The near 4 W peo­ple of [Zhan Long] trade union enter the plain rapidly, wells up tidal to­ward two wings, first had own one inch foothold to say again that but the rear area was Long Xiang the sharp cav­alry sol­dier, Drunken Spear raises a long hal­berd to kill in­sis­tently, the long-bar­relled gun de­liv­ered then to­gether se­lects to fly two play­ers, af­ter­ward a thou­sand heavy wave was makes one group of shield play­ers fall dead in bat­tle in abun­dance, thou­sand heavy waves layer upon layer su­per­im­posed the in­jury the skill, cut with my rid­ing the wind, just my rid­ing the wind cut CD Cooldown to be too long, was not enough strong per­son does not match me. Leaves this move.
The fire god val­ley com­pletely be­came an at­tack main road, the trial, Prague and [Hero’s Mound], every and other trade unions 11 kill, cov­ered with the player crowd of op­po­site party in abun­dance kills in the same place, under the ad­vance­ment the fire Yun Cheng player can­not re­sist im­me­di­ately starts to re­treat back­ward, re­treated about 300 yards is the po­si­tion of NPC reg­i­ment, this NPC reg­i­ment looked at the bar­rack area about the 7 W per­son, the step shield sol­dier be­fore, the archer, was dense and nu­mer­ous one crowd is rais­ing af­ter­ward then the sol­dier of tom­a­hawk, the han­dle of that axe was par­tic­u­larly long, more­over looked like very heavy, this should be is the fire Yun Cheng spe­cial branch of the ser­vices..
Lin Wan Er opened un­yield­ing war soul ef­fect to put on to kill one in the crowd, after killing more than ten peo­ple, con­tin­u­ally float­ing ar­rived at side me, said: „That is the day of pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment, the fire Yun Cheng strength is sit­u­ated the 5 th army, sup­ports sol­dier 7 W, but also sur­passed the 200 W player also to join the day of pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment, be­came the over­strength mem­ber.”
I nod: „I also saw, the In­dian war zone does not want to ob­struct us by a triv­ial day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment north the fire god moun­tain range, this was also too naive”
„Should not be.” Lin Wan Er shal­low faint smile: „If NPC and player of thoughts that su­per­fi­cial that this war In­dian war zone were re­ally sim­ple, what a pity this prob­a­bil­ity can­not over 10%, the per­son in In­dian war zone not be is a veg­e­tar­ian.”
„Um, I also thought that the pre­vi­ous maple­wood was drunk, the clear pupil to de­velop black ink to make us see their strength the tip of the ice­berg, the group of peo­ple who our time came, not nec­es­sar­ily was the rival.”
„For­ti­fies at every step, so long as we do not ren­der mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice ea­gerly, cap­tures the fire Yun Cheng op­por­tu­nity to have.”
Is rais­ing the Longchi sword, treads to be spa­tial and ver­ti­cal, I re­joiced very much has Lin Wan Er such beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter, more­over has been equal to the beau­ti­ful woman mil­i­tary strate­gist, al­though Lin Wan Er is not in­fat­u­ated with and un­der­stands the cold weapons war like me, how­ever her thoughts are more ex­quis­ite pru­dently and metic­u­lously, and has to read the heart abil­ity, can per­haps be able to help in some sit­u­a­tion, was only a pity that the read­ing heart in game can only read op­po­site party the tac­ti­cal idea in short Cooldown, wants to un­der­stand the match over­all strat­egy not to be sim­ple, if after all the op­po­site party in does not want, to be does not read.
Soon, rides the [Zhan Long] player of warhawk to drop from the clouds, is a 20 -year-old high and low young man, a face re­spect­ful slant­ing place above an­chors the warhawk in me and Lin Wan Er, said: „guild­mas­ter, vice- guild­mas­ter, I had re­con­noi­tered in the sur­round­ings, in 5000 yards of fire god moun­tain range re­gion only then these peo­ple, the NPC army and player of day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment put to­gether al­to­gether the 242 W per­son, then also had in one crowd the player of small guild, player who we need to face ap­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The near 4 W peo­ple of [Zhan Long] trade union enter the plain rapidly, wells up tidal to­ward two wings, first had own one inch foothold to say again that but the rear area was Long Xiang the sharp cav­alry sol­dier, Drunken Spear raises a long hal­berd to kill in­sis­tently, the long-bar­relled gun de­liv­ered then to­gether se­lects to fly two play­ers, af­ter­ward a thou­sand heavy wave was makes one group of shield play­ers fall dead in bat­tle in abun­dance, thou­sand heavy waves layer upon layer su­per­im­posed the in­jury the skill, cut with my rid­ing the wind, just my rid­ing the wind cut CD Cooldown to be too long, was not enough strong per­son does not match me. Leaves this move.The fire god val­ley com­pletely be­came an at­tack main road, the trial, Prague and [Hero’s Mound], every and other trade unions 11 kill, cov­ered with the player crowd of op­po­site party in abun­dance kills in the same place, under the ad­vance­ment the fire Yun Cheng player can­not re­sist im­me­di­ately starts to re­treat back­ward, re­treated about 300 yards is the po­si­tion of NPC reg­i­ment, this NPC reg­i­ment looked at the bar­rack area about the 7 W per­son, the step shield sol­dier be­fore, the archer, was dense and nu­mer­ous one crowd is rais­ing af­ter­ward then the sol­dier of tom­a­hawk, the han­dle of that axe was par­tic­u­larly long, more­over looked like very heavy, this should be is the fire Yun Cheng spe­cial branch of the ser­vices..Lin Wan Er opened un­yield­ing war soul ef­fect to put on to kill one in the crowd, after killing more than ten peo­ple, con­tin­u­ally float­ing ar­rived at side me, said: „That is the day of pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment, the fire Yun Cheng strength is sit­u­ated the 5 th army, sup­ports sol­dier 7 W, but also sur­passed the 200 W player also to join the day of pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment, be­came the over­strength mem­ber.”I nod: „I also saw, the In­dian war zone does not want to ob­struct us by a triv­ial day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment north the fire god moun­tain range, this was also too naive”„Should not be.” Lin Wan Er shal­low faint smile: „If NPC and player of thoughts that su­per­fi­cial that this war In­dian war zone were re­ally sim­ple, what a pity this prob­a­bil­ity can­not over 10%, the per­son in In­dian war zone not be is a veg­e­tar­ian.”„Um, I also thought that the pre­vi­ous maple­wood was drunk, the clear pupil to de­velop black ink to make us see their strength the tip of the ice­berg, the group of peo­ple who our time came, not nec­es­sar­ily was the rival.”„For­ti­fies at every step, so long as we do not ren­der mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice ea­gerly, cap­tures the fire Yun Cheng op­por­tu­nity to have.”„Um!”Is rais­ing the Longchi sword, treads to be spa­tial and ver­ti­cal, I re­joiced very much has Lin Wan Er such beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter, more­over has been equal to the beau­ti­ful woman mil­i­tary strate­gist, al­though Lin Wan Er is not in­fat­u­ated with and un­der­stands the cold weapons war like me, how­ever her thoughts are more ex­quis­ite pru­dently and metic­u­lously, and has to read the heart abil­ity, can per­haps be able to help in some sit­u­a­tion, was only a pity that the read­ing heart in game can only read op­po­site party the tac­ti­cal idea in short Cooldown, wants to un­der­stand the match over­all strat­egy not to be sim­ple, if after all the op­po­site party in does not want, to be does not read.Soon, rides the [Zhan Long] player of warhawk to drop from the clouds, is a 20 -year-old high and low young man, a face re­spect­ful slant­ing place above an­chors the warhawk in me and Lin Wan Er, said: „guild­mas­ter, vice- guild­mas­ter, I had re­con­noi­tered in the sur­round­ings, in 5000 yards of fire god moun­tain range re­gion only then these peo­ple, the NPC army and player of day pun­ish­ment reg­i­ment put to­gether al­to­gether the 242 W per­son, then also had in one crowd the player of small guild, player who we need to face ap­
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The dekat 4 W orang dari [Zhan Panjang] serikat buruh masukkan dataran cepat, sumur sampai pasang surut ke arah dua sayap, pertama memiliki sendiri pijakan satu inci mengatakan lagi bahwa tapi daerah belakang adalah panjang Xiang prajurit kavaleri tajam, Drunken Spear menimbulkan tombak panjang untuk membunuh tubi, pistol laras panjang disampaikan kemudian bersama-sama memilih untuk terbang dua pemain, setelah seribu gelombang yang berat itu membuat salah satu kelompok pemain perisai rebah dalam pertempuran dalam kelimpahan, ribuan berat gelombang lapisan demi lapisan ditumpangkan cedera keterampilan , dipotong dengan saya naik angin, hanya saya naik angin memotong CD Cooldown terlalu lama, tidak cukup orang yang kuat tidak cocok saya. Daun langkah ini.
Api Dewa lembah-benar menjadi serangan utama jalan, persidangan, Praha dan [Hero Mound], setiap dan serikat buruh lainnya 11 kill, ditutupi dengan kerumunan pemain pihak lawan dalam kelimpahan membunuh di tempat yang sama, di bawah kemajuan api Yun Cheng pemain tidak bisa menahan segera mulai mundur ke belakang, mundur sekitar 300 yard adalah posisi NPC resimen, resimen NPC ini tampak di daerah barak tentang 7 W orang, tentara langkah perisai sebelumnya, pemanah, adalah padat dan banyak satu orang menaikkan sesudahnya maka prajurit tomahawk, gagang kapak yang sangat panjang, apalagi tampak seperti sangat berat, ini harus adalah api Yun Cheng cabang khusus dari layanan ..
Lin Wan Er membuka perang pantang menyerah efek jiwa untuk memakai membunuh satu di kerumunan, setelah membunuh lebih dari sepuluh orang, terus mengambang tiba di sisi saya, mengatakan: "Itu adalah hari hukuman resimen, api Yun Cheng kekuatan terletak pada 5 tentara th, mendukung tentara 7 W, tetapi juga melampaui pemain 200 W juga bergabung hari hukuman resimen, menjadi anggota kekuatan lebih ".
saya mengangguk:" saya juga melihat, zona perang India tidak ingin menghalangi kami oleh hari sepele resimen hukuman utara pegunungan api Tuhan, ini juga terlalu naif "
Lin Wan Er senyum tipis dangkal" Seharusnya tidak. ":" Jika NPC dan pemain dari pikiran-pikiran yang dangkal bahwa perang zona perang India ini benar-benar sederhana, sayang probabilitas ini tidak bisa lebih dari 10%, orang di zona perang India tidak adalah seorang vegetarian. "
" Um, saya juga berpikir bahwa maplewood sebelumnya mabuk, murid yang jelas untuk mengembangkan tinta hitam untuk membuat kita melihat kekuatan mereka ujung gunung es, kelompok orang yang waktu kami datang, belum tentu adalah saingan. "
" membentengi di setiap langkah, selama kita tidak memberikan pelayanan berjasa bersemangat, menangkap api Yun Cheng kesempatan untuk memiliki. "
" Um! "
Apakah meningkatkan Longchi pedang, tapak menjadi ruang dan vertikal, saya bersukacita sangat banyak memiliki Lin Wan Er seperti wanita cantik wakil Guildmaster, apalagi telah sama dengan strategi militer wanita cantik, meskipun Lin Wan Er tidak tergila-gila dengan dan memahami perang senjata dingin seperti saya, namun pikirannya lebih indah hati-hati dan cermat, dan memiliki membaca kemampuan jantung, mungkin bisa dapat membantu dalam beberapa situasi, hanya disayangkan bahwa jantung membaca dalam permainan hanya dapat membaca pihak lawan ide taktis di Cooldown pendek, ingin memahami pertandingan strategi keseluruhan tidak sederhana, jika setelah semua pihak lawan di tidak mau, menjadi tidak membaca.
Segera, rides [Zhan panjang] pemain warhawk untuk turun dari awan, yang seorang pemuda tinggi dan rendah 20 -tahun-tua, tempat miring hormat wajah di atas jangkar warhawk di dalam aku dan Lin Wan Er, mengatakan: "Guildmaster, Guildmaster wakil, saya telah reconnoitered di sekitarnya, di 5000 yard dari dewa api gunung wilayah jangkauan hanya kemudian orang-orang ini, tentara NPC dan pemain hukuman hari resimen disatukan sama sekali 242 W orang, kemudian juga memiliki dalam satu kerumunan pemain dari serikat kecil, pemain yang kita butuhkan untuk menghadapi ap
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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