“What Testing Strategy Should We Apply?”.What Types of Errors Occur Wi terjemahan - “What Testing Strategy Should We Apply?”.What Types of Errors Occur Wi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“What Testing Strategy Should We Ap

“What Testing Strategy Should We Apply?”.
What Types of Errors Occur Within a WebApp Environment? We have already noted that the primary intent of WebApp testing is to uncover errors (and correct them). Errors encountered as a consequence of successful WebApp testing have a number of unique characteristics [Ngu00] that can have a profound impact on testing and error discovery. Many types of WebApp tests uncover problems that are fi rst evidenced on the client side (i.e., via an interface implemented on a specifi c browser, PDA, or mobile phone). Therefore, you often see a symptom of the error, not the error itself. A WebApp is implemented in a number of different confi gurations and within different environments. Therefore, it may be diffi cult or impossible to reproduce an error outside the environment in which the error was originally encountered. Although some errors are the result of incorrect design or improper coding (in HTML, client-side scripting, server-side programming, or other programming aspects), many errors can be traced to the WebApp confi guration. Those errors that are design related can be diffi cult to trace across three architectural layers—the cli- ent, the server, and the network itself. Some errors are due to the static operating environment (i.e., the specifi c confi guration in which testing is conducted), while others are attributable to the dynamic operating environment (i.e., instantaneous resource loading or time-related errors). These attributes suggest that environment plays an important role in the di- agnosis of all errors uncovered during the WebE process. In some situations (e.g., content testing), the site of the error is obvious, but in many other types of WebApp testing (e.g., navigation testing, performance testing, security testing) the underly- ing cause of the error may be considerably more diffi cult to determine.
What Testing Strategy Should We Apply? The strategy for WebApp testing adopts basic principles for all software testing and applies a strategy and tactics that are often used for object-oriented systems. The following steps summarize the approach:
1. The content model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover errors. 2. The interface model is reviewed to ensure that all use cases have been accommodated.
3. The design model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover navigation errors. 4. The user interface is tested to uncover errors in presentation and/or naviga- tion mechanics. 5. Selected functional components are unit tested. 6. Navigation throughout the architecture is tested. 7. The WebApp is implemented in a variety of different environmental confi gu- rations and is tested for compatibility with each confi guration. 8. Security tests are conducted in an attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the WebApp or within its environment. 9. Performance tests are conducted. 10. The WebApp is tested by a controlled and monitored population of end users. The results of their interaction with the system are evaluated for con- tent and navigation errors, usability concerns, compatibility concerns, and WebApp reliability and performance.
Because many WebApps evolve continuously, the testing process is an ongoing ac- tivity conducted by Web support staff that use regression tests derived from the tests developed when the WebApp was fi rst engineered.
How Much Test Planning Is Necessary? The use of the word planning (in any context) is anathema to some Web devel- opers. As we noted in earlier chapters, these developers just jump straight into construction—hoping that a killer WebApp will emerge. A Web engineer recog- nizes that planning establishes a road map for all work that follows. It’s worth the effort. In their book on WebApp testing, Splaine and Jaskiel [Spl01] state:
Except for the simplest of Web sites, it quickly becomes apparent that some sort of test planning is needed. All too often, the initial number of bugs found from ad hoc testing is large enough that not all of them are fi xed the fi rst time they’re detected. This puts an additional burden on people who test Web sites and applications. Not only must they conjure up imaginative new tests, but they must also remember how previous tests were executed in order to reliably re-test the Web site/application and ensure that known bugs have been removed and that no new bugs have been introduced.
Two questions for every Web engineer are: how do we “conjure up imaginative new tests,” and what should those tests focus on? The answers to these questions are contained within a test plan. A WebE test plan identifi es: (1) the testing tasks to be applied as testing com- mences, (2) the work products to be produced as each testing task is executed, and (3) the manner in which the results of testing are evaluated, recorded, and reused
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Pengujian strategi apa yang harus kita terapkan?".
Apa jenis kesalahan yang terjadi dalam lingkungan WebApp? Kita telah mencatat bahwa tujuan utama WebApp pengujian adalah untuk mengungkap kesalahan (dan memperbaiki mereka). Kesalahan yang ditemui sebagai konsekuensi dari sukses WebApp pengujian memiliki sejumlah karakteristik unik [Ngu00] yang dapat memiliki dampak yang mendalam pada penemuan pengujian dan kesalahan. Banyak jenis tes WebApp mengungkap masalah yang kesan pertama dibuktikan pada sisi klien (yaitu, melalui antarmuka diimplementasikan pada specifi c browser, PDA atau ponsel). Oleh karena itu, Anda sering melihat gejala kesalahan, bukan kesalahan itu sendiri. WebApp ini dilaksanakan di beberapa berbeda confi gurations dan dalam lingkungan yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, mungkin diffi kultus atau tidak mungkin untuk mereproduksi kesalahan di luar lingkungan di mana kesalahan awalnya ditemukan. Meskipun beberapa kesalahan adalah hasil dari desain yang salah atau tidak benar (dalam HTML, script sisi klien, sisi server pemrograman atau aspek-aspek pemrograman lain), banyak kesalahan coding dapat ditelusuri ke konfigurasi confi email WebApp. Kesalahan-kesalahan yang berhubungan desain dapat kultus diffi untuk melacak melintasi tiga lapisan arsitektur — cli-THT, server dan jaringan itu sendiri. Beberapa kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh lingkungan operasi statis (yaitu, specifi c confi konfigurasi email di mana pengujian dilakukan), sementara lain disebabkan oleh lingkungan operasi dinamis (yaitu, loading resource seketika atau berhubungan dengan waktu kesalahan). Atribut ini menyarankan lingkungan yang memainkan peran penting dalam di-agnosis dari semua kesalahan yang ditemukan selama proses WebE. Dalam beberapa situasi (misalnya, konten pengujian), situs kesalahan ini jelas, tetapi dalam banyak jenis WebApp pengujian (misalnya, navigasi pengujian, pengujian, kinerja keamanan pengujian) mendasari-ing penyebab kesalahan mungkin kultus diffi jauh lebih banyak untuk menentukan.
apa pengujian strategi harus kita menerapkan? Strategi untuk pengujian WebApp mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip dasar untuk semua pengujian perangkat lunak dan menerapkan strategi dan taktik yang sering digunakan untuk sistem berorientasi objek. Langkah-langkah berikut meringkas pendekatan:
1. Model konten untuk WebApp ini ditinjau untuk mengungkap kesalahan. 2. model antarmuka ditinjau untuk memastikan bahwa semua penggunaan kasus-kasus yang telah ditampung.
WEBAPPS362 Bab 15 pengujian
3. Model desain untuk WebApp ini ditinjau untuk mengungkap galat navigasi. 4. user interface diuji untuk mengungkap kesalahan dalam presentasi dan/atau naviga-tion mekanika. 5. Komponen fungsional yang dipilih adalah unit diuji. 6. navigasi seluruh arsitektur diuji. 7. WebApp dilaksanakan dalam berbagai berbeda lingkungan confi gu-ransum dan diuji untuk kompatibilitas dengan masing-masing konfigurasi email confi. 8. keamanan tes dilakukan dalam upaya untuk mengeksploitasi kerentanan dalam WebApp atau dalam lingkungannya. 9. kinerja tes dilakukan. 10. WebApp diuji oleh dikontrol dan dipantau populasi pengguna akhir. Hasil interaksi mereka dengan sistem dievaluasi untuk kesalahan con-tenda dan navigasi, kegunaan keprihatinan, masalah kompatibilitas, dan WebApp keandalan dan kinerja.
karena banyak WebApps berkembang terus, proses pengujian adalah berkelanjutan ac-tivity dilakukan oleh staf dukungan Web yang menggunakan tes regresi yang berasal dari tes dikembangkan ketika WebApp kesan pertama direkayasa.
berapa banyak tes perencanaan adalah diperlukan? Penggunaan kata perencanaan (dalam konteks apapun) adalah kutukan bagi beberapa Web devel-opers. Seperti yang kita perhatikan dalam bab-bab sebelumnya, pengembang ini hanya melompat langsung ke konstruksi — berharap bahwa pembunuh WebApp akan muncul. Web insinyur recog-nizes yang berencana menetapkan peta jalan untuk semua pekerjaan yang mengikuti. It's worth upaya. Dalam buku mereka pada WebApp pengujian, Splaine dan negara Jaskiel [Spl01]:
kecuali sederhana situs Web, dengan cepat menjadi jelas bahwa semacam pengujian perencanaan yang diperlukan. Semua terlalu sering, jumlah awal bug yang ditemukan dari ad hoc pengujian cukup besar bahwa tidak semua dari mereka adalah kesan xed rst kesan waktu mereka sedang terdeteksi. Hal ini menempatkan beban tambahan pada orang yang menguji situs Web dan aplikasi. Tidak hanya mereka harus menyulap imajinatif tes baru, tetapi mereka juga harus ingat bagaimana sebelumnya tes dieksekusi untuk diandalkan tes ulang situs Web/aplikasi dan memastikan bahwa dikenal bug telah dihapus dan bahwa tidak ada bug baru telah diperkenalkan.
dua pertanyaan untuk setiap Web insinyur yang: Bagaimana Apakah kita "menyulap imajinatif tes baru", dan apa yang harus tes itu berfokus pada? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkandung dalam rencana pengujian. Tes WebE rencana identifi es: tugas-tugas pengujian (1) digunakan sebagai pengujian com-mences, (2) kerja produk yang akan diproduksi sebagai setiap pengujian tugas adalah dieksekusi, dan (3) dengan cara di mana hasil pengujian dievaluasi, mencatat, dan kembali
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
“What Testing Strategy Should We Apply?”.
What Types of Errors Occur Within a WebApp Environment? We have already noted that the primary intent of WebApp testing is to uncover errors (and correct them). Errors encountered as a consequence of successful WebApp testing have a number of unique characteristics [Ngu00] that can have a profound impact on testing and error discovery. Many types of WebApp tests uncover problems that are fi rst evidenced on the client side (i.e., via an interface implemented on a specifi c browser, PDA, or mobile phone). Therefore, you often see a symptom of the error, not the error itself. A WebApp is implemented in a number of different confi gurations and within different environments. Therefore, it may be diffi cult or impossible to reproduce an error outside the environment in which the error was originally encountered. Although some errors are the result of incorrect design or improper coding (in HTML, client-side scripting, server-side programming, or other programming aspects), many errors can be traced to the WebApp confi guration. Those errors that are design related can be diffi cult to trace across three architectural layers—the cli- ent, the server, and the network itself. Some errors are due to the static operating environment (i.e., the specifi c confi guration in which testing is conducted), while others are attributable to the dynamic operating environment (i.e., instantaneous resource loading or time-related errors). These attributes suggest that environment plays an important role in the di- agnosis of all errors uncovered during the WebE process. In some situations (e.g., content testing), the site of the error is obvious, but in many other types of WebApp testing (e.g., navigation testing, performance testing, security testing) the underly- ing cause of the error may be considerably more diffi cult to determine.
What Testing Strategy Should We Apply? The strategy for WebApp testing adopts basic principles for all software testing and applies a strategy and tactics that are often used for object-oriented systems. The following steps summarize the approach:
1. The content model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover errors. 2. The interface model is reviewed to ensure that all use cases have been accommodated.
3. The design model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover navigation errors. 4. The user interface is tested to uncover errors in presentation and/or naviga- tion mechanics. 5. Selected functional components are unit tested. 6. Navigation throughout the architecture is tested. 7. The WebApp is implemented in a variety of different environmental confi gu- rations and is tested for compatibility with each confi guration. 8. Security tests are conducted in an attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the WebApp or within its environment. 9. Performance tests are conducted. 10. The WebApp is tested by a controlled and monitored population of end users. The results of their interaction with the system are evaluated for con- tent and navigation errors, usability concerns, compatibility concerns, and WebApp reliability and performance.
Because many WebApps evolve continuously, the testing process is an ongoing ac- tivity conducted by Web support staff that use regression tests derived from the tests developed when the WebApp was fi rst engineered.
How Much Test Planning Is Necessary? The use of the word planning (in any context) is anathema to some Web devel- opers. As we noted in earlier chapters, these developers just jump straight into construction—hoping that a killer WebApp will emerge. A Web engineer recog- nizes that planning establishes a road map for all work that follows. It’s worth the effort. In their book on WebApp testing, Splaine and Jaskiel [Spl01] state:
Except for the simplest of Web sites, it quickly becomes apparent that some sort of test planning is needed. All too often, the initial number of bugs found from ad hoc testing is large enough that not all of them are fi xed the fi rst time they’re detected. This puts an additional burden on people who test Web sites and applications. Not only must they conjure up imaginative new tests, but they must also remember how previous tests were executed in order to reliably re-test the Web site/application and ensure that known bugs have been removed and that no new bugs have been introduced.
Two questions for every Web engineer are: how do we “conjure up imaginative new tests,” and what should those tests focus on? The answers to these questions are contained within a test plan. A WebE test plan identifi es: (1) the testing tasks to be applied as testing com- mences, (2) the work products to be produced as each testing task is executed, and (3) the manner in which the results of testing are evaluated, recorded, and reused
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