Just like the fact Ye to come said that sea-nymph king Sellin as if sp terjemahan - Just like the fact Ye to come said that sea-nymph king Sellin as if sp Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Just like the fact Ye to come said

Just like the fact Ye to come said that sea-nymph king Sellin as if spe­cially is in­ter­ested in the mer­i­to­ri­ous Bang Kao­qian player, first is hun­dred li (0.5km), if the wind, af­ter­ward is Jian Feng Han, Sim­ple and Mu Xuan, mer­i­to­ri­ous list first ten play­ers soon by this king level dif­fer­ent demon mas­sacring half!
„Is you?!”
Sellin turns around sud­denly, the vi­sion falls on me, raised the water deity hal­berd then to clash, the cor­ners of the mouth were bring­ing Jie Jie's laugh­ing: „Boy, this time I looked that who can also save you!”
„Whish”, water deity hal­berd bro­ken rumor bone-chill­ing cold, I hur­ried hor­i­zon­tal town Yue Dao­heng in front, I now am the mer­i­to­ri­ous list first per­son, Sellin wants to kill me is the ac­cor­dance with ex­pec­ta­tion, and I have an­other sin­gle layer sta­tus, the im­pe­r­ial cap­i­tal palace guard com­mands, this made Sellin want to drive me to com­mit sui­cide, after all we have al­most guessed, rea­son that Sellin ru­ined the sol­diers of that many sea-nymph clans to break through enemy lines to at­tack Tian Ling Em­pire, rea­son that will sur­ren­der to the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, that was be­cause he ob­tained the chip and promise, this promise was Tian Ling Em­pire, Dahlen, Seurre, Sif iso- demon monar­chy Tian Ling Em­pire The promise to the sea-nymph the clan, then takes Tian Ling Em­pire to in­vade to cap­ture seven big main cities as the spring­board army, this is the rea­son­able imag­i­na­tion.
Grasps the town Yue Dao left hand to trans­mit a numb feel­ing, town Yue Dao al­most lets go, I am above the warhorse to draw back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, Sellin's at­tack is maneat­ing, long hal­berd from top to bot­tom is a bang cuts, im­me­di­ately on my shoul­der just liked has de­pressed a Mount Tai, the Zix­iao cape locked in shoul­der Ar­mour the iron hoop al­most to col­lapse flew, on the shoul­der the blood spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, one was rum­bled by the water deity hal­berd 50000 + HP, the blood strip has also brushed to see the bot­tom!
Long Yin­sheng as if raises from place bot­tom, on the Zix­iao cape the su­per­nat­ural power is dense, the en­ergy rapid en­cir­clements of under two Shen­long shapes in my body week, pro­tect the in­jury that I am ex­empt from strike, but Shuan­g­long pro­tects the main tough­ness to be re­lated with the strik­ing power, ab­solutely wan­ton bomb­ing that ob­vi­ously this tough­ness can­not with­stand Sellin.
„Must die!”
In Sellin eyes kills in­tent greatly Sheng, puts out a hand to hold my bat­tle dress front piece to re­turn­ing to sud­denly, raises fights the boots is a foot tram­ples!
My hur­ried both arms re­sist, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Mu Yushu + 12 lev­els of blood bot­tles use to­gether, HP beat, in order to avoid this was struck gives to mas­sacre
„+ 20435!”
„+ 20000!”
The foun­da­tion strik­ing power de­cided the treat­ment re­sult of Mu Yushu, re­stored most HP in­stan­ta­neously, how­ever after by a Sellin fly upon, once more rem­nant blood, back­lash with horse.
Around Sellin's both legs is lin­ger­ing wind edges, must start the crowd to kill the skill, my moral na­ture sinks, such came me pos­si­bly re­ally to kneel here, opened the in­vin­ci­ble skill?!
In this time, Sellin stature is trem­bling sud­denly sud­denly, in the top of the head is reap­pear­ing a dizzi­ness ef­fect de­sign, but con­tin­ues merely for 0.4 sec­ond, the Yue Qing Qian form plun­ders: „Ram­ble elder brother runs, hits this BOSS!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hanya seperti fakta kamu datang mengatakan bahwa bidadari-laut raja Sellin seolah-olah secara khusus tertarik pada pemain Bang Kaoqian berjasa, pertama seratus li (0.5 km), jika angin, sesudah itu Jian Feng Han, sederhana dan Mu Xuan, berjasa daftar pertama sepuluh pemain segera oleh raja ini tingkat berbeda setan membantai setengah!"Adalah Anda?"Sellin bergantian di sekitar tiba-tiba, visi jatuh pada saya, mengangkat air dewa halbred kemudian bertentangan, sudut-sudut mulut membawa Jie Jie tertawa: "Wah, kali ini aku melihat bahwa yang juga dapat menghemat!"„Whish”, water deity hal­berd bro­ken rumor bone-chill­ing cold, I hur­ried hor­i­zon­tal town Yue Dao­heng in front, I now am the mer­i­to­ri­ous list first per­son, Sellin wants to kill me is the ac­cor­dance with ex­pec­ta­tion, and I have an­other sin­gle layer sta­tus, the im­pe­r­ial cap­i­tal palace guard com­mands, this made Sellin want to drive me to com­mit sui­cide, after all we have al­most guessed, rea­son that Sellin ru­ined the sol­diers of that many sea-nymph clans to break through enemy lines to at­tack Tian Ling Em­pire, rea­son that will sur­ren­der to the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, that was be­cause he ob­tained the chip and promise, this promise was Tian Ling Em­pire, Dahlen, Seurre, Sif iso- demon monar­chy Tian Ling Em­pire The promise to the sea-nymph the clan, then takes Tian Ling Em­pire to in­vade to cap­ture seven big main cities as the spring­board army, this is the rea­son­able imag­i­na­tion.„Clang!”Grasps the town Yue Dao left hand to trans­mit a numb feel­ing, town Yue Dao al­most lets go, I am above the warhorse to draw back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, Sellin's at­tack is maneat­ing, long hal­berd from top to bot­tom is a bang cuts, im­me­di­ately on my shoul­der just liked has de­pressed a Mount Tai, the Zix­iao cape locked in shoul­der Ar­mour the iron hoop al­most to col­lapse flew, on the shoul­der the blood spat­tered in all di­rec­tions, one was rum­bled by the water deity hal­berd 50000 + HP, the blood strip has also brushed to see the bot­tom!„Hong!”Long Yin­sheng as if raises from place bot­tom, on the Zix­iao cape the su­per­nat­ural power is dense, the en­ergy rapid en­cir­clements of under two Shen­long shapes in my body week, pro­tect the in­jury that I am ex­empt from strike, but Shuan­g­long pro­tects the main tough­ness to be re­lated with the strik­ing power, ab­solutely wan­ton bomb­ing that ob­vi­ously this tough­ness can­not with­stand Sellin.„Must die!”In Sellin eyes kills in­tent greatly Sheng, puts out a hand to hold my bat­tle dress front piece to re­turn­ing to sud­denly, raises fights the boots is a foot tram­ples!My hur­ried both arms re­sist, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Mu Yushu + 12 lev­els of blood bot­tles use to­gether, HP beat, in order to avoid this was struck gives to mas­sacre„+ 20435!”„+ 20000!”The foun­da­tion strik­ing power de­cided the treat­ment re­sult of Mu Yushu, re­stored most HP in­stan­ta­neously, how­ever after by a Sellin fly upon, once more rem­nant blood, back­lash with horse.Around Sellin's both legs is lin­ger­ing wind edges, must start the crowd to kill the skill, my moral na­ture sinks, such came me pos­si­bly re­ally to kneel here, opened the in­vin­ci­ble skill?!In this time, Sellin stature is trem­bling sud­denly sud­denly, in the top of the head is reap­pear­ing a dizzi­ness ef­fect de­sign, but con­tin­ues merely for 0.4 sec­ond, the Yue Qing Qian form plun­ders: „Ram­ble elder brother runs, hits this BOSS!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sama seperti fakta Ye datang mengatakan bahwa laut-nimfa raja Sellin seakan khusus yaitu tertarik pada pemain Bang Kaoqian berjasa, pertama adalah seratus li (0.5km), jika angin, sesudahnya adalah Jian Feng Han, Simple dan Mu Xuan, daftar berjasa pertama sepuluh pemain segera oleh raja tingkat ini iblis yang berbeda membantai setengah!
"Apakah Anda ?!"
Sellin berbalik tiba-tiba, visi jatuh pada saya, mengangkat tombak dewa air kemudian berbenturan, sudut-sudut mulut yang membawa Jie Jie tertawa: "Boy, kali ini saya melihat bahwa yang juga dapat menghemat!"
"Whish", dewa air tombak patah rumor menusuk tulang dingin, aku bergegas kota horisontal Yue Daoheng di depan, saya sekarang saya daftar berjasa orang pertama, Sellin ingin membunuh saya adalah sesuai dengan harapan, dan saya memiliki status lapisan lain tunggal, istana ibukota penjaga perintah kekaisaran, ini membuat Sellin ingin mendorong saya untuk melakukan bunuh diri, setelah semua kita telah hampir menduga, alasan itu Sellin hancur tentara bahwa banyak klan laut nimfa untuk menerobos garis musuh menyerang Tian Ling Empire, alasan yang akan menyerahkan ke wilayah setan yang berbeda, itu karena ia memperoleh chip dan janji, janji ini adalah Tian Ling Empire, Dahlen, Seurre, Sif iso - setan monarki Tian Ling Empire janji ke laut nimfa klan, kemudian mengambil Tian Ling Empire untuk menyerang untuk menangkap tujuh kota besar utama sebagai tentara loncatan, ini adalah imajinasi yang wajar.
menangkap kota Yue Dao meninggalkan tangan untuk mengirimkan mati rasa, kota Yue Dao hampir melepaskan, saya di atas kuda perang untuk menarik kembali beberapa langkah terus, serangan Sellin ini adalah maneating, tombak panjang dari atas ke bawah adalah pemotongan Bang, segera di bahu saya hanya menyukai telah tertekan Mount Tai, tanjung Zixiao terkunci di bahu Armour hoop besi hampir runtuh terbang, di bahu darah terpercik ke segala arah, salah satu bergemuruh oleh tombak dewa air 50000 + HP, strip darah juga disikat untuk melihat bawah!
panjang Yinsheng seolah menimbulkan dari bawah tempat, di Zixiao cape kekuatan supranatural padat, energi encirclements cepat di bawah dua Shenlong bentuk dalam minggu tubuh saya, melindungi cedera yang saya dibebaskan dari pemogokan, tetapi Shuanglong melindungi ketangguhan utama yang harus berhubungan dengan kekuatan mencolok, bom benar-benar nakal yang jelas ketangguhan ini tidak dapat menahan Sellin.
"harus mati!"
Di mata Sellin membunuh niat sangat Sheng, menempatkan tangannya untuk memegang pertarungan saya potong baju depan untuk kembali tiba-tiba, menimbulkan perkelahian sepatu adalah kaki menginjak-injak!
saya bergegas kedua lengan menolak, secara bersamaan Mu Yushu + 12 tingkat botol darah menggunakan bersama-sama, HP beat, untuk menghindari ini melanda memberikan pembantaian
"+ 20.435!"
"+ 20000! "
landasan kekuatan mencolok memutuskan hasil pengobatan Mu Yushu, dikembalikan paling HP seketika, namun setelah oleh Sellin terbang pada, darah sekali lagi sisa, backlash dengan kuda.
Sekitar Sellin ini kedua kaki yang tersisa tepi angin, harus mulai kerumunan untuk membunuh keterampilan, saya moral yang sifatnya tenggelam, seperti datang saya mungkin benar-benar berlutut di sini, membuka keterampilan tak terkalahkan ?!
saat ini, Sellin bertubuh gemetar tiba-tiba tiba-tiba, di atas kepala yang muncul kembali desain efek pusing, tapi terus hanya untuk 0,4 detik, bentuk Yue Qing Qian merampas: "Ramble kakak berjalan, hits BOSS ini!"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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