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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Supercell September 14, 2016, 13:44 +0700 Hello,Thanks for contacting us! This is an automatic reply to give you immediate help with the most common problems. Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Then scroll all the way to “Contact Us” and send us a message --- we’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible! 1. NEED HELP OR ADVICE WITH IN-GAME OR RESOURCE ISSUES?If you have access to your game, but need some help with gameplay, in-game purchases, and so on, then simply go into your game’s Settings > Help & Support, and check if you can find the answers you’re looking for in the FAQ. Please note that the FAQs will mirror the language set on your device, so make sure that your device is set to the language you want to play the game with.You can also access the FAQs at support.supercell.com.2. LOST ACCESS TO YOUR GAME ACCOUNT?First and most importantly, please make sure you have installed the latest version of the game. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store on your device.If your lost game was connected to Facebook (Hay Day only!):- Enter your device’s settings- Sign in to your own Facebook account (make sure you have the latest FB version on your device)- Open Hay Day- In your game Settings (upper left corner of your farm), tap on “ Sign in with Facebook”If your lost game was connected to Game Center (iOS only)- Enter your device's Settings > Game Center-Membuat yakin Anda masuk ke pusat permainan dengan AppleID benar-Peluncuran permainan Anda, dan the pilihan to load akun permainan akan munculJika permainan hilang Anda terhubung ke Google Play (sebelumnya Google + masuk, Android hanya)-Pergi ke permainan Anda-Pergi ke pengaturan-Ketuk "Menyambung dengan Google"; Jika Anda memiliki beberapa akun Google pada perangkat Anda, pilih yang tepat pada menu-The pilihan to load akun permainan akan muncul Jika tidak ada pilihan yang disebutkan di atas pekerjaan, kemudian silakan pergi ke pengaturan, klik "Bantuan dan dukungan" dan gulir ke bagian "Hubungi Kami". Untuk mengirim pesan dari di dalam permainan, harap sertakan informasi berikut:Nama yang tepat dari base/peternakan/desaTingkat iniNama Aliansi/lingkungan/klan permainan Anda milikMenjelaskan bagaimana Anda kehilangan permainan AndaMelampirkan iTunes atau Google Play penerimaan pesanan gem diamond pertama, jika Anda melakukanMarilah kita tahu jika Anda sudah menghubungi kami dari perangkat Anda ingin memulihkan permainan Anda3. HUBUNGI KAMIJika Anda memiliki pilihan, selalu pastikan untuk menghubungi kami dari dalam permainan (tidak membalas email ini).Jika tidak, membalas email ini, di atas garis putus-putus di bagian atas pesan ini. Tim dukungan pemain kami akan menangani permintaan Anda secepat mungkin.Thanks lagi untuk menulis!--
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