CIVIL ENGINEERINGSTUDY PROGRAMSGRADUATE STUDIES[curriculum] [brochure] terjemahan - CIVIL ENGINEERINGSTUDY PROGRAMSGRADUATE STUDIES[curriculum] [brochure] Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan




[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]

Department of Civil Engineering under the Faculty of Civil Technology and Planning (FTSP) has two programs, they are Master Degree in Civil Engineering and Master of Civil Engineering degree program. Master of Civil Engineering program has a total of 40-42 credit credits with a normal time study 4 semesters.

The accomplish time needed for the program is two years of graduate school, which is divided into 4 (four) semesters. The study load of each semester is 12 credits, 1 (one) graduate credit hours in the program requires four (4) hours of the academic activities each week for 18 weeks per semester. Total expenses for the credit master's program is 44 credit hours consisting of the compulsory courses, elective courses and thesis research and writing.

Meanwhile, Civil Engineering Doctor program implemented in 4 semesters (2 years) with a maximum time limit of the study is 4 years. The total credit of this program is 40 credits consist of 18 credits of courses or independent study and 32 credits of dissertation in accordance with the curriculum.

There are six areas of expertise at the Masters and Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering which could be selected according to the area of ​​interest as follows:

Graduate Program in the Department of Civil Engineering Geotechnical FTSP-ITS design of Master and Doctoral Program is aimed to meet the needs of geotechnical experts who will be relied upon to face the challenges of the growing problems of development. Master Program curriculum is designed so that there is a balance between understanding the experimental, analytical and numerical. Master Program graduates are expected to fill the need of experts in educational institutions, research, government and industry sector as professionals. Doctoral Program curriculum is emphasized to improve the ability of research and development in the field of geotechnical science.
Structural Engineering
The Graduate Program provides three options, they are: The Iron and Steel Group and The Mechanical Engineering group
Construction Project Management (MP)
Construction Project Management Graduate Program aims to increase the quality for faculty, practitioners, consultants, professional and other relevant agencies in order to create a strong leader who is able to control a large-scale project with a mastery of project management in particular the construction industry as a whole.

[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]

Established on November 10, 1957, the Civil Engineering Program is one of the oldest among departments of ITS. The department has received accreditation A by BAN-PT and also the first in Indonesia to obtain ISO 9001:2000 certifications in academics since 2007. Future studies of Civil Engineering ITS can be accomplished with a normal 8 semesters or 4 years with a minimum of 144 credits in total credits.

The structure of the curriculum in Civil Engineering ITS consists of two stages. The first stage is the preparation stage for two semesters with 36 credits for the study loads. The second stage can be taken for 6 semesters with 108 credits for study loads.Civil Engineering Department also has a diploma program. D-IV program is a vocational program (applied) which are more towards the use / application of scientific principles which aims to create ready-to-work graduates.

Competency D-IV graduate program in Civil Engineering is a Level 6 of Civil Engineer according to KKNI 2012 and equivalent to the bachelor graduate program. D-IV graduates can work as a Civil Engineer in accordance with the chosen field of study and the subject of the final project.


[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]

Diploma Program of Civil Engineering was established in 1976, which is the oldest Diploma Program in ITS. This program has produced more than 6500 graduates since that time. Our vision is to become the best diploma program in civil engineering in East Indonesia within 10 years time. Unlike other diploma program at ITS, our program has already owned and developed separate facilities at Campus Manyar ITS (buildings and laboratories) and has high dedicated and professional lecturers. The lecturers to student ratio of diploma program is among the best at ITS. Our graduates have the shortest waiting time to get jobs and have worked in many big companies throughout Indonesia.

In contrast to academic program, diploma program has developed competence based curriculum, which focused more on civil engineering application (60%) rather than on theoretical approach. Diploma program runs two main different courses, 3-years diploma program (DIII) and 4-year diploma program (DIV). In addition, our program has also developed curriculum based on request by user, such as public work department. We also run short courses on specialized civil engineering application.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CIVIL ENGINEERINGSTUDY PROGRAMSGRADUATE STUDIES[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]Department of Civil Engineering under the Faculty of Civil Technology and Planning (FTSP) has two programs, they are Master Degree in Civil Engineering and Master of Civil Engineering degree program. Master of Civil Engineering program has a total of 40-42 credit credits with a normal time study 4 semesters.The accomplish time needed for the program is two years of graduate school, which is divided into 4 (four) semesters. The study load of each semester is 12 credits, 1 (one) graduate credit hours in the program requires four (4) hours of the academic activities each week for 18 weeks per semester. Total expenses for the credit master's program is 44 credit hours consisting of the compulsory courses, elective courses and thesis research and writing.Meanwhile, Civil Engineering Doctor program implemented in 4 semesters (2 years) with a maximum time limit of the study is 4 years. The total credit of this program is 40 credits consist of 18 credits of courses or independent study and 32 credits of dissertation in accordance with the curriculum.There are six areas of expertise at the Masters and Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering which could be selected according to the area of ​​interest as follows:GeotechnicalGraduate Program in the Department of Civil Engineering Geotechnical FTSP-ITS design of Master and Doctoral Program is aimed to meet the needs of geotechnical experts who will be relied upon to face the challenges of the growing problems of development. Master Program curriculum is designed so that there is a balance between understanding the experimental, analytical and numerical. Master Program graduates are expected to fill the need of experts in educational institutions, research, government and industry sector as professionals. Doctoral Program curriculum is emphasized to improve the ability of research and development in the field of geotechnical science.Structural EngineeringThe Graduate Program provides three options, they are: The Iron and Steel Group and The Mechanical Engineering groupConstruction Project Management (MP)Construction Project Management Graduate Program aims to increase the quality for faculty, practitioners, consultants, professional and other relevant agencies in order to create a strong leader who is able to control a large-scale project with a mastery of project management in particular the construction industry as a whole.UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]Established on November 10, 1957, the Civil Engineering Program is one of the oldest among departments of ITS. The department has received accreditation A by BAN-PT and also the first in Indonesia to obtain ISO 9001:2000 certifications in academics since 2007. Future studies of Civil Engineering ITS can be accomplished with a normal 8 semesters or 4 years with a minimum of 144 credits in total credits.
The structure of the curriculum in Civil Engineering ITS consists of two stages. The first stage is the preparation stage for two semesters with 36 credits for the study loads. The second stage can be taken for 6 semesters with 108 credits for study loads.Civil Engineering Department also has a diploma program. D-IV program is a vocational program (applied) which are more towards the use / application of scientific principles which aims to create ready-to-work graduates.

Competency D-IV graduate program in Civil Engineering is a Level 6 of Civil Engineer according to KKNI 2012 and equivalent to the bachelor graduate program. D-IV graduates can work as a Civil Engineer in accordance with the chosen field of study and the subject of the final project.


[curriculum] [brochure][certificate of accreditation]

Diploma Program of Civil Engineering was established in 1976, which is the oldest Diploma Program in ITS. This program has produced more than 6500 graduates since that time. Our vision is to become the best diploma program in civil engineering in East Indonesia within 10 years time. Unlike other diploma program at ITS, our program has already owned and developed separate facilities at Campus Manyar ITS (buildings and laboratories) and has high dedicated and professional lecturers. The lecturers to student ratio of diploma program is among the best at ITS. Our graduates have the shortest waiting time to get jobs and have worked in many big companies throughout Indonesia.

In contrast to academic program, diploma program has developed competence based curriculum, which focused more on civil engineering application (60%) rather than on theoretical approach. Diploma program runs two main different courses, 3-years diploma program (DIII) and 4-year diploma program (DIV). In addition, our program has also developed curriculum based on request by user, such as public work department. We also run short courses on specialized civil engineering application.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
TEKNIK SIPIL PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA STUDI [kurikulum] [brosur] [sertifikat akreditasi] Jurusan Teknik Sipil di bawah Fakultas Teknologi Sipil dan Perencanaan (FTSP) memiliki dua program, mereka Master Teknik Sipil dan Master program sarjana Teknik Sipil . Master Program Teknik Sipil memiliki total 40-42 kredit kredit dengan studi waktu normal 4 semester. The mencapai waktu yang diperlukan untuk program ini adalah dua tahun sekolah pascasarjana, yang dibagi menjadi 4 (empat) semester. Beban studi setiap semester adalah 12 SKS, 1 jam (satu) lulusan kredit dalam program memerlukan empat (4) jam kegiatan akademik setiap minggu selama 18 minggu per semester. Jumlah biaya untuk program master kredit adalah 44 jam kredit terdiri dari program wajib, mata kuliah pilihan dan penelitian tesis dan menulis. Sementara itu, Program Teknik Sipil Dokter diimplementasikan dalam 4 semester (2 tahun) dengan batas waktu maksimum dari penelitian ini adalah 4 tahun . Total kredit dari program ini adalah 40 kredit terdiri dari 18 kredit dari kursus atau belajar mandiri dan 32 kredit dari disertasi sesuai dengan kurikulum. Ada enam bidang keahlian di Program Magister dan Doktor Teknik Sipil yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan area of interest sebagai berikut: Geoteknik Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Teknik Sipil FTSP-ITS Geoteknik desain Program Magister dan Doktor bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga ahli geoteknik yang akan diandalkan untuk menghadapi tantangan masalah tumbuh pembangunan. Kurikulum Program Magister dirancang agar ada keseimbangan antara pemahaman eksperimental, analitis dan numerik. Lulusan Program Magister diharapkan untuk mengisi kebutuhan tenaga ahli di lembaga pendidikan, penelitian, pemerintah dan sektor industri sebagai profesional. . Kurikulum Program Doktor ditekankan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang ilmu geoteknik Rekayasa Struktural Program Pascasarjana menyediakan tiga pilihan, yaitu: The Iron dan Steel Group dan The Teknik Mesin kelompok Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi (MP) Konstruksi Proyek Program Pascasarjana Manajemen bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dosen, praktisi, konsultan, profesional dan instansi terkait lainnya dalam rangka menciptakan seorang pemimpin yang kuat yang mampu mengendalikan proyek berskala besar dengan penguasaan manajemen proyek khususnya industri konstruksi sebagai Seluruh. STUDI SARJANA [kurikulum] [brosur] [sertifikat akreditasi] Didirikan pada tanggal 10 November 1957, Program Studi Teknik Sipil adalah salah satu yang tertua di antara departemen ITS. Departemen ini telah menerima akreditasi A oleh BAN-PT dan juga yang pertama di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan ISO 9001: 2000 sertifikasi di bidang akademik sejak tahun 2007. Penelitian selanjutnya dari Teknik Sipil ITS dapat dicapai dengan normal 8 semester atau 4 tahun dengan minimal 144 kredit total kredit. Struktur kurikulum Teknik Sipil ITS terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah tahap persiapan untuk dua semester dengan 36 kredit untuk beban studi. Tahap kedua dapat diambil untuk 6 semester dengan 108 kredit untuk studi Jurusan Teknik loads.Civil juga memiliki program diploma. Program D-IV adalah program kejuruan (diterapkan) yang lebih terhadap penggunaan / penerapan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan siap kerja lulusan. Program pascasarjana Kompetensi D-IV Teknik Sipil adalah Level 6 dari Insinyur Sipil menurut untuk KKNI 2012 dan setara dengan program sarjana sarjana. Lulusan D-IV dapat bekerja sebagai Insinyur Sipil sesuai dengan bidang studi pilihan dan subjek proyek akhir. DIPLOMA STUDI [kurikulum] [brosur] [sertifikat akreditasi] Program Diploma Teknik Sipil didirikan pada tahun 1976, yang adalah Program Diploma tertua di ITS. Program ini telah menghasilkan lebih dari 6500 lulusan sejak saat itu. Visi kami adalah untuk menjadi program diploma terbaik di teknik sipil di Indonesia Timur dalam waktu 10 tahun. Tidak seperti program diploma lainnya di ITS, program kami telah dimiliki dan dikembangkan fasilitas terpisah di Kampus ITS Manyar (bangunan dan laboratorium) dan memiliki dosen berdedikasi dan profesional yang tinggi. Para dosen untuk mahasiswa rasio program diploma adalah di antara yang terbaik di ITS. Lulusan kami memiliki waktu tunggu terpendek untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan telah bekerja di banyak perusahaan besar di seluruh Indonesia. Berbeda dengan program akademik, program diploma telah mengembangkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi, yang lebih terfokus pada aplikasi teknik sipil (60%) daripada pendekatan teoritis . Program Diploma berjalan dua program yang berbeda utama, 3-tahun program diploma (DIII) dan program diploma 4 tahun (DIV). Selain itu, program kami juga telah mengembangkan kurikulum berdasarkan permintaan pengguna, seperti departemen pekerjaan umum. Kami juga menjalankan kursus singkat pada aplikasi teknik sipil khusus.

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