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Di dunia Katolik sebelum Galileo konflikdengan gereja, mayoritas berpendidikanorang-orang yang berlangganan AristotelesLihat bumi bahwa bumi adalah pusatalam semesta dan yang semua tubuh surgawiberputar mengelilingi bumi, [53] Meski pemakaianteori-teori Copernicus untuk mereformasi kalenderpada tahun 1582. [54] alkitabiah referensi Mazmur 93: 1,96:10, dan 1 Tawarikh 16:30 termasukteks yang menyatakan bahwa "dunia itu dengan tegasdidirikan, itu tidak dapat dipindahkan." Yang samacara, Mazmur 104:5 mengatakan, "Tuhan setbumi pada Yayasan; Hal ini tidak pernah dapatbergerak." Lebih lanjut, pengkhotbah 1:5 menyatakanyang "dan matahari terbit dan terbenam dan kembalike tempatnya." [55]Galileo membela heliosentrisme, dan dalamSurat kepada Christina Adipati berpendapatbahwa itu tidak bertentangan dengan teks-teks Alkitab. Iamengambil posisi Augustinian bahwa puisi,lagu, instruksi atau sejarah pernyataan dalamteks-teks Alkitab perlu tidak selalu berartisecara harfiah. Galileo berpendapat bahwa para penulis menulisdari sudut pandang dunia terestrialyang matahari bangkit dan diatur, dandibahas berbagai jenis "gerakan" daribumi, tidak rotasi. [56] [rujukan?]Oleh 1615 tulisan-tulisan Galileo di heliosentrismetelah diserahkan kepada Inkuisisi Roma,dan usahanya untuk menafsirkan Alkitabdilihat sebagai pelanggaran Sidang Trent. [57]Serangan terhadap ide-ide Copernicus telahmencapai kepala, dan Galileo pergi ke Roma untukdefend himself and Copernican ideas. In1616, an Inquisitorial commission unanimouslydeclared heliocentrism to be "foolish andabsurd in philosophy, and formally hereticalsince it explicitly contradicts in many placesthe sense of Holy Scripture." The Inquisitionfound that the idea of the Earth's movement"receives the same judgement in philosophyand... in regard to theological truth it is atleast erroneous in faith." [58] (The originaldocument from the Inquisitorial commissionwas made widely available in 2014. [59] )Pope Paul V instructed Cardinal Bellarmine todeliver this finding to Galileo, and to orderhim to abandon the Copernican opinions. OnFebruary 26, Galileo was called toBellarmine's residence and orderedThe decree of the Congregation of the Indexbanned Copernicus's De Revolutionibus andother heliocentric works until correction.[60]Bellarmine's instructions did not prohibitGalileo from discussing heliocentrism as amathematical fiction. [61]For the next decade, Galileo stayed well awayfrom the controversy. He revived his project ofwriting a book on the subject, encouraged bythe election of Cardinal Maffeo Barberini asPope Urban VIII in 1623. Barberini was afriend and admirer of Galileo, and hadopposed the condemnation of Galileo in 1616.Galileo's resulting book, Dialogue Concerningthe Two Chief World Systems , was publishedin 1632, with formal authorization from theInquisition and papal permission.[62]Earlier, Pope Urban VIII had personally askedGalileo to give arguments for and againstheliocentrism in the book, and to be carefulnot to advocate heliocentrism. He madeanother request, that his own views on thematter be included in Galileo's book. Only thelatter of those requests was fulfilled byGalileo.Whether unknowingly or deliberately,Simplicio, the defender of the Aristoteliangeocentric view in Dialogue Concerning theTwo Chief World Systems , was often caughtin his own errors and sometimes came acrossas a fool. Indeed, although Galileo states inthe preface of his book that the character isnamed after a famous Aristotelian philosopher( Simplicius in Latin, Simplicio in Italian), thename "Simplicio" in Italian also has theconnotation of "simpleton". [63] This portrayalof Simplicio made Dialogue Concerning theTwo Chief World Systems appear as anadvocacy book: an attack on Aristoteliangeocentrism and defence of the Copernicantheory. Unfortunately for his relationship withthe Pope, Galileo put the words of Urban VIIIinto the mouth of Simplicio.Most historians agree Galileo did not act outof malice and felt blindsided by the reactionto his book. [64] However, the Pope did nottake the suspected public ridicule lightly, northe Copernican advocacy.
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