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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 6; [Special Issue -March 2012]
An Investigation of the Efficiency of Portfolio Investors’ Behavior John Mylonakis 10, Nikiforou str., Glyfada, 166 75, Athens Greece Abstract This study examines whether a contrarian investment strategy, implying simultaneously buying previous shares, which had the lowest performance (losers) for a specified period and selling shares that have increased yields (winners) over the same period, works in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). The study is based on monthly data from a sample of 156 shares of companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange for the 01/01/2000-01/06/2009 period. The empirical results differ seriously from period to period. Overall, research results do not lead to a conclusion while in certain cases show contradictory conclusions depending on the period under examination. It is also proved that the achievement of irregular yields, by adopting a contrarian investment strategy, is possible in a period when the Index show loses rather than profits. Keywords: Investment Performance, Portfolio Strategies, Contrarian Strategy, Market Overreaction, Investors Behavior, Stock Market Risks, Seasonality JEL Classifications : G12, G14, G18
1. Introduction
The contemporary portfolio theory suggests that in the framework of more efficient market the only parameter that affects the long-term yields of securities is the systematic risk. For this reason, an investor can expect higher than the average yields only if assumes a larger risk. However, the research that has been carried out so far, regarding the efficiency of a number of investment strategies contradicts, conflicts with the above principle. The results suggest that it is possible extra yields to be derived from the application of strategies that are based on historical data. Among the strategies that have been proposed are the contrarian strategies, which consist of portfolios, created in a way contrary to common practices.
2. Past Literature
De Bondt and Thaler (1985, 1987) seemed to argue that overreaction to past information is nothing else than a general expectation of the behavioral theory of decision making of Kahneman and Tversky (1982), according to which the expected value is chosen in such a way as the outcome to coincide with impressions. De Bondt and Thaler (1985) examined whether past winners tend to become future losers and reversely. The results of the tests were compatible with the assumption of over-reaction. The overreaction effect is stronger for the losers’ shares rather than the winners’ shares. Most of excess yields are realized in January and overreaction appears mostly in the 2nd and 3rd year of the period examined. In addition, De Bondt and Thaler (1987) surveyed the existence of overreaction in stock markets. They showed that overreaction is caused by the inefficient market reaction in relation to the information on companies’ profits and that excess yields, particularly in January, are inversely related to the yields during the period of investors’ portfolios building. Fama and French (1992) explained the effect of reverse yields through the size of companies and showed that yields are systematically higher for small rather than large capitalization companies. Chan (1988) explained that overreaction is related to contrarian strategies if a stable systematic risk exists. Zarowin (1989) proved that the strong negative correlation between the size and share yield of a company explains the reverse yields and no the overreaction of investors in relation to profits. Jegadeesh (1990) researched shorter-term prices reverses. Results showed that contrarian strategies that choose shares based on the last week or month yields lead to excessively higher yields. Nevertheless, when the strategies reflect extensive transactions and are based on short-term price movements, their success might reflect the short-term price pressure or the liquidity shortage rather than the market overreaction. In addition, Lo and MacKinay (1990) reported that a large part of excess yields found by Jegadeesh and Lehmann (1990) is due more to the lag in the reaction of prices from common factors than to the market overreaction.
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Economics © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
They, also, argued that that the yields of large shares lead the smaller ones and presented evidence that contradicts the assumption that overreaction is the only source of contrarian profits. Kryzanowski and Zhang (1992) examined the hypothesis of overreaction by using monthly yields of the Toronto Stock Exchange for the 1950 – 1988 periods. They found statistically significant systematic behavior for the coming and the two years for winners and losers and statistically insignificant inverse behaviour for period over 10 years. Kaul and Conrad (1993) explained the concept that overreaction is a calculation bias. They argued that the calculation of non-canonical yields, by accumulating yields for a certain period, leads to upward trends due to calculation errors. The balancing of losers and winners each month is conceptually an adverse measure and proposed a strategy ‘buy and hold’ for long periods as the correct contrarian strategy. Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1994) suggested that the excess yields of contrarian strategies are due to exploiting the errors of investors rather than the increased risk they contain. They argued that the assumption that investors’ overreaction, where their expectations for the future development are led by the results of previous periods in relation to growth, are indicated by certain Indices, like Book to Market Ratio (B/M) and Earnings to Price Ratio (E/P). The contrarian shares are characterized by high Β/Μ and E/P indices proving that their higher yields are due to favorable investors’ behavior and not to their related higher risk. Bouwer, Van der Put and Veld (1997) examined the markets of 4 European countries (French, Germany, Holland and UK). They showed that the adoption of contrarian strategies for the variables E/P (earnings/prices), CF/P (cash flows/prices), B/M (book value/market value) and dividend yield lead to excess non-canonical yields (particularly the CF/P index). They, also, found that excess yields cannot be attributed only to the changes in systematic risk, confirming Hamao and Lakonishok’s (1991) and Lakonishok, Schleifer and Vishny’s (1994) results for Japan and USA, respectively. Chang, McLeavy and Rhee (1995) showed that significant yield could be achieved in the short term by using because of contrarian strategy. Jegadeesh and Titman (1995) examined the contribution of overreaction and time lag of prices in contrarian profits. They assumed that share prices overreact to certain information, like profits announcement and react with a delay to common factors. Campbell and Limmack (1997) examined the London Stock Exchange Market for the 1979 – 1990 periods. They found that during the 12 coming months after the portfolio creation, the winners had excess yields supporting the winners-losers effect. They, also, found that very small companies had reversed yields during the coming 12 months, a result that does not hold for very small companies of winners. Conrad, Gultekin and Kaul (1997) showed that the profits of NASDAQ are caused by the difference between the selling-buying prices, while the profits for NYSE (for the majority of companies) are explained by the bid-ask spread. Bacmann (1998) examined the French market and argued that profits are related to the investors’ overreaction to certain information following the contrarian strategy. Yang (1998) studied the share’s yields in the Taiwan Stock Exchange for the 1976 – 1995 periods and found that contrarian strategies are not as dynamic as in other stock markets. Baytas and Cakici (1999) found that yields of the contrarian strategies were significant in seven industrialized countries, except the USA market. Mun, Vasconelos and Kish (1999) proved following diagnostic tests that in the French and German Stock Markets the overreaction theory holds and excess yields are realized, diminishing over time in portfolios of winners become losers and reversely. They also stated the correlation between excess yields and time risk is low. Thaler (1999), following the questioning of his study with De Bondt (1985 – 1987) argued that exist two types of investors: the rational investors and the quasi-rational investors. Dahlquist and Broussard (2000) examined the profits of contrarian strategies by using the holding period returns (HPR). They found that statistically significant is the contrarian strategy of winners’ portfolio and only for one year assessment period. Levis and Liodakis (2001) examined the excess yield of contrarian strategy through the expectations errors and found that the analysts’ bias for future profits brings about the expectations errors rather than naive conclusions of past profits and growth rates. Lee, Chan, Faff, Kalev and Kalev (2003) studied the Australian market by using weekly data. They concluded that short-term profits could be achieved from contrarian strategies. However, these profits cannot be explained by errors in risk, seasonal and volume assessments.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 6; [Special Issue -March 2012]
Galariotis (2004) found that contrarian strategies cause short-term profits in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE), which are the result of investors’ overreaction to information. In addition, Antoniou, Galariotis and Spyrou (2005) showed that there is autocorrelation to share yields, leading to significant short-term yields from contrarian strategies that are present even after the market adjustments to market irregularities. Consistent with the findings in the USA market, the yields of contrarian strategies tend to slow if one moves from sma
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Jurnal internasional bisnis dan ilmu sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Khusus masalah - Maret 2012]13Penyelidikan efisiensi dari portofolio investor perilaku John Mylonakis 10, Nikiforou str., Glyfada, 166 75 Athena Yunani abstrak ini studi meneliti apakah strategi investasi contrarian, yang menyiratkan secara bersamaan membeli saham sebelumnya, yang memiliki kinerja terendah (merugi) untuk jangka waktu tertentu dan menjual saham yang telah meningkatkan hasil panen (pemenang) pada periode yang sama, bekerja di Bursa Athena (ASE). Studi ini didasarkan pada data bulanan dari sampel 156 saham perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa saham Athena untuk periode 01/01/2000-01/06/2009. Hasil empiris yang berbeda serius dari masa ke masa. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian tidak mengarah pada kesimpulan sementara dalam kasus tertentu Tampilkan bertentangan kesimpulan tergantung pada periode di bawah pemeriksaan. Hal ini juga membuktikan bahwa pencapaian hasil yang tidak teratur, dengan mengadopsi strategi investasi contrarian, mungkin dalam jangka waktu ketika acara indeks kehilangan daripada keuntungan. Kata kunci: Kinerja investasi, Portfolio strategi, strategi pelawan, pasar risiko reaksi berlebihan, perilaku investor, pasar saham Seasonality JEL klasifikasi: G12, G14, G181. PendahuluanTeori portofolio kontemporer menunjukkan bahwa dalam rangka lebih efisien pasar satu-satunya parameter yang mempengaruhi hasil jangka panjang efek adalah risiko sistematis. Untuk alasan ini, investor dapat mengharapkan lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata menghasilkan hanya jika menganggap risiko yang lebih besar. Namun, bertentangan dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sejauh ini, mengenai efisiensi sejumlah strategi investasi, konflik dengan prinsip di atas. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah hasil tambahan yang mungkin harus berasal dari penerapan strategi yang didasarkan pada data historis. Antara strategi yang telah diajukan strategi pelawan, yang terdiri dari portofolio, dibuat dengan cara yang bertentangan dengan praktek-praktek umum.2. masa lalu sastraDe Bondt and Thaler (1985, 1987) seemed to argue that overreaction to past information is nothing else than a general expectation of the behavioral theory of decision making of Kahneman and Tversky (1982), according to which the expected value is chosen in such a way as the outcome to coincide with impressions. De Bondt and Thaler (1985) examined whether past winners tend to become future losers and reversely. The results of the tests were compatible with the assumption of over-reaction. The overreaction effect is stronger for the losers’ shares rather than the winners’ shares. Most of excess yields are realized in January and overreaction appears mostly in the 2nd and 3rd year of the period examined. In addition, De Bondt and Thaler (1987) surveyed the existence of overreaction in stock markets. They showed that overreaction is caused by the inefficient market reaction in relation to the information on companies’ profits and that excess yields, particularly in January, are inversely related to the yields during the period of investors’ portfolios building. Fama and French (1992) explained the effect of reverse yields through the size of companies and showed that yields are systematically higher for small rather than large capitalization companies. Chan (1988) explained that overreaction is related to contrarian strategies if a stable systematic risk exists. Zarowin (1989) proved that the strong negative correlation between the size and share yield of a company explains the reverse yields and no the overreaction of investors in relation to profits. Jegadeesh (1990) researched shorter-term prices reverses. Results showed that contrarian strategies that choose shares based on the last week or month yields lead to excessively higher yields. Nevertheless, when the strategies reflect extensive transactions and are based on short-term price movements, their success might reflect the short-term price pressure or the liquidity shortage rather than the market overreaction. In addition, Lo and MacKinay (1990) reported that a large part of excess yields found by Jegadeesh and Lehmann (1990) is due more to the lag in the reaction of prices from common factors than to the market overreaction.Special Issue on kontemporer penelitian dalam bisnis dan ekonomi © pusat untuk mempromosikan ide-ide, Amerika Serikat14They, also, argued that that the yields of large shares lead the smaller ones and presented evidence that contradicts the assumption that overreaction is the only source of contrarian profits. Kryzanowski and Zhang (1992) examined the hypothesis of overreaction by using monthly yields of the Toronto Stock Exchange for the 1950 – 1988 periods. They found statistically significant systematic behavior for the coming and the two years for winners and losers and statistically insignificant inverse behaviour for period over 10 years. Kaul and Conrad (1993) explained the concept that overreaction is a calculation bias. They argued that the calculation of non-canonical yields, by accumulating yields for a certain period, leads to upward trends due to calculation errors. The balancing of losers and winners each month is conceptually an adverse measure and proposed a strategy ‘buy and hold’ for long periods as the correct contrarian strategy. Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1994) suggested that the excess yields of contrarian strategies are due to exploiting the errors of investors rather than the increased risk they contain. They argued that the assumption that investors’ overreaction, where their expectations for the future development are led by the results of previous periods in relation to growth, are indicated by certain Indices, like Book to Market Ratio (B/M) and Earnings to Price Ratio (E/P). The contrarian shares are characterized by high Β/Μ and E/P indices proving that their higher yields are due to favorable investors’ behavior and not to their related higher risk. Bouwer, Van der Put and Veld (1997) examined the markets of 4 European countries (French, Germany, Holland and UK). They showed that the adoption of contrarian strategies for the variables E/P (earnings/prices), CF/P (cash flows/prices), B/M (book value/market value) and dividend yield lead to excess non-canonical yields (particularly the CF/P index). They, also, found that excess yields cannot be attributed only to the changes in systematic risk, confirming Hamao and Lakonishok’s (1991) and Lakonishok, Schleifer and Vishny’s (1994) results for Japan and USA, respectively. Chang, McLeavy and Rhee (1995) showed that significant yield could be achieved in the short term by using because of contrarian strategy. Jegadeesh and Titman (1995) examined the contribution of overreaction and time lag of prices in contrarian profits. They assumed that share prices overreact to certain information, like profits announcement and react with a delay to common factors. Campbell and Limmack (1997) examined the London Stock Exchange Market for the 1979 – 1990 periods. They found that during the 12 coming months after the portfolio creation, the winners had excess yields supporting the winners-losers effect. They, also, found that very small companies had reversed yields during the coming 12 months, a result that does not hold for very small companies of winners. Conrad, Gultekin and Kaul (1997) showed that the profits of NASDAQ are caused by the difference between the selling-buying prices, while the profits for NYSE (for the majority of companies) are explained by the bid-ask spread. Bacmann (1998) examined the French market and argued that profits are related to the investors’ overreaction to certain information following the contrarian strategy. Yang (1998) studied the share’s yields in the Taiwan Stock Exchange for the 1976 – 1995 periods and found that contrarian strategies are not as dynamic as in other stock markets. Baytas and Cakici (1999) found that yields of the contrarian strategies were significant in seven industrialized countries, except the USA market. Mun, Vasconelos and Kish (1999) proved following diagnostic tests that in the French and German Stock Markets the overreaction theory holds and excess yields are realized, diminishing over time in portfolios of winners become losers and reversely. They also stated the correlation between excess yields and time risk is low. Thaler (1999), following the questioning of his study with De Bondt (1985 – 1987) argued that exist two types of investors: the rational investors and the quasi-rational investors. Dahlquist and Broussard (2000) examined the profits of contrarian strategies by using the holding period returns (HPR). They found that statistically significant is the contrarian strategy of winners’ portfolio and only for one year assessment period. Levis and Liodakis (2001) examined the excess yield of contrarian strategy through the expectations errors and found that the analysts’ bias for future profits brings about the expectations errors rather than naive conclusions of past profits and growth rates. Lee, Chan, Faff, Kalev and Kalev (2003) studied the Australian market by using weekly data. They concluded that short-term profits could be achieved from contrarian strategies. However, these profits cannot be explained by errors in risk, seasonal and volume assessments.Jurnal internasional bisnis dan ilmu sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Khusus masalah - Maret 2012]15Galariotis (2004) menemukan bahwa strategi pelawan menyebabkan keuntungan jangka pendek di Athena Bursa (ASE), yang merupakan hasil dari investor berlebihan untuk informasi. Selain itu, Antoniou, Galariotis dan Spyrou (2005) menunjukkan bahwa ada Autokorelasi untuk berbagi hasil, mengarah ke hasil jangka pendek yang signifikan dari strategi pelawan yang hadir bahkan setelah penyesuaian pasar ke pasar penyimpangan. Konsisten dengan temuan-temuan di pasar Amerika Serikat, hasil pelawan strategi cenderung untuk memperlambat jika satu bergerak dari sma
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International Journal of Business dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Edisi Khusus -Maret 2012]
Sebuah Investigasi Efisiensi Perilaku Portofolio investor John Mylonakis 10, Nikiforou str., Glyfada, 166 75, Athena Yunani Abstrak Penelitian ini menguji apakah strategi investasi kontrarian, menyiratkan secara bersamaan membeli saham sebelumnya, yang memiliki kinerja terendah (pecundang) untuk jangka waktu tertentu dan menjual saham yang mengalami peningkatan hasil (pemenang) dibandingkan periode yang sama, bekerja di Bursa Efek Athena (ASE). Penelitian ini didasarkan pada data bulanan dari sampel 156 saham yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Athena untuk periode 01/01 / 2000-01 / 06/2009. Hasil empiris berbeda serius dari periode ke periode. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian tidak mengarah pada kesimpulan sementara dalam kasus-kasus tertentu menunjukkan kesimpulan yang bertentangan tergantung pada periode di bawah pemeriksaan. Hal ini juga membuktikan bahwa pencapaian hasil yang tidak teratur, dengan mengadopsi strategi investasi kontrarian, mungkin dalam periode ketika Index acara kehilangan daripada keuntungan. Kata kunci: Kinerja Investasi, Strategi Portfolio, Contrarian Strategi, Pasar Overreaction, Perilaku Investor, Risiko Pasar Saham, Musiman JEL Klasifikasi: G12, G14, G18
1. Pengantar
Teori portofolio kontemporer menunjukkan bahwa dalam rangka pasar yang lebih efisien satu-satunya parameter yang mempengaruhi hasil jangka panjang dari sekuritas adalah risiko sistematis. Untuk alasan ini, investor dapat mengharapkan lebih tinggi dari hasil rata-rata hanya jika mengasumsikan risiko yang lebih besar. Namun, penelitian yang telah dilakukan sejauh ini, mengenai efisiensi dari sejumlah strategi investasi bertentangan, konflik dengan prinsip di atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah hasil tambahan mungkin akan berasal dari penerapan strategi yang didasarkan pada data historis. Di antara strategi yang telah diusulkan adalah strategi kontrarian, yang terdiri dari portofolio, dibuat dengan cara yang bertentangan dengan praktik umum.
2. Masa lalu Sastra
De Bondt dan Thaler (1985, 1987) tampaknya berpendapat bahwa reaksi berlebihan terhadap informasi masa lalu tidak lain dari sebuah harapan umum dari teori perilaku pengambilan keputusan dari Kahneman dan Tversky (1982), yang menurut nilai yang diharapkan dipilih di sedemikian rupa hasilnya bertepatan dengan tayangan. De Bondt dan Thaler (1985) meneliti apakah pemenang masa lalu cenderung menjadi pecundang masa depan dan terbalik. Hasil tes yang kompatibel dengan asumsi over-reaksi. Efek reaksi berlebihan kuat untuk 'saham daripada pemenang' pecundang saham. Sebagian besar hasil kelebihan yang diwujudkan pada bulan Januari dan reaksi berlebihan muncul terutama di tahun ke-2 dan ke-3 periode diperiksa. Selain itu, De Bondt dan Thaler (1987) mengamati adanya reaksi berlebihan di pasar saham. Mereka menunjukkan bahwa reaksi berlebihan disebabkan oleh reaksi pasar tidak efisien sehubungan dengan informasi pada perusahaan 'keuntungan dan hasil kelebihan, terutama pada bulan Januari, yang berbanding terbalik dengan hasil selama periode investor portofolio bangunan. Fama dan French (1992) menjelaskan pengaruh hasil sebaliknya melalui ukuran perusahaan dan menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang sistematis yang lebih tinggi untuk kecil daripada perusahaan kapitalisasi besar. Chan (1988) menjelaskan bahwa reaksi berlebihan terkait dengan strategi kontrarian jika risiko sistematis stabil ada. Zarowin (1989) membuktikan bahwa korelasi negatif yang kuat antara ukuran dan berbagi hasil dari perusahaan menjelaskan hasil sebaliknya dan tidak ada yang berlebihan dari investor dalam kaitannya dengan keuntungan. Jegadeesh (1990) meneliti harga membalikkan jangka pendek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi kontrarian yang memilih saham berdasarkan minggu atau bulan hasil terakhir menyebabkan hasil untuk berlebihan yang lebih tinggi. Namun demikian, ketika strategi mencerminkan transaksi luas dan didasarkan pada pergerakan harga jangka pendek, keberhasilan mereka mungkin mencerminkan tekanan harga jangka pendek atau kekurangan likuiditas daripada reaksi berlebihan pasar. Selain itu, Lo dan MacKinay (1990) melaporkan bahwa sebagian besar dari hasil kelebihan ditemukan oleh Jegadeesh dan Lehmann (1990) lebih disebabkan lag dalam reaksi harga dari faktor umum daripada ke reaksi berlebihan pasar.
The Edisi Khusus tentang Kontemporer Penelitian dalam Bisnis dan Ekonomi © Pusat untuk Mempromosikan Situs, USA
Mereka, juga, berpendapat bahwa bahwa hasil dari saham besar memimpin yang lebih kecil dan disajikan bukti yang bertentangan asumsi reaksi berlebihan yang merupakan satu-satunya sumber keuntungan pelawan. Kryzanowski dan Zhang (1992) meneliti hipotesis reaksi berlebihan dengan menggunakan hasil bulanan Bursa Efek Toronto untuk 1950-1988 periode. Mereka menemukan perilaku yang sistematis signifikan secara statistik untuk kedatangan dan dua tahun untuk pemenang dan pecundang dan perilaku terbalik statistik tidak signifikan untuk periode lebih dari 10 tahun. Kaul dan Conrad (1993) menjelaskan konsep yang berlebihan bias perhitungan. Mereka berpendapat bahwa perhitungan hasil non-kanonik, dengan mengumpulkan hasil untuk jangka waktu tertentu, mengarah ke tren ke atas karena kesalahan perhitungan. Balancing pecundang dan pemenang setiap bulan secara konseptual merupakan ukuran yang merugikan dan mengusulkan strategi 'membeli dan terus' untuk waktu yang lama sebagai strategi kontrarian yang benar. Lakonishok, Shleifer dan Vishny (1994) mengemukakan bahwa hasil kelebihan strategi kontrarian adalah karena memanfaatkan kesalahan investor daripada peningkatan risiko yang dikandungnya. Mereka berpendapat bahwa asumsi bahwa reaksi berlebihan investor, di mana harapan mereka untuk pembangunan masa depan yang dipimpin oleh hasil periode sebelumnya dalam kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan, ditandai dengan Indeks tertentu, seperti Book Rasio Pasar (B / M) dan Laba untuk Harga ratio (E / P). Saham pelawan ditandai dengan Β tinggi / Μ dan E / P indeks membuktikan bahwa hasil yang lebih tinggi adalah karena perilaku investor yang menguntungkan 'dan tidak risiko yang terkait lebih tinggi. Bouwer, Van der Masukan dan Veld (1997) meneliti pasar dari 4 negara Eropa (Perancis, Jerman, Belanda dan Inggris). Mereka menunjukkan bahwa adopsi strategi kontrarian untuk variabel E / P (laba / harga), CF / P (arus kas / harga), B / M (nilai buku / nilai pasar) dan dividen yield menyebabkan hasil non-kanonik kelebihan (khususnya CF index / P). Mereka, juga, menemukan bahwa hasil berlebih tidak dapat dikaitkan hanya dengan perubahan risiko sistematis, membenarkan Hamao dan Lakonishok (1991) dan Lakonishok, Schleifer dan Vishny (1994) hasil untuk Jepang dan Amerika Serikat, masing-masing. Chang, McLeavy dan Rhee (1995) menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang signifikan dapat dicapai dalam jangka pendek dengan menggunakan karena strategi kontrarian. Jegadeesh dan Titman (1995) meneliti kontribusi reaksi berlebihan dan jeda waktu dari harga keuntungan kontrarian. Mereka beranggapan bahwa harga saham bereaksi berlebihan terhadap informasi tertentu, seperti keuntungan pengumuman dan bereaksi dengan penundaan untuk faktor umum. Campbell dan Limmack (1997) meneliti London Stock Exchange Market untuk 1979-1990 periode. Mereka menemukan bahwa selama 12 bulan mendatang setelah terciptanya portofolio, pemenang memiliki hasil kelebihan mendukung efek pemenang-pecundang. Mereka, juga, menemukan bahwa perusahaan sangat kecil telah membalikkan hasil selama 12 bulan mendatang, hasil yang tidak berlaku untuk perusahaan yang sangat kecil pemenang. Conrad, Gultekin dan Kaul (1997) menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan dari NASDAQ disebabkan oleh perbedaan antara harga jual-beli, sedangkan keuntungan bagi NYSE (untuk sebagian besar perusahaan) dijelaskan oleh penyebaran bid-ask. Bacmann (1998) meneliti pasar Perancis dan berpendapat bahwa keuntungan terkait dengan reaksi berlebihan investor untuk informasi tertentu mengikuti strategi kontrarian. Yang (1998) mempelajari hasil pangsa di Bursa Efek Taiwan untuk 1976-1995 periode dan menemukan bahwa strategi kontrarian tidak sedinamis di pasar saham lainnya. Baytas dan Cakici (1999) menemukan bahwa hasil dari strategi kontrarian yang signifikan di tujuh negara industri, kecuali pasar Amerika Serikat. Mun, Vasconelos dan Kish (1999) membuktikan berikut tes diagnostik yang di Pasar Bursa Perancis dan Jerman teori reaksi berlebihan memegang dan hasil kelebihan direalisasikan, berkurang dari waktu ke waktu dalam portofolio pemenang menjadi pecundang dan terbalik. Mereka juga menyatakan korelasi antara hasil kelebihan dan risiko waktu rendah. Thaler (1999), menyusul pertanyaan penelitian dengan De Bondt (1985-1987) berpendapat bahwa ada dua jenis investor: investor rasional dan investor quasi-rasional. Dahlquist dan Broussard (2000) meneliti keuntungan dari strategi kontrarian dengan menggunakan kembali holding period (HPR). Mereka menemukan bahwa secara statistik adalah strategi kontrarian portofolio pemenang 'dan hanya untuk periode penilaian satu tahun. Levis dan Liodakis (2001) meneliti hasil kelebihan strategi kontrarian melalui kesalahan harapan dan menemukan bahwa bias analis untuk keuntungan masa depan membawa kesalahan harapan daripada kesimpulan naif keuntungan masa lalu dan tingkat pertumbuhan. Lee, Chan, Faff, Kalev dan Kalev (2003) mempelajari pasar Australia dengan menggunakan data mingguan. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa keuntungan jangka pendek dapat dicapai dari strategi kontrarian. Namun, keuntungan ini tidak dapat dijelaskan oleh kesalahan dalam penilaian risiko, musiman dan volume.
International Journal of Business dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Edisi Khusus -Maret 2012]
Galariotis (2004) menemukan bahwa strategi kontrarian menyebabkan keuntungan jangka pendek di Bursa Efek Athena (ASE), yang merupakan hasil dari reaksi berlebihan investor terhadap informasi. Selain itu, Antoniou, Galariotis dan Spyrou (2005) menunjukkan bahwa ada autokorelasi untuk berbagi hasil, yang mengarah ke hasil jangka pendek yang signifikan dari strategi kontrarian yang hadir bahkan setelah penyesuaian pasar penyimpangan pasar. Konsisten dengan temuan di pasar Amerika Serikat, hasil dari strategi kontrarian cenderung memperlambat jika salah satu bergerak dari sma
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