that to some readers may have political connotations, although the wor terjemahan - that to some readers may have political connotations, although the wor Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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that to some readers may have political connotations, although the word is not being used in any political sense here. It does not refer to the power of the state over the individual but to the power the group. The first group in our lives is always the family into which we are born. Family structures, however, differ between most collectivist societies, the “family” within which the child grows up consists of a number of people living closely togethers not just the parents and other children, but, for example, grandparents, uncles aunts servants, or other housemates. This is known in cultural anthropology as the entended family when children grow up they learn to think of themselves s part of a"we' group, a relationship that is not voluntary but is given by nature. The"we" group is distinct from other people in society who belong to"they" groups, of which there are many The"we" group(or in-grest) is the major source of one's identity and the only secure protection one bas against the hardships of life. Therefore one owes lifelong loyalty to one in group, and breaking this loyalty is one of the worst things a person can do Between the person and the in-group a mutual dependence relationship develops that is both practical and psychological A minority of people in our world live in societies in which the inter- ests of the individual prevail over the interests of the group, societies that we will call individwalut In these, most children are born into families con- sisting of two Parents and, possibly other children, in some societies there an increasing share of one-parent families, other relatives live elsewhere and are rarely seen. This type is the nuclear family(from the Latin nucleus, meaning-core) Children from such families, as they grow up, soon learn to think of themselves as"1 This 1," their personal identity, is distinct from other people's Is, and these others are classified not to their group membership but according to individual characteristics, Playmates, for example, are chosen on the basis of personal preferences The purpose of education is to enable children to stand on their own feet. Children are expected to leave the parental bome as soon as this has been achieved Not infrequently, children, after having left home, reduce relationships with their parents to a minimum or break them off altogether. Neither practi- cally nor psychologically is the healthy person in this type of society sup- posed to be dependent on a group
Measuring the Degree of Individualism in Society
Extreme collectivism and extreme individualism can be considered the opposite poles of a second global dimension of national cultures. after power distance(which was described in Chapter 2). All countries in the IBM studies could be given an individualism index score that was low for collectivist and high for individualist societies.The new dimension is defined as follows Individualim pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose everyone is expected to look in or hersey and or her immediate family. Collectivism as its opposite Pertains to in thich people from birth creard arr intrgrated into r continue to Degrees of individualism obviously vary within countries as well as between them, so it is again important to base the country scores on corn- parable samples from one country to another. The IBM samples offered this comparability
The survey questions on which the individualism index is based belong to a set of fourteen wort goal. People were asked, Try to think of those factors which would be important to you in an ideal job. disregard the extent to which they are contained in your present job. How important is it to you to followed by fourteen items, each to be scored on a scale from 1(of utmost importance) to 5(of very little or no importance). When the answer patterns for the respondents from forty countries on the four- teen items were analyzed, they reflected two underlying dimensions. One was individualism versus collectivism.The other came to be labeled masculinity versus femininity (see Chapter 4).
The dimension to be identified with individualism versus collectivism was most strongly associated with the relative importance attached to the following work goal items:

For the individualist pole
1. Personal time have a job that leaves sufficient time for your personal or family life,
2. Freedomt have considerable freedom to adopt your own approach to the job
3.challengge: have challenging work to do-work from which you can get a personal sense of accomplishment
For the opposite, collectivist, pole
4. Training: have training opportunities(to improve your skills or learn new skills)
5 Physical conditions: have good physical working conditions(good ventilation and lighting, adequate work space. etc.).
6. Use of skillst fully use your skills and abilities on the job.
If the IBM employees in a country scored work goal 1 as relatively important, they generally also scored 2 and 3 as important. but 4, 5. and 6 as unimportant such a country was considered individualist If work goal 1 was scored ar relatively unimportant, the same generally beld for 2 and s. but 6, and G would be scored as relatively more important such a coun- try was considered collectivist.
Obviously these items from the IBM questionnaire do not totally cover the distinction between individualism and collectivism in a society. They only represent the issues in the IBM research that relate to this distinction The correlations of the IBM individualistn country scores with non-IBM data about other characteristics of societies confirm(validate) the claim that this dimension from the IBM data does indeed measure individualism.
It is not difficult to identify the importance of personal time, freedom, and(personal) challenge with individualism they all stress the employee's independence from the organization. The work goals at the opposite pole training, physical conditions, and skills being used on the job refer to things the organization does for the employee and in this way stress the dependence on the organization that fits with collectivism. employee's Another link in the relationship is that, as will be shown, individualist coun- tries tend to be rich and collectivist countries poor. In rich countries train- ing, physical conditions, and the use of skills may be taken for granted. which makes them relatively unimportant as work goals. In poor countries these things cannot at all be taken for granted: they are essential in dis- tinguishing a good job from a bad one, which makes them quite important among one's work goals.
The actual calculation of the individualism index is not, as in the case of power distance, based on simply adding or subtracting question scores after multiplying them with a fixed number The statistical procedure used dimension to identify the individualism and, in Chapter 4 the masculinity(a factor analysin of the country scores for the fourteen work goals) pro- duced a factor score for either dimension for each country. These factor scores are a more accurate measure of that country's position on the dimension than could be obtained by adding or subtracting question scores. The factor scorers for the individualsm were multiplied 25 and a constant number of 50 points was added This puts the scores in a range from close to o for the most collectivist country to close to 100 for the most individualist one. This method of calculation was used for the countries of the LBM database. For the various follow-up studies, approximation formulas were used in which the individualism index value could be directly computed by simple mathematics from the mean scores of four of the work goals.
The individualism index (IDV) scores can be read from Table 3.1. As in the case of the power distance index in Chapter 2, the scores represent relatire positions of countries Table 3.1 confirms that nearly all wealthy countries score high on IDV while nearly all poor countries score low. There is a strong relationship between a country's national wealth and the degree of individualism in its culture, we will come back to this later in the chapter.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
that to some readers may have political connotations, although the word is not being used in any political sense here. It does not refer to the power of the state over the individual but to the power the group. The first group in our lives is always the family into which we are born. Family structures, however, differ between most collectivist societies, the “family” within which the child grows up consists of a number of people living closely togethers not just the parents and other children, but, for example, grandparents, uncles aunts servants, or other housemates. This is known in cultural anthropology as the entended family when children grow up they learn to think of themselves s part of a"we' group, a relationship that is not voluntary but is given by nature. The"we" group is distinct from other people in society who belong to"they" groups, of which there are many The"we" group(or in-grest) is the major source of one's identity and the only secure protection one bas against the hardships of life. Therefore one owes lifelong loyalty to one in group, and breaking this loyalty is one of the worst things a person can do Between the person and the in-group a mutual dependence relationship develops that is both practical and psychological A minority of people in our world live in societies in which the inter- ests of the individual prevail over the interests of the group, societies that we will call individwalut In these, most children are born into families con- sisting of two Parents and, possibly other children, in some societies there an increasing share of one-parent families, other relatives live elsewhere and are rarely seen. This type is the nuclear family(from the Latin nucleus, meaning-core) Children from such families, as they grow up, soon learn to think of themselves as"1 This 1," their personal identity, is distinct from other people's Is, and these others are classified not to their group membership but according to individual characteristics, Playmates, for example, are chosen on the basis of personal preferences The purpose of education is to enable children to stand on their own feet. Children are expected to leave the parental bome as soon as this has been achieved Not infrequently, children, after having left home, reduce relationships with their parents to a minimum or break them off altogether. Neither practi- cally nor psychologically is the healthy person in this type of society sup- posed to be dependent on a groupMeasuring the Degree of Individualism in Society Extreme collectivism and extreme individualism can be considered the opposite poles of a second global dimension of national cultures. after power distance(which was described in Chapter 2). All countries in the IBM studies could be given an individualism index score that was low for collectivist and high for individualist societies.The new dimension is defined as follows Individualim pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose everyone is expected to look in or hersey and or her immediate family. Collectivism as its opposite Pertains to in thich people from birth creard arr intrgrated into r continue to Degrees of individualism obviously vary within countries as well as between them, so it is again important to base the country scores on corn- parable samples from one country to another. The IBM samples offered this comparability The survey questions on which the individualism index is based belong to a set of fourteen wort goal. People were asked, Try to think of those factors which would be important to you in an ideal job. disregard the extent to which they are contained in your present job. How important is it to you to followed by fourteen items, each to be scored on a scale from 1(of utmost importance) to 5(of very little or no importance). When the answer patterns for the respondents from forty countries on the four- teen items were analyzed, they reflected two underlying dimensions. One was individualism versus collectivism.The other came to be labeled masculinity versus femininity (see Chapter 4). The dimension to be identified with individualism versus collectivism was most strongly associated with the relative importance attached to the following work goal items:

For the individualist pole
1. Personal time have a job that leaves sufficient time for your personal or family life,
2. Freedomt have considerable freedom to adopt your own approach to the job
3.challengge: have challenging work to do-work from which you can get a personal sense of accomplishment
For the opposite, collectivist, pole
4. Training: have training opportunities(to improve your skills or learn new skills)
5 Physical conditions: have good physical working conditions(good ventilation and lighting, adequate work space. etc.).
6. Use of skillst fully use your skills and abilities on the job.
If the IBM employees in a country scored work goal 1 as relatively important, they generally also scored 2 and 3 as important. but 4, 5. and 6 as unimportant such a country was considered individualist If work goal 1 was scored ar relatively unimportant, the same generally beld for 2 and s. but 6, and G would be scored as relatively more important such a coun- try was considered collectivist.
Obviously these items from the IBM questionnaire do not totally cover the distinction between individualism and collectivism in a society. They only represent the issues in the IBM research that relate to this distinction The correlations of the IBM individualistn country scores with non-IBM data about other characteristics of societies confirm(validate) the claim that this dimension from the IBM data does indeed measure individualism.
It is not difficult to identify the importance of personal time, freedom, and(personal) challenge with individualism they all stress the employee's independence from the organization. The work goals at the opposite pole training, physical conditions, and skills being used on the job refer to things the organization does for the employee and in this way stress the dependence on the organization that fits with collectivism. employee's Another link in the relationship is that, as will be shown, individualist coun- tries tend to be rich and collectivist countries poor. In rich countries train- ing, physical conditions, and the use of skills may be taken for granted. which makes them relatively unimportant as work goals. In poor countries these things cannot at all be taken for granted: they are essential in dis- tinguishing a good job from a bad one, which makes them quite important among one's work goals.
The actual calculation of the individualism index is not, as in the case of power distance, based on simply adding or subtracting question scores after multiplying them with a fixed number The statistical procedure used dimension to identify the individualism and, in Chapter 4 the masculinity(a factor analysin of the country scores for the fourteen work goals) pro- duced a factor score for either dimension for each country. These factor scores are a more accurate measure of that country's position on the dimension than could be obtained by adding or subtracting question scores. The factor scorers for the individualsm were multiplied 25 and a constant number of 50 points was added This puts the scores in a range from close to o for the most collectivist country to close to 100 for the most individualist one. This method of calculation was used for the countries of the LBM database. For the various follow-up studies, approximation formulas were used in which the individualism index value could be directly computed by simple mathematics from the mean scores of four of the work goals.
The individualism index (IDV) scores can be read from Table 3.1. As in the case of the power distance index in Chapter 2, the scores represent relatire positions of countries Table 3.1 confirms that nearly all wealthy countries score high on IDV while nearly all poor countries score low. There is a strong relationship between a country's national wealth and the degree of individualism in its culture, we will come back to this later in the chapter.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
bahwa untuk beberapa pembaca mungkin memiliki konotasi politik, meskipun kata tersebut tidak digunakan dalam arti politik di sini. Ini tidak mengacu pada kekuasaan negara atas individu tetapi untuk kekuatan kelompok. Kelompok pertama dalam hidup kita selalu keluarga di mana kita dilahirkan. Struktur keluarga, bagaimanapun, berbeda antara masyarakat paling kolektivis, "keluarga" di mana anak tumbuh terdiri dari sejumlah orang yang hidup dekat kumpul bukan hanya orang tua dan anak-anak lainnya, tetapi, misalnya, kakek-nenek, bibi paman pegawai, atau teman serumah lainnya. Ini dikenal dalam antropologi budaya sebagai keluarga entended ketika anak-anak tumbuh mereka belajar untuk memikirkan diri mereka s bagian dari "kita" kelompok, hubungan yang tidak sukarela tetapi diberikan oleh alam. "Kita" kelompok berbeda dari lainnya orang dalam masyarakat yang menjadi milik "mereka" kelompok, yang ada banyak yang "kita" kelompok (atau di-grest) adalah sumber utama dari identitas seseorang dan satu-satunya perlindungan aman satu bas terhadap kesulitan hidup. Oleh karena itu salah satu berutang kesetiaan seumur hidup untuk satu kelompok, dan melanggar loyalitas ini adalah salah satu hal terburuk yang seseorang dapat lakukan Antara orang dan di-kelompok hubungan saling ketergantungan berkembang yang bersifat praktis dan psikologis Sebuah minoritas orang di dunia kita hidup dalam masyarakat di mana EST antar individu menang atas kepentingan kelompok, masyarakat yang akan kita sebut individwalut Dalam, kebanyakan anak-anak yang lahir dalam keluarga con- sisting dari dua orang tua dan, mungkin anak-anak lain, di beberapa masyarakat ada peningkatan pangsa keluarga satu-orangtua, kerabat lainnya tinggal di tempat lain dan jarang terlihat. Tipe ini adalah keluarga inti (dari inti Latin, yang berarti-core) Anak-anak dari keluarga tersebut, saat mereka tumbuh dewasa, segera belajar untuk menganggap diri mereka sebagai "1 1, ini" identitas pribadi mereka, berbeda dari lainnya Is orang, dan lain-lain ini diklasifikasikan tidak keanggotaan kelompok mereka, tetapi sesuai dengan karakteristik individu, Playmates, misalnya, dipilih atas dasar preferensi pribadi Tujuan pendidikan adalah untuk memungkinkan anak-anak untuk berdiri di atas kaki sendiri. Anak-anak diharapkan untuk meninggalkan Bome orangtua secepat ini telah dicapai Tak jarang, anak-anak, setelah memiliki rumah kiri, mengurangi hubungan dengan orang tua mereka untuk minimum atau menghancurkan mereka dari sekali. Baik Cally praktis- maupun psikologis adalah orang yang sehat dalam jenis masyarakat dukungan yang diajukan untuk menjadi tergantung pada kelompok
Mengukur Tingkat Individualisme dalam Masyarakat
Ekstrim kolektivisme dan individualisme ekstrim dapat dianggap kutub yang berlawanan dari dimensi global kedua budaya nasional . setelah jarak kekuasaan (yang dijelaskan dalam Bab 2). Semua negara dalam studi IBM dapat diberikan skor indeks individualisme yang rendah untuk kolektivis dan tinggi untuk individualis societies.The dimensi baru didefinisikan sebagai berikut Individualim berkaitan dengan masyarakat di mana hubungan antara individu yang longgar setiap orang diharapkan untuk melihat di atau hersey dan atau keluarga dekatnya. Kolektivisme sebagai berkaitan kebalikannya dalam Thich orang dari creard lahir arr intrgrated ke r terus Degrees individualisme jelas bervariasi dalam negara serta antara mereka, sehingga sangat penting untuk mendasarkan lagi skor negara pada sampel perumpamaan jagung dari satu negara ke negara lain. Sampel IBM menawarkan perbandingan ini
dengan pertanyaan survei yang indeks individualisme didasarkan milik satu set empat belas gol wort. Orang-orang bertanya, Cobalah untuk memikirkan faktor-faktor yang akan menjadi penting untuk Anda dalam pekerjaan yang ideal. mengabaikan sejauh mana mereka terkandung dalam pekerjaan Anda saat ini. Seberapa penting bagi Anda untuk diikuti oleh empat belas item, masing-masing yang akan mencetak gol pada skala dari 1 (sangat penting) sampai 5 (dari sangat sedikit atau tidak penting). Ketika pola jawaban untuk responden dari empat puluh negara pada item remaja empat dianalisis, mereka mencerminkan dua dimensi yang mendasari. Salah satunya adalah individualisme vs collectivism.The lainnya datang untuk diberi label maskulinitas terhadap feminitas (lihat Bab 4).
Dimensi untuk diidentifikasi dengan individualisme vs kolektivisme sangat terkait dengan kepentingan relatif melekat pada item pekerjaan tujuan berikut: Untuk tiang individualis 1. Waktu pribadi memiliki pekerjaan yang meninggalkan waktu yang cukup untuk pribadi atau keluarga hidup Anda, 2. Freedomt memiliki kebebasan yang cukup untuk mengadopsi pendekatan Anda sendiri untuk pekerjaan 3.challengge: memiliki pekerjaan yang menantang untuk melakukan pekerjaan dari mana Anda bisa mendapatkan rasa pribadi prestasi Untuk berlawanan, kolektivis, tiang 4. Pelatihan: memiliki kesempatan pelatihan (untuk meningkatkan keterampilan atau belajar keterampilan baru) 5 Kondisi fisik: memiliki kondisi kerja fisik yang baik (ventilasi yang baik dan pencahayaan, ruang kerja yang memadai dll.). 6. Penggunaan skillst sepenuhnya menggunakan keterampilan dan kemampuan pada pekerjaan. Jika karyawan IBM di negara tujuan kerja 1 mencetak sebagai relatif penting, mereka umumnya juga mencetak 2 dan 3 sama pentingnya. tapi 4, 5. dan 6 tidak penting negara seperti itu dianggap individualis Jika tujuan kerja 1 telah mencetak ar relatif tidak penting, sama umumnya Beld untuk 2 dan s. tapi 6, dan G akan mencetak sebagai relatif lebih penting seperti suatu negara dianggap kolektivis. Jelas barang-barang dari kuesioner IBM tidak benar-benar menutupi perbedaan antara individualisme dan kolektivisme dalam masyarakat. Mereka hanya mewakili masalah dalam penelitian IBM yang berhubungan dengan perbedaan ini Korelasi dari IBM individualistn skor negara dengan data non-IBM tentang karakteristik lain dari masyarakat mengkonfirmasi (validasi) klaim bahwa dimensi ini dari data IBM memang mengukur individualisme. Hal ini tidak sulit untuk mengidentifikasi pentingnya waktu pribadi, kebebasan, dan (pribadi) tantangan dengan individualisme mereka semua menekankan kemandirian karyawan dari organisasi. Tujuan bekerja di pelatihan berlawanan kutub, kondisi fisik, dan keterampilan yang digunakan pada pekerjaan merujuk hal organisasi tidak untuk karyawan dan dengan cara stres ini ketergantungan pada organisasi yang sesuai dengan kolektivisme. karyawan Link lain dalam hubungan adalah bahwa, seperti yang akan ditampilkan, negara-negara individualis cenderung kaya dan negara-negara kolektivis miskin. Di negara-negara kaya pelatihan ing, kondisi fisik, dan penggunaan keterampilan dapat diambil untuk diberikan. yang membuat mereka relatif tidak penting sebagai tujuan kerja. Di negara-negara miskin hal ini dapat sama sekali tidak diambil untuk diberikan: mereka sangat penting dalam dis tinguishing pekerjaan yang baik dari yang buruk, yang membuat mereka cukup penting di antara tujuan pekerjaan seseorang. Perhitungan yang sebenarnya dari indeks individualisme tidak, seperti di kasus jarak kekuasaan, berdasarkan hanya menambahkan atau mengurangi nilai pertanyaan setelah mengalikan mereka dengan jumlah tetap Prosedur statistik dimensi digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi individualisme dan, dalam Bab 4 maskulinitas (a analysin faktor skor negara untuk tujuan kerja empat belas ) pro- diproduksi nilai faktor baik untuk dimensi untuk setiap negara. Skor faktor ini merupakan ukuran yang lebih akurat dari posisi negara itu pada dimensi daripada yang dapat diperoleh dengan menambah atau mengurangi nilai pertanyaan. Faktor skor untuk individualsm yang dikalikan 25 dan sejumlah konstan 50 poin ditambahkan ini menempatkan nilai berkisar dari dekat o untuk negara yang paling kolektivis untuk dekat dengan 100 untuk yang paling individualis. Metode perhitungan yang digunakan untuk negara-negara dari database LBM. Untuk berbagai studi tindak lanjut, formula pendekatan yang digunakan di mana nilai indeks individualisme dapat langsung dihitung dengan matematika sederhana dari nilai rata-rata dari empat tujuan kerja. Indeks individualisme (IDV) skor dapat dibaca dari Tabel 3.1. Seperti dalam kasus indeks jarak kekuasaan dalam Bab 2, skor mewakili posisi relatire negara Tabel 3.1 menegaskan bahwa hampir semua negara-negara kaya skor tinggi pada IDV sementara hampir semua negara-negara miskin skor rendah. Ada hubungan kuat antara kekayaan nasional suatu negara dan tingkat individualisme dalam budaya, kita akan kembali ke ini nanti dalam bab ini.

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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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