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something helpful and should not therefore be assumed to be resistantif they have difficulty articulating their concerns?• Where the agency places restrictions on the number of sessionsavailable to the client, how can the counsellor establish what is theleast that needs to happen to make a difference for the client?2 ‘To identify factors that may be associated with the problemand the client’s experience or behaviour’Any one problem has a whole range of factors that may be associatedwith it but causal relationships between the two are less easy to establish.Depending largely on a counsellor’s theoretical home (which willinfluence what research findings are deemed most relevant), a counsellorwill filter the ‘factors’ through her own understanding of problemcausality.This will influence whether the questions asked to elicitassociated factors are about internal states, interpersonal relationships,external factors, or a combination of any of these. Even where ourrespondents had some sort of assessment structure imposed on them,they still structured their assessment questions to meet the requirementsof their particular model of working. They knew what theywere looking for: the Freudian,TA and some of the person-centredcounsellors were most interested in exploring the internal worlds oftheir clients; the solution-focused, narrative and some person-centredcounsellors were most interested in client strengths; and the CBTcounsellors wanted a clear understanding of the problem: ‘I want toassess how they think, behave, feel physically, and what sort ofemotions go along with this’.Without an explanation of the counsellor’s understanding of thenature of people, this will at best puzzle the client and at worst insultthem. For example, the mother of a child exploited as a prostitute andmurdered at the age of 17 reported that when she sought help incoping with her daughter at the age of 14, a psychologist suggestedthat the situation was a product of rebellion in the context of a liberalhousehold.The mother thought the questions about the interpersonalnature of her relationship with her daughter were not relevant to herconcern that her 14-year-old daughter was being sexually abused bya 32-year-old man (cited in Weir, 2002, p. 9). Similarly, some clientscan perceive solution-focused approaches as ‘solution-forced’(O’Connell, 2001).The accurate assessment of associated factors is a major problem.Piper et al. (1995) point out that the more transference interpretations8 Assessment in Counselling
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