I can­not help but one star­tled, has not thought of this Huyan pear u terjemahan - I can­not help but one star­tled, has not thought of this Huyan pear u Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I can­not help but one star­tled, h

I can­not help but one star­tled, has not thought of this Huyan pear un­ex­pect­edly my hard­core sup­porter!
Wish the sea to be said dumb­found­edly, but said: „Li Xiao Yao de­manded that whole na­tion mil­i­tary au­thor­ity, the old man thinks as be­fore im­proper, if he must plot a re­bel­lion, per­haps when the time comes no one could pre­vent him!”
Situ Xin shows a faint smile, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Sea male should not be over­sus­pi­cious, if the bro­ken caul­dron male wants the rebel, per­haps now sits the human on throne is he, why must to wait till today?”
The shal­low for­est stands up, says with a smile: „Li is Mas­ter, you will­ing to grasp the na­tional sol­diers and horses re­ally?”
„Yes!” I nod.
Shal­low for­est boy does not give a thought to the im­pres­sive and dig­ni­fied man­ner of sov­er­eign un­ex­pect­edly, wore the em­peror robe to jump to rush to the throne, has pulled out that shin­ing token from the bosom, kneed down, said: „Or­phaned Wang Bian did obei­sance to lead here, Li Mas­ter on, the shal­low for­est of­fi­cially ap­points Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao as to hold spear now ‚greatly’, the com­mand na­tion sol­diers and horses, com­manded the fol­low­ing mil­i­tary ap­point­ment, may rise and fall vol­un­tar­ily, has in a big way holds the spear token, may dis­patch the do­mes­tic all armies, but there is a non- fol­lower, pun­ished by the anti- aim, to the mil­i­tary of­fi­cers and sol­dier of below four lev­els mil­i­tary ap­point­ments, the power of fea­si­ble tak­ing ac­tion first and ex­plain­ing later!”
I am star­tled slightly, only wanted the trans­fer order mil­i­tary au­thor­ity the au­thor­ity, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the shal­low for­est trusts this de­gree me un­ex­pect­edly, was equal to con­cen­trat­ing the en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary au­thor­ity in my hands.
Shan Xi kneels, I some­what slightly am moved, the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter is loud and clear say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao does one's best in­evitably, will drain away the last drop of blood for the fu­ture of em­pire, this heart world may re­flect, liveli­hood to show!”
Very good, this say­ing said links me to think that slightly was some­what self-sat­is­fied.
The shal­low for­est holds me to stand up, says with a smile: „Li Mas­ter please get up!”
Say­ing, he steps onto the throne, turns around to look to your high­ness whole body of min­is­ters, said: „War is ready to be set off, the or­phaned king has ap­pointed Li Shi­wei to hold the spear greatly, from now hence­forth, Li Mas­ter holds the na­tional mil­i­tary au­thor­ity, the duty of good mar­shal, but also looks at gen­eral to be able with Li Mas­ter of one heart, for the home­land, for Tian Ling Em­pire, for the later world, is to­tally ded­i­cated to one's coun­try!”
The whole body of min­is­ters wor­ship on bended knees in the place: „Your majesty is wise!”
Wish the sea to visit me, in the eye is hav­ing not the in­dig­na­tion, does not have what means that is also worth kneel­ing down, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty em­peror's de­ci­sion!”
When the peo­ple set out, Situ Xin con­grat­u­lated with a smile: „Con­grat­u­lates Li Mas­ter to wield holds the spear greatly, is not right, now should call you for Li Shuai!”
I show a faint smile: „Gen­eral Situ was po­lite.”
The flame Long Jun's Tan­tai feather holds the fist in the other hand says with a smile: „Li Shuai, later the end will wait to work for under the ac­count, but also looks at Li Shuai to di­rect us!”
„Po­lite po­lite.”
The shal­low for­est in throne shows a faint smile, said: „Such being the case, or­phaned Wang San­chao viewed the flow­ers, gen­eral and Li Mas­ter stay be­hind con­tin­ues to dis­cuss that ad­vanced troops to the mat­ters con­cerned of an­tiq­uity palace wall!”
I nod, gazes after the shal­low for­est to de­part.
But wish the sea to keep at the scene, the ap­pear­ance that is not will­ing to de­part as be­fore as duke, I then pointed to
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I can­not help but one star­tled, has not thought of this Huyan pear un­ex­pect­edly my hard­core sup­porter!Wish the sea to be said dumb­found­edly, but said: „Li Xiao Yao de­manded that whole na­tion mil­i­tary au­thor­ity, the old man thinks as be­fore im­proper, if he must plot a re­bel­lion, per­haps when the time comes no one could pre­vent him!”Situ Xin shows a faint smile, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Sea male should not be over­sus­pi­cious, if the bro­ken caul­dron male wants the rebel, per­haps now sits the human on throne is he, why must to wait till today?”The shal­low for­est stands up, says with a smile: „Li is Mas­ter, you will­ing to grasp the na­tional sol­diers and horses re­ally?”„Yes!” I nod.„Good!”Shal­low for­est boy does not give a thought to the im­pres­sive and dig­ni­fied man­ner of sov­er­eign un­ex­pect­edly, wore the em­peror robe to jump to rush to the throne, has pulled out that shin­ing token from the bosom, kneed down, said: „Or­phaned Wang Bian did obei­sance to lead here, Li Mas­ter on, the shal­low for­est of­fi­cially ap­points Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao as to hold spear now ‚greatly’, the com­mand na­tion sol­diers and horses, com­manded the fol­low­ing mil­i­tary ap­point­ment, may rise and fall vol­un­tar­ily, has in a big way holds the spear token, may dis­patch the do­mes­tic all armies, but there is a non- fol­lower, pun­ished by the anti- aim, to the mil­i­tary of­fi­cers and sol­dier of below four lev­els mil­i­tary ap­point­ments, the power of fea­si­ble tak­ing ac­tion first and ex­plain­ing later!”I am star­tled slightly, only wanted the trans­fer order mil­i­tary au­thor­ity the au­thor­ity, has not ac­tu­ally thought that the shal­low for­est trusts this de­gree me un­ex­pect­edly, was equal to con­cen­trat­ing the en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary au­thor­ity in my hands.
Shan Xi kneels, I some­what slightly am moved, the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter is loud and clear say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao does one's best in­evitably, will drain away the last drop of blood for the fu­ture of em­pire, this heart world may re­flect, liveli­hood to show!”
Very good, this say­ing said links me to think that slightly was some­what self-sat­is­fied.
The shal­low for­est holds me to stand up, says with a smile: „Li Mas­ter please get up!”
Say­ing, he steps onto the throne, turns around to look to your high­ness whole body of min­is­ters, said: „War is ready to be set off, the or­phaned king has ap­pointed Li Shi­wei to hold the spear greatly, from now hence­forth, Li Mas­ter holds the na­tional mil­i­tary au­thor­ity, the duty of good mar­shal, but also looks at gen­eral to be able with Li Mas­ter of one heart, for the home­land, for Tian Ling Em­pire, for the later world, is to­tally ded­i­cated to one's coun­try!”
The whole body of min­is­ters wor­ship on bended knees in the place: „Your majesty is wise!”
Wish the sea to visit me, in the eye is hav­ing not the in­dig­na­tion, does not have what means that is also worth kneel­ing down, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty em­peror's de­ci­sion!”
When the peo­ple set out, Situ Xin con­grat­u­lated with a smile: „Con­grat­u­lates Li Mas­ter to wield holds the spear greatly, is not right, now should call you for Li Shuai!”
I show a faint smile: „Gen­eral Situ was po­lite.”
The flame Long Jun's Tan­tai feather holds the fist in the other hand says with a smile: „Li Shuai, later the end will wait to work for under the ac­count, but also looks at Li Shuai to di­rect us!”
„Po­lite po­lite.”
The shal­low for­est in throne shows a faint smile, said: „Such being the case, or­phaned Wang San­chao viewed the flow­ers, gen­eral and Li Mas­ter stay be­hind con­tin­ues to dis­cuss that ad­vanced troops to the mat­ters con­cerned of an­tiq­uity palace wall!”
I nod, gazes after the shal­low for­est to de­part.
But wish the sea to keep at the scene, the ap­pear­ance that is not will­ing to de­part as be­fore as duke, I then pointed to
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tidak bisa tidak satu kaget, belum memikirkan pir Huyan ini tiba-tiba pendukung hardcore saya!
Berharap laut untuk dikatakan dumbfoundedly, tetapi mengatakan: "Li Xiao Yao menuntut penguasa militer seluruh bangsa, orang tua berpikir seperti sebelumnya yang tidak benar, jika ia harus merencanakan pemberontakan, mungkin ketika saatnya tiba tidak ada yang bisa mencegah dia "!
Situ Xin menunjukkan senyum samar, memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan:" Sea laki-laki tidak boleh oversuspicious, jika rusak kuali laki-laki ingin pemberontak , mungkin sekarang duduk manusia di atas takhta dia, mengapa harus menunggu sampai hari ini "?
hutan dangkal berdiri, sambil tersenyum:" Li adalah Guru, Anda bersedia untuk memahami tentara nasional dan kuda benar-benar "?
" Ya! "aku mengangguk.
" Baik! "
anak hutan dangkal tidak memberikan pemikiran untuk cara mengesankan dan bermartabat berdaulat tiba-tiba, mengenakan jubah kaisar untuk melompat buru-buru ke tahta, telah menarik bahwa bersinar tanda dari dada, lutut ke bawah , mengatakan: "Yatim Piatu Wang Bian melakukan penghormatan untuk memimpin di sini, Li Guru pada, hutan dangkal resmi menunjuk Jenderal Li Xiao Yao untuk menahan tombak sekarang, sangat ', para prajurit komando bangsa dan kuda, memerintahkan penunjukan militer berikut, mungkin naik dan jatuh secara sukarela, memiliki di jalan besar memegang token tombak, mungkin mengirimkan domestik semua tentara, tapi ada pengikut non, dihukum oleh tujuan anti, untuk para perwira militer dan tentara di bawah empat tingkat janji militer, kekuatan aksi taking layak pertama dan menjelaskan nanti! "
saya terkejut sedikit, hanya ingin transfer agar otoritas militer kewenangan, tidak benar-benar berpikir bahwa trust hutan dangkal gelar ini saya tiba-tiba, itu sama dengan berkonsentrasi seluruh Tian Ling Empire militer . otoritas di tangan saya
Shan Xi berlutut, saya agak sedikit saya pindah, karakter karakter yang keras dan jelas mengatakan: "Li Xiao Yao tidak pasti, akan menguras tetes terakhir darah untuk masa depan kerajaan, dunia terbaik seseorang hati ini ! mungkin mencerminkan, mata pencaharian untuk menunjukkan "
Sangat baik, pepatah ini kata sponsor saya untuk berpikir bahwa sedikit agak puas diri.
hutan dangkal memegang saya untuk berdiri, sambil tersenyum:"! Li Guru silakan bangun "
mengatakan, ia melangkah ke takhta, berbalik untuk melihat ke Mulia seluruh tubuh Anda dari menteri, mengatakan: "Perang siap untuk berangkat, raja yatim telah menunjuk Li Shiwei untuk memegang tombak sangat, dari sekarang untuk selanjutnya, Li Guru memegang otoritas militer nasional, tugas marshal yang baik, tetapi juga terlihat pada umumnya untuk dapat dengan Li Master satu hati, untuk tanah air, untuk Tian Ling Empire, untuk dunia nanti, benar-benar didedikasikan untuk negara seseorang! "
seluruh tubuh menteri menyembah sambil berlutut di tempat: "! Mulia adalah bijaksana"
Berharap laut untuk mengunjungi saya, di mata adalah memiliki tidak marah itu, tidak memiliki apa berarti juga layak berlutut, memegang tangan di sisi lain mengatakan: "! keputusan kaisar Mulia ini"
Ketika orang-orang berangkat, Situ Xin mengucapkan selamat sambil tersenyum: "mengucapkan selamat Li Guru untuk memegang memegang tombak sangat, tidak benar, sekarang harus memanggil Anda untuk Li Shuai!"
aku menunjukkan senyum samar: "General Situ sopan."
api panjang Jun bulu Tantai memegang tangan di sisi lain sambil tersenyum: "Li Shuai, kemudian akhirnya akan menunggu untuk bekerja di bawah account, tetapi juga terlihat pada Li ! Shuai untuk mengarahkan kita "
". sopan sopan "
hutan dangkal di tahta menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan:" seperti yang terjadi, yatim Wang Sanchao melihat bunga-bunga, umum dan Li Guru tetap di belakang terus membahas bahwa pasukan maju ke hal yang bersangkutan dinding kuno istana! "
aku mengangguk, menatap setelah hutan dangkal untuk berangkat.
Tapi ingin laut untuk menjaga di tempat kejadian, penampilan yang tidak bersedia untuk pergi seperti sebelumnya sebagai duke, saya kemudian menunjuk
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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