Tbese expectations apply particularly to dependentclients who expect o terjemahan - Tbese expectations apply particularly to dependentclients who expect o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tbese expectations apply particular

Tbese expectations apply particularly to dependent
clients who expect or at least hope tbat someone else
can meet all their career development needs. Counsellors
do not have all tbe answers and counselling will
not solve all their problems. The chaos tbeory of careers
acknowledges tbat counsellors, like tbeir clients, are
limited in tbeir knowledge and control. As Kahn
(2007) put it, 'By applying tbe cbaos tbeory of careers
we move from a mind set of forecasting to one ofadaptation and preparation for change' (p. 71). An
honest admission of the limitations of the counsellor
may form the basis for a working partnership with
clients; counsellors and clients may pool their combined
resources to confront complexity and change.
Clients' Expectations about Their Careers
Career expectations are most influential for clients
assuming traditional middle-class trajectories of
onward and upward on the career ladder to the top of
the organisation. While they still exist, such trajectories
are no longer the unchallenged norm. Work itself and
the way people work have become more complex over
time (Nealt, 2002). Distinctions between work and
non-work, career and life, home and office, are all
less clearly defined. People's career structures now can
take a myriad of forms due to the diversity of options
(Inkson, 2007) and the impact (positive and negative)
of unplanned events (Bright, Pryor & Hapham, 2005).
The chaos theory of careers points individuals to the
interconnectedness and overlap of systems, to networks
and to the essential 'messiness' of reality—in a sense,
to learn to control being out of control (Harvey &
Herrild, 2005).
Clients' Expectations about Meaning or
Expectations to do with meaning or spirituality are
significant for clients who fiiil to see the relevance of
spiritual issues to their career development. Working
is seen as a discrete part of their lives. But the chaos
theory's emphasis on systemic interconnections challenges
the notion that work can be kept separate
from the rest of an individual's experience. Almost
inevitably, at some point, the issue of what kind of
life clients want will emerge in the career counselling
process, since work is usually an integral part of most
people's lives and it has an impact on most other
dimensions of their experience and their sense of what
matters to them.
Clients' Expectations about Tbeir 'Presenting
Clients who have expectations about their presenting
problem see a specific career development issue as the
only focus for career counselling. They want a solution
to a problem, then they will 'live happily ever after'.
While counsellors should legitimately seek to deal with
the client's presenting problem, the perspective of the
chaos theory of careers is that chaos is continuous—it
is a 'parameter of our being' (Pryor & Bright, 2004).
Therefore, career counselling should be about enabling
clients to negotiate its challenges on an ongoing basis.
After the expectations that clients bring to counselling
have been explored, the substantive issues of individuals'
career development need to be considered.
The chaos theory—based career counsellor proceeds to
identify, and investigate collaboratively with clients, a
range of significant career development issues to which
the theory draws particular attention.
The chaos theory of careers conceptualises the major
issues facing career development clients in the 21st century
as one or a combination of the following factors:
• complexity
• change
• chance
• construction
• contribution (or meaning).
Complexity is the feeling of being overloaded. That
is, there seems to be too much to consider, too many
demands being made, too much input into the system,
too many influences to take into account and too
much information to process. Typically clients are
either wearing themselves out 'trying to do everything'
or transfixed and unable to make a start in the
face of a complicated situation that is intimidating
them. Ormerod (2005) concluded that most human
endeavours fail due to complexity.
There are two aspects to change: responding to change;
and the challenge for clients to change themselves.
Peck (1978) wrote powerfully about humans' 'desire
to escape the pain of freedom'. Individuals will hide
from change in the hope that the need to change
will go away. They struggle with transforming and
transcending themselves because this involves selfdiscipline
and suffering. It also involves perseverance
since it is a continuous process of self-monitoring and
The issue of chance is the challenge to accept and
embrace the reality of unpredictability and uncertainty
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tbese expectations apply particularly to dependentclients who expect or at least hope tbat someone elsecan meet all their career development needs. Counsellorsdo not have all tbe answers and counselling willnot solve all their problems. The chaos tbeory of careersacknowledges tbat counsellors, like tbeir clients, arelimited in tbeir knowledge and control. As Kahn(2007) put it, 'By applying tbe cbaos tbeory of careerswe move from a mind set of forecasting to one ofadaptation and preparation for change' (p. 71). Anhonest admission of the limitations of the counsellormay form the basis for a working partnership withclients; counsellors and clients may pool their combinedresources to confront complexity and change.Clients' Expectations about Their CareersCareer expectations are most influential for clientsassuming traditional middle-class trajectories ofonward and upward on the career ladder to the top ofthe organisation. While they still exist, such trajectoriesare no longer the unchallenged norm. Work itself andthe way people work have become more complex overtime (Nealt, 2002). Distinctions between work andnon-work, career and life, home and office, are allless clearly defined. People's career structures now cantake a myriad of forms due to the diversity of options(Inkson, 2007) and the impact (positive and negative)of unplanned events (Bright, Pryor & Hapham, 2005).The chaos theory of careers points individuals to theinterconnectedness and overlap of systems, to networksand to the essential 'messiness' of reality—in a sense,to learn to control being out of control (Harvey &Herrild, 2005).Clients' Expectations about Meaning orSpiritualityExpectations to do with meaning or spirituality aresignificant for clients who fiiil to see the relevance ofspiritual issues to their career development. Workingis seen as a discrete part of their lives. But the chaostheory's emphasis on systemic interconnections challengesthe notion that work can be kept separatefrom the rest of an individual's experience. Almostinevitably, at some point, the issue of what kind oflife clients want will emerge in the career counsellingprocess, since work is usually an integral part of mostpeople's lives and it has an impact on most otherdimensions of their experience and their sense of whatmatters to them.Clients' Expectations about Tbeir 'PresentingProblem'Clients who have expectations about their presentingproblem see a specific career development issue as theonly focus for career counselling. They want a solutionto a problem, then they will 'live happily ever after'.While counsellors should legitimately seek to deal withthe client's presenting problem, the perspective of thechaos theory of careers is that chaos is continuous—itis a 'parameter of our being' (Pryor & Bright, 2004).Therefore, career counselling should be about enablingclients to negotiate its challenges on an ongoing basis.CAREER DEVELOPMENT ISSUESAfter the expectations that clients bring to counsellinghave been explored, the substantive issues of individuals'career development need to be considered.The chaos theory—based career counsellor proceeds toidentify, and investigate collaboratively with clients, arange of significant career development issues to whichthe theory draws particular attention.The chaos theory of careers conceptualises the majorissues facing career development clients in the 21st centuryas one or a combination of the following factors:• complexity• change• chance• construction• contribution (or meaning).ComplexityComplexity is the feeling of being overloaded. Thatis, there seems to be too much to consider, too manydemands being made, too much input into the system,too many influences to take into account and toomuch information to process. Typically clients areeither wearing themselves out 'trying to do everything'or transfixed and unable to make a start in theface of a complicated situation that is intimidatingthem. Ormerod (2005) concluded that most humanendeavours fail due to complexity.CbangeThere are two aspects to change: responding to change;and the challenge for clients to change themselves.Peck (1978) wrote powerfully about humans' 'desireto escape the pain of freedom'. Individuals will hidefrom change in the hope that the need to changewill go away. They struggle with transforming andtranscending themselves because this involves selfdisciplineand suffering. It also involves perseverancesince it is a continuous process of self-monitoring andadaptation.CbanceThe issue of chance is the challenge to accept andembrace the reality of unpredictability and uncertainty
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Harapan Tbese berlaku terutama untuk bergantung
klien yang mengharapkan atau setidaknya berharap tbat orang lain
dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan pengembangan karir mereka. Konselor
tidak memiliki semua jawaban tbe dan konseling akan
tidak memecahkan semua masalah mereka. Kekacauan tbeory karir
mengakui tbat konselor, seperti klien tbeir, yang
terbatas dalam tbeir pengetahuan dan kontrol. Seperti Kahn
(2007) mengatakan, 'Dengan menerapkan tbe cbaos tbeory karir
kita bergerak dari satu set pikiran peramalan untuk satu ofadaptation dan persiapan untuk perubahan' (hal. 71). Sebuah
pengakuan jujur ​​dari keterbatasan konselor
dapat membentuk dasar untuk kemitraan bekerja dengan
klien; konselor dan klien mungkin kolam mereka dikombinasikan
sumber daya untuk menghadapi kompleksitas dan berubah.
Harapan Klien 'tentang Karir mereka
harapan karir yang paling berpengaruh untuk klien
dengan asumsi lintasan kelas menengah tradisional
depan dan ke atas di tangga karir ke puncak
organisasi. Sementara mereka masih ada, lintasan tersebut
tidak lagi norma tertandingi. Bekerja sendiri dan
cara orang bekerja menjadi lebih kompleks selama
waktu (Nealt, 2002). Perbedaan antara kerja dan
non-kerja, karir dan kehidupan, rumah dan kantor, semuanya
didefinisikan kurang jelas. Struktur karir rakyat sekarang dapat
mengambil berbagai bentuk karena keragaman pilihan
(Inkson, 2007) dan dampak (positif dan negatif)
dari peristiwa yang tidak direncanakan (Bright, Pryor & Hapham, 2005).
Teori chaos karir menunjuk individu untuk yang
keterkaitan dan tumpang tindih sistem, jaringan
dan ke penting 'kekacauan' realitas-dalam arti,
belajar untuk mengontrol berada di luar kendali (Harvey &
Herrild, 2005).
Klien 'Harapan tentang Arti atau
Harapan hubungannya dengan makna atau spiritualitas yang
signifikan untuk klien yang fiiil untuk melihat relevansi
isu spiritual untuk pengembangan karir mereka. Kerja
dipandang sebagai bagian terpisah dari kehidupan mereka. Tetapi kekacauan
teori ini menekankan pada interkoneksi sistemik menantang
gagasan bahwa pekerjaan dapat disimpan terpisah
dari sisa pengalaman individu. Hampir
pasti, di beberapa titik, isu apa
klien kehidupan inginkan akan muncul dalam konseling karir
proses, karena biasanya pekerjaan merupakan bagian integral dari kebanyakan
kehidupan masyarakat dan berdampak pada sebagian lainnya
dimensi pengalaman mereka dan rasa apa
yang penting bagi mereka.
Klien 'Harapan tentang Tbeir' Menyajikan
'Klien yang memiliki harapan tentang menghadirkan mereka
masalah melihat masalah pengembangan karir tertentu sebagai
fokus hanya untuk konseling karir. Mereka ingin solusi
untuk masalah, maka mereka akan 'hidup bahagia selamanya'.
Sementara konselor harus sah berusaha untuk berurusan dengan
menghadirkan masalah klien, perspektif
teori chaos karir adalah bahwa kekacauan kontinu-itu
adalah 'parameter kami makhluk '(Pryor & Bright, 2004).
Oleh karena itu, konseling karir harus sekitar memungkinkan
klien untuk bernegosiasi tantangan secara berkelanjutan.
Setelah harapan bahwa klien membawa ke konseling
telah dieksplorasi, isu substantif individu
'pengembangan karir perlu dipertimbangkan.
Konselor karir berbasis teori chaos hasil untuk
mengidentifikasi, dan menyelidiki secara kolaboratif dengan klien, yang
berbagai isu pengembangan karir yang signifikan yang
teori menarik perhatian khusus.
Teori kekacauan karir conceptualises utama
masalah yang dihadapi klien pengembangan karir di abad ke-21
sebagai salah satu atau kombinasi dari faktor-faktor berikut:
• Kompleksitas
• perubahan
• kesempatan

konstruksi. • kontribusi (atau makna)
Kompleksitas adalah perasaan kelebihan beban. Itu
adalah, tampaknya ada terlalu banyak untuk mempertimbangkan, terlalu banyak
tuntutan yang dibuat, terlalu banyak masukan ke dalam sistem,
terlalu banyak pengaruh untuk memperhitungkan dan terlalu
banyak informasi untuk memproses. Biasanya klien
baik memakai sendiri keluar 'mencoba untuk melakukan segala sesuatu'
atau terpaku dan tidak mampu membuat awal dalam
menghadapi situasi yang rumit yang mengintimidasi
mereka. Ormerod (2005) menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar manusia
upaya gagal karena kompleksitas.
Ada dua aspek untuk mengubah: menanggapi perubahan,
dan tantangan bagi klien untuk mengubah diri mereka sendiri.
Peck (1978) menulis kuat tentang keinginan manusia ''
untuk melarikan diri rasa sakit kebebasan '. Individu akan menyembunyikan
dari perubahan dengan harapan bahwa kebutuhan untuk mengubah
akan pergi. Mereka berjuang dengan mengubah dan
melampaui diri mereka sendiri karena ini melibatkan selfdiscipline
dan penderitaan. Hal ini juga melibatkan ketekunan
karena merupakan proses yang berkesinambungan dari pemantauan diri dan
Isu kesempatan adalah tantangan untuk menerima dan
merangkul realitas ketidakpastian dan ketidakpastian
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