100:00:01,353 --> 00:00:04,617 sync & correction by f1nc0~ Addic7ed.co terjemahan - 100:00:01,353 --> 00:00:04,617 sync & correction by f1nc0~ Addic7ed.co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

100:00:01,353 --> 00:00:04,617 sync

00:00:01,353 --> 00:00:04,617
sync & correction by f1nc0
~ Addic7ed.com ~

00:00:31,986 --> 00:00:34,572
ini merubah semuanya.

00:00:44,080 --> 00:00:47,093

00:01:20,159 --> 00:01:21,577

00:01:22,036 --> 00:01:23,220

00:01:24,955 --> 00:01:26,790
gerakan vertical, Stormfly!

00:01:39,928 --> 00:01:42,431
tangkap di sisi lain!

00:01:52,149 --> 00:01:53,917

00:02:05,996 --> 00:02:10,000
tidak seperti pagi untuk meulai pagi.

00:02:10,084 --> 00:02:13,087
aku tahu, kita harus melakukannya lebih sering.

00:02:13,170 --> 00:02:16,465
mulai sekarang, aku janji kita akan...

00:02:25,516 --> 00:02:26,392
seperti itu.

00:02:34,358 --> 00:02:37,903
I've never seen those colors before.

00:02:40,030 --> 00:02:42,282
But I have seen that insignia.

00:02:42,366 --> 00:02:44,326
It was on the Reaper.

00:02:44,868 --> 00:02:46,578
Those are Dragon Hunters.

00:02:46,829 --> 00:02:49,289
Come on, Stormfly,
let's get a better look.

00:02:56,839 --> 00:02:58,841
Quiet down, ya useless lizard.

00:03:01,677 --> 00:03:04,179
Just load 'em up.

00:03:04,263 --> 00:03:06,473
Yes, Ryker. Sorry, Ryker.

00:03:06,932 --> 00:03:10,853
Look at him.
Powerful. Perfect.

00:03:11,311 --> 00:03:13,439
Remember, they're smarter than you.

00:03:17,484 --> 00:03:19,987
But not me.

00:03:31,039 --> 00:03:32,974
And grab that Nadder!

00:03:37,504 --> 00:03:39,173
Get us outta here, Stormfly!

00:03:40,090 --> 00:03:42,509

00:03:45,971 --> 00:03:47,931
Come on, Stormfly!
We gotta get Hiccup!

00:03:53,896 --> 00:03:55,731

00:03:58,567 --> 00:04:00,486
When a Nadder shoots its spines,

00:04:00,652 --> 00:04:03,530
it always leaves its belly exposed.

00:04:03,947 --> 00:04:06,909
Whoa, Stormfly!

00:04:08,160 --> 00:04:09,453

00:04:20,172 --> 00:04:22,132
- Move out!
- What about the rider?

00:04:22,216 --> 00:04:25,757
Never mind!
We got the dragon.

00:04:27,304 --> 00:04:31,517
No. Stormfly!
I'll find you.

00:04:39,316 --> 00:04:40,943
Still no sign of 'em?

00:04:41,276 --> 00:04:43,987
They're probably just out exploring
and lost track of time.

00:04:44,071 --> 00:04:47,658
She's never been gone all day like this.
Not without telling someone.

00:04:47,825 --> 00:04:50,619
You remember that time she didn't
show up for her own surprise party

00:04:50,620 --> 00:04:54,001
'cause she was setting up a
defensive perimeter around Berk?

00:04:54,036 --> 00:04:56,700
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Or the time she decided to work

00:04:56,879 --> 00:04:59,753
on her late night axe throwing and
surprised Silent Sven in the woods.

00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:02,589
- Yeah, but...
- I don't think he recovered from that.

00:05:02,673 --> 00:05:05,175
- And there was that time...
- Fishlegs, thank you for trying

00:05:05,176 --> 00:05:07,803
to make me feel better,
but this is different.

00:05:07,886 --> 00:05:09,680
Something is wrong.
I can feel it.

00:05:12,182 --> 00:05:16,562
You know, if anyone is equipped
to survive out there, it is Astrid.

00:05:16,728 --> 00:05:18,772
No, you're right, Fishlegs.
You're right.

00:05:18,856 --> 00:05:20,691
But we're gonna find her anyway.

00:05:29,616 --> 00:05:30,492

00:05:35,873 --> 00:05:38,292
We'll all go in different directions.
I'll head South.

00:05:38,458 --> 00:05:41,295
- No. I should head South.
- And, why is that?

00:05:41,503 --> 00:05:43,547
Because Astrid likes to fly South

00:05:43,630 --> 00:05:46,925
and she'll obviously be
expecting me to rescue her.

00:05:48,010 --> 00:05:50,053
Like I said, I'll go South.

00:05:50,262 --> 00:05:52,306
Rain, wind, all of us splitting up,

00:05:52,389 --> 00:05:55,851
sounds like the perfect opportunity
for a rogue sea beast

00:05:55,934 --> 00:05:59,104
to leap from the depths of the ocean
and pick us off.

00:05:59,187 --> 00:06:03,483
- One by one.
- All right, gang, let's go find her.

00:06:05,736 --> 00:06:09,323
She's gonna be so sad
when you rescue her instead of me.

00:06:09,865 --> 00:06:12,576
Oh, don't worry,
I'll tell her it was all you.

00:06:13,619 --> 00:06:15,203
You'd do that for me?

00:06:15,370 --> 00:06:17,372
No. No, of course I wouldn't.

00:06:20,792 --> 00:06:22,586

00:06:23,754 --> 00:06:25,255

00:06:25,380 --> 00:06:27,090
Bad dragon!

00:06:27,174 --> 00:06:30,552
Okay, new plan.
I'll look for Astrid, you fly the dragon.

00:06:30,636 --> 00:06:33,513
- Good idea!
- Astrid!

00:06:34,389 --> 00:06:37,893
Okay okay, new plan. I'll fly
the dragon, you look for Astrid.

00:06:37,976 --> 00:06:41,730
Good idea! Astrid!

00:06:45,817 --> 00:06:46,652

00:06:47,819 --> 00:06:50,947
Look! That must be her.
Take us down, Hookfang.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100:00:01, 353--> 00:00:04, 617 sinkronisasi & koreksi oleh f1nc0~ Addic7ed.com ~ 200:00:31, 986--> 00:00:34, 572smoga merubah ini.300:00:44, 080--> 00:00:47, 093_400:01:20, 159--> 00:01:21, 577Whoo-hoo!500:01:22, 036--> 00:01:23, 220Haha!600:01:24, 955--> 00:01:26, 790gerakan vertikal, Stormfly!700:01:39, 928--> 00:01:42, 431tangkap di sisi lain!800:01:52, 149--> 00:01:53, 917merindukanku?900:02:05, 996--> 00:02:10, 000tidak seperti pagi untuk meulai pagi.1000:02:10, 084--> 00:02:13, 087Aku tahu, kita harus melakukannya lebih sering.1100:02:13, 170--> 00:02:16, 465mulai sekarang, aku janji kita akan...1200:02:25, 516--> 00:02:26, 392seperti itu.1300:02:34, 358--> 00:02:37, 903HM.Aku belum pernah melihat warna tersebut sebelum.1400:02:40, 030--> 00:02:42, 282Tapi aku telah melihat bahwa lambang.1500:02:42, 366--> 00:02:44, 326Itu pada penuai.1600:02:44, 868--> 00:02:46, 578Mereka adalah pemburu naga.1700:02:46, 829--> 00:02:49, 289Ayo, Stormfly,Mari kita mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih baik.1800:02:56, 839--> 00:02:58, 841Tenang, ya kadal sia-sia.1900:03:01, 677--> 00:03:04, 179Hanya memuat 'em up.2000:03:04, 263--> 00:03:06, 473Ya, Ryker. Maaf, Ryker.2100:03:06, 932--> 00:03:10, 853Melihatnya.Kuat. Sempurna.2200:03:11, 311--> 00:03:13, 439Ingat, mereka sedang pintar daripada Anda.2300:03:17, 484--> 00:03:19, 987Tapi bukan aku.2400:03:31,039 --> 00:03:32,974And grab that Nadder!2500:03:37,504 --> 00:03:39,173Get us outta here, Stormfly!2600:03:40,090 --> 00:03:42,509Archers!Loose!2700:03:45,971 --> 00:03:47,931Come on, Stormfly!We gotta get Hiccup!2800:03:53,896 --> 00:03:55,731Stormfly!2900:03:58,567 --> 00:04:00,486When a Nadder shoots its spines,3000:04:00,652 --> 00:04:03,530it always leaves its belly exposed.3100:04:03,947 --> 00:04:06,909Whoa, Stormfly!Whoa!3200:04:08,160 --> 00:04:09,453Aah!3300:04:20,172 --> 00:04:22,132- Move out!- What about the rider?3400:04:22,216 --> 00:04:25,757Never mind!We got the dragon.3500:04:27,304 --> 00:04:31,517No. Stormfly!I'll find you.3600:04:39,316 --> 00:04:40,943Still no sign of 'em?3700:04:41,276 --> 00:04:43,987They're probably just out exploringand lost track of time.3800:04:44,071 --> 00:04:47,658She's never been gone all day like this.Not without telling someone.3900:04:47,825 --> 00:04:50,619You remember that time she didn'tshow up for her own surprise party4000:04:50,620 --> 00:04:54,001'cause she was setting up adefensive perimeter around Berk?4100:04:54,036 --> 00:04:56,700- Yeah.- Yeah. Or the time she decided to work4200:04:56,879 --> 00:04:59,753on her late night axe throwing andsurprised Silent Sven in the woods.4300:04:59,920 --> 00:05:02,589- Yeah, but...- I don't think he recovered from that.4400:05:02,673 --> 00:05:05,175- And there was that time...- Fishlegs, thank you for trying4500:05:05,176 --> 00:05:07,803to make me feel better,but this is different.4600:05:07,886 --> 00:05:09,680Something is wrong.I can feel it.4700:05:12,182 --> 00:05:16,562You know, if anyone is equippedto survive out there, it is Astrid.4800:05:16,728 --> 00:05:18,772No, you're right, Fishlegs.You're right.4900:05:18,856 --> 00:05:20,691But we're gonna find her anyway.5000:05:29,616 --> 00:05:30,492Great.5100:05:35,873 --> 00:05:38,292We'll all go in different directions.I'll head South.5200:05:38,458 --> 00:05:41,295- No. I should head South.- And, why is that?5300:05:41,503 --> 00:05:43,547Because Astrid likes to fly South5400:05:43,630 --> 00:05:46,925and she'll obviously beexpecting me to rescue her.5500:05:48,010 --> 00:05:50,053Like I said, I'll go South.5600:05:50,262 --> 00:05:52,306Rain, wind, all of us splitting up,5700:05:52,389 --> 00:05:55,851sounds like the perfect opportunityfor a rogue sea beast5800:05:55,934 --> 00:05:59,104to leap from the depths of the oceanand pick us off.5900:05:59,187 --> 00:06:03,483- One by one.- All right, gang, let's go find her.6000:06:05,736 --> 00:06:09,323She's gonna be so sadwhen you rescue her instead of me.6100:06:09,865 --> 00:06:12,576Oh, don't worry,I'll tell her it was all you.6200:06:13,619 --> 00:06:15,203You'd do that for me?6300:06:15,370 --> 00:06:17,372No. No, of course I wouldn't.6400:06:20,792 --> 00:06:22,586Astrid!6500:06:23,754 --> 00:06:25,255Astrid!6600:06:25,380 --> 00:06:27,090Bad dragon!6700:06:27,174 --> 00:06:30,552Okay, new plan.I'll look for Astrid, you fly the dragon.6800:06:30,636 --> 00:06:33,513- Good idea!- Astrid!6900:06:34,389 --> 00:06:37,893Okay okay, new plan. I'll flythe dragon, you look for Astrid.7000:06:37,976 --> 00:06:41,730Good idea! Astrid!7100:06:45,817 --> 00:06:46,652Huh?7200:06:47,819 --> 00:06:50,947Look! That must be her.Take us down, Hookfang.7300:06:53
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 01.353 -> 00: 00: 04.617 sync & koreksi oleh f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~ 2 00: 00: 31.986 -> 00: 00: 34.572 . Penyanyi merubah Semuanya 3 00: 00: 44.080 - > 00: 00: 47.093 _ 4 00: 01: 20.159 -> 00: 01: 21.577 Whoo-hoo! 5 00: 01: 22.036 -> 00: 01: 23.220 Haha! 6 00: 01: 24.955 -> 00: 01: 26.790 Gerakan vertikal, Stormfly! 7 00: 01: 39.928 -> 00: 01: 42.431 tangkap di Sisi berbaring! 8 00: 01: 52.149 -> 00: 01: 53.917 ? merindukanku 9 00:02: 05.996 -> 00: 02: 10.000 TIDAK seperti pagi untuk review meulai pagi. 10 00: 02: 10.084 -> 00: 02: 13.087 aku tahu, Kita Harus melakukannya LEBIH Sering. 11 00: 02: 13.170 -> 00: 02: 16.465 Mulai Sekarang, aku Janji kitd akan ... 12 00: 02: 25.516 -> 00: 02: 26.392 seperti ITU. 13 00: 02: 34.358 -> 00: 02: 37.903 . Hm saya tidak pernah melihat warna-warna sebelumnya. 14 00: 02: 40.030 -> 00: 02: 42.282 Tapi aku telah melihat lencana itu. 15 00: 02: 42.366 -> 00: 02: 44.326 . itu di Reaper 16 00:02 : 44868 -> 00: 02: 46.578 Mereka adalah Naga Hunters. 17 00: 02: 46.829 -> 00: 02: 49.289 Ayo, Stormfly, mari kita melihat lebih jelas. 18 00: 02: 56.839 -> 00 : 02: 58.841 Tenang turun, ya tidak berguna kadal. 19 00: 03: 01.677 -> 00: 03: 04.179 Hanya memuat 'em up. 20 00: 03: 04.263 -> 00: 03: 06.473 Ya, Ryker. . Maaf, Ryker 21 00: 03: 06.932 -> 00: 03: 10.853 Lihatlah dia. Powerfull. . Sempurna 22 00: 03: 11.311 -> 00: 03: 13.439 Ingat, mereka lebih pintar daripada Anda. 23 00: 03: 17.484 -> 00: 03: 19.987 Tapi bukan aku. 24 00: 03: 31.039 - -> 00: 03: 32.974 Dan ambil yang Nadder! 25 00: 03: 37.504 -> 00: 03: 39.173 Dapatkan kita keluar dari sini, Stormfly! 26 00: 03: 40.090 -> 00: 03: 42.509 ! Pemanah longgar ! 27 00: 03: 45.971 -> 00: 03: 47.931 Ayo, Stormfly! Kita harus Hiccup! 28 00: 03: 53.896 -> 00: 03: 55.731 Stormfly! 29 00: 03: 58.567 -> 00: 04: 00.486 Ketika Nadder tunas duri nya, 30 00: 04: 00.652 -> 00: 04: 03.530 itu selalu meninggalkan perutnya terkena. 31 00: 04: 03.947 -> 00: 04: 06.909 Whoa, Stormfly ! ! Whoa 32 00: 04: 08.160 -> 00: 04: 09.453 Aah! 33 00: 04: 20.172 -> 00: 04: 22.132 ! - Pindah ? - Bagaimana pengendara 34 00: 04: 22.216 - -> 00: 04: 25.757 Sudahlah! Kami punya naga. 35 00: 04: 27.304 -> 00: 04: 31.517 No. Stormfly! Aku akan menemukan Anda. 36 00: 04: 39.316 -> 00: 04: 40.943 Masih ada tanda-tanda 'em? 37 00: 04: 41.276 -> 00: 04: 43.987 Mereka mungkin hanya keluar menjelajahi dan lupa waktu. 38 00: 04: 44.071 -> 00: 04: 47.658 Dia tidak pernah pergi sepanjang hari seperti ini. Bukan tanpa memberitahu seseorang. 39 00: 04: 47.825 -> 00: 04: 50.619 Anda ingat waktu itu dia tidak muncul untuk pesta kejutan sendiri 40 00: 04: 50.620 -> 00: 04: 54.001 karena dia sedang menyiapkan sebuah perimeter defensif sekitar Berk? 41 00: 04: 54.036 -> 00: 04: 56.700 - Yeah. - Ya. Atau saat dia memutuskan untuk bekerja 42 00: 04: 56.879 -> 00: 04: 59.753 pada larut malam kapak lempar dan terkejut Diam Sven di hutan. 43 00: 04: 59.920 -> 00: 05: 02.589 - Ya, tapi ... - saya tidak berpikir ia pulih dari itu. 44 00: 05: 02.673 -> 00: 05: 05.175 - Dan ada waktu itu ... - Fishlegs, terima kasih untuk mencoba 45 00: 05: 05.176 -> 00: 05: 07.803 untuk membuat saya merasa lebih baik, tapi ini berbeda. 46 00: 05: 07.886 -> 00: 05: 09.680 . Ada sesuatu yang salah . aku bisa merasakannya 47 0:05: 12.182 -> 00: 05: 16.562 Anda tahu, jika ada yang dilengkapi untuk bertahan hidup di luar sana, itu adalah Astrid. 48 00: 05: 16.728 -> 00: 05: 18.772 . Tidak, kau benar, Fishlegs Anda ' re tepat. 49 00: 05: 18.856 -> 00: 05: 20.691 Tapi kita akan menemukannya pula. 50 00: 05: 29.616 -> 00: 05: 30.492 . besar 51 00: 05: 35.873 - > 00: 05: 38.292 Kita semua akan pergi ke arah yang berbeda. aku akan kepala Selatan. 52 00: 05: 38.458 -> 00: 05: 41.295 - Tidak, aku harus kepala Selatan. - Dan, kenapa begitu? 53 00: 05: 41.503 -> 00: 05: 43.547 Karena Astrid suka terbang Selatan 54 00: 05: 43.630 -> 00: 05: 46.925 dan dia jelas akan . mengharapkan saya untuk menyelamatkannya 55 00:05 : 48010 -> 00: 05: 50.053 Seperti saya katakan, saya akan pergi Selatan. 56 00: 05: 50.262 -> 00: 05: 52.306 Hujan, angin, kita semua berpisah, 57 00: 05: 52.389 -> 00: 05: 55.851 terdengar seperti kesempatan yang sempurna untuk binatang laut nakal 58 00: 05: 55.934 -> 00: 05: 59.104 untuk melompat dari kedalaman laut . dan menjemput kami off 59 0:05: 59.187 -> 00: 06: 03.483 - satu per satu. - Baiklah, geng, mari kita pergi mencarinya. 60 00: 06: 05.736 -> 00: 06: 09.323 Dia akan baik begitu sedih ketika Anda menyelamatkannya bukan . saya 61 00: 06: 09.865 -> 00: 06: 12.576 Oh, jangan khawatir, saya akan menceritakan itu semua Anda. 62 00: 06: 13.619 -> 00: 06: 15.203 Anda akan melakukannya untuk saya? 63 00: 06: 15.370 -> 00: 06: 17.372 No. Tidak, tentu saja aku tidak mau. 64 00: 06: 20.792 -> 00: 06: 22.586 Astrid! 65 00: 06: 23.754 -> 00: 06: 25.255 Astrid! 66 00: 06: 25.380 -> 00: 06: 27.090 Bad naga! 67 00: 06: 27.174 -> 00: 06: 30.552 Oke, rencana baru. aku akan mencari Astrid, Anda terbang naga. 68 ​​00: 06: 30.636 -> 00: 06: 33.513 - ide bagus! - Astrid! 69 00: 06: 34.389 -> 00: 06: 37.893 Oke oke, rencana baru. Aku akan terbang naga, anda mencari Astrid. 70 00: 06: 37.976 -> 00: 06: 41.730 Ide bagus! ! Astrid 71 00: 06: 45.817 -> 00: 06: 46.652 Huh? 72 00: 06: 47.819 -> 00: 06: 50.947 Lihat! Itu pasti dia. Ambil kita turun, Hookfang. 73 00:06:53

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