Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Sejak datang, tidak berjalan!" Apa tindakan adalah setengah baya beralih, ia adalah bukan orang undang-undang, di sisi juga dua, masing-masing meluncurkan kekuatan magis, langsung menjulang Meng Hao.Jika tidak diubah waktu lain, Meng Hao mungkin memiliki niat pembunuhan, mungkin juga tidak membayar perhatian, tetapi sekarang, dia cemas, Semua mencegah sebelum dia, memiliki hasil.Kematian!Meng Hao kedua mata berwarna merah, tangan kanan mengangkat tiba-tiba, salah satu memegang pedang terbang yang mendekati, tidak ragu-ragu terhadap jalan akan datang wields, segera satu ini dahsyat pedang terbang, langsung menjulang beralih itu setengah baya untuk pergi.Kelajuan kecepatan, sebelum kehabisan, terlalu banyak, memaksakan cara, sebelum tak tertandingi, saat ini terbang pedang, seperti mengamuk berangkat Guntur, seperti rainbow, bahkan dalam hal ini, terlalu cepat karena kecepatan, pedang tubuh tidak mampu menahan, runtuh dari tempat pedang Tips, ketika runtuh 50%, bang, ditusuk pada dahi setengah baya beralih itu langsung , tiba-tiba menembus, pedang hulu submerges.Kecepatan ini sungguh tak tergambarkan beralih itu setengah baya budidaya baik, mungkin baik, kualifikasi juga terus menghindari tidak memiliki, meninggal langsung.Ini, mari kita beralih lain dua segera, memegang napas nada, segera retret, tapi tempat jauh orang lain menjadi siap untuk membuat masalah, yang juga melihat ini diam-diam, perubahan warna wajah, tidak berani untuk mencegah.Meng Hao nobody dares to block slightly, breaks in the central area directly, the penetration, stepped into the central area of fourth country's, took a step, the national boundary toward fourth country's, launched full speed rumbling goes.His behind, this place many cultivator, saw this, in abundance innermost feelings reacted.„Can he penetrate central temple unexpectedly?”„This is how possible, this central temple has the pressure, the interloper will have the misfortune to arrive, other Echelon do not dare, cannot achieve, he unexpectedly?”„Is it possible that is ... Ru Feng Plane 20% destiny reasons?” When people with amazement, Meng Hao goes far away loudly.But at this moment, when country Fate Mountain of fourth country's, the head of Lin Cong suddenly appears, just a appearance, his head immediately the dispirited gets down, he is without hesitation immediately bellows, the forehead blue vein blows up, unexpectedly has the intermittent flesh and blood and meridians, grows from his neck neck place spread, gradually when outlined a human form body, Lin Cong looked pale, the breaking by biting tip of tongue bellowed once more, immediately, in his stature, started to have the bones of the dead growth.This restoration, is quite for him painful, and big of price, he withstands quite to be also reluctant, even Cultivation will drop, in a short time is unable to restore.May the price be big, was better than the death.„Meng Hao, Lin will not let off you!” The Lin Cong look is fierce, the body when growth, face upwards to whoosh, in his eye reveals the meaning of hatred, is survivor of disaster, if Meng Hao guessed that he through the vitality that mourning the Saint bone sees, indeed is not can survive under a that terrifying fist, he sees, is a picture.In that picture, he saw Fourth Mountain, saw the Meng Hao form, saw in Meng Hao all around, has the bloodshed, some innumerable skeletons, as if Meng Hao walks, slaughters dreadfully.In that picture, he also saw Xu Qing, saw after Meng Hao and Xu Qing vision looks, two people of tender feelings.This picture, making him envy, may at the same time, is his vitality is.„Quick, must be quicker!”„That Meng Hao with this Xu Qing, no matter anything relates, before visiting him, tense appearance, this is his invites the wrath of the emperor to be at surely, I said Xu Qing before, this Meng Hao goes crazy surely, on road that at present certainly in killing!”„I only have the quick recovery, has the possibility of escape!” Lin Cong clenching teeth maliciously, recovers once more, the time passes, his restoration, has used unexpectedly only half double-hour, this is Lin Cong pays a bigger price, the time of changing.
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