Main article: Power ring (DC Comics)Indigo-1's indigo power ring.The I terjemahan - Main article: Power ring (DC Comics)Indigo-1's indigo power ring.The I Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Main article: Power ring (DC Comics

Main article: Power ring (DC Comics)

Indigo-1's indigo power ring.
The Indigo Tribe harnesses the indigo light of compassion. Robin S. Rosenberg, a clinical psychologist and editor of the anthology The Psychology of Superheroes, describes compassion as being able to have empathy for someone while maintaining enough distance to understand their motivations.[46]

The indigo ring has basic power ring abilities such as flight and aura projection, as shown on the cover of Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3.[47] Members can use indigo light to teleport themselves and others over vast intergalactic distances; this drains much of the ring's power, so the wearer uses it sparingly.[13][14][16] The indigo light can also heal individuals with great empathy but exposes people to the pain they have inflicted on others.[13][14]

The Indigo Tribe distinguishes itself from the other Corps in that a member uses a power staff instead of power battery to charge the indigo ring, as depicted in Blackest Night #5.[17] Unlike the power battery lanterns, the staff appears to be a part of the Indigo Tribe's uniform, appearing whenever a user puts on the ring and transforms into costumeBlackest Night 6 (December 30, 2009).

The Indigo ring not only stores indigo light energy, but also is capable of channeling the energy of other emotional lights; the ring can therefore emulate the abilities from other Corps.[12] In Blackest Night, Indigo-1 and Munk use a combination of different emotional lights to destroy members of the Black Lantern Corps. Black Hand is able to charge Hal Jordan's ring with green light although it is not as powerful as a standard charging.[29] In Green Lantern Corps (vol. 2) #42, Munk explains that this ability is only effective from "direct and intimate discharges." Whereas a Corps member projects a light display in front of the emblem on the uniform when using abilities, the Indigo Tribe member projects the Corps symbol in an indigo light display from the "pod" on the staff.[48] When the Tribe member manipulates another light, the symbol of the Corps corresponding to that light is projected in front of the Indigo Tribe emblem painted on his or her forehead.[12]

In the bonding process, the indigo ring forces its wearer to feel nothing but compassion. By blocking out all other emotions, the wearer can channel other emotions without being affected by them.[20] The ring is classified as a parasite type like the orange ring,[20][26] but differs in that it bonds most effectively with a user that lacks compassion. A wearer who has compassion before the bonding is unable to block out the other emotions, and either becomes heavily influenced by the channeled emotion or is unable to channel the emotion.[25]

When the ring is removed, the wearer loses the memories of the time with the ring and reverts to his or her old behavior, although this can be undone by re-donning the ring. If the ring is removed for a longer term, the wearer may gradually regain some memories without the emotional modifications.[26] The ring appears to only "brainwash" those who are reluctant to accept it; in the cases where the person voluntarily dons the ring, such as Ray Palmer in Blackest Night and John Stewart in War of the Green Lanterns, the wearer can use the powers without being mentally altered.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Main article: Power ring (DC Comics)Indigo-1's indigo power ring.The Indigo Tribe harnesses the indigo light of compassion. Robin S. Rosenberg, a clinical psychologist and editor of the anthology The Psychology of Superheroes, describes compassion as being able to have empathy for someone while maintaining enough distance to understand their motivations.[46]The indigo ring has basic power ring abilities such as flight and aura projection, as shown on the cover of Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3.[47] Members can use indigo light to teleport themselves and others over vast intergalactic distances; this drains much of the ring's power, so the wearer uses it sparingly.[13][14][16] The indigo light can also heal individuals with great empathy but exposes people to the pain they have inflicted on others.[13][14]The Indigo Tribe distinguishes itself from the other Corps in that a member uses a power staff instead of power battery to charge the indigo ring, as depicted in Blackest Night #5.[17] Unlike the power battery lanterns, the staff appears to be a part of the Indigo Tribe's uniform, appearing whenever a user puts on the ring and transforms into costumeBlackest Night 6 (December 30, 2009).The Indigo ring not only stores indigo light energy, but also is capable of channeling the energy of other emotional lights; the ring can therefore emulate the abilities from other Corps.[12] In Blackest Night, Indigo-1 and Munk use a combination of different emotional lights to destroy members of the Black Lantern Corps. Black Hand is able to charge Hal Jordan's ring with green light although it is not as powerful as a standard charging.[29] In Green Lantern Corps (vol. 2) #42, Munk explains that this ability is only effective from "direct and intimate discharges." Whereas a Corps member projects a light display in front of the emblem on the uniform when using abilities, the Indigo Tribe member projects the Corps symbol in an indigo light display from the "pod" on the staff.[48] When the Tribe member manipulates another light, the symbol of the Corps corresponding to that light is projected in front of the Indigo Tribe emblem painted on his or her forehead.[12]In the bonding process, the indigo ring forces its wearer to feel nothing but compassion. By blocking out all other emotions, the wearer can channel other emotions without being affected by them.[20] The ring is classified as a parasite type like the orange ring,[20][26] but differs in that it bonds most effectively with a user that lacks compassion. A wearer who has compassion before the bonding is unable to block out the other emotions, and either becomes heavily influenced by the channeled emotion or is unable to channel the emotion.[25]When the ring is removed, the wearer loses the memories of the time with the ring and reverts to his or her old behavior, although this can be undone by re-donning the ring. If the ring is removed for a longer term, the wearer may gradually regain some memories without the emotional modifications.[26] The ring appears to only "brainwash" those who are reluctant to accept it; in the cases where the person voluntarily dons the ring, such as Ray Palmer in Blackest Night and John Stewart in War of the Green Lanterns, the wearer can use the powers without being mentally altered.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Artikel utama: Tenaga cincin (DC Comics) . Indigo-1 cincin kekuasaan indigo The Indigo Tribe memanfaatkan cahaya indigo belas kasih. Robin S. Rosenberg, seorang psikolog klinis dan editor antologi The Psychology of Superheroes, menggambarkan kasih sayang sebagai mampu memiliki empati seseorang tetap menjaga jarak yang cukup untuk memahami motivasi mereka. [46] Cincin indigo memiliki kemampuan kekuatan cincin dasar seperti penerbangan dan aura proyeksi, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada sampul Blackest Malam:. Tales of Korps # 3 [47] Anggota dapat menggunakan cahaya indigo untuk teleport dirinya dan orang lain jarak intergalaksi yang luas; ini menguras banyak tenaga cincin, sehingga pemakainya menggunakan hemat. [13] [14] [16] indigo cahaya juga dapat menyembuhkan individu dengan empati yang besar tetapi menghadapkan orang untuk rasa sakit yang mereka timbulkan pada orang lain. [13] [ 14] The Indigo Tribe membedakan dirinya dari Korps lain dalam bahwa anggota menggunakan staf kekuatan bukannya daya baterai untuk mengisi cincin indigo, seperti yang digambarkan dalam Blackest Malam # 5. [17] Berbeda dengan lentera daya baterai, staf tampaknya menjadi bagian dari seragam Indigo Tribe, muncul setiap kali pengguna memakai cincin dan berubah menjadi costumeBlackest Malam 6 (30 Desember 2009). cincin Indigo tidak hanya toko indigo energi cahaya, tetapi juga mampu menyalurkan energi lainnya lampu emosional; cincin karena itu dapat meniru kemampuan dari Korps lainnya. [12] Dalam Blackest Malam, Indigo-1 dan Munk menggunakan kombinasi lampu emosional yang berbeda untuk menghancurkan anggota Black Lantern Corps. Black Hand mampu mengisi cincin Hal Jordan dengan lampu hijau meskipun tidak sekuat pengisian standar. [29] Dalam Green Lantern Corps (vol. 2) # 42, Munk menjelaskan bahwa kemampuan ini hanya efektif dari "langsung dan discharge intim. " Sedangkan anggota Korps memproyeksikan cahaya layar di depan lambang di seragam ketika menggunakan kemampuan, anggota Indigo Tribe memproyeksikan simbol Corps di layar cahaya indigo dari "pod" pada staf. [48] Ketika memanipulasi anggota Tribe cahaya lain, simbol dari Corps sesuai dengan cahaya yang diproyeksikan di depan lambang Indigo Tribe dilukis di nya dahi. [12] dalam proses bonding, cincin indigo memaksa pemakainya merasa apa-apa tapi kasih sayang. Dengan menghalangi semua emosi lainnya, pemakainya dapat menyalurkan emosi lain tanpa dipengaruhi oleh mereka. [20] Cincin ini diklasifikasikan sebagai jenis parasit seperti cincin oranye, [20] [26] tetapi berbeda dalam bahwa obligasi paling efektif dengan pengguna yang tidak memiliki belas kasih. Seorang pemakai yang memiliki kasih sayang sebelum ikatan tidak mampu untuk memblokir emosi lainnya, dan baik menjadi sangat dipengaruhi oleh emosi disalurkan atau tidak dapat menyalurkan emosi. [25] Ketika cincin dihapus, pemakainya kehilangan kenangan waktu dengan cincin dan beralih ke perilaku lama nya, meskipun hal ini dapat dibatalkan dengan re-mengenakan cincin. Jika cincin dihapus untuk jangka panjang, pemakainya dapat secara bertahap mendapatkan kembali beberapa kenangan tanpa modifikasi emosional [26] Cincin tampaknya hanya "mencuci otak" orang-orang yang enggan menerimanya.; dalam kasus-kasus di mana orang secara sukarela don cincin, seperti Ray Palmer di Blackest Malam dan John Stewart dalam Perang Green Lanterns, pemakainya bisa menggunakan kekuatan tanpa mental diubah.

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