The Effect of Brand Extension Strategies upon Brand Image in the Mobil terjemahan - The Effect of Brand Extension Strategies upon Brand Image in the Mobil Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Effect of Brand Extension Strat

The Effect of Brand Extension Strategies upon Brand Image in the Mobile Market
In this study, the effect of brand extension strategy upon brand image has been the subject of discussion. According to the results of this study, brand image dilution risk in all conditions is likely, thus, performers of this strategy should know that they will not be able to avoid possible dilution of their own brand and just are able to reduce this dilution by doing this strategy in a right way and a realistic cost-benefit calculation. In the most optimistic condition they can maintain the level of their brand image. Based on the results obtained from the research model as a whole, it can be said that in implementing brand image strategy some factors such as initial brand image, perceived fit between the new product perceived quality of extended product and either the remaining products and consumer attitude to extension, influence the final brand image. initial brand image strongly influences the implementation of brand extension strategy since it has effects on the perceived fit and consumer attitude to extension as well as on the final bran image. When there is a better and stronger initial brand image, there will be a higher perception of perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products of the brand. This higher perception strengthens consumer attitude to the extended product that enhances success chances of brand in performing the brand extension strategy and reduces brand image delusion. An important point to be noticed here is that extensions that seem successful in terms of consumer acceptance can also lead to brand image dilution. If the extended product has a low fit, it will negatively influence attitude toward the brand. However, a high fit extension, when extension attitude is unsatisfactory, does not guarantee the protection of brand image, because the new associations of seemingly successful extensions can also lead to brand image dilution If the new product is carefully chosen so that it can have good quality, new product will not necessarily have the same quality then brand. Results indicate that the most important aspect of brand extension success is the new product's fit with brand image and its similarity with other products of the brand.
In this study, the products which were selected as brands extensions were not actual products. Using actual brand extensions requires the companies' cooperation which is not easily possible. This issue has certainly influenced the results, because consumers are not in an actual market condition and an actual implementation of brand image strategy and thus their answers are merely based on an unreal implementation. Therefore, it is possible that in real conditions and implementation of communication strategies which organizations make with consumers, their (consumers) opinions change. This model has only been evaluated in the mobile products category and its extension capability to other products is limit, since consumers' preoccupation with different products may be diverse.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Efek dari merek ekstensi strategi berdasarkan citra merek di pasar ponselIn this study, the effect of brand extension strategy upon brand image has been the subject of discussion. According to the results of this study, brand image dilution risk in all conditions is likely, thus, performers of this strategy should know that they will not be able to avoid possible dilution of their own brand and just are able to reduce this dilution by doing this strategy in a right way and a realistic cost-benefit calculation. In the most optimistic condition they can maintain the level of their brand image. Based on the results obtained from the research model as a whole, it can be said that in implementing brand image strategy some factors such as initial brand image, perceived fit between the new product perceived quality of extended product and either the remaining products and consumer attitude to extension, influence the final brand image. initial brand image strongly influences the implementation of brand extension strategy since it has effects on the perceived fit and consumer attitude to extension as well as on the final bran image. When there is a better and stronger initial brand image, there will be a higher perception of perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products of the brand. This higher perception strengthens consumer attitude to the extended product that enhances success chances of brand in performing the brand extension strategy and reduces brand image delusion. An important point to be noticed here is that extensions that seem successful in terms of consumer acceptance can also lead to brand image dilution. If the extended product has a low fit, it will negatively influence attitude toward the brand. However, a high fit extension, when extension attitude is unsatisfactory, does not guarantee the protection of brand image, because the new associations of seemingly successful extensions can also lead to brand image dilution If the new product is carefully chosen so that it can have good quality, new product will not necessarily have the same quality then brand. Results indicate that the most important aspect of brand extension success is the new product's fit with brand image and its similarity with other products of the brand.Dalam studi ini, produk yang dipilih sebagai merek ekstensi bukanlah produk sebenarnya. Menggunakan ekstensi sebenarnya merek memerlukan kerjasama perusahaan yang tidak mudah mungkin. Masalah ini telah pasti mempengaruhi hasil, karena konsumen tidak di sebenarnya pasar kondisi dan implementasi aktual dari strategi merek gambar dan dengan demikian jawaban mereka hanya didasarkan pada sebuah implementasi yang nyata. Oleh karena itu, mungkin bahwa dalam kondisi nyata dan pelaksanaan strategi komunikasi yang membuat organisasi dengan konsumen, pendapat (konsumen) mereka berubah. Model ini hanya telah dievaluasi dalam kategori produk mobile dan kemampuan ekstensi untuk produk lainnya adalah batas, karena konsumen keasyikan dengan produk yang berbeda mungkin beragam.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengaruh Strategi Merek Ekstensi pada Brand Image di Pasar Mobile
Dalam penelitian ini, pengaruh strategi perluasan merek pada citra merek telah menjadi subyek diskusi. Menurut hasil studi ini, risiko brand image pengenceran di segala kondisi kemungkinan, dengan demikian, pemain dari strategi ini harus tahu bahwa mereka tidak akan mampu menghindari kemungkinan dilusi merek mereka sendiri dan hanya mampu mengurangi cairan ini dengan melakukan strategi ini dengan cara yang benar dan perhitungan biaya-manfaat yang realistis. Dalam kondisi yang paling optimis mereka dapat mempertahankan tingkat citra merek mereka. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari model penelitian secara keseluruhan, dapat dikatakan bahwa dalam menerapkan strategi brand image beberapa faktor seperti brand image awal, dirasakan cocok antara kualitas produk yang dirasakan baru produk diperpanjang dan baik produk yang tersisa dan sikap konsumen ekstensi, mempengaruhi citra merek akhir. brand image awal sangat mempengaruhi pelaksanaan strategi perluasan merek karena memiliki efek pada fit dan konsumen sikap dianggap perpanjangan serta pada gambar dedak akhir. Ketika ada citra merek awal yang lebih baik dan lebih kuat, akan ada persepsi yang lebih tinggi sesuai dirasakan antara produk baru dan baik produk sisa merek. Persepsi yang lebih tinggi ini memperkuat sikap konsumen terhadap produk diperpanjang yang meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan merek dalam melakukan strategi perluasan merek dan mengurangi citra merek khayalan. Poin penting untuk diperhatikan di sini adalah bahwa ekstensi yang tampaknya berhasil dalam hal penerimaan konsumen juga dapat menyebabkan citra merek dilusi. Jika produk diperpanjang memiliki fit rendah, negatif akan mempengaruhi sikap terhadap merek. Namun, cocok ekstensi tinggi, ketika sikap ekstensi tidak memuaskan, tidak menjamin perlindungan citra merek, karena asosiasi baru ekstensi tampaknya sukses juga dapat menyebabkan citra merek pengenceran Jika produk baru dipilih dengan hati-hati sehingga dapat memiliki baik kualitas, produk baru belum tentu memiliki kualitas yang sama maka merek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek yang paling penting dari keberhasilan perluasan merek cocok produk baru dengan brand image dan kesamaan dengan produk lainnya dari merek.
Dalam penelitian ini, produk yang terpilih sebagai merek ekstensi tidak produk yang sebenarnya. Menggunakan ekstensi merek yang sebenarnya membutuhkan kerjasama perusahaan 'yang tidak mudah mungkin. Masalah ini tentu mempengaruhi hasil, karena konsumen tidak dalam kondisi pasar yang aktual dan implementasi aktual strategi brand image dan dengan demikian jawaban mereka hanya didasarkan pada implementasi nyata. Oleh karena itu, adalah mungkin bahwa dalam kondisi nyata dan implementasi strategi komunikasi yang organisasi membuat dengan konsumen, (konsumen) pendapat mereka berubah. Model ini hanya dievaluasi dalam kategori produk mobile dan kemampuan ekstensi untuk produk lainnya adalah batas, karena keasyikan konsumen dengan produk yang berbeda mungkin beragam.
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