2. Previous Related Studies and Hypotheses DevelopmentSeveral studies  terjemahan - 2. Previous Related Studies and Hypotheses DevelopmentSeveral studies  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2. Previous Related Studies and Hyp

2. Previous Related Studies and Hypotheses Development
Several studies were undertaken to identify factors affecting corporate dividend policy. Among these factors
were corporate size, industry type, majority shareholders, level of corporate leverage, free cash flows and risk.
Literature related to each of these factors will be reviewed.
2.1 Corporate Size
One of the main factors advanced in the literature to explain corporate dividend policy is corporate size (see for
example: Lloyd et al., 1985; Eddy & Seifert, 1988; Holder et al., 1998; Jensen et al., 1992; Redding, 1997; Fama &
French, 2000, 2001; Manos, 2002; Mollah, 2002; Al-Kuwari, 2009; Kouki & Guizani, 2009; Al-Shubiri, 2011;
Subramaniam et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2013; Baah et al., 2014; Movalia & Vekariya, 2014; Saeed et al., 2014;
Kumar & Whaheed, 2015). Large companies tend to pay more dividends than small companies since the prospect
of growth and expansion in their activities are less than small companies. Hence, they do not need to retain a
significant part of their profit for future expansion and growth. Large companies are always noticeable and subject
to the scrutiny of the outside market. They might use dividend payout to signal information about themselves.
An additional reason that explains possible association between dividend policy and corporate size is transaction
costs. Large companies may have access to different sources of funds than small companies. The cost of funding
for large companies is usually less than that paid by small companies. Easy access to the capital market together
with low funding cost allow large companies management to pay more dividend than small companies. Large
companies may further use dividend to reduce agency costs. In this respect, Jensen and Meckling (1976) pointed to
a possible relationship between corporate size and agency costs. They believe that large firms usually have a
widely spread ownership. This would result in greater bargaining control that might increase agency costs. In the
same fashion, Sawicki (2009) indicated that dividend payouts could be used to scrutinize large firms’ management.
In other words, ownership is widely spread in large firms and this would result in an increase in information that
restricts shareholders’ ability to monitor the activities of these firms. In an attempt to reassure shareholders,
management may choose to pay more dividends and this will increase its need to look for external funding. This
move will subject management to the scrutiny of a third party (external financier). It is, therefore, hypothesized
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2. Previous Related Studies and Hypotheses DevelopmentSeveral studies were undertaken to identify factors affecting corporate dividend policy. Among these factorswere corporate size, industry type, majority shareholders, level of corporate leverage, free cash flows and risk.Literature related to each of these factors will be reviewed.2.1 Corporate SizeOne of the main factors advanced in the literature to explain corporate dividend policy is corporate size (see forexample: Lloyd et al., 1985; Eddy & Seifert, 1988; Holder et al., 1998; Jensen et al., 1992; Redding, 1997; Fama &French, 2000, 2001; Manos, 2002; Mollah, 2002; Al-Kuwari, 2009; Kouki & Guizani, 2009; Al-Shubiri, 2011;Subramaniam et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2013; Baah et al., 2014; Movalia & Vekariya, 2014; Saeed et al., 2014;Kumar & Whaheed, 2015). Large companies tend to pay more dividends than small companies since the prospectof growth and expansion in their activities are less than small companies. Hence, they do not need to retain asignificant part of their profit for future expansion and growth. Large companies are always noticeable and subjectto the scrutiny of the outside market. They might use dividend payout to signal information about themselves.An additional reason that explains possible association between dividend policy and corporate size is transactioncosts. Large companies may have access to different sources of funds than small companies. The cost of fundingfor large companies is usually less than that paid by small companies. Easy access to the capital market together
with low funding cost allow large companies management to pay more dividend than small companies. Large
companies may further use dividend to reduce agency costs. In this respect, Jensen and Meckling (1976) pointed to
a possible relationship between corporate size and agency costs. They believe that large firms usually have a
widely spread ownership. This would result in greater bargaining control that might increase agency costs. In the
same fashion, Sawicki (2009) indicated that dividend payouts could be used to scrutinize large firms’ management.
In other words, ownership is widely spread in large firms and this would result in an increase in information that
restricts shareholders’ ability to monitor the activities of these firms. In an attempt to reassure shareholders,
management may choose to pay more dividends and this will increase its need to look for external funding. This
move will subject management to the scrutiny of a third party (external financier). It is, therefore, hypothesized
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2. Sebelumnya studi terkait dan Pengembangan Hipotesis
Beberapa studi yang dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebijakan dividen perusahaan. Di antara faktor-faktor ini
adalah ukuran perusahaan, jenis industri, pemegang saham mayoritas, tingkat leverage perusahaan, arus kas bebas dan risiko.
Sastra yang berkaitan dengan masing-masing faktor akan ditinjau.
2.1 Ukuran Perusahaan
Salah satu faktor utama maju dalam literatur untuk menjelaskan perusahaan kebijakan dividen adalah ukuran perusahaan (lihat
misalnya:. Lloyd et al, 1985; Eddy & Seifert, 1988; Holder et al, 1998; Jensen et al, 1992; Redding, 1997; Fama &..
Perancis, 2000, 2001; Manos 2002; Mollah, 2002; Al-Kuwari, 2009; Kouki & Guizani, 2009; Al-Shubiri,
2011;. Subramaniam et al, 2011;. Kim et al, 2013;. Baah et al, 2014; Movalia & vekariya, 2014;. Saeed dkk, 2014;
Kumar & Whaheed, 2015). Perusahaan besar cenderung membayar lebih dari dividen perusahaan kecil karena prospek
pertumbuhan dan ekspansi dalam kegiatan mereka kurang dari perusahaan kecil. Oleh karena itu, mereka tidak perlu mempertahankan
bagian penting dari keuntungan mereka untuk ekspansi dan pertumbuhan di masa depan. Perusahaan besar selalu terlihat dan tunduk
pada pengawasan pasar luar. Mereka mungkin menggunakan pembayaran dividen untuk sinyal informasi tentang diri mereka sendiri.
Alasan lain yang menjelaskan kemungkinan hubungan antara kebijakan dividen dan ukuran perusahaan adalah transaksi
biaya. Perusahaan besar mungkin memiliki akses ke berbagai sumber dana dari perusahaan-perusahaan kecil. Biaya pendanaan
bagi perusahaan besar biasanya kurang dari itu dibayar oleh perusahaan-perusahaan kecil. Akses mudah ke pasar modal bersama-sama
dengan biaya dana yang rendah memungkinkan manajemen perusahaan besar membayar lebih dari dividen perusahaan kecil. Besar
perusahaan lebih lanjut dapat menggunakan dividen untuk mengurangi biaya agensi. Dalam hal ini, Jensen dan Meckling (1976) menunjuk
kemungkinan hubungan antara ukuran dan lembaga korporasi biaya. Mereka percaya bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan besar biasanya memiliki
kepemilikan tersebar luas. Hal ini akan menghasilkan kontrol tawar yang lebih besar yang mungkin bisa meningkatkan biaya agensi. Dalam
cara yang sama, Sawicki (2009) menunjukkan bahwa pembayaran dividen dapat digunakan untuk meneliti perusahaan besar 'manajemen.
Dengan kata lain, kepemilikan tersebar luas di perusahaan-perusahaan besar dan ini akan mengakibatkan peningkatan informasi yang
membatasi pemegang saham kemampuan untuk memonitor kegiatan perusahaan-perusahaan ini. Dalam upaya untuk meyakinkan pemegang saham,
manajemen dapat memilih untuk membayar lebih dividen dan ini akan meningkatkan kebutuhan untuk mencari pendanaan eksternal. Ini
bergerak akan tunduk manajemen untuk pengawasan dari pihak ketiga (dana eksternal). Hal ini, oleh karena itu, hipotesis
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