#1275: Meng drastic change! ( First ) ;; As the voice of young lad spr terjemahan - #1275: Meng drastic change! ( First ) ;; As the voice of young lad spr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1275: Meng drastic change! ( First

#1275: Meng drastic change! ( First )

;; As the voice of young lad spreads, immediately that dozens pieces of black Willow Leaf, changes to dozens black rainbows in an instant, directly soars Meng Clan to go, on Willow Leaf, cultivator of these wear black robes, in reveal the ice cold glow, has the murderous intention twinkle, Cultivation dispersing, placed oneself the peak condition.
Ten Dawley arrows, in this moment, raise incisive howling of starry sky, rumbling goes.
The rapidness of speed, is suddenly, appeared on the protection light screen outside Meng Clan mainland, has not stopped, these dozens pieces of Willow Leaf, the direct hit in the light screen, pricked.
The sound of intermittent bang, lets this Meng Clan protection light screen dreadfully, in this flickers the fierce distortion, as if must collapse to explode, under ka the reverberation of sound, had one after another crack impressively.
Saw that the protection light screen must collapse, Meng Clan five Patriarch, simultaneously lowly roar, respective waves hand, this Spell formation presented the blood light immediately suddenly, after the blood light sparkles, finally lets the light screen that this creakies, concentrate to be solid once more, starts to counter-attack outward.
Scarlet rainbows erupt, directly soars the encirclement to go in Meng Hao all around cultivator, at the same time, the Meng Clan clansman under the order of that five Patriarch, has not sat waiting for death, but with the aid of Spell formation, rushes ahead, with several thousand cultivator of outside, slaughters immediately.
Suddenly, the war was in the frigid degree, the death was numerous, the bloody aura proliferation, the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell spread unceasingly, slaughters ... Suddenly launches.
These cultivator said fortunately that below standard is uneven, was quite weak with Meng Clan much, but these Patriarch, are actually not taken lightly, what is more important is. That going forward black clothed cultivator from Seventh Mountain and Sea, everyone, the malignant influences are dreadful, even if obviously in Seventh Mountain and Sea, is the outstanding person. Their act, Meng Clan clansman directly easily accomplished, retreats in defeat again and again.
Is good because of having the protection light screen exists, once the Meng Clan clansman is injured, immediately returns in the light screen, this causes this war. Shortly will not have burst a dike, reluctantly support.
But appears in the situation of this reluctantly support flickers, in Meng Clan, suddenly, its all around nine mainland. Outside Xu family that except that was extinguished by Meng Hao, other eight subcontinents, impressively four attached in the Meng Clan family, revolts the treachery in this moment!
Immediately Meng Clan, first turmoil, almost while this turmoil presents, the Meng Clan seventh lineage, the fourth lineage. The third lineage, these three lineage clansmen, Cultivation in Ancient Realm above. The complete body shakes, in the item when this suddenly, reveals the black light, the corners of the mouth flood sneers, turns around, toward kin. Immediately act.
„You ...”
„Do you do!!”
„Your this is the revolting clan, the revolting clan!!”
Rumbling sound shakes the heavens moves. Meng Clan ... Chaos!
Whooshing that the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell as well as is unable to believe that spreads in Meng Clan unceasingly. This moment Meng Clan, in has turmoil, outside will have the invasion, the building will lean!
In the starry sky, Meng Hao stands in that Ancient Gate, a light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sparkle of Ancient Gate, his body is similar to black hole, is absorbing the ray from this Ancient Gate unceasingly.
Each wisp of Gu Guang absorption, will let Meng Hao Cultivation, has the tremendous changes, his immortal strength, is transforming into Gu Yuan completely!
ancient Yuan, that is Ancient Realm cultivator the unique strength, floods the whole body, may erupt to be different from the intrepid strength of immortal.
„Ancient Tribulation is the first step, after Ancient Tribulation, obtains the light of Ancient Gate, unifies into own Gu Yuan ... This is the second step.”
„As for the third step, is lights own soul lamp, henceforth, is true stepping into Ancient Realm.” Meng Hao muttered, when he lowered the head, saw Meng Clan, saw civil strife that among had, saw outside intruder.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1275: Meng drastic change! ( First ) <; script >;<; / script >; As the voice of young lad spreads, immediately that dozens pieces of black Willow Leaf, changes to dozens black rainbows in an instant, directly soars Meng Clan to go, on Willow Leaf, cultivator of these wear black robes, in reveal the ice cold glow, has the murderous intention twinkle, Cultivation dispersing, placed oneself the peak condition.Ten Dawley arrows, in this moment, raise incisive howling of starry sky, rumbling goes.The rapidness of speed, is suddenly, appeared on the protection light screen outside Meng Clan mainland, has not stopped, these dozens pieces of Willow Leaf, the direct hit in the light screen, pricked.Rumbling!The sound of intermittent bang, lets this Meng Clan protection light screen dreadfully, in this flickers the fierce distortion, as if must collapse to explode, under ka the reverberation of sound, had one after another crack impressively.Saw that the protection light screen must collapse, Meng Clan five Patriarch, simultaneously lowly roar, respective waves hand, this Spell formation presented the blood light immediately suddenly, after the blood light sparkles, finally lets the light screen that this creakies, concentrate to be solid once more, starts to counter-attack outward.Scarlet rainbows erupt, directly soars the encirclement to go in Meng Hao all around cultivator, at the same time, the Meng Clan clansman under the order of that five Patriarch, has not sat waiting for death, but with the aid of Spell formation, rushes ahead, with several thousand cultivator of outside, slaughters immediately.Suddenly, the war was in the frigid degree, the death was numerous, the bloody aura proliferation, the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell spread unceasingly, slaughters ... Suddenly launches.These cultivator said fortunately that below standard is uneven, was quite weak with Meng Clan much, but these Patriarch, are actually not taken lightly, what is more important is. That going forward black clothed cultivator from Seventh Mountain and Sea, everyone, the malignant influences are dreadful, even if obviously in Seventh Mountain and Sea, is the outstanding person. Their act, Meng Clan clansman directly easily accomplished, retreats in defeat again and again.Is good because of having the protection light screen exists, once the Meng Clan clansman is injured, immediately returns in the light screen, this causes this war. Shortly will not have burst a dike, reluctantly support.But appears in the situation of this reluctantly support flickers, in Meng Clan, suddenly, its all around nine mainland. Outside Xu family that except that was extinguished by Meng Hao, other eight subcontinents, impressively four attached in the Meng Clan family, revolts the treachery in this moment!Immediately Meng Clan, first turmoil, almost while this turmoil presents, the Meng Clan seventh lineage, the fourth lineage. The third lineage, these three lineage clansmen, Cultivation in Ancient Realm above. The complete body shakes, in the item when this suddenly, reveals the black light, the corners of the mouth flood sneers, turns around, toward kin. Immediately act.„You ...”„Do you do!!”„Your this is the revolting clan, the revolting clan!!”Rumbling sound shakes the heavens moves. Meng Clan ... Chaos!Whooshing that the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell as well as is unable to believe that spreads in Meng Clan unceasingly. This moment Meng Clan, in has turmoil, outside will have the invasion, the building will lean!In the starry sky, Meng Hao stands in that Ancient Gate, a light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sparkle of Ancient Gate, his body is similar to black hole, is absorbing the ray from this Ancient Gate unceasingly.Each wisp of Gu Guang absorption, will let Meng Hao Cultivation, has the tremendous changes, his immortal strength, is transforming into Gu Yuan completely!ancient Yuan, that is Ancient Realm cultivator the unique strength, floods the whole body, may erupt to be different from the intrepid strength of immortal.„Ancient Tribulation is the first step, after Ancient Tribulation, obtains the light of Ancient Gate, unifies into own Gu Yuan ... This is the second step.”„As for the third step, is lights own soul lamp, henceforth, is true stepping into Ancient Realm.” Meng Hao muttered, when he lowered the head, saw Meng Clan, saw civil strife that among had, saw outside intruder.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1275: Meng perubahan drastis! (Pertama)

<; script> ; <; / Script> ; Sebagai suara dari anak muda menyebar, segera bahwa puluhan lembar hitam Willow Leaf, perubahan puluhan pelangi hitam dalam sekejap, langsung melonjak Meng Clan untuk pergi, pada Willow Leaf, kultivator ini mengenakan jubah hitam, di mengungkapkan cahaya es dingin , memiliki binar niat membunuh, Budidaya pendispersi, ditempatkan diri kondisi puncak.
Sepuluh Dawley panah, pada saat ini, meningkatkan lolongan tajam dari langit berbintang, gemuruh pergi.
The rapidness kecepatan, tiba-tiba, muncul di layar cahaya perlindungan luar Meng Clan daratan, tidak berhenti, puluhan potongan-potongan dari Willow Leaf, hit langsung di layar cahaya, ditusuk.
suara intermiten Bang, memungkinkan layar cahaya perlindungan Meng klan ini amat sangat, dalam hal ini berkedip distorsi sengit, seakan harus runtuh meledak, di bawah ka gema suara, memiliki satu demi retak lain mengesankan.
Saw bahwa layar cahaya perlindungan harus runtuh, Meng Clan lima Patriarch, bersamaan gemuruh rendah, masing-masing gelombang tangan, pembentukan Eja ini disajikan cahaya darah segera tiba-tiba , setelah berkilau cahaya darah, akhirnya memungkinkan layar cahaya yang creakies ini, berkonsentrasi untuk menjadi padat sekali lagi, mulai serangan balik luar.
pelangi Scarlet meletus, langsung melonjak pengepungan masuk Meng Hao seluruh kultivator, pada saat yang sama waktu, Meng Clan klan di bawah urutan lima Patriarch, belum duduk menunggu kematian, tapi dengan bantuan formasi Eja, bergegas ke depan, dengan beberapa ribu kultivator dari luar, menyembelih segera.
Tiba-tiba, perang itu di dingin derajat, kematian itu banyak, aura proliferasi berdarah, menyembelih sedih dan melengking menyedihkan berteriak menyebar tanpa henti, intermiten ... Tiba-tiba meluncurkan.
kultivator ini mengatakan untungnya itu di bawah standar tidak merata, cukup lemah dengan Meng Clan banyak, tapi Patriarch ini , sebenarnya tidak dianggap enteng, apa yang lebih penting adalah. Yang akan maju hitam pembudidaya berpakaian dari Seventh Mountain and Sea, semua orang, pengaruh ganas yang mengerikan, bahkan jika jelas di Seventh Mountain and Sea, adalah orang yang luar biasa. Tindakan mereka, Meng Clan klan langsung dengan mudah dicapai, mundur dengan kekalahan lagi dan lagi.
Apakah baik karena memiliki layar cahaya perlindungan ada, setelah klan Meng Clan terluka, segera kembali di layar terang, ini menyebabkan perang ini. Tak lama tidak akan meledak tanggul, enggan mendukung.
Tapi muncul dalam situasi ini enggan mendukung film, di Meng Clan, tiba-tiba, yang seluruh sembilan daratan. Luar keluarga Xu bahwa kecuali yang dipadamkan oleh Meng Hao, delapan lainnya subcontinents, mengesankan empat melekat dalam keluarga Meng Clan, memberontak pengkhianatan pada saat ini!
Segera Meng Clan, gejolak pertama, hampir sementara gejolak ini hadiah, yang Meng Clan keturunan ketujuh , garis keturunan keempat. Garis keturunan ketiga, tiga klan keturunan ini, Budidaya di Realm Kuno di atas. Tubuh lengkap getar, di item saat ini tiba-tiba, mengungkapkan cahaya hitam, sudut-sudut menyeringai banjir mulut, berbalik, menuju kerabat. Segera bertindak.
"Kamu ..."
"Apakah Anda melakukan !!"
"Anda ini adalah klan memberontak, klan memberontak !!"
Gemuruh suara getar langit bergerak. Meng Clan ... Chaos!
Mendesing bahwa sedih intermiten dan melengking menyedihkan berteriak serta tidak dapat percaya bahwa menyebar di Meng Clan tak henti-hentinya. Saat ini Meng Clan, di memiliki gejolak, luar akan memiliki invasi, bangunan akan bersandar!
Di langit berbintang, Meng Hao berdiri dalam Kuno Gate, cahaya sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m) sparkle dari Gerbang Kuno, tubuhnya mirip dengan lubang hitam, menyerap sinar dari Gerbang ini Ancient tanpa henti.
Setiap seuntai penyerapan Gu Guang, akan membiarkan Meng Hao Budidaya, memiliki perubahan yang luar biasa, kekuatan abadi-nya, yang berubah menjadi Gu Yuan benar-benar!
Yuan kuno, yaitu kuno Realm kultivator kekuatan yang unik, banjir seluruh tubuh, mungkin meletus menjadi berbeda dari kekuatan pemberani abadi.
"Kesengsaraan Kuno adalah langkah pertama, setelah Kuno Tribulation, memperoleh cahaya dari Gerbang Kuno, menyatukan ke dalam sendiri Gu Yuan ... ini adalah langkah kedua. "
" Adapun langkah ketiga, adalah lampu lampu jiwa sendiri, selanjutnya, benar melangkah ke Lanta. "Meng Hao bergumam, ketika ia menunduk, melihat Meng Clan, melihat perselisihan sipil yang antara memiliki , melihat luar penyusup.
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