Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Furthermore, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude and appreciation to Prof. Nasrun as the dean of the faculty of Teacher Training and Dr. Mac aditiawarman, M.Hum as a chairman of English Department who have given her motivation.
The researcher also wants to say a great thanks to her supervisor ...... (also secretary of English Department) and ..... .The researcher has gotten many important suggestion and critics to make this thesis b and to the Vice Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Ekasakti University,ecome better. Moreover, she thanks all lecturers, particularly English lecturers for giving precious thoughts and knowledge.
Then, she also extends gratitude to her beloved Husband, father (Syuib) and mother (Nurtini) for all their greatest supports, care, giving spirit, pray, and love, my sisters (....) and my uncle and Aunt (.... ) that always give me motivation.
Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis is going to be useful for everyone and she is welcoming every comments, criticism and suggestion from the readers in order to make a better one. Any mistakes found in this thesis remains the researcher.
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