Coptic calendarThe Coptic calendar, alsocalled the Alexandriancalendar terjemahan - Coptic calendarThe Coptic calendar, alsocalled the Alexandriancalendar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Coptic calendarThe Coptic calendar,

Coptic calendar
The Coptic calendar, also
called the Alexandrian
calendar, is used by the
Coptic Orthodox Church and
still used in Egypt. This
calendar is based on the
ancient Egyptian calendar. To
avoid the calendar creep of
the latter, a reform of the
ancient Egyptian calendar
was introduced at the time of
Ptolemy III (Decree of
Canopus, in 238 BC) which
consisted of the intercalation
of a sixth epagomenal day
every fourth year. However,
this reform was opposed by
the Egyptian priests, and the
idea was not adopted until 25
BC, when the Roman Emperor
Augustus formally reformed
the calendar of Egypt,
keeping it forever
synchronized with the newly
introduced Julian calendar.
To distinguish it from the
Ancient Egyptian calendar,
which remained in use by
some astronomers until
medieval times, this reformed
calendar is known as the
Coptic calendar. Its years
and months coincide with
those of the Ethiopian
calendar but have different
numbers and names.
Coptic year
The Coptic year is the
extension of the ancient
Egyptian civil year, retaining
its subdivision into the three
seasons, four months each.
The three seasons are
commemorated by special
prayers in the Coptic Liturgy.
This calendar is still in use
all over Egypt by farmers to
keep track of the various
agricultural seasons. The
Coptic calendar has 13
months, 12 of 30 days each
and one intercalary month at
the end of the year of 5
days in length, except in
leap years when the month is
6 days. The year starts on
29 August in the Julian
Calendar or on the 30th in
the year before (Julian) Leap
Years. The Coptic Leap Year
follows the same rules as the
Julian Calendar so that the
extra month always has six
days in the year before a
Julian Leap Year.[citation
The Feast of Neyrouz marks
the first day of the Coptic
year. Ignorant of the
Egyptian language for the
most part, the Arabs
confused the Egyptian new
year's celebrations, which
the Egyptians called the
feast of Ni-Yarouou (the
feast of the rivers), with the
Persian feast of Nowruz.[1]
The misnomer remains today,
and the celebrations of the
Egyptian new year on the
first day of the month of
Thout are known as the
Neyrouz. Its celebration falls
on the 1st day of the month
of Thout, the first month of
the Egyptian year, which for
1901 to 2098 usually
coincides with 11 September,
except before a Gregorian
leap year when it is 12
September. Coptic years are
counted from 284, the year
Diocletian became Roman
Emperor, whose reign was
marked by tortures and
mass executions of
Christians, especially in
Egypt. Hence, the Coptic year
is identified by the
abbreviation A.M. (for Anno
Martyrum or "Year of the
Martyrs"). Note that A.M.
abbreviation is also used for
unrelated calendar eras
(such as the Byzantine and
Jewish calendar epochs)
which start at the putative
creation of the world; it then
stands for Anno Mundi.
Every fourth Coptic year is a
leap year without exception,
as in the Julian calendar, so
the above-mentioned new
year dates apply only
between 1900 and 2099
inclusive in the Gregorian
Calendar. In the Julian
Calendar, the new year is
always 29 August, except
before a Julian leap year
when it is 30 August. Easter
is reckoned by the Julian
Calendar in the Old
Calendarist way.
To obtain the Coptic year
number, subtract from the
Julian year number either
283 (before the Julian new
year) or 284 (after it).
See also: Computus
Date of Christmas
Coptic Christmas is observed
on what the Gregorian
Calendar labels the 7th day
of January (which is also the
date of Christmas in Eastern
Orthodox countries such as
Russia). The 25 December
Nativity of Christ was
attested very early by
Hippolytus of Rome (170–
236) in his Commentary on
Daniel 4:23: "The first coming
of our Lord, that in the flesh,
in which he was born at
Bethlehem, took place eight
days before the calends of
January, a Wednesday, in
the forty-second year of the
reign of Augustus, 5500
years from Adam." Another
early source is Theophilus
Bishop of Caesarea (115–
181): "We ought to celebrate
the birth-day of our Lord on
what day soever the 25th of
December shall
happen." (Magdeburgenses,
Cent. 2. c. 6. Hospinian, de
orign Festorum
Chirstianorum). However, it
was not until 367 that
December 25 was begun to
be universally accepted.
Before that, the Eastern
Church had kept January 6
as the Nativity under the
name "Epiphany." John
Chrysostom, in a sermon
preached in Antioch in 387,
relates how the correct date
of the Nativity was brought
to the East ten years earlier.
Dionysius of Alexandria
emphatically quoted mystical
justifications for this very
choice. 25 March was
considered to be the
anniversary of Creation
itself. It was the first day of
the year in the medieval
Julian calendar and the
nominal vernal equinox (it
had been the actual equinox
at the time when the Julian
calendar was originally
designed). Considering that
Christ was conceived on that
date, 25 March was
recognized as the Feast of
the Annunciation which had to
be followed, nine months
later, by the celebration of
the birth of Christ,
Christmas, on 25 December.
There may have been more
practical considerations for
choosing 25 December. The
choice would help substitute
a major Christian holiday for
the popular Pagan
celebrations surrounding the
Winter Solstice (Roman Sol
Sticia, the three-day stasis
when the sun would rise
consecutively in its
southernmost point before
heading north, December 21,
22 and 23. The celebrations
began a full week prior to
the religious observance and
the drunken revelers were
expectantly sobered and
orgies exhausted by the
festivals close, prompting
the eve or vigil of the
24th/25th as an optimally
moral and safe time for the
Feast of Christ's Nativity).
The religious competition was
fierce. In AD 274, Emperor
Aurelian had declared a civil
holiday on 25 December (the
"Festival of the birth of the
Unconquered Sun") to
celebrate the deity Sol
Invictus. Finally, joyous
festivals are needed at that
time of year, to fight the
natural gloom of the season
(in the Northern Hemisphere).
Until the 16th century, 25
December coincided with 29
Koiak of the Coptic calendar.
However, upon the
introduction of the Gregorian
calendar in 1582, 25
December shifted 10 days
earlier in comparison with the
Julian and Coptic calendars.
Furthermore, the Gregorian
calendar drops 3 leap days
every 400 years to closely
approximate the length of a
solar year. As a result, the
Coptic Christmas advances a
day each time the Gregorian
calendar drops a leap day
(years AD 1700, 1800, and
1900). This is the reason
why Old-Calendrists (using
the Julian and Coptic
calendars) presently
celebrate Christmas on 7
January, 13 days after the
New-Calendrists (using the
Gregorian calendar), who
celebrate Christmas on 25
December. By AD 2100, the
Coptic Christmas will be on
the Gregorian date of 8
Date of Easter
According to Christian
tradition, Jesus died at the
ninth hour (that is, the
canonical hour of nona—3:00
pm) of the first full day of
Pesach, when that day fell on
a Friday; and arose from the
dead at or by the first
(canonical) hour of the next
Sunday. The day of Pesach
(Pascha or Passover, 15
Nisan), is always at the first
full moon following the
northern vernal equinox. At
the First Ecumenical Council,
held in 325 CE at Nicaea, it
was decided to celebrate
Easter on the Sunday
following the so-called
Paschal Full Moon, as for the
Christian church to
differentiate itself from their
Jewish counterparts.
At the Council of Nicaea, it
became one of the duties of
the patriarch of Alexandria
to determine the dates of the
Easter and to announce it to
the other Christian churches.
This duty fell on this officiate
because of the erudition at
Alexandria he could draw on.
The rules to determine this
are complex, but Easter is
the first Sunday after a full
moon occurring after the
northern vernal equinox,
which falls on or after 21
March, which was its nominal
date at the time of the First
Council of Nicaea. Shortly
after Julius Caesar reformed
the calendar, the northern
vernal equinox was
occurring on the nominal date
of 25 March. This was
abandoned shortly after
Nicaea, but the reason for
the observed discrepancy
was all but ignored (the
actual tropical year is not
quite equal to the Julian year
of 365¼ days, so the date
of the equinox keeps
creeping back in the Julian
Coptic months
Coptic Months
Gregorian calendar
Name origin
ﺗﻮﺕ Tūt
11 September – 10 October
Akhet (Inundation)
Thoth, god of Wisdom &
ﺑﺎﺑﺔ Bābah
11 October – 10 November
Akhet (Inundation)
Hapi, god of the Nile
ﻫﺎﺗﻮﺭ Hātūr
10 November – 9 December
Akhet (Inundation)
Hathor, goddess of beauty
and love (the land is lush
and green)
ﻛﻴﻬﻚ Kiyahk
10 December – 8 January
Akhet (Inundation)
Ka Ha Ka = Good of Good,
the sacred Apis Bull
ﻃﻮﺑﺔ Ṭūbah
9 January – 7 February
Proyet, Peret, or Poret
Amso Khem, a form of
Amun-Ra (growth of nature
and rain)
ﺃﻣﺸﻴﺮ Amshīr
8 February – 9 March
Proyet, Peret, or Poret
Mechir, genius of wind
(month of storms and wind)
ﺑﺮﻣﻬﺎﺕ Baramhāt
10 March – 8 April
Proyet, Peret, or Poret
Mont, god of war (high
temperatures; month of the
ﺑﺮﻣﻮﺩﺓ Baramūdah
9 April – 8 May
Proyet, Peret, or Poret
Renno, severe wind and
death (vegetation ends;
earth is dry)
ﺑﺸﻨﺲ Bashans
9 May – 7 June
Shomu or Shemu (Harvest)
Khenti, a form of Horus, god
of metals
ﺑﺆﻭﻧﺔ Ba’ūnah
8 June – 7 July
Shomu or Shemu (Harvest)
p3-n-In = valley festival
ﺃﺑﻴﺐ Abīb
8 July – 6 August
Shomu or Shemu (Harves
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kalender KoptikKoptik kalender, jugadisebut AlexandriaKalender, yang digunakan olehGereja Ortodoks Koptik danmasih digunakan di Mesir. IniBerdasarkan kalendercalendar Mesir kuno. Untukmenghindari creep kalender dariyang kedua, reformasicalendar Mesir kunodiperkenalkan pada saatPtolemy III (dekriCanopus, 238 SM) yangterdiri dari interkalasiepagomenal hari yang keenamsetiap tahun keempat. Namun,reformasi ini ditentang olehimam-imam Mesir, danide tidak diadopsi sampai 25BC, ketika Kaisar RomawiAugustus direformasi secara resmiKalendar Mesir,menjaganya agar tetap selamanyadisinkronisasi dengan barumemperkenalkan kalendar Julian.Untuk membedakannya dariCalendar Mesir kuno,yang tetap digunakan olehbeberapa astronom sampaipertengahan, ini direformasikalender ini dikenal sebagaiKoptik kalender. Tahundan bulan bertepatan denganorang-orang EthiopiaKalender tetapi memiliki berbedanomor dan nama.Tahun KoptikTahun Koptikekstensi kunoMesir tahun sipil, mempertahankansubdivisi yang ke tigamusim, empat bulan.Tiga musimdiperingati oleh khususdoa dalam liturgi Koptik.Kalender ini ini masih digunakanseluruh Mesir oleh petani untukmenjaga melacak yang berbagaipertanian musim. TheKalender Koptik telah 13bulan, 12 30 haridan satu bulan interkalari diakhir tahun 5hari-hari panjang, kecuali dilompatan tahun ketika bulan adalah6 hari. Tahun bermula pada29 Agustus di JulianKalender atau 30 ditahun sebelumnya Leap (Julian)Tahun. Tahun Kabisat Koptikmengikuti aturan yang sama sebagaiKalendar Julian sehinggabulan tambahan selalu memiliki enamhari dalam tahun sebelumnyaTahun Kabisat Julian. [kutipandiperlukan]Tanda perayaan Neyrouzhari pertama Koptiktahun. BodohBahasa Mesir untuksebagian besar, orang-orang Arabbingung orang Mesir yang baruPerayaan tahun, yangorang Mesir memanggilPerayaan Ni-Yarouou (Perayaan sungai), denganPersia perayaan Nowruz. [1]Nama yg salah tetap hari ini,dan perayaanTahun baru Mesir padahari pertama bulanThout dikenal sebagaiNeyrouz. Perayaan jatuhpada hari pertama bulandari Thout, bulan pertamatahun Mesir, yang untuk1901 untuk 2098 biasanyabertepatan dengan 11 September,kecuali sebelum MasehiTahun Kabisat ketika itu 12September. Tahun-tahun Koptikdihitung dari 284, tahunDiocletian menjadi RomawiKaisar, pemerintahan yangditandai dengan siksaan daneksekusi massalOrang Kristen, terutama diMesir. Oleh karena itu, tahun Koptikdiidentifikasi olehsingkatan pagi (untuk AnnoMartyrum atau "tahunMartir"). Catatan bahwa A.M.singkatan juga digunakan untukKalender tidak terkait era(seperti Bizantium danKalender Yahudi zaman lampau)mulai yang didugapenciptaan dunia; makasingkatan Anno Mundi.Setiap tahun Koptik keempatTahun Kabisat tanpa pengecualian,as in the Julian calendar, sothe above-mentioned newyear dates apply onlybetween 1900 and 2099inclusive in the GregorianCalendar. In the JulianCalendar, the new year isalways 29 August, exceptbefore a Julian leap yearwhen it is 30 August. Easteris reckoned by the JulianCalendar in the OldCalendarist way.To obtain the Coptic yearnumber, subtract from theJulian year number either283 (before the Julian newyear) or 284 (after it).See also: ComputusDate of ChristmasCoptic Christmas is observedon what the GregorianCalendar labels the 7th dayof January (which is also thedate of Christmas in EasternOrthodox countries such asRussia). The 25 DecemberNativity of Christ wasattested very early byHippolytus of Rome (170–236) in his Commentary onDaniel 4:23: "The first comingof our Lord, that in the flesh,in which he was born atBethlehem, took place eightdays before the calends ofJanuary, a Wednesday, inthe forty-second year of thereign of Augustus, 5500years from Adam." Anotherearly source is TheophilusBishop of Caesarea (115–181): "We ought to celebratethe birth-day of our Lord onwhat day soever the 25th ofDecember shallhappen." (Magdeburgenses,Cent. 2. c. 6. Hospinian, deorign FestorumChirstianorum). However, itwas not until 367 thatDecember 25 was begun tobe universally accepted.Before that, the EasternChurch had kept January 6as the Nativity under thename "Epiphany." JohnChrysostom, in a sermonpreached in Antioch in 387,relates how the correct dateof the Nativity was broughtto the East ten years earlier.Dionysius of Alexandriaemphatically quoted mysticaljustifications for this verychoice. 25 March wasconsidered to be theanniversary of Creationitself. It was the first day ofthe year in the medievalJulian calendar and thenominal vernal equinox (ithad been the actual equinoxat the time when the Juliancalendar was originallydesigned). Considering thatChrist was conceived on thatdate, 25 March wasrecognized as the Feast ofthe Annunciation which had tobe followed, nine monthslater, by the celebration ofthe birth of Christ,Christmas, on 25 December.There may have been morepractical considerations forchoosing 25 December. Thechoice would help substitutea major Christian holiday forthe popular Pagancelebrations surrounding theWinter Solstice (Roman SolSticia, the three-day stasiswhen the sun would riseconsecutively in itssouthernmost point beforeheading north, December 21,22 and 23. The celebrationsbegan a full week prior tothe religious observance andthe drunken revelers wereexpectantly sobered andorgies exhausted by thefestivals close, promptingthe eve or vigil of the24th/25th as an optimallymoral and safe time for theFeast of Christ's Nativity).The religious competition wasfierce. In AD 274, EmperorAurelian had declared a civilholiday on 25 December (the"Festival of the birth of theUnconquered Sun") untukmerayakan dewa SolInvictus. Akhirnya, gembiraFestival yang diperlukan pada saat itusepanjang tahun, untuk melawanalam kesuraman musim(di belahan utara).Sampai abad ke-16, 25Desember bertepatan dengan 29Koiak kalendar Koptik.Namun setelahPengenalan GregorianKalender pada tahun 1582, 25Desember bergeser 10 harisebelumnya dibandingkan denganJulian dan Coptic kalender.Selain itu, GregorianKalender tetes 3 hari lompatansetiap tahun 400 untuk eratperkiraan panjangtahun Solar. Akibatnya,Natal Koptik kemajuanhari setiap kali GregorianKalender tetes sehari lompatan(tahun AD 1700, 1800, dan1900). ini adalah alasanMengapa lama-Calendrists (menggunakanJulian dan KoptikKalender) saat inimerayakan Natal pada 7Januari 13 hari setelahBaru-Calendrists (menggunakanKalender Gregorian), yangmerayakan Natal pada 25Desember. 2100 iklan,Koptik Natal akan menjadi ditanggal Gregorian 8Januari.Tarikh PaskahMenurut Kristentradisi, Yesus mati dijam kesembilan (yaitukanonik jam nona-3:00PM) hari penuh pertamaPaskah, ketika hari itu jatuh padaJumat; dan muncul darimati di atau dengan yang pertama(kanonik) jam berikutnyaMinggu. Hari Paskah(Pascha atau Paskah, 15Nisan), selalu pertamapurnama berikutekuinoks vernal Utara. DiPertama Konsili Ekumenis,mengadakan pada 325 CE di Nicaea, itudiputuskan untuk merayakanPaskah pada hari Minggumengikuti apa yang disebutBulan purnama Paskah, untukGereja Kristenmembedakan dirinya dari merekaRekan-rekan Yahudi.Pada sidang Nicaea, itumenjadi salah satu tugas-tugasPatriark dari Alexandriauntuk menentukan tanggalPaskah dan mengumumkan untukGereja Kristen lainnya.Tugas ini jatuh pada officiate inikarena pengetahuan diDia bisa menggambar di Alexandria.Aturan-aturan yang menentukan inikompleks, tapi PaskahAhad yang pertama selepas penuhbulan terjadi setelahekuinoks vernal Utara,yang jatuh pada atau setelah 21Maret, iaitu nominal yangtanggal pada saat pertamaSidang Nicaea. SegeraSetelah reformasi Julius CaesarKalendar, Utaraekuinoks vernal adalahterjadi pada tanggal nominal25 Mac. Ini adalahditinggalkan tidak lama setelahNicaea, tetapi alasandiamati perbedaanitu semua tapi diabaikan (sebenarnya tahun tropis bukanlahcukup sama dengan tahun Juliandari 365 ¼ hari, sehingga tanggalEkuinoks tetapmerayap kembali di JulianKalender).Bulan KoptikBulan KoptikWakakakNamaKalender GregoriantanggalMusimAsal namaBohairicSahidicKoptikArab1ⲐⲰⲞⲨⲦⲐⲞⲞⲨⲦThoutﺗﻮﺕ Tūt11 September – 10 OktoberAkhet (banjir)Thoth, Tuhan kebijaksanaan &Ilmu pengetahuan2ⲠⲀⲞⲠⲒⲠⲀⲰⲠⲈPaopiﺑﺎﺑﺔ Bābah11 Oktober-10 NovemberAkhet (banjir)bahagia, dewa sungai Nil(Tumbuhan)3ⲀⲐⲰⲢϨⲀⲐⲰⲢHathorﻫﺎﺗﻮﺭ Hātūr10 November – 9 DecemberAkhet (Inundation)Hathor, goddess of beautyand love (the land is lushand green)4ⲬⲟⲓⲁⲕⲔⲟⲓⲁⲕKoiakﻛﻴﻬﻚ Kiyahk10 December – 8 JanuaryAkhet (Inundation)Ka Ha Ka = Good of Good,the sacred Apis Bull5ⲦⲱⲃⲓⲦⲱⲃⲉTobiﻃﻮﺑﺔ Ṭūbah9 January – 7 FebruaryProyet, Peret, or Poret(Growth)Amso Khem, a form ofAmun-Ra (growth of natureand rain)6ⲘⲉϣⲓⲣⲘϣⲓⲣMeshirﺃﻣﺸﻴﺮ Amshīr8 February – 9 MarchProyet, Peret, or Poret(Growth)Mechir, genius of wind(month of storms and wind)7ⲠⲁⲣⲉⲙϩⲁⲧⲠⲁⲣⲙ̀ϩⲟⲧⲡParemhatﺑﺮﻣﻬﺎﺕ Baramhāt10 March – 8 AprilProyet, Peret, or Poret(Growth)Mont, god of war (hightemperatures; month of thesun)8ⲪⲁⲣⲙⲟⲩⲑⲓⲠⲁⲣⲙⲟⲩⲧⲉParmoutiﺑﺮﻣﻮﺩﺓ Baramūdah9 April – 8 MayProyet, Peret, or Poret(Growth)Renno, severe wind anddeath (vegetation ends;earth is dry)9ⲠⲁϣⲟⲛⲥⲠⲁϣⲟⲛⲥPashonsﺑﺸﻨﺲ Bashans9 May – 7 JuneShomu or Shemu (Harvest)Khenti, a form of Horus, godof metals10ⲠⲁⲱⲛⲓⲠⲁⲱⲛⲉPaoniﺑﺆﻭﻧﺔ Ba’ūnah8 June – 7 JulyShomu or Shemu (Harvest)p3-n-In = valley festival11ⲈⲡⲓⲡⲈⲡⲓⲡEpipﺃﺑﻴﺐ Abīb8 July – 6 AugustShomu or Shemu (Harves
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