However, Aiko whose hand was suddenly grabbed [Hyau~!] a strange voice terjemahan - However, Aiko whose hand was suddenly grabbed [Hyau~!] a strange voice Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

However, Aiko whose hand was sudden

However, Aiko whose hand was suddenly grabbed [Hyau~!] a strange voice leaked out and she shrunk down a bit, [Stop! It’s no good! Nagumo-kun! Such thing can’t be permitted! I’m a teacher!], she began to yell.
[No, isn’t it inconvenient if your magic is sealed? Or, is there something wrong with it? Though there doesn’t seem to be any traps]
[Eh? Ah, this thing…..]
[.......what else is there]
[Ah, ahaha…...sorry. Its nothing……]

Suspicion passes, Hajime’s eyes began to show a disappointed look, Aiko tried to deceive him with a fake smile. And, changing the topic, asked how he knew where she was being locked up.

[The princess told us]
[Princess? Princess Ririna?]
[Ahh. She witnessed you being kidnapped. While judging that Amanogawa*Kouki* and them were under surveillance, she decided to escape the royal capital. Then she requested our help]
[Riri did…..then Nagumo-kun accepted her request]
[Maa~na, I seem to be responsible for this situation too…..though sensei might not have wanted to see me…...well, please endure it until we return to everybody]

After Hajime finished removing the artifact that sealed Aiko’s magic, he stood up. Aiko, predicted that Hajime’s last line was about Shimizu’s death. And, Aiko’s eyes looked straight at the dubious Hajime, then began saying what she truly felt about it.

[Not wanting to see you, there’s no such thing. You’ve come to help, I’m really glad. …...Certainly, Shimizu-kun’s situation can’t be completely forgotten, and it’s likely to never to able to forget it….still, your intentions you had when you pulled the trigger….. I think I understand them. I don’t hold a grudge against you, I don’t hate you either]

To the wide eyed Hajime, Aiko revealed an anxious smile with gentleness.

[At that time, because I couldn’t say it properly…, please let me say it. ….Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry for making you pull the trigger]

Hajime had a wry smile because it appears that Yue was correct, still, it’s a fact that I’ve caused Aiko pain, however he couldn’t bring it up.

[I, I only did what I wanted to do. Though I’ll receive your gratitude, you don’t have to apologize. Rather than that, lets leave soon. The princess should have reached Amanogawa and the rest already. After we join up with them, it’s necessary to talk about the future]
[I understand. …..Nagumo-kun, please be careful. The church sees you as a heretic. And, to the one that kidnapped me, you are probably…..]
[I know. Either way, after I deliver you, I’ll be taking care of the unfinished business, probably, at that time, the church and I will clash against one another. ….I’ve already prepared for it though]

Hajime nodded to Aiko with a gaze of strong will. Aiko’s cheek becomes hot again due to the gaze, Aiko tried to word out her concerns once more.

but, at that time, a roaring sound of something breaking was heard from afar, the air also trembled a bit.

With that Aiko’s body stiffens up and turns her eyes towards Hajime, Hajime was staring out and concentrating on something in the far distance. At that moment, Hajime gained information from Yue’s group who’s on the ground.

[Che, with this timing. …..well, in a sense it’s convenient…...]

After a while, Hajime glances back at Aiko while clicking his tongue. Though Aiko doesn’t know that Hajime has telepathy, but because she knew he had a lot of artifacts, she guessed that he learned something, her glance gave off the impression of wanting to know what was going on.

[Sensei, it’s a surprise attack from the Majinzoku*
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Namun, Konishi tangan siapakah tiba-tiba menyambar [Hyau ~!] suara aneh bocor dan dia menyusut turun sedikit, [berhenti! Hal ini tidak baik! Nagumo-kun! Hal seperti itu tidak diperbolehkan! I am a guru!], ia mulai berteriak.[Tidak, tidak nyaman jika sihir disegel? Atau, ada sesuatu yang salah dengan itu? Meskipun ada tampaknya tidak menjadi perangkap apapun][Eh? Ah, hal ini...][... apa pun ada][Ah, ahaha... maaf. Dengan apa-apa...]Kecurigaan Tiket, mata Hajime's mulai menunjukkan tampilan kecewa, Konishi mencoba menipu senyum palsu. Dan, mengubah topik, bertanya bagaimana dia tahu dimana dia menjadi dikurung.[Putri mengatakan][Princess? Putri Ririna?][Ahh. Dia menyaksikan Anda diculik. Sementara menilai bahwa Amanogawa * Kouki * dan mereka berada di bawah pengawasan, ia memutuskan untuk melarikan diri ibukota kerajaan. Kemudian dia meminta bantuan kami][Riri lakukan... kemudian Nagumo-kun diterima permintaannya][Maa ~ na, aku tampaknya menjadi bertanggung jawab untuk situasi ini terlalu... meskipun sensei mungkin tidak ingin melihat me...well, silakan bertahan itu sampai kita kembali kepada semua orang]Setelah Hajime selesai menghapus artefak yang disegel Konishi 's magic, dia berdiri. Konishi meramalkan bahwa baris terakhir Hajime's adalah tentang Shimizu's kematian. Dan, Konishi di mata menatap lurus Hajime meragukan, kemudian mulai mengatakan apa yang dia benar-benar merasa tentang hal itu.[Tidak ingin melihat Anda, ada hal seperti itu. Anda telah datang untuk membantu, saya sangat senang. …... Tentu saja, situasi Shimizu-kun tidak benar-benar lupa, dan kemungkinan besar tidak akan mampu melupakan it...still, niat Anda Anda miliki ketika Anda menarik pelatuk... Saya pikir saya mengerti mereka. Saya tidak memegang dendam terhadap Anda, saya tidak membenci Anda baik][....... Sensei]Untuk lebar bermata Hajime, Konishi mengungkapkan senyum cemas dengan kelembutan.[Pada saat itu, karena saya tidak bisa mengatakan itu benar... sekarang, tolong beritahu saya mengatakan itu... please.thank Anda untuk membantu saya. Saya minta maaf untuk membuat Anda menarik pelatuk][.........]Hajime memiliki senyum kecut karena tampaknya bahwa Yue adalah benar, namun, itu adalah sebuah fakta bahwa aku telah menyebabkan sakit Konishi, namun ia tidak bisa membawanya ke atas.[Saya, saya hanya melakukan apa yang ingin saya lakukan. Meskipun saya akan menerima rasa terima kasih Anda, Anda tidak perlu minta maaf. Daripada itu, mari kita meninggalkan segera. Putri harus telah mencapai Amanogawa dan sisanya sudah. Setelah kita bergabung dengan mereka, hal ini diperlukan untuk berbicara tentang masa depan][Aku mengerti.... Nagumo-kun, Harap hati-hati. Jemaat melihat Anda sebagai orang bidaah. Dan, orang yang diculik saya, Anda mungkin...][Aku tahu. Bagaimanapun, setelah saya memberikan Anda, saya akan dapat mengurus urusan, mungkin, pada waktu itu, jemaat dan saya akan bertentangan terhadap satu sama lain. ... Aku sudah sudah siap untuk itu meskipun]Hajime mengangguk untuk Konishi dengan tatapan kuat akan. Konishi di pipi menjadi panas lagi karena pandangan, Konishi mencoba ke kata keluar masalah-nya sekali lagi.but, at that time, a roaring sound of something breaking was heard from afar, the air also trembled a bit.With that Aiko’s body stiffens up and turns her eyes towards Hajime, Hajime was staring out and concentrating on something in the far distance. At that moment, Hajime gained information from Yue’s group who’s on the ground.[Che, with this timing. …..well, in a sense it’s convenient…...]After a while, Hajime glances back at Aiko while clicking his tongue. Though Aiko doesn’t know that Hajime has telepathy, but because she knew he had a lot of artifacts, she guessed that he learned something, her glance gave off the impression of wanting to know what was going on.[Sensei, it’s a surprise attack from the Majinzoku*<-Devils*. It seems that sound just now was the outer barrier covering the kingdom being broken to pieces][A surprise attack from the Majinzoku!? That means…..][Ahh, right now, the Hairihi Kingdom is being invaded. I’ve just gained information from my companions through “Telepathy”. It appears that the Majinzoku also brought along a large army of demons. It’s a complete surprise attack]To Hajime’s briefing, Aiko’s face becomes pale, [That can’t be], was leaked out while shaking her head.Thats true. First of all, its impossible to not notice an invasion with the amount of forces that was advancing towards the kingdom, the great barrier that surrounds the Kingdom’s capital was also strong enough to ward away all average attacks and was unexpectedly stubborn against powerful ones. No one would believe that the 2 biggest hurdles were completely cleared so easily.[Sensei, first of all we’ll temporarily join up with Amanogawa and the rest of the group. Then we’ll talk about what to do][ye, yes]Aiko who stiffened up from the tension, is now being held by Hajime’s right hand. [Uhya!] A strange voice was leaked out, she wrapped her arms around Hajime’s neck to the suddenness of the action.Then in that moment….Ka!!A severe silver light poured in from the outside.[~!?]A light as strong as the moonlights rays came pouring into the room, instinctively alarm bells were raised in Aiko’s mind.However, Hajime wasn’t shaken at all and proceeded to jump out of the room through the hole he previously made. Aiko screamed while clinging onto Hajime due to the rapid movements, there wasn’t any time to worry.Hajime, it was simultaneous, grabbing Aiko and dashing out of the room before the light completely eradicated the room in the very next moment.Boba~!!There wasn’t a roaring sound when the room was crushed, it just simply evaporated, scattering into particles. The top of the temple was made of steel, now its become nothing more than particles much finer than sand, it was then blown away due to the night wind and disappeared into the sky.To the specific phenomenon, Hajime while using “Aerodynamic” to stand in the air, opened his eyes wide and muttered.[.....Was that…..decomposition?][Nicely answered, irregular]To his short muttering came an unexpected answer, a voice resembling the ringing of a bell, however, it was cold and void of all emotions.When Hajime turned his glance to where the voice sounded, there, a woman with silver hair and blue eyes glared at Hajime from the nearby rooftop. Hajime, then guessed that this was the woman that kidnapped Aiko.In the first place, though unlike Ririana’s description she wasn’t wearing a nun’s habit, instead, this woman was clad in a completely white dress and armor. The dress was sleeveless and only went up to knee height, her arms, legs, and head were clad in protective armor, and a metallic plate hung on both sides of her waist. Its the figure of a warrior no matter how you look at it. Exactly like a Valkyrie.The silver haired woman, leaped through the air as if gravity had no hold of her. And, in one rotation positioned herself infront of the moon, a pair of silver wings expanded behind her back.~basaa~ the wings expanded, it appears that the silver wings were shrouded in a silver-light magic. With the moon behind her, she looked mysteriously divine as her silver hair drifted in the wind, she carried beauty and charm that was out of this world.However, unfortunately if not for her eyes. Despite her immense beauty, only her eyes gave off a cold impression as if frozen in ice. Not the coldness of hating another being. it was exactly like a single-minded mechanical tool. It was the eyes of a doll.The silver haired woman, while looking down on Hajime with Aiko being held closely, slowly extended both arms out horizontally.Then, the gauntlets shined momentarily, in the next moment, a large white sword was gripped in both hands. The large swords were nearly 2 meters in length and it was also clad in a silver-light magic, the silver haired woman who seemed unaffected by its weight, calls out to Hajime without an ounce of feelings.[I am Nointo. I am “God’s Apostle”, for my master, I will remove all unnecessary pieces]A declaration of war. The woman that introduced herself as Nointo, in the truest sense, she is “God’s Apostle”. Finally, it seems they’ve decided to intervene with Hajime. To directly remove us from “god’s game”.Silver magic gushes out around Nointo. A huge pressure attacked Hajime and Aiko, it was as if they were standing underneath a huge waterfall.Though Aiko was trying to endure it desperately, her expression turns blue then white, her body starts trembling uncontrollably. [We’re finished] nearly losing her consciousness, a bright red magic surrounded Aiko. The bright red magic shined even more to protect Aiko, it completely blocked out the pressure that Nointo released.
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