The Armored Juggernauts that had dropped down in the courtyard immedia terjemahan - The Armored Juggernauts that had dropped down in the courtyard immedia Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Armored Juggernauts that had dr

The Armored Juggernauts that had dropped down in the courtyard immediately started to suppress the area. The freely-swinging eight legs drove off the surrounding people. The silver silk that the samurai spat accurately bound the armed soldier monks.
The ajari were knocked flying after being bound by the Tsuchigumo's thread, then immediately lost consciousness. It wasn't a simple unconsciousness. Rather, it was because the thread absorbed their spiritual power.
Of course, the soldier monks wouldn't just sit and do nothing, and some of them also counterattacked with their automatic weapons. But the rifle bullets were easily deflected off the armor of the Armored Juggernauts.
The Armored Juggernaut was a mechanical shikigami whose metal body was its vessel. Firearms on the level of rifles couldn't even make it lag in the first place. In contrast, the Tsuchigumo fired the cannons installed on either side of its body as if to say 'Not bad, let me return the favor'.
The rumbling sound of cannon fire from the Pacific War era, different from the sound of modern firearms, resounded through the mountain. Smoke curled up from the barrels.
Stone lanterns were shattered, huge trees toppled, and large holes opened up in the monastery. The cannons bombarded the shikyakumon[5] like full-power chainsaws. Though it looked like their accuracy wasn't so good, their effectiveness as a deterrence was the real deal. The soldier monks who had surrounded Harutora before fled everywhere like scattering spiders.
"Well, to be honest, things like military vehicles are exceptional fighting powers."
Harutora murmured to himself with a bitter smile. Even with more than twenty military monks as its opponents, the strength of a single Armored Juggernaut was overwhelming. And though the soldier monks were all armed with firearms, they weren't used to using them and cooperating for a group battle. Judging from the way Jougen commanded them, he hadn't commanded an armed group before. And needless to say, infantry like this were useless against military vehicles.
Before anyone noticed, the two Divine Generals who had announced their uninvolvement beforehand had disappeared somewhere. They were probably afraid of getting dragged in and hence had taken advantage of the chaos caused by the Armored Juggernauts to escape.
"D-Don't panic, just draw back!"
"No, aim! Aim at the shikigami's master!"
It seemed that several high-ranking ajari were shouting angrily. Avoiding the shikigami and attacking the master was a fundamental of magic battle when confronting powerful shikigami. But the excellence of the Tsuchigumo wasn't just in their offense. The Tsuchigumo nimbly used their legs and bodies to block bullets, deflecting all of the shots aimed at Harutora. Then, the people who had aimed at Harutora along with their commanders were immediately dealt with by the loyal defensive shikigami--
After they were subjected to a fierce counterattack, they went silent. The barrier based on the Mountain Gate would be destroyed soon and flaws had appeared in the array covering the interior of the monastery. Though the main hall's barrier still stayed up, a small defect would have huge consequences since the magic it was constructed with was extremely unstable. Right now, the lag had already subsided from Hishamaru and Kakugyouki.
Then, as Hishamaru danced marvelously through the battlefield, Kakugyouki entered the depths of the main hall, destroying the final barrier. The array had already vanished completely when he came out.
The soldier monks were still putting up resistance, but not long afterwards they saw the second Armored Juggernaut advancing while constantly knocking down the cedar trees to the left and right of the mountain path in front of it. This was the Armored Juggernaut that had just activated by the south side of the mountain and destroyed the barrier at the Mountain Gate.
The monks moaned in despair upon facing the new powerful shikigami. The second Armored Juggernaut's eight legs clanked as it moved and climbed up the mountain path, gazing at the soldier monks. Then, it easily passed through the shikyakumon that had already become cannon fodder. It walked in front of the first Armored Juggernaut as if saying 'Requesting regroup', neatly and respectfully arranging its eight legs. In comparison, the first Armored Juggernaut stamped back respectfully as if to say 'Good work'.
With the two gathered in the courtyard along with the one attacking on the north side of the mountain, the three Armored Juggernauts were all objects that had been stolen from the Onmyou Agency storehouses. Originally, vessels of the level of Armored Juggernauts ought to have been sealed in the Onmyou Agency building's sealed storage room. But unfortunately, the Armored Juggernauts' vessels were too huge, and it was difficult to keep them inside the agency building. Hence, the Armored Juggernauts had been kept in a storehouse administered by the Onmyou Agency under the name of research materials.
Of course, magical security had been cast on the storehouse. Especially after the incident with the 'Child Prodigy' Dairenji Suzuka, that security had become even more serious. Even so, it was quite easy to break into the storehouse compared to the agency building's sealed storage room. Harutora and the others had used stealth magic to infiltrate the storehouse and cleverly stolen the Armored Juggernauts.
"They were originally things I made, so it's more accurate to say that I'm 'taking them back'."
To Harutora who casually said that, Hishamaru replied:
"These things must be very happy right now as well."
"Those things are armaments, not you."
Kakugyouki rebutted.
Also, Harutora had cast some misleading precautions on the simple shikigami guards and workers so that the Armored Juggernauts wouldn't be realized as stolen for a while afterwards. Actually, Harutora and the others had spent the seven days between receiving Jougen's message of 'summons' to arriving at Seishuku Temple on stealing the Armored Juggernauts along with handling and maintenance.
Harutora's reasons for especially utilizing the Armored Juggernauts wasn't because he had anticipated Jougen's next move. Rather, he had prepared them as effective measures to suppress a forested mountain battlefield in case the summons to Seishuku Temple was a trap. In the end, it was just coincidence that they had become an effective countermeasure to oppose this magical-energy-sealing array. But even if he hadn't prepared the Armored Juggernauts, Harutora had other means of destroying the magical array.
Hishamaru returned to Harutora's side, leaving the suppression of the courtyard to the two Armored Juggernauts. Harutora briefly checked the appearance of his defensive shikigami.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Armored Juggernauts that had dropped down in the courtyard immediately started to suppress the area. The freely-swinging eight legs drove off the surrounding people. The silver silk that the samurai spat accurately bound the armed soldier monks.The ajari were knocked flying after being bound by the Tsuchigumo's thread, then immediately lost consciousness. It wasn't a simple unconsciousness. Rather, it was because the thread absorbed their spiritual power.Of course, the soldier monks wouldn't just sit and do nothing, and some of them also counterattacked with their automatic weapons. But the rifle bullets were easily deflected off the armor of the Armored Juggernauts.The Armored Juggernaut was a mechanical shikigami whose metal body was its vessel. Firearms on the level of rifles couldn't even make it lag in the first place. In contrast, the Tsuchigumo fired the cannons installed on either side of its body as if to say 'Not bad, let me return the favor'.The rumbling sound of cannon fire from the Pacific War era, different from the sound of modern firearms, resounded through the mountain. Smoke curled up from the barrels.Stone lanterns were shattered, huge trees toppled, and large holes opened up in the monastery. The cannons bombarded the shikyakumon[5] like full-power chainsaws. Though it looked like their accuracy wasn't so good, their effectiveness as a deterrence was the real deal. The soldier monks who had surrounded Harutora before fled everywhere like scattering spiders."Well, to be honest, things like military vehicles are exceptional fighting powers."Harutora murmured to himself with a bitter smile. Even with more than twenty military monks as its opponents, the strength of a single Armored Juggernaut was overwhelming. And though the soldier monks were all armed with firearms, they weren't used to using them and cooperating for a group battle. Judging from the way Jougen commanded them, he hadn't commanded an armed group before. And needless to say, infantry like this were useless against military vehicles.Before anyone noticed, the two Divine Generals who had announced their uninvolvement beforehand had disappeared somewhere. They were probably afraid of getting dragged in and hence had taken advantage of the chaos caused by the Armored Juggernauts to escape."D-Don't panic, just draw back!""No, aim! Aim at the shikigami's master!"It seemed that several high-ranking ajari were shouting angrily. Avoiding the shikigami and attacking the master was a fundamental of magic battle when confronting powerful shikigami. But the excellence of the Tsuchigumo wasn't just in their offense. The Tsuchigumo nimbly used their legs and bodies to block bullets, deflecting all of the shots aimed at Harutora. Then, the people who had aimed at Harutora along with their commanders were immediately dealt with by the loyal defensive shikigami--"Scoundrel!"After they were subjected to a fierce counterattack, they went silent. The barrier based on the Mountain Gate would be destroyed soon and flaws had appeared in the array covering the interior of the monastery. Though the main hall's barrier still stayed up, a small defect would have huge consequences since the magic it was constructed with was extremely unstable. Right now, the lag had already subsided from Hishamaru and Kakugyouki.Then, as Hishamaru danced marvelously through the battlefield, Kakugyouki entered the depths of the main hall, destroying the final barrier. The array had already vanished completely when he came out.
The soldier monks were still putting up resistance, but not long afterwards they saw the second Armored Juggernaut advancing while constantly knocking down the cedar trees to the left and right of the mountain path in front of it. This was the Armored Juggernaut that had just activated by the south side of the mountain and destroyed the barrier at the Mountain Gate.
The monks moaned in despair upon facing the new powerful shikigami. The second Armored Juggernaut's eight legs clanked as it moved and climbed up the mountain path, gazing at the soldier monks. Then, it easily passed through the shikyakumon that had already become cannon fodder. It walked in front of the first Armored Juggernaut as if saying 'Requesting regroup', neatly and respectfully arranging its eight legs. In comparison, the first Armored Juggernaut stamped back respectfully as if to say 'Good work'.
With the two gathered in the courtyard along with the one attacking on the north side of the mountain, the three Armored Juggernauts were all objects that had been stolen from the Onmyou Agency storehouses. Originally, vessels of the level of Armored Juggernauts ought to have been sealed in the Onmyou Agency building's sealed storage room. But unfortunately, the Armored Juggernauts' vessels were too huge, and it was difficult to keep them inside the agency building. Hence, the Armored Juggernauts had been kept in a storehouse administered by the Onmyou Agency under the name of research materials.
Of course, magical security had been cast on the storehouse. Especially after the incident with the 'Child Prodigy' Dairenji Suzuka, that security had become even more serious. Even so, it was quite easy to break into the storehouse compared to the agency building's sealed storage room. Harutora and the others had used stealth magic to infiltrate the storehouse and cleverly stolen the Armored Juggernauts.
"They were originally things I made, so it's more accurate to say that I'm 'taking them back'."
To Harutora who casually said that, Hishamaru replied:
"These things must be very happy right now as well."
"Those things are armaments, not you."
Kakugyouki rebutted.
Also, Harutora had cast some misleading precautions on the simple shikigami guards and workers so that the Armored Juggernauts wouldn't be realized as stolen for a while afterwards. Actually, Harutora and the others had spent the seven days between receiving Jougen's message of 'summons' to arriving at Seishuku Temple on stealing the Armored Juggernauts along with handling and maintenance.
Harutora's reasons for especially utilizing the Armored Juggernauts wasn't because he had anticipated Jougen's next move. Rather, he had prepared them as effective measures to suppress a forested mountain battlefield in case the summons to Seishuku Temple was a trap. In the end, it was just coincidence that they had become an effective countermeasure to oppose this magical-energy-sealing array. But even if he hadn't prepared the Armored Juggernauts, Harutora had other means of destroying the magical array.
Hishamaru returned to Harutora's side, leaving the suppression of the courtyard to the two Armored Juggernauts. Harutora briefly checked the appearance of his defensive shikigami.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lapis Baja Juggernauts yang telah menjatuhkan turun di halaman segera mulai menekan daerah. The bebas-ayun delapan kaki melaju dari orang-orang di sekitarnya. Sutra perak yang meludah samurai akurat terikat biarawan prajurit bersenjata.
The ajari tersingkir terbang setelah terikat oleh benang Tsuchigumo itu, kesadaran kemudian segera hilang. Itu bukan ketidaksadaran sederhana. Sebaliknya, itu karena benang diserap kekuatan spiritual mereka.
Tentu saja, para biarawan prajurit tidak akan hanya duduk dan melakukan apa-apa, dan beberapa dari mereka juga melakukan serangan balasan dengan senjata otomatis mereka. Tapi peluru senapan yang mudah dibelokkan dari baju besi dari Lapis Baja Juggernauts.
The Lapis Baja Juggernaut adalah shikigami mekanik yang tubuhnya logam adalah kapal nya. Senjata api pada tingkat senapan bahkan tidak bisa membuatnya tertinggal di tempat pertama. Sebaliknya, Tsuchigumo menembakkan meriam dipasang di kedua sisi tubuhnya seolah-olah mengatakan 'Tidak buruk, biarkan aku membalas budi'.
The gemuruh suara tembakan meriam dari era Perang Pasifik, yang berbeda dari suara senjata api modern, bergema melalui gunung. Asap meringkuk dari barel.
lentera batu hancur, pohon-pohon besar tumbang, dan lubang besar dibuka di biara. Meriam dibombardir shikyakumon [5] seperti gergaji penuh kekuasaan. Meskipun tampak seperti akurasi mereka tidak begitu baik, efektivitas mereka sebagai pencegahan yang adalah real deal. Para biksu prajurit yang telah mengepung Harutora sebelum melarikan diri di mana-mana seperti hamburan laba-laba.
"Nah, jujur, hal-hal seperti kendaraan militer kekuatan pertempuran yang luar biasa."
Harutora bergumam pada dirinya sendiri dengan senyum pahit. Bahkan dengan lebih dari dua puluh biarawan militer lawan-lawannya, kekuatan tunggal Lapis Baja Juggernaut adalah luar biasa. Dan meskipun para biarawan prajurit semua dipersenjatai dengan senjata api, mereka tidak terbiasa menggunakan mereka dan bekerja sama untuk pertempuran kelompok. Dilihat dari cara Jougen memerintahkan mereka, yang tidak diperintahkan kelompok bersenjata sebelumnya. Dan tentu saja, infanteri seperti ini tidak berguna terhadap kendaraan militer.
Sebelum ada yang melihat, kedua jenderal Ilahi yang telah mengumumkan uninvolvement mereka sebelumnya telah menghilang di suatu tempat. Mereka mungkin takut mendapatkan diseret dan karenanya telah mengambil keuntungan dari kekacauan yang disebabkan oleh Lapis Baja Juggernauts untuk melarikan diri.
"D-jangan panik, hanya menarik kembali!"
"Tidak, bertujuan! Bertujuan master shikigami itu!"
Ini tampak bahwa beberapa ajari tinggi berteriak marah. Menghindari shikigami dan menyerang tuannya adalah dasar pertempuran sihir ketika menghadapi shikigami kuat. Tapi keunggulan dari Tsuchigumo itu bukan hanya dalam pelanggaran mereka. Tsuchigumo gesit digunakan kaki dan tubuh mereka untuk memblokir peluru, membelokkan semua tembakan yang ditujukan Harutora. Kemudian, orang-orang yang telah ditujukan Harutora bersama dengan komandan mereka segera ditangani oleh defensif setia shikigami--
Setelah mereka menjadi sasaran serangan balik sengit, mereka terdiam. Hambatan berdasarkan Gate Mountain akan dihancurkan segera dan kekurangan yang muncul dalam array yang meliputi interior biara. Meskipun penghalang ruang utama masih terjaga, cacat kecil akan memiliki konsekuensi besar karena sihir itu dibangun dengan sangat tidak stabil. Saat ini, lag sudah mereda dari Hishamaru dan Kakugyouki.
Kemudian, ketika Hishamaru menari mengagumkan melalui medan perang, Kakugyouki memasuki kedalaman ruang utama, menghancurkan penghalang akhir. Array sudah lenyap sama sekali ketika ia keluar.
Para biarawan prajurit masih memasang perlawanan, namun tidak lama kemudian mereka melihat kedua Armored Juggernaut maju sambil terus merobohkan pohon-pohon cedar ke kiri dan kanan dari jalur pegunungan di depan saya t. Ini adalah Lapis Baja Juggernaut yang baru saja diaktifkan oleh sisi selatan gunung dan menghancurkan penghalang di Gate Mountain.
Para biarawan mengerang putus asa saat menghadapi shikigami kuat baru. Kedua Armored Juggernaut delapan kaki clanked saat bergerak dan naik ke jalan gunung, menatap para biarawan prajurit. Kemudian, dengan mudah melewati shikyakumon yang sudah menjadi umpan meriam. Ini berjalan di depan pertama Lapis Baja Juggernaut seakan mengatakan 'Meminta berkumpul kembali', rapi dan hormat mengatur delapan kakinya. Sebagai perbandingan, pertama Lapis Baja Juggernaut dicap kembali hormat seolah-olah mengatakan 'Kerja yang bagus'.
Dengan dua berkumpul di halaman bersama dengan satu menyerang di sisi utara gunung, tiga lapis baja Juggernauts semua benda yang telah dicuri dari gudang Onmyou Badan. Awalnya, kapal dari tingkat Lapis Baja Juggernauts seharusnya telah disegel di ruang penyimpanan tertutup yang Onmyou Badan bangunan. Namun sayangnya, kapal Lapis Baja Juggernauts 'terlalu besar, dan itu sulit untuk menjaga mereka di dalam gedung lembaga. Oleh karena itu, Lapis Baja Juggernauts telah disimpan di gudang yang dikelola oleh Badan Onmyou dengan nama bahan penelitian.
Tentu saja, keamanan ajaib telah dilemparkan pada gudang. Apalagi setelah insiden dengan 'Child Prodigy' Dairenji Suzuka, keamanan yang telah menjadi lebih serius. Meski begitu, itu cukup mudah untuk masuk ke gudang dibandingkan dengan ruang penyimpanan tertutup bangunan badan. Harutora dan yang lainnya telah menggunakan sihir siluman untuk menyusup gudang dan cerdik mencuri Lapis Baja Juggernauts.
"Mereka awalnya hal yang saya buat, sehingga lebih akurat untuk mengatakan bahwa saya 'membawa mereka kembali'."
Untuk Harutora yang santai mengatakan bahwa , Hishamaru menjawab:
". Hal-hal ini harus sangat bahagia sekarang juga"
. "Hal-hal tersebut persenjataan, bukan"
. Kakugyouki dibantah
Juga, Harutora telah melemparkan beberapa tindakan pencegahan menyesatkan pada penjaga shikigami sederhana dan pekerja sehingga Lapis Baja Juggernauts tidak akan terwujud sebagai dicuri untuk sementara waktu setelah itu. Sebenarnya, Harutora dan yang lainnya telah menghabiskan tujuh hari antara menerima pesan Jougen tentang 'panggilan' untuk tiba di Seishuku Temple pada mencuri Lapis Baja Juggernauts bersama dengan penanganan dan pemeliharaan.
Alasan Harutora untuk terutama memanfaatkan Lapis Baja Juggernauts itu bukan karena ia telah diantisipasi Langkah berikutnya Jougen itu. Sebaliknya, ia telah mempersiapkan mereka sebagai langkah efektif untuk menekan medan gunung hutan dalam hal panggilan ke Seishuku Temple adalah jebakan. Pada akhirnya, itu hanya kebetulan bahwa mereka telah menjadi penanggulangan yang efektif untuk melawan-energi penyegelan magis array ini. Tetapi bahkan jika ia tidak mempersiapkan Lapis Baja Juggernauts, Harutora memiliki cara lain untuk menghancurkan array magis.
Hishamaru kembali ke sisi Harutora, meninggalkan penindasan halaman ke dua Lapis Baja Juggernauts. Harutora sebentar memeriksa penampilan shikigami defensif.
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