More improtantly, however, he amassed three volumes of photographic wo terjemahan - More improtantly, however, he amassed three volumes of photographic wo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

More improtantly, however, he amass

More improtantly, however, he amassed three volumes of photographic work on human and animal motions that provided scientific documentation of of some of the subtle differences between normal and pathological gait.
movement analyst today have quite an array of camera types from which to choose. the type of movement and the requirements of the analysis largely determine the camera and analysis system of choice. those most commonly used for documenting human movement sequences are video cameras and 8 and 16 mm movie cameras.
because of widespread availability, durability, and ease of use of modern video camera and playback units, video is the most common motion picture medium for qualitative analysis of human
movement today.
standard video provides 60 resolvable pictures per second, which is perfectly adequate for many human movement applications. scientists and clinicians performing detailed quantitative study of the kinematics of human motion typically require a more sophisticated video camera and playback unit, with higher rates of pictures capture. digital video capture system deigned for human movement analysis are commercially available with frame rates of up to 2000 hz. for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, however, a consideration often of greater importance than camera speed is the clarity of the captured images. it is the camera's the shutter is open when each picture in the video record is taken, the faster the movement being analyzed, the shorter the duration of the exposure time required to prevent blurring the image captured.
another important consideration when analyzing human movement with video is the number of cameras required to adequately capture the aspects of interest. because most human movement is not constrained to a single plane, it is typically necessary to use multiple cameras to ensure that all of the movement can be viewed and recorded accurately for a detailed analysis.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
More improtantly, however, he amassed three volumes of photographic work on human and animal motions that provided scientific documentation of of some of the subtle differences between normal and pathological gait. movement analyst today have quite an array of camera types from which to choose. the type of movement and the requirements of the analysis largely determine the camera and analysis system of choice. those most commonly used for documenting human movement sequences are video cameras and 8 and 16 mm movie cameras. because of widespread availability, durability, and ease of use of modern video camera and playback units, video is the most common motion picture medium for qualitative analysis of humanmovement today.standard video provides 60 resolvable pictures per second, which is perfectly adequate for many human movement applications. scientists and clinicians performing detailed quantitative study of the kinematics of human motion typically require a more sophisticated video camera and playback unit, with higher rates of pictures capture. digital video capture system deigned for human movement analysis are commercially available with frame rates of up to 2000 hz. for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, however, a consideration often of greater importance than camera speed is the clarity of the captured images. it is the camera's the shutter is open when each picture in the video record is taken, the faster the movement being analyzed, the shorter the duration of the exposure time required to prevent blurring the image captured. pertimbangan penting lainnya ketika menganalisis pergerakan manusia dengan video adalah jumlah kamera yang diperlukan untuk secara memadai menangkap aspek yang menarik. karena gerakan paling manusia tidak dibatasi untuk satu pesawat, biasanya diperlukan untuk menggunakan beberapa kamera untuk memastikan bahwa semua gerakan dapat melihat dan dicatat secara akurat untuk analisis rinci.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lebih improtantly, bagaimanapun, dia mengumpulkan tiga jilid karya fotografi pada gerakan manusia dan hewan yang disediakan dokumentasi ilmiah dari beberapa perbedaan halus antara normal dan patologis kiprah.
analis gerakan saat ini memiliki cukup array jenis kamera dari yang untuk memilih. jenis gerakan dan persyaratan analisis sangat menentukan kamera dan analisis sistem pilihan. yang paling sering digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan urutan gerakan manusia adalah kamera video dan kamera 8 dan 16 mm film.
karena ketersediaan luas, daya tahan, dan kemudahan penggunaan kamera video dan playback unit modern, video media film yang paling umum untuk analisis kualitatif manusia
gerakan hari ini.
standar video menyediakan 60 gambar per detik diatasi, yang sangat memadai untuk banyak aplikasi gerakan manusia. ilmuwan dan dokter melakukan studi kuantitatif rinci tentang kinematika gerak manusia biasanya membutuhkan kamera video dan playback satuan yang lebih canggih, dengan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari gambar capture. Sistem capture video digital berkenan untuk analisis gerakan manusia yang tersedia secara komersial dengan frame rate hingga 2000 hz. untuk kedua analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, bagaimanapun, pertimbangan sering lebih penting daripada kecepatan kamera adalah kejelasan gambar yang diambil. itu adalah kamera shutter terbuka ketika setiap gambar dalam merekam video diambil, semakin cepat gerakan yang dianalisis, semakin pendek durasi waktu pemaparan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencegah mengaburkan gambar yang diambil.
pertimbangan penting ketika menganalisis gerakan manusia dengan video adalah jumlah kamera yang diperlukan untuk menangkap aspek kepentingan memadai. karena gerakan manusia yang paling tidak dibatasi untuk satu pesawat, itu biasanya diperlukan untuk menggunakan beberapa kamera untuk memastikan bahwa semua gerakan ini dapat dilihat dan dicatat secara akurat untuk analisis rinci.

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