The city gate opens greatly, Rong Di Jun goes out of town rapidly, all terjemahan - The city gate opens greatly, Rong Di Jun goes out of town rapidly, all Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The city gate opens greatly, Rong D

The city gate opens greatly, Rong Di Jun goes out of town rapidly, all around player also dis­cov­ered that the trend of NPC army, goes out of town, Li Mu al­ready gath­ered [Zhan Long] the team of ap­prox­i­mately 1.5 W per­son out­side the city, this was our final strengths, if this group of peo­ple died in bat­tle again, per­son who [Zhan Long] can use only then sev­eral thou­sands, but the war has pro­jected on this de­gree, as if every­body must go all out.
The shal­low for­est in the side of truly duke, has drawn out the long sword, ex­claimed lowly: „Rong Di Jun's brave war­riors, charge along with me to­gether, kill our en­e­mies, Tian Ling Em­pire take us as ar­ro­gantly!”
The hoof­beat shocked the earth, Rong Di Jun's mighty force gal­loped, the en­tire every book city as if the quilt, the hoof­beat has shocked about shiv­ered, but the player team also fol­lowed closely Rong Di Jun to go to bat­tle to­gether, the dis­tant place, the crackle of gun­fire bang re­sound­ing, the peo­ple in Ze deep pool city were not the fools, started to en­ter­tain the army that in every book city ex­ited with the great ar­tillery.
On the plain, dense crowd tidal gush­ing out, the Chi­nese play­ers co­or­di­nated Rong Di Jun's charge to pre­sent a wan­ing moon array have charged for­ward, the flash sub­merged the front of Ze deep pool city, Rong Di Jun was the north­ern bar­bar­ian cav­alry sol­dier, brave in­com­pa­ra­ble, but the snow wolf cav­alry sol­diers in Ze deep pool city were not in­fe­rior, stran­gled to death rapidly in the same place, the blood starts to spread.
I am rais­ing the long sword, su­per­fi­cial drank lowly, lead­ing the [Zhan Long] per­son to cut into has fought the cir­cle, the iron blade edge ride starts the skill in abun­dance, slaugh­tered with the match in the same place, our pri­or­ity tar­gets were to at­tack ar­tillery, first de­stroyed the op­po­site party heavy ar­tillery camp said again!
After puts in an ap­pear­ance, Ze deep pool city al­ready could not with­stand, yes­ter­day they re­ceived to de­feat the con­fi­dence to be dam­aged, today by our high-spir­ited im­pact, is lost again is se­ri­ous.
Is less than a half hour, the heavy ar­tillery camp of Ze deep pool city starts to re­treat, pushes the heavy heavy ar­tillery def­i­nitely to run not quickly, was cov­ered by one di­rectly kills, after killing sev­eral thou­sand heavy ar­tilleries, over a hun­dred heavy ar­tilleries fall in the palace guard and hand of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, peo­ple of Han Yuanhe leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces com­pete, has al­most got­ten, I am right­eous for­tu­nately, re­signed two hot crag ar­tillery on own ini­tia­tive, re­lin­quishes in light of this.
The smil­ing face on face is get­ting more and more rich, prob­a­bly he has not thought that the war will carry on that smoothly, raises the sword blade edge, laughs say­ing: „At­tacks to me, kills off them!”
Dean is rais­ing the iron sword, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty, please al­lows end to lead the peo­ple to go to chase down, out­side dozens con­quered by killing cities re­venge for every book city!”
Nods: „Good, every male care­ful! Comes the human, is bring­ing the im­pe­r­ial guard guard of or­phaned king, con­tin­u­ously pro­tec­tion in every male side!”
South­west every book city plain ter­mi­nus is a moun­tain val­ley, two wings both are the be con­tin­u­ous fire god moun­tain range, Ze deep pool city army rout enter the moun­tain val­ley that mo­ment, I am also hur­ried thou­sand frost wings to rush to the ex­pan­sive sky, is in the cloud layer the bird's eye view all ter­rains on earth, sees only in the moun­tain val­ley in the jun­gle the bird to fly a piece, im­me­di­ately in the heart moves, dives hur­riedly to the earth, shouts loudly: „Be care­ful, in the moun­tain val­ley has am­bush!”
But was late, the trial, Prague and other player and large quan­ti­ties of Rong of Di Jun, Dean b
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The city gate opens greatly, Rong Di Jun goes out of town rapidly, all around player also dis­cov­ered that the trend of NPC army, goes out of town, Li Mu al­ready gath­ered [Zhan Long] the team of ap­prox­i­mately 1.5 W per­son out­side the city, this was our final strengths, if this group of peo­ple died in bat­tle again, per­son who [Zhan Long] can use only then sev­eral thou­sands, but the war has pro­jected on this de­gree, as if every­body must go all out.„Clang!”The shal­low for­est in the side of truly duke, has drawn out the long sword, ex­claimed lowly: „Rong Di Jun's brave war­riors, charge along with me to­gether, kill our en­e­mies, Tian Ling Em­pire take us as ar­ro­gantly!”The hoof­beat shocked the earth, Rong Di Jun's mighty force gal­loped, the en­tire every book city as if the quilt, the hoof­beat has shocked about shiv­ered, but the player team also fol­lowed closely Rong Di Jun to go to bat­tle to­gether, the dis­tant place, the crackle of gun­fire bang re­sound­ing, the peo­ple in Ze deep pool city were not the fools, started to en­ter­tain the army that in every book city ex­ited with the great ar­tillery.On the plain, dense crowd tidal gush­ing out, the Chi­nese play­ers co­or­di­nated Rong Di Jun's charge to pre­sent a wan­ing moon array have charged for­ward, the flash sub­merged the front of Ze deep pool city, Rong Di Jun was the north­ern bar­bar­ian cav­alry sol­dier, brave in­com­pa­ra­ble, but the snow wolf cav­alry sol­diers in Ze deep pool city were not in­fe­rior, stran­gled to death rapidly in the same place, the blood starts to spread.„Kills!”I am rais­ing the long sword, su­per­fi­cial drank lowly, lead­ing the [Zhan Long] per­son to cut into has fought the cir­cle, the iron blade edge ride starts the skill in abun­dance, slaugh­tered with the match in the same place, our pri­or­ity tar­gets were to at­tack ar­tillery, first de­stroyed the op­po­site party heavy ar­tillery camp said again!After puts in an ap­pear­ance, Ze deep pool city al­ready could not with­stand, yes­ter­day they re­ceived to de­feat the con­fi­dence to be dam­aged, today by our high-spir­ited im­pact, is lost again is se­ri­ous.Is less than a half hour, the heavy ar­tillery camp of Ze deep pool city starts to re­treat, pushes the heavy heavy ar­tillery def­i­nitely to run not quickly, was cov­ered by one di­rectly kills, after killing sev­eral thou­sand heavy ar­tilleries, over a hun­dred heavy ar­tilleries fall in the palace guard and hand of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, peo­ple of Han Yuanhe leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces com­pete, has al­most got­ten, I am right­eous for­tu­nately, re­signed two hot crag ar­tillery on own ini­tia­tive, re­lin­quishes in light of this.The smil­ing face on face is get­ting more and more rich, prob­a­bly he has not thought that the war will carry on that smoothly, raises the sword blade edge, laughs say­ing: „At­tacks to me, kills off them!”
Dean is rais­ing the iron sword, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty, please al­lows end to lead the peo­ple to go to chase down, out­side dozens con­quered by killing cities re­venge for every book city!”
Nods: „Good, every male care­ful! Comes the human, is bring­ing the im­pe­r­ial guard guard of or­phaned king, con­tin­u­ously pro­tec­tion in every male side!”
South­west every book city plain ter­mi­nus is a moun­tain val­ley, two wings both are the be con­tin­u­ous fire god moun­tain range, Ze deep pool city army rout enter the moun­tain val­ley that mo­ment, I am also hur­ried thou­sand frost wings to rush to the ex­pan­sive sky, is in the cloud layer the bird's eye view all ter­rains on earth, sees only in the moun­tain val­ley in the jun­gle the bird to fly a piece, im­me­di­ately in the heart moves, dives hur­riedly to the earth, shouts loudly: „Be care­ful, in the moun­tain val­ley has am­bush!”
But was late, the trial, Prague and other player and large quan­ti­ties of Rong of Di Jun, Dean b
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gerbang kota terbuka sangat, Rong Di Juni pergi ke luar kota dengan cepat, seluruh pemain juga menemukan bahwa tren tentara NPC, pergi ke luar kota, Li Mu sudah berkumpul [Zhan Panjang] tim dari sekitar 1,5 W orang luar kota , ini adalah kekuatan kami akhir, jika kelompok ini orang meninggal dalam pertempuran lagi, orang yang [Zhan panjang] dapat menggunakan hanya kemudian beberapa ribu, tapi perang telah diproyeksikan pada tingkat ini, seolah-olah semua orang harus pergi semua keluar.
"dentang! "
hutan dangkal di sisi yang benar-benar duke, telah ditarik keluar pedang panjang, berseru rendah:" prajurit pemberani Rong di Jun, biaya bersama dengan saya bersama-sama, membunuh musuh kami, Tian Ling Empire membawa kita sebagai arogan "!
The hoofbeat terkejut bumi, kekuatan perkasa Rong Di Jun berlari, seluruh setiap kota buku seakan selimut, hoofbeat yang telah mengejutkan tentang menggigil, tapi tim pemain juga diikuti Rong Di Juni untuk pergi ke pertempuran bersama-sama, tempat yang jauh, derak tembakan Bang gemilang, orang-orang di Ze kota dalam kolam yang tidak bodoh, mulai untuk menghibur tentara yang di setiap kota buku keluar dengan artileri besar.
pada dataran, padat kerumunan pasang surut memancar keluar, pemain Cina dikoordinasikan biaya Rong di Jun untuk menyajikan array bulan memudarnya telah dibebankan ke depan, lampu kilat terendam depan Ze dalam kota kolam renang, Rong di Juni adalah utara prajurit kavaleri barbar, berani tak tertandingi, tetapi tentara salju serigala kavaleri di Ze dalam kota kolam renang yang tidak kalah, dicekik mati cepat di tempat yang sama, darah mulai menyebar.
saya mengangkat pedang panjang, dangkal minum rendah, memimpin [Zhan panjang] orang untuk memotong ke telah berjuang lingkaran, besi pisau tepi perjalanan dimulai keterampilan dalam kelimpahan, dibantai dengan pertandingan di tempat yang sama, target prioritas kami adalah untuk menyerang artileri, pertama menghancurkan pihak lawan kamp artileri berat berkata lagi!
Setelah menempatkan dalam sebuah penampilan, Ze dalam kota renang sudah tidak bisa menahan, kemarin mereka menerima untuk mengalahkan rasa percaya diri yang akan rusak, hari ini oleh dampak bersemangat tinggi kami, hilang lagi serius.
Apakah kurang dari setengah jam, kamp artileri berat dari kota Ze kolam yang dalam mulai mundur, mendorong artileri berat berat pasti untuk menjalankan tidak cepat, ditutupi oleh satu langsung membunuh, setelah membunuh beberapa ribu artileri berat, lebih dari seratus artileri berat jatuh pengawal istana dan tangan Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris, orang-orang Han Yuanhe Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris bersaing, memiliki hampir mendapatkan, saya benar untungnya, mengundurkan diri dua hot karang artileri atas inisiatif sendiri, relinquishes dalam terang ini.
The wajah tersenyum di wajah semakin lebih dan lebih kaya, mungkin dia belum berpikir bahwa perang akan membawa pada yang lancar, menimbulkan ujung pedang pisau, tertawa mengatakan: "Serangan kepada saya, membunuh dari mereka!"
Dean menaikkan pedang besi, memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan: "yang Mulia, silakan memungkinkan end untuk memimpin orang-orang untuk pergi ke mengejar, puluhan luar ditaklukkan dengan membunuh kota balas dendam untuk setiap kota buku! "
Nods:" Baik, semua laki-laki-hati! Datang manusia, membawa penjaga penjaga kekaisaran raja yatim, terus perlindungan di setiap sisi laki-laki! "
" Ya! "
Southwest setiap kota buku polos ujung adalah sebuah lembah gunung, dua sayap kedua adalah kontinu api dewa pegunungan, Ze dalam kota pool kekalahan tentara memasuki lembah gunung saat itu, saya juga bergegas ribu sayap es buru-buru ke langit luas, yang pada lapisan awan burung pandangan mata semua medan di bumi, hanya melihat di lembah gunung di hutan yang burung terbang sepotong, segera di bergerak jantung, menyelam buru-buru ke bumi, berteriak keras: "! hati-hati, di lembah gunung memiliki penyergapan"
Tapi terlambat, sidang, Praha dan pemain lain dan jumlah besar Rong dari di Juni, Dean b
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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