In a hurry, can only come to square to keep off by the fire Yao Son of terjemahan - In a hurry, can only come to square to keep off by the fire Yao Son of Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In a hurry, can only come to square

In a hurry, can only come to square to keep off by the fire Yao Son of Heaven!
Above the sword blade edge trans­mits al­most soon breaks the great strength of arm, the whole per­son crashes to­ward under rapidly, but this Jin­long yawn is a dragon rest pur­sues, after my HP al­ready by a worry at­tack, fell, only then 33%, have eaten a time dragon rest def­i­nitely to hang again!
Gains ground, locks the above dike is a charge, im­me­di­ately has fired into the upper right under the index of skill strength, big MISS flies, this makes me can­not help but some­what small hap­pily, thinks quickly in emer­gen­cies to es­cape!
How­ever, a body rear Jin­long Voice long hiss­ing, the sharp claws punc­ture thor­oughly the rock layer, once more like is a golden beast has chased down, the sharp claws raise!
„+ 12638!”
Mu Yushu adds the in­fe­rior blood, the in­stan­ta­neous Longxu hook starts, to­ward bury­ing Long Yuan the place above flees once more about 50 yards, fire Yao Son of Heaven and Longchi sword in­ter­ac­tive, „ka ka” climbs up the es­cape up­wardly.
This Jin­long had not planned that made me feel bet­ter, launched the wings to fly, a dragon rest was emit­ting to my po­si­tion!
Must un­able to es­cape shortly, I hur­riedly to place above am being a sword blade edge ad­vance!
Moves 5 yards to­ward the dead ahead, dis­tance are not many, ac­tu­ally also MISS will fell the sec­ond dragon rest of Jin­long, at this time I also fi­nally turned around to see the phrase on Jin­long top of the head, is BOSS of ghost nian step, Jin­long dragon clan four big el­ders, the strik­ing power so is no won­der fierce, al­most struck al­most breaks my wall of mump­ing!
Heard a sad sound sud­denly, the back al­most soon is torn gen­er­ally, this flagi­tious Jin­long punc­tured thor­oughly my stature the sharp claws un­ex­pect­edly, ac­cord­ing to passed in Shek Pik me for­ward, im­me­di­ately HP brushed to fall, the blood bot­tle filled un­able to stop the de­clin­ing ten­dency, had a hand to start the King do­main stunt, the re­sis­tance greatly strength­ens, must die as be­fore!
The face rubs the burn­ing ache on the dike, 3 sec­onds of Longxu hook used CD to ar­rive, place above in­stan­ta­neous lock­ing, fled again, fi­nally has been sep­a­rated from Jin­long's im­mo­bi­liza­tion, but on the face with the chest is the wound and blood, the sum­mon an­tiq­uity god tiger ex­pired, is un­able to sum­mon under this type of ter­rain, aw­fully!
From bury­ing Long Yuan the exit also only then less than 20 me­ters re­mote, the dou­ble sword ex­change that I go all out climbs up up­wardly, Long Xi the ther­mal en­ergy wells up to once again, aw­fully!
Comes time Mu Yushu hur­riedly, how­ever 2 W + HP ac­tu­ally can­not re­sist a dragon rest.
When life and death, the hur­ried hand sum­mon god mil­i­tary tally, Big Dip­per stands up­side down in­stan­ta­neously above Shek Pik, when I crawl into the benet­nasch po­si­tion, then has trans­mit­ted a day of au­thor­ity, lifts the hand to hold the dike edge, „brush­ing” one jumped out the abyss, sum­moned the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse hur­riedly, stood up from fail­ure to start turns to­ward the front to run, a Jin­long Voice roared also to pur­sue.
Li shade dives to crash to­gether from the mouth, „bang” falls on my dead ahead, slid fol­low­ing the sur­face was very far, im­pres­sively was Frost, her shoul­der Ar­mour was also burnt a dark­ness, on the face has big dragon sharp claws the trace of to­gether, she also has been in­jured, these many big drag­ons be­sieged are too re­ally cruel!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In a hurry, can only come to square to keep off by the fire Yao Son of Heaven!„Bang!”Above the sword blade edge trans­mits al­most soon breaks the great strength of arm, the whole per­son crashes to­ward under rapidly, but this Jin­long yawn is a dragon rest pur­sues, after my HP al­ready by a worry at­tack, fell, only then 33%, have eaten a time dragon rest def­i­nitely to hang again!Gains ground, locks the above dike is a charge, im­me­di­ately has fired into the upper right under the index of skill strength, big MISS flies, this makes me can­not help but some­what small hap­pily, thinks quickly in emer­gen­cies to es­cape!How­ever, a body rear Jin­long Voice long hiss­ing, the sharp claws punc­ture thor­oughly the rock layer, once more like is a golden beast has chased down, the sharp claws raise!„+ 12638!”Mu Yushu adds the in­fe­rior blood, the in­stan­ta­neous Longxu hook starts, to­ward bury­ing Long Yuan the place above flees once more about 50 yards, fire Yao Son of Heaven and Longchi sword in­ter­ac­tive, „ka ka” climbs up the es­cape up­wardly.This Jin­long had not planned that made me feel bet­ter, launched the wings to fly, a dragon rest was emit­ting to my po­si­tion!Must un­able to es­cape shortly, I hur­riedly to place above am being a sword blade edge ad­vance!„Brushes!”Moves 5 yards to­ward the dead ahead, dis­tance are not many, ac­tu­ally also MISS will fell the sec­ond dragon rest of Jin­long, at this time I also fi­nally turned around to see the phrase on Jin­long top of the head, is BOSS of ghost nian step, Jin­long dragon clan four big el­ders, the strik­ing power so is no won­der fierce, al­most struck al­most breaks my wall of mump­ing!„Bang!”Heard a sad sound sud­denly, the back al­most soon is torn gen­er­ally, this flagi­tious Jin­long punc­tured thor­oughly my stature the sharp claws un­ex­pect­edly, ac­cord­ing to passed in Shek Pik me for­ward, im­me­di­ately HP brushed to fall, the blood bot­tle filled un­able to stop the de­clin­ing ten­dency, had a hand to start the King do­main stunt, the re­sis­tance greatly strength­ens, must die as be­fore!The face rubs the burn­ing ache on the dike, 3 sec­onds of Longxu hook used CD to ar­rive, place above in­stan­ta­neous lock­ing, fled again, fi­nally has been sep­a­rated from Jin­long's im­mo­bi­liza­tion, but on the face with the chest is the wound and blood, the sum­mon an­tiq­uity god tiger ex­pired, is un­able to sum­mon under this type of ter­rain, aw­fully!From bury­ing Long Yuan the exit also only then less than 20 me­ters re­mote, the dou­ble sword ex­change that I go all out climbs up up­wardly, Long Xi the ther­mal en­ergy wells up to once again, aw­fully!Comes time Mu Yushu hur­riedly, how­ever 2 W + HP ac­tu­ally can­not re­sist a dragon rest.When life and death, the hur­ried hand sum­mon god mil­i­tary tally, Big Dip­per stands up­side down in­stan­ta­neously above Shek Pik, when I crawl into the benet­nasch po­si­tion, then has trans­mit­ted a day of au­thor­ity, lifts the hand to hold the dike edge, „brush­ing” one jumped out the abyss, sum­moned the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse hur­riedly, stood up from fail­ure to start turns to­ward the front to run, a Jin­long Voice roared also to pur­sue.„Brushes!”Li shade dives to crash to­gether from the mouth, „bang” falls on my dead ahead, slid fol­low­ing the sur­face was very far, im­pres­sively was Frost, her shoul­der Ar­mour was also burnt a dark­ness, on the face has big dragon sharp claws the trace of to­gether, she also has been in­jured, these many big drag­ons be­sieged are too re­ally cruel!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Terburu-buru, hanya bisa datang untuk persegi untuk menjaga off oleh api Yao Putra Langit!
Di atas tepi pedang pisau mengirimkan hampir segera istirahat kekuatan besar dari lengan, seluruh orang crash ke bawah dengan cepat, tapi Jinlong ini menguap adalah naga istirahat mengejar, setelah HP saya sudah oleh serangan khawatir, jatuh, hanya kemudian 33%, sudah makan istirahat naga waktu pasti untuk menggantung lagi!
Keuntungan tanah, mengunci tanggul di atas biaya, segera telah ditembakkan ke atas tepat di bawah indeks kekuatan skill, lalat LEWATKAN besar, ini membuat saya tidak dapat membantu tapi agak kecil bahagia, berpikir cepat dalam keadaan darurat untuk melarikan diri!
namun, tubuh belakang Jinlong Voice mendesis panjang, cakar tajam menusuk menyeluruh lapisan batuan, sekali lebih seperti ini binatang emas telah dikejar, cakar tajam menaikkan!
"+ 12.638!"
Mu Yushu menambah darah rendah, sesaat Longxu kait dimulai, menuju mengubur Long Yuan tempat di atas melarikan diri sekali lagi sekitar 50 yard, api Yao Anak Surga dan Longchi pedang interaktif, "ka ka" memanjat melarikan diri ke arah atas.
Jinlong ini tidak direncanakan yang membuat saya merasa lebih baik, meluncurkan sayap untuk terbang, istirahat naga memancarkan ke posisi saya!
Harus dapat segera melarikan diri, saya buru-buru untuk menempatkan di atas saya menjadi muka pedang pisau tepi!
Moves 5 ​​kilometer menuju mati depan, jarak tidak banyak, sebenarnya juga LEWATKAN akan jatuh sisa naga kedua Jinlong, saat ini saya juga akhirnya berbalik untuk melihat frase di Jinlong atas kepala, adalah BOSS hantu nian langkah, Jinlong naga clan empat tua-tua besar, kekuatan mencolok sehingga tidak heran sengit, hampir melanda hampir memecah dinding saya mumping!
Mendengar suara sedih tiba-tiba, kembali hampir segera robek umumnya, Jinlong menjijikkan ini ditusuk menyeluruh bertubuh saya cakar tajam tiba-tiba, menurut disahkan pada Shek Pik saya maju, segera HP disikat jatuh, botol darah diisi mampu menghentikan kecenderungan menurun, memiliki tangan untuk memulai Raja domain aksi, perlawanan sangat memperkuat, harus mati seperti sebelumnya!
wajah menggosok sakit terbakar di tanggul, 3 detik dari Longxu kait digunakan CD tiba, tempat di atas penguncian seketika, melarikan diri lagi, akhirnya telah dipisahkan dari imobilisasi Jinlong, tapi pada wajah dengan dada adalah luka dan darah, yang memanggil kuno dewa harimau berakhir, tidak dapat memanggil bawah jenis medan, sangat!
dari mengubur Long Yuan keluar juga hanya kemudian kurang dari 20 meter jarak jauh , pertukaran pedang ganda yang saya keluar semua memanjat ke atas, Long Xi sumur energi panas hingga sekali lagi, sangat!
Dilengkapi waktu Mu Yushu buru-buru, namun 2 W + HP sebenarnya tidak bisa menolak sisanya naga.
Ketika hidup dan mati, sisi bergegas memanggil dewa penghitungan militer, Big Dipper berdiri terbalik seketika di atas Shek Pik, ketika saya merangkak ke posisi benetnasch, maka telah dikirimkan hari otoritas, mengangkat tangan untuk memegang tepi tanggul, "menyikat" satu melompat keluar jurang, memanggil terbang sabit lapis baja kuda perang buru-buru, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai ternyata ke arah depan untuk menjalankan, sebuah Jinlong Voice meraung juga untuk mengejar.
Li warna menyelam untuk kecelakaan bersama-sama dari mulut, "bang" jatuh pada mati saya ke depan, meluncur mengikuti permukaan sangat jauh, mengesankan adalah Frost, Armour bahunya juga dibakar kegelapan, pada wajah memiliki naga besar cakar tajam jejak bersama-sama, dia juga telah terluka, ini banyak naga besar yang terkepung terlalu benar-benar kejam!
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