bookstore in Paris and go to the second table on the right, you will f terjemahan - bookstore in Paris and go to the second table on the right, you will f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

bookstore in Paris and go to the se

bookstore in Paris and go to the second table on the right, you will find scores of manuals for all kinds of schools and at all 16els on how to write an "analyse de texte." Even the very pioneers of structuralism in the 1960s have been forced to rediscover not the Russian formalists or the Prague school but the legions of good old Anglo-Saxon empiricist critics and theorists, who for decades had analysed in depth the strategies of point of view, of narrative montage, of actants and subjects in action (as in Kenneth Burke). My generation, which was the first post-Croce generation, de-lighted in the revelations of Wellek and Warren, in the readings of Dimas° Alonso and Spitzer. We began to understand that reading was not just a picnic where one gathered here and there, almost by chance, the hawthorns and buttercups of "poesia," which were hidden amid the manure of structural fillers. Rather, one looked at the text as a whole, as something animated with life at every level. It seemed that even our culture had learned this. Why is it now forgetting all this? Why are young people now being taught that to discuss a text they do not need a strong the-oretical repertoire, and a capacity to examine all levels? Why are they being taught that the long and lasting labours of a critic like Contini were damaging (just because—and this is true—he over-rated Pizzuto), whereas the only ideal critic (now famous again!) is one with a free mind that reacts freely to the occasional solici-tations provided by the text? Personally, I see in this tendency a reflection of other sectors of communication: criticism is being levelled down to the rhythms and rate of investment of other activities that have been proved to guarantee a profit. Why bother with reviewing, which forces one to read the book, if it sells more copies of a paper to have the literary section comment on the interview given by an authOr to a rival paper? Why put Hamlet on television, as the much-criticised TV of the 1960s used to do, when you can obtain higher ratings by putting on the same talk show, and treating the village idiot and the academic idiot on the same level? And why on earth read
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
bookstore in Paris and go to the second table on the right, you will find scores of manuals for all kinds of schools and at all 16els on how to write an "analyse de texte." Even the very pioneers of structuralism in the 1960s have been forced to rediscover not the Russian formalists or the Prague school but the legions of good old Anglo-Saxon empiricist critics and theorists, who for decades had analysed in depth the strategies of point of view, of narrative montage, of actants and subjects in action (as in Kenneth Burke). My generation, which was the first post-Croce generation, de-lighted in the revelations of Wellek and Warren, in the readings of Dimas° Alonso and Spitzer. We began to understand that reading was not just a picnic where one gathered here and there, almost by chance, the hawthorns and buttercups of "poesia," which were hidden amid the manure of structural fillers. Rather, one looked at the text as a whole, as something animated with life at every level. It seemed that even our culture had learned this. Why is it now forgetting all this? Why are young people now being taught that to discuss a text they do not need a strong the-oretical repertoire, and a capacity to examine all levels? Why are they being taught that the long and lasting labours of a critic like Contini were damaging (just because—and this is true—he over-rated Pizzuto), whereas the only ideal critic (now famous again!) is one with a free mind that reacts freely to the occasional solici-tations provided by the text? Personally, I see in this tendency a reflection of other sectors of communication: criticism is being levelled down to the rhythms and rate of investment of other activities that have been proved to guarantee a profit. Why bother with reviewing, which forces one to read the book, if it sells more copies of a paper to have the literary section comment on the interview given by an authOr to a rival paper? Why put Hamlet on television, as the much-criticised TV of the 1960s used to do, when you can obtain higher ratings by putting on the same talk show, and treating the village idiot and the academic idiot on the same level? And why on earth read
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
toko buku di Paris dan pergi ke meja kedua di sebelah kanan, Anda akan menemukan sejumlah petunjuk untuk semua jenis sekolah dan di semua 16els tentang cara menulis "menganalisis de texte." Bahkan sangat pelopor strukturalisme pada tahun 1960 telah dipaksa untuk menemukan kembali bukan formalis Rusia atau sekolah Praha tapi legiun tua yang baik kritikus empiris Anglo-Saxon dan teori, yang selama puluhan tahun telah dianalisis secara mendalam strategi sudut pandang, montase narasi, dari aktan dan mata pelajaran dalam tindakan (seperti dalam Kenneth Burke). generasi saya, yang merupakan generasi pertama pasca-Croce, de-terang dalam ayat Wellek dan Warren, dalam pembacaan Dimas ° Alonso dan Spitzer. Kami mulai memahami bahwa membaca bukan hanya piknik di mana satu berkumpul di sini dan di sana, hampir secara kebetulan, The Hawthorns dan buttercup dari "poesia," yang tersembunyi di tengah pupuk pengisi struktural. Sebaliknya, salah satu melihat teks secara keseluruhan, sebagai sesuatu animasi dengan kehidupan di setiap tingkat. Tampaknya bahwa bahkan budaya kita telah belajar ini. Mengapa sekarang melupakan semua ini? Mengapa orang-orang muda sekarang diajarkan bahwa untuk membahas teks mereka tidak perlu kuat repertoar-oretical, dan kapasitas untuk memeriksa semua tingkat? Mengapa mereka diajarkan bahwa buruh panjang dan abadi dari kritikus seperti Contini yang merusak (hanya karena-dan ini benar-dia over-rated Pizzuto), sedangkan satu-satunya kritikus ideal (sekarang terkenal lagi!) Adalah salah satu dengan gratis pikiran yang bereaksi secara bebas untuk sesekali solici-sultasi yang disediakan oleh teks? Secara pribadi, saya lihat di kecenderungan ini merupakan refleksi dari sektor komunikasi lainnya: kritik sedang dilontarkan ke ritme dan tingkat investasi kegiatan lain yang telah terbukti untuk menjamin keuntungan. Mengapa repot-repot dengan meninjau, yang memaksa seseorang untuk membaca buku, jika menjual lebih banyak salinan kertas untuk memiliki bagian komentar sastra pada wawancara yang diberikan oleh penulis untuk kertas saingan? Mengapa menempatkan Hamlet di televisi, sebagai TV banyak dikritik dari tahun 1960-an digunakan untuk melakukan, ketika Anda bisa mendapatkan peringkat yang lebih tinggi dengan menempatkan pada talk show yang sama, dan memperlakukan idiot desa dan idiot akademik pada tingkat yang sama? Dan kenapa baca
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