In the morning, we pack up and continue on our way toward Texas.Someth terjemahan - In the morning, we pack up and continue on our way toward Texas.Someth Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the morning, we pack up and cont

In the morning, we pack up and continue on our way toward Texas.
Something has changed between us, though. It’s a change that no one would ever see from the outside, but I know we both feel it. We trust each other in a way we never did before, and it gives my heart hope for the future.
On the drive, he tells me stories about his sister. Things they did growing up, like camping and fishing and playing games. He tells me how they used to sing together all the time and I mention again that I want to hear him sing. He just smiles and says no one ever gets to hear him sing these days.
Now I finally see why this trip was so important to him, though. I see why he needed to get away from the parties and the money. To get back to a life beyond those things when he may not have had money, but he had more than that.
When we finally get to Beaumont a few days later, it’s well after midnight and both of us are exhausted.
“There’s no way we’re going to find a campsite this late at night,” Mason says. “I think we should just splurge and get a hotel room. A nice one this time with hot water and everything.”
I nearly scream in excitement. “Oh, thank you Jesus,” I say, clapping my hands. The exhaustion is gone and now all I can think about is a comfortable bed and being able to take a shower in a room where I don’t have to keep one eye open in case a spider decides to jump down and attack my face. “You are my favorite person on earth right now,” I say, planting a huge kiss on his cheek.
Mason tries to hide a smile. He makes an exaggerated show of looking at his watch. “Let’s see, you lasted almost three full weeks in the wild,” he says. “I think you deserve one night of luxury.”
“Hey, I didn’t say we had to stay at the Ritz or anything,” I say. “Not that I would complain about it if we did, though. I just want a bed comfortable enough to sleep in without waking up twelve times a night.”
“If we have a comfortable bed, is that really what you want to be doing in it?”
I punch his shoulder. “Is that all you ever think about?”
“When you’re around me, yes. Yes it is,” he says with a smile. “I can’t help it if you’re the sexiest woman alive. I’m the victim here.”
I scoot back down in the seat, putting my feet up on the dashboard. “I guess after nearly three weeks straight of sleeping on the ground or in extreme budget hotels and cabins, we’d really be crazy not to at least take advantage of a nice, comfortable bed before we actually sleep in it,” I say, a huge smile spreading across my face as he takes the next exit and pulls into the parking lot of a Hilton.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Di pagi hari, kita berkemas dan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Texas.Sesuatu telah berubah antara kami, meskipun. Ini adalah perubahan yang tidak seorangpun akan pernah melihat dari luar, tapi aku tahu kami berdua merasa itu. Kami saling percaya dengan cara yang tidak pernah kita lakukan sebelumnya, dan itu memberi saya jantung harapan untuk masa depan.Pada drive, ia memberitahu saya cerita tentang adiknya. Hal-hal yang mereka lakukan tumbuh dewasa, seperti berkemah dan memancing dan bermain game. Dia memberitahu saya bagaimana mereka digunakan untuk menyanyi bersama sepanjang waktu dan aku menyebutkan lagi bahwa saya ingin mendengar dia bernyanyi. Dia hanya tersenyum dan mengatakan tidak ada yang pernah mendapat untuk mendengar dia bernyanyi hari ini.Sekarang saya akhirnya melihat mengapa perjalanan ini adalah sangat penting untuk dia, meskipun. Saya melihat mengapa ia perlu menjauh dari pihak-pihak dan uang. Untuk kembali ke kehidupan di luar hal-hal ketika ia mungkin tidak memiliki uang, tetapi ia lebih dari itu.Ketika kita akhirnya bisa Beaumont beberapa hari kemudian, baik setelah tengah malam dan kami berdua kelelahan."Tidak ada cara kita akan menemukan perkemahan ini terlambat di malam hari," kata Mason. "Saya pikir kita harus berbelanja secara Royal dan mendapatkan kamar hotel. Nice one kali ini dengan air panas dan segala sesuatu. "Aku hampir menjerit dalam kegembiraan. "Oh, terima kasih Jahshua," kataku, bertepuk tangan. Kelelahan hilang dan sekarang semua dapat berpikir tentang adalah tempat tidur yang nyaman dan mampu mengambil mandi di kamar dimana saya tidak perlu menjaga satu mata terbuka dalam kasus laba-laba memutuskan untuk melompat turun dan serangan wajah saya. "Anda adalah orang favorit saya di dunia sekarang," kataku, penanaman ciuman besar di pipinya.Mason tries to hide a smile. He makes an exaggerated show of looking at his watch. “Let’s see, you lasted almost three full weeks in the wild,” he says. “I think you deserve one night of luxury.”“Hey, I didn’t say we had to stay at the Ritz or anything,” I say. “Not that I would complain about it if we did, though. I just want a bed comfortable enough to sleep in without waking up twelve times a night.”“If we have a comfortable bed, is that really what you want to be doing in it?”I punch his shoulder. “Is that all you ever think about?”“When you’re around me, yes. Yes it is,” he says with a smile. “I can’t help it if you’re the sexiest woman alive. I’m the victim here.”I scoot back down in the seat, putting my feet up on the dashboard. “I guess after nearly three weeks straight of sleeping on the ground or in extreme budget hotels and cabins, we’d really be crazy not to at least take advantage of a nice, comfortable bed before we actually sleep in it,” I say, a huge smile spreading across my face as he takes the next exit and pulls into the parking lot of a Hilton.
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