77000:56:39,940 --> 00:56:46,175In all, I should say the sumsinvolved  terjemahan - 77000:56:39,940 --> 00:56:46,175In all, I should say the sumsinvolved  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

77000:56:39,940 --> 00:56:46,175In

00:56:39,940 --> 00:56:46,175
In all, I should say the sums
involved totalled at least 20,000.

00:56:46,260 --> 00:56:51,095
20,000? I could retire tomorrow and
go and live in the south of France.

00:56:51,180 --> 00:56:54,252
No. You would not approve
of the food, Chief Inspector.

00:56:54,340 --> 00:56:58,572
None of our marry band of suspects shows any
sign of having come into that kind of money.

00:56:59,620 --> 00:57:03,135
Look, Poirot. There's your
old flat. Who lives there now?

00:57:03,220 --> 00:57:05,654
No person. It is still mine.

00:57:05,740 --> 00:57:08,413
No! I didn't know that.

00:57:08,500 --> 00:57:10,616
Well, let's go and have a look round.

00:57:10,700 --> 00:57:13,772
Non. In any case, I do not have my keys.

00:57:14,860 --> 00:57:18,773
Yes, you do. I wondered why
you wanted to walk this way.

00:57:18,860 --> 00:57:20,009
Come on.

00:57:41,260 --> 00:57:43,216
Home, sweet home, eh, Poirot?

00:57:44,100 --> 00:57:46,011

00:57:46,100 --> 00:57:48,056
But it is full of ghosts.

00:57:48,140 --> 00:57:50,096
Lively ones, too, some of 'em.

00:58:01,060 --> 00:58:03,733
You know, Chief Inspector,
this visit to London?

00:58:05,140 --> 00:58:07,096
It disturbs me.

00:58:14,540 --> 00:58:16,496
And this

00:58:20,740 --> 00:58:22,093
even worse.

00:58:24,300 --> 00:58:27,451
You were never meant to be
a country bumpkin, Poirot.

00:58:27,540 --> 00:58:30,100
Chief Inspector, you
must not say such things!

00:58:31,300 --> 00:58:33,416
The life in the country,
it is good for me.

00:58:34,460 --> 00:58:36,371
I have the fresh air, I have my garden

00:58:38,500 --> 00:58:39,649
the quiet.

00:58:39,740 --> 00:58:41,696
You should never have retired.

00:58:41,780 --> 00:58:43,816
I said so at the time, if you remember.

00:58:43,900 --> 00:58:47,370
One cannot postpone the inevitable
forever, Chief Inspector.

00:58:48,420 --> 00:58:51,617
And this case, it is
full of postponements.

00:58:51,700 --> 00:58:54,089
- Is it?
- Ah, oui. Bien s?.

00:58:54,180 --> 00:58:58,537
Monsieur Roger Ackroyd and Madame Ferrars
postponed the announcement of their betrothal,

00:58:58,620 --> 00:59:01,088
Monsieur Ralph Paton and
Mademoiselle Flora the same.

00:59:01,180 --> 00:59:04,775
- I don't see where that gets us.
- Non. Moi aussi.

00:59:06,820 --> 00:59:09,732
But one must permit oneself to muse.

00:59:18,420 --> 00:59:21,332
"From R, March 13th."

00:59:26,300 --> 00:59:29,849
Perhaps Monsieur Roger Ackroyd and
Madame Ferrars married in secret.

00:59:29,940 --> 00:59:31,896
Why would they do that?

00:59:31,980 --> 00:59:35,017
Or Ralph Paton and
Mademoiselle Flora, the same.

00:59:35,100 --> 00:59:38,649
Well, that's more likely.
But why keep it secret?

00:59:39,660 --> 00:59:42,299
Who else do we know with the initial R?

00:59:44,380 --> 00:59:47,975
- What about Mr Raymond?
- Monsieur Raymond? Non.

00:59:50,340 --> 00:59:53,696
Monsieur Raymond is not the
marrying kind, Chief Inspector.

00:59:53,780 --> 00:59:58,137
No. You see, we do keep
coming back to Ralph Paton.

00:59:59,500 --> 01:00:02,219
Of course, the ring might have
nothing to do with the case.

01:00:02,300 --> 01:00:05,178
But I can't understand why
he doesn't come forward.

01:00:05,260 --> 01:00:11,938
Has it not occurred to you, Chief Inspector,
that Monsieur Ralph Paton he could be dead?

01:00:12,020 --> 01:00:14,773
Dead? No.

01:00:16,060 --> 01:00:19,097
I hope not, for Flora
Ackroyd's sake, if nothing else.

01:00:21,140 --> 01:00:25,930
What did you mean when you said you didn't
believe she'd seen her uncle at ten past ten?

01:00:29,020 --> 01:00:32,296
Allons-y, Chief Inspector.
We must catch the train.

01:00:36,860 --> 01:00:40,614
I have also the need to
escape from these ghosts.

01:00:48,840 --> 01:00:52,276
By now, the cracks were
beginning to appear.

01:00:52,360 --> 01:00:54,590
There are, I am ashamed to say,

01:00:54,680 --> 01:00:58,639
certain darknesses of the heart
of which even I was not aware.

01:00:58,720 --> 01:01:02,076
Who would have thought Miss
Goody-Two-Shoes Flora Ackroyd

01:01:02,160 --> 01:01:04,993
capable of such naughtiness?

01:01:05,080 --> 01:01:09,153
Monsieur Poirot has made a certain
suggestion to me, Miss Ackroyd.

01:01:09,240 --> 01:01:12,835
He suggests that you weren't in
the study at all last Friday night,

01:01:12,920 --> 01:01:15,753
and that you didn't see Mr
Ackroyd to say good night to.

01:01:15,840 --> 01:01:17,910
Parker saw me there.

01:01:18,000 --> 01:01:21,117
No, mademoiselle. Monsieur Parker
said that he saw you coming out.

01:01:25,680 --> 01:01:29,229
You have no idea what my life
has been like since we came here.

01:01:31,880 --> 01:01:36,158
Wanting things, scheming
for them, lying and cheating.

01:01:37,640 --> 01:01:42,191
Running up bills and promising to pay
- I hate myself when I think of it all.

01:01:43,280 --> 01:01:46,352
That's what brought us
together, Ralph and I.

01:01:46,440 --> 01:01:48,715
I understood him because
I'm the same underneath.

01:01:48,800 --> 01:01:51,633
We're not strong enough to
stand alone, either of us.

01:01:55,520 --> 01:01:56,873
All right.

01:01:56,960 --> 01:01:59,633
I wasn't coming out of the study.

01:02:02,120 --> 01:02:04,076
I was in my uncle's room.

01:02:04,160 --> 01:02:06,628
I knew he always kept
some cash in that drawer.

01:02:10,320 --> 01:02:12,515
I was on the stairs

01:02:13,560 --> 01:02:15,596
coming down from Uncle Roger's bedroom

01:02:17,240 --> 01:02:19,470
when I heard Parker crossing the hall.

01:02:19,560 --> 01:02:22,791
So I pretended that I
was leaving the study.

01:02:22,880 --> 01:02:26,270
Parker. Mr Ackroyd says he
doesn't want to be disturbed.

01:02:26,360 --> 01:02:29,158
Oh. Very well, Miss Flora.

01:02:34,680 --> 01:02:37,911
- Mademoiselle
- I took it, all right? ?0!

01:02:38,000 --> 01:02:40,912
I'm a common, vulgar
little thief! Now you know!

01:02:48,440 --> 01:02:51,159
Rule number one in Kings Abbott -

01:02:51,240 --> 01:02:53,629
never believe what anyone tells you.

01:02:54,680 --> 01:02:57,592
So what could the sleuths
do but start again?

01:02:57,680 --> 01:03:00,877
Back they went to Dorothy Ferrars' house

01:03:00,960 --> 01:03:04,559
for another rummage
through her sad existence.

01:03:04,594 --> 01:03:08,159
She really was the
cause of all this fuss.

01:03:08,160 --> 01:03:11,709
Madame Ferrars had been your
patient for many years, James.

01:03:12,520 --> 01:03:14,875
Had she seemed to you
recently distressed?

01:03:14,960 --> 01:03:20,432
She was a very sensitive person, you
know. Not many people understood her.

01:03:23,640 --> 01:03:26,598
But er you did.

01:03:26,680 --> 01:03:30,355
She confided in me to a limited extent.

01:03:30,440 --> 01:03:32,396
Excuse me.

01:03:40,040 --> 01:03:42,508
Madame Ferrars, she wrote many letters?

01:03:42,600 --> 01:03:44,875
No, I don't think so.

01:03:44,960 --> 01:03:47,793
- Her only relatives were in New Zealand.
- Oh.

01:04:17,160 --> 01:04:19,116
Bonjour, madame.

01:04:22,320 --> 01:04:23,833
Have you seen this?

01:04:23,920 --> 01:04:25,592
Good morning, Chief Inspector.

01:04:25,680 --> 01:04:27,591
What? Oh. Good morning.

01:04:27,680 --> 01:04:32,595
Listen. "The police have for some days
been anxious to interview Mr Ralph Paton,

01:04:32,680 --> 01:04:34,636
the adopted son of Mr Roger Ackroyd,

01:04:34,720 --> 01:04:38,110
whose death occurred in suspicious
circumstances last Friday.

01:04:38,200 --> 01:04:41,439
Mr Paton has now been
arrested in Liverpool,

01:04:41,440 --> 01:04:44,238
where he was on the point
of embarking for America."

01:04:44,320 --> 01:04:45,355

01:04:45,440 --> 01:04:49,479
Bon? It's all rubbish. I've been onto
Liverpool. They don't know anything about it.

01:04:49,560 --> 01:04:51,039
No, they would not, mon ami.

01:04:51,120 --> 01:04:55,671
It was me who persuaded the editor of that
estimable newspaper to insert the item.

01:05:09,040 --> 01:05:11,554
Well, we'll see if you're right, Poirot.

01:05:11,640 --> 01:05:15,235
See if your newspaper article has
flushed anybody out of the woodwork.

01:05:15,320 --> 01:05:18,596
- Can woodwork be flushed, Chief Inspector?
- You know what I mean.

01:05:18,680 --> 01:05:21,752
Well, if they can be flushed,
then this will have flushed them.

01:05:30,160 --> 01:05:32,230
I'm sorry. Have you been waiting ages?

01:05:32,320 --> 01:05:34,197
We're at sixes and sevens.

01:05:34,280 --> 01:05:37,431
What with Parker not here,

01:05:37,520 --> 01:05:39,476
and Ursula not being well.

01:05:39,560 --> 01:05:41,516
She is unwell?

01:05:41,600 --> 01:05:44,910
I say unwell, but she just
won't come out of her room.

01:05:45,000 --> 01:05:46,991
You can hear her, crying away.

01:05:56,440 --> 01:05:57,193
Go away.

01:05:57,380 --> 01:06:01,419
- Can we have a word, Miss Bourne?
- Go away. I don't want to see you.

01:06:05,140 --> 01:06:07,256
Mrs Paton?

01:06:07,340 --> 01:06:09,570
It is me, Hercule Poirot.

01:06:14,088 --> 01:06:16,455
There's no point in
pretending any more, is there?

01:06:17,860 --> 01:06:20,294
The paper says Ralph has been arrested.

01:06:20,380 --> 01:06:22,848
The truth is what we need, madame.

01:06:22,940 --> 01:06:24,532
Ralph didn't do it.

01:06:24,620 --> 01:06:29,694
I am inclined to agree with you,
but the affair marches badly.

01:06:30,900 --> 01:06:34,097
Only the truth can
save Monsieur Paton now.

01:06:35,380 --> 01:06:39,9
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
77000:56:39, 940--> 00:56:46, 175Dalam semua, aku harus mengatakan penjumlahanterlibat berjumlah setidaknya 20.000.77100:56:46, 260 00:56:51, 095-->20.000? Saya bisa pensiun besok danpergi dan tinggal di selatan Perancis.77200:56:51, 180--> 00:56:54, 252Wakakak Anda tidak akan menyetujuimakanan, kepala Inspektur.77300:56:54, 340--> 00:56:58, 572Tak satu pun dari band kami Maria tersangka menunjukkan apapuntanda yang datang ke uang sebanyak itu.77400:56:59, 620--> 00:57:03, 135Lihat, Poirot. Ada Andalama datar. Yang tinggal di sana sekarang?77500:57:03, 220--> 00:57:05, 654Tidak ada orang. Hal ini masih saya.77600:57:05, 740--> 00:57:08, 413Tidak! Aku tidak tahu bahwa.77700:57:08, 500--> 00:57:10, 616Yah, mari kita pergi dan melihat sekeliling.77800:57:10, 700--> 00:57:13, 772Bebas. Dalam hal apapun, saya tidak punya kunci saya.77900:57:14, 860--> 00:57:18, 773Ya, Anda lakukan. Aku bertanya-tanya mengapaAnda ingin berjalan dengan cara ini.78000:57:18, 860--> 00:57:20, 009Ayolah.78100:57:41, 260--> 00:57:43, 216Rumah, rumah manis, eh, Poirot?78200:57:44, 100 00:57:46, 011-->Oui.78300:57:46, 100 00:57:48, 056-->Tapi itu penuh dengan hantu.78400:57:48, 140 00:57:50, 096-->Ramai orang, juga, beberapa dari mereka.78500:58:01, 060--> 00:58:03, 733Anda tahu, kepala inspektur,kunjungan ke London?78600:58:05, 140 00:58:07, 096-->Itu mengganggu saya.78700:58:14, 540--> 00:58:16, 496Dan ini78800:58:20, 740--> 00:58:22, 093lebih buruk lagi.78900:58:24, 300--> 00:58:27, 451You were never meant to bea country bumpkin, Poirot.79000:58:27,540 --> 00:58:30,100Chief Inspector, youmust not say such things!79100:58:31,300 --> 00:58:33,416The life in the country,it is good for me.79200:58:34,460 --> 00:58:36,371I have the fresh air, I have my garden79300:58:38,500 --> 00:58:39,649the quiet.79400:58:39,740 --> 00:58:41,696You should never have retired.79500:58:41,780 --> 00:58:43,816I said so at the time, if you remember.79600:58:43,900 --> 00:58:47,370One cannot postpone the inevitableforever, Chief Inspector.79700:58:48,420 --> 00:58:51,617And this case, it isfull of postponements.79800:58:51,700 --> 00:58:54,089- Is it?- Ah, oui. Bien s?.79900:58:54,180 --> 00:58:58,537Monsieur Roger Ackroyd and Madame Ferrarspostponed the announcement of their betrothal,80000:58:58,620 --> 00:59:01,088Monsieur Ralph Paton andMademoiselle Flora the same.80100:59:01,180 --> 00:59:04,775- I don't see where that gets us.- Non. Moi aussi.80200:59:06,820 --> 00:59:09,732But one must permit oneself to muse.80300:59:18,420 --> 00:59:21,332"From R, March 13th."80400:59:26,300 --> 00:59:29,849Perhaps Monsieur Roger Ackroyd andMadame Ferrars married in secret.80500:59:29,940 --> 00:59:31,896Why would they do that?80600:59:31,980 --> 00:59:35,017Or Ralph Paton andMademoiselle Flora, the same.80700:59:35,100 --> 00:59:38,649Yah, itu lebih mungkin.Tetapi mengapa tetap rahasia?80800:59:39, 660--> 00:59:42, 299Siapa lagi yang kita tahu dengan R awal?80900:59:44, 380--> 00:59:47, 975-Apa tentang Mr Raymond?-Monsieur Raymond? Bebas.81000:59:50, 340--> 00:59:53, 696Monsieur Raymond bukanlahmenikah jenis, kepala Inspektur.81100:59:53, 780--> 00:59:58, 137Tidak. Anda lihat, kita tetapkembali ke Ralph Paton.81200:59:59, 500--> 01:00:02, 219Tentu saja, cincin mungkintidak ada hubungannya dengan kasus.81301:00:02, 300--> 01:00:05, 178Tapi aku tidak mengerti mengapaDia tidak datang ke depan.81401:00:05, 260--> 01:00:11, 938Itu tidak terjadi kepada Anda, kepala inspektur,Ralph Paton Monsieur bahwa dia bisa mati?81501:00:12, 020--> 01:00:14, 773Mati? Tidak.81601:00:16, 060 01:00:19, 097-->Saya harap tidak, untuk FloraAckroyd's sake, jika tidak ada yang lain.81701:00:21, 140--> 01:00:25, 930Apa maksudmu ketika kau bilang kau tidakpercaya ia telah melihat pamannya di sepuluh past sepuluh?81801:00:29, 020--> 01:00:32, 296Allons-y, kepala Inspektur.Kita harus menangkap kereta api.81901:00:36, 860--> 01:00:40, 614Saya juga memiliki kebutuhan untukmelarikan diri dari hantu ini.82001:00:48, 840--> 01:00:52, 276Sekarang, celah-celah yangmulai muncul.82101:00:52, 360--> 01:00:54, 590Ada, aku malu untuk mengatakan,82201:00:54, 680--> 01:00:58, 639tertentu kegelapan hatiyang bahkan saya itu tidak menyadari.82301:00:58, 720--> 01:01:02, 076Siapa yang akan berpikir MissAlim-dua-Sepatu Flora Ackroyd82401:01:02, 160--> 01:01:04, 993mampu nakal seperti itu?82501:01:05, 080--> 01:01:09, 153Monsieur Poirot telah membuat tertentusaran saya, Miss Ackroyd.82601:01:09, 240--> 01:01:12, 835Ia menyarankan bahwa Anda tidak distudi di semua malam Jumat lalu,82701:01:12, 920--> 01:01:15, 753dan bahwa Anda tidak melihat MrAckroyd mengatakan baik malam.82801:01:15, 840--> 01:01:17, 910Parker melihat saya di sana.82901:01:18, 000--> 01:01:21, 117Tidak, mademoiselle. Monsieur Parkermengatakan bahwa dia melihat Anda keluar.83001:01:25, 680--> 01:01:29, 229Anda tidak memiliki ide apa hidupkusudah seperti sejak kami datang ke sini.83101:01:31, 880--> 01:01:36, 158Menginginkan hal-hal, licikbagi mereka, berbaring dan kecurangan.83201:01:37, 640--> 01:01:42, 191Berlari tagihan dan menjanjikan untuk membayar-Aku benci diriku sendiri ketika aku berpikir itu semua.83301:01:43, 280--> 01:01:46, 352Itulah apa yang membawa kitabersama-sama, Ralph dan saya.83401:01:46, 440--> 01:01:48, 715Aku mengerti dia karenaAku sama di bawahnya.83501:01:48, 800--> 01:01:51, 633Kami tidak cukup kuat untukberdiri sendirian, salah satu dari kami.83601:01:55, 520--> 01:01:56, 873Baiklah.83701:01:56, 960--> 01:01:59, 633Saya tidak datang dari penelitian.83801:02:02, 120--> 01:02:04, 076Aku berada di ruang paman saya.83901:02:04, 160--> 01:02:06, 628Aku tahu dia selalu memeliharauang tunai di laci itu.84001:02:10, 320--> 01:02:12, 515Aku berada di tangga84101:02:13,560 --> 01:02:15,596coming down from Uncle Roger's bedroom84201:02:17,240 --> 01:02:19,470when I heard Parker crossing the hall.84301:02:19,560 --> 01:02:22,791So I pretended that Iwas leaving the study.84401:02:22,880 --> 01:02:26,270Parker. Mr Ackroyd says hedoesn't want to be disturbed.84501:02:26,360 --> 01:02:29,158Oh. Very well, Miss Flora.84601:02:34,680 --> 01:02:37,911- Mademoiselle- I took it, all right? ?0!84701:02:38,000 --> 01:02:40,912I'm a common, vulgarlittle thief! Now you know!84801:02:48,440 --> 01:02:51,159Rule number one in Kings Abbott -84901:02:51,240 --> 01:02:53,629never believe what anyone tells you.85001:02:54,680 --> 01:02:57,592So what could the sleuthsdo but start again?85101:02:57,680 --> 01:03:00,877Back they went to Dorothy Ferrars' house85201:03:00,960 --> 01:03:04,559for another rummagethrough her sad existence.85301:03:04,594 --> 01:03:08,159She really was thecause of all this fuss.85401:03:08,160 --> 01:03:11,709Madame Ferrars had been yourpatient for many years, James.85501:03:12,520 --> 01:03:14,875Had she seemed to yourecently distressed?85601:03:14,960 --> 01:03:20,432She was a very sensitive person, youknow. Not many people understood her.85701:03:23,640 --> 01:03:26,598But er you did.85801:03:26,680 --> 01:03:30,355She confided in me to a limited extent.85901:03:30,440 --> 01:03:32,396Excuse me.86001:03:40,040 --> 01:03:42,508Madame Ferrars, she wrote many letters?86101:03:42,600 --> 01:03:44,875No, I don't think so.86201:03:44,960 --> 01:03:47,793- Her only relatives were in New Zealand.- Oh.86301:04:17,160 --> 01:04:19,116Bonjour, madame.86401:04:22,320 --> 01:04:23,833Have you seen this?86501:04:23,920 --> 01:04:25,592Good morning, Chief Inspector.86601:04:25,680 --> 01:04:27,591What? Oh. Good morning.86701:04:27,680 --> 01:04:32,595Listen. "The police have for some daysbeen anxious to interview Mr Ralph Paton,86801:04:32,680 --> 01:04:34,636the adopted son of Mr Roger Ackroyd,86901:04:34,720 --> 01:04:38,110whose death occurred in suspiciouscircumstances last Friday.87001:04:38,200 --> 01:04:41,439Mr Paton has now beenarrested in Liverpool,87101:04:41,440 --> 01:04:44,238where he was on the pointof embarking for America."87201:04:44,320 --> 01:04:45,355Bon.87301:04:45,440 --> 01:04:49,479Bon? It's all rubbish. I've been ontoLiverpool. They don't know anything about it.87401:04:49,560 --> 01:04:51,039No, they would not, mon ami.87501:04:51,120 --> 01:04:55,671It was me who persuaded the editor of thatestimable newspaper to insert the item.87601:05:09,040 --> 01:05:11,554Well, we'll see if you're right, Poirot.87701:05:11,640 --> 01:05:15,235See if your newspaper article hasflushed anybody out of the woodwork.87801:05:15,320 --> 01:05:18,596- Can woodwork be flushed, Chief Inspector?- You know what I mean.87901:05:18,680 --> 01:05:21,752Well, if they can be flushed,then this will have flushed them.88001:05:30,160 --> 01:05:32,230I'm sorry. Have you been waiting ages?88101:05:32,320 --> 01:05:34,197We're at sixes and sevens.88201:05:34,280 --> 01:05:37,431What with Parker not here,88301:05:37,520 --> 01:05:39,476and Ursula not being well.88401:05:39,560 --> 01:05:41,516She is unwell?88501:05:41,600 --> 01:05:44,910I say unwell, but she justwon't come out of her room.88601:05:45,000 --> 01:05:46,991You can hear her, crying away.88701:05:56,440 --> 01:05:57,193Go away.88801:05:57,380 --> 01:06:01,419- Can we have a word, Miss Bourne?- Go away. I don't want to see you.88901:06:05,140 --> 01:06:07,256Mrs Paton?89001:06:07,340 --> 01:06:09,570It is me, Hercule Poirot.89101:06:14,088 --> 01:06:16,455There's no point inpretending any more, is there?89201:06:17,860 --> 01:06:20,294The paper says Ralph has been arrested.89301:06:20,380 --> 01:06:22,848The truth is what we need, madame.89401:06:22,940 --> 01:06:24,532Ralph didn't do it.89501:06:24,620 --> 01:06:29,694I am inclined to agree with you,but the affair marches badly.89601:06:30,900 --> 01:06:34,097Only the truth cansave Monsieur Paton now.89701:06:35,380 --> 01:06:39,9
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00: 56: 39.940 -> 00: 56: 46.175
Dalam semua, saya harus mengatakan jumlah
yang terlibat berjumlah setidaknya 20.000. 771 00: 56: 46.260 -> 00: 56: 51.095 20.000? Saya bisa pensiun besok dan pergi dan tinggal di selatan Perancis. 772 00: 56: 51.180 -> 00: 56: 54.252 No. Anda tidak akan menyetujui makanan, Kepala Inspektur. 773 00: 56: 54.340 -> 00: 56: 58.572 Tak satu pun dari menikah band kami dari tersangka menunjukkan setiap . tanda yang datang ke uang sebanyak 774 00: 56: 59.620 -> 00: 57: 03.135 Lihat, Poirot. Ada Anda datar tua. Yang tinggal di sana sekarang? 775 00: 57: 03.220 -> 00: 57: 05.654 ada orang. Hal ini masih milikku. 776 00: 57: 05.740 -> 00: 57: 08.413 Tidak ada! Saya tidak tahu itu. 777 00: 57: 08.500 -> 00: 57: 10.616 Nah, mari kita pergi dan melihat-lihat. 778 00: 57: 10.700 -> 00: 57: 13.772 Non. Dalam hal apapun, saya tidak punya kunci saya. 779 00: 57: 14.860 -> 00: 57: 18.773 Ya, Anda lakukan. Aku bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda ingin berjalan dengan cara ini. 780 00: 57: 18.860 -> 00: 57: 20.009 Ayo. 781 00: 57: 41.260 -> 00: 57: 43.216 Rumah, rumah manis, eh, Poirot? 782 00: 57: 44.100 -> 00: 57: 46.011 Oui. 783 00: 57: 46.100 -> 00: 57: 48.056 Tapi itu penuh hantu. 784 00: 57: 48.140 -> 00:57: 50.096 orang Lively, juga, beberapa dari mereka. 785 00: 58: 01.060 -> 00: 58: 03.733 Anda tahu, Kepala Inspektur, kunjungan ke London? 786 00: 58: 05.140 -> 00: 58: 07.096 Ini mengganggu saya. 787 00: 58: 14.540 -> 00: 58: 16.496 Dan ini 788 00: 58: 20.740 -> 00: 58: 22.093 bahkan lebih buruk. 789 00: 58: 24.300 -> 00:58: 27.451 Anda tidak pernah dimaksudkan untuk menjadi sebuah udik negara, Poirot. 790 00: 58: 27.540 -> 00: 58: 30.100 Kepala Inspektur, Anda tidak harus mengatakan hal-hal seperti itu! 791 00: 58: 31.300 -> 00:58: 33.416 Kehidupan di negeri ini, itu baik bagi saya. 792 00: 58: 34.460 -> 00: 58: 36.371 Saya telah udara segar, aku punya kebun saya 793 00: 58: 38.500 -> 00:58: 39.649 tenang. 794 00: 58: 39.740 -> 00: 58: 41.696 . Anda seharusnya tidak pernah pensiun 795 00: 58: 41.780 -> 00: 58: 43.816 . Saya bilang begitu pada saat itu, jika Anda ingat 796 00: 58: 43,900 -> 00: 58: 47.370 Satu tidak bisa menunda tak terelakkan selamanya, Kepala Inspektur. 797 00: 58: 48.420 -> 00: 58: 51.617 Dan hal ini, itu adalah . penuh penundaan 798 00: 58: 51.700 -> 00: 58: 54.089 - Apakah itu? - Ah, oui. Bien s ?. 799 00: 58: 54.180 -> 00: 58: 58.537 Monsieur Roger Ackroyd dan Madame Ferrars menunda pengumuman pertunangan mereka, 800 00: 58: 58.620 -> 00: 59: 01.088 Monsieur Ralph Paton dan Mademoiselle Flora yang sama. 801 00: 59: 01.180 -> 00: 59: 04.775 - Saya tidak melihat mana yang membuat kita. - Non. . Moi aussi 802 00: 59: 06.820 -> 00: 59: 09.732 Tapi satu harus mengizinkan diri untuk merenungkan. 803 00: 59: 18.420 -> 00: 59: 21.332 ". Dari R, 13 Maret" 804 00: 59: 26,300 -> 00: 59: 29.849 Mungkin Monsieur Roger Ackroyd dan Madame Ferrars menikah secara rahasia. 805 00: 59: 29.940 -> 00: 59: 31.896 Mengapa mereka melakukan itu? 806 00: 59: 31.980 - > 00: 59: 35.017 Atau Ralph Paton dan Mademoiselle Flora, sama. 807 00: 59: 35,100 -> 00: 59: 38.649 Nah, itu lebih mungkin. Tapi kenapa merahasiakannya? 808 00: 59: 39.660 - > 00: 59: 42.299 Siapa lagi yang kita ketahui dengan awal R? 809 00: 59: 44.380 -> 00: 59: 47.975 - Bagaimana Mr Raymond? - Monsieur Raymond? Non. 810 00: 59: 50.340 -> 00: 59: 53.696 Monsieur Raymond bukanlah menikah baik, Inspektur Kepala. 811 00: 59: 53.780 -> 00: 59: 58.137 No. Anda lihat, kita terus datang kembali ke Ralph Paton. 812 00: 59: 59.500 -> 01: 00: 02.219 Tentu saja, cincin mungkin tidak ada hubungannya dengan kasus ini. 813 01: 00: 02.300 -> 01 : 00: 05.178 Tapi aku tidak bisa mengerti mengapa dia tidak datang ke depan. 814 01: 00: 05.260 -> 01: 00: 11.938 Apakah itu tidak terjadi kepada Anda, Kepala Inspektur, bahwa Monsieur Ralph Paton dia bisa mati ? 815 01: 00: 12.020 -> 01: 00: 14.773 Mati? No 816 01: 00: 16.060 -> 01: 00: 19.097 Saya harap tidak, untuk Flora demi Ackroyd, kalau tidak ada yang lain. 817 01: 00: 21.140 -> 01: 00: 25.930 Apa yang Anda maksud ketika Anda mengatakan Anda tidak percaya ia melihat pamannya di 10:10? 818 01: 00: 29.020 -> 01: 00: 32.296 Allons-y, Kepala Inspektur. Kita harus naik kereta. 819 01: 00: 36.860 - -> 01: 00: 40.614 Saya juga kebutuhan untuk melarikan diri dari hantu ini. 820 01: 00: 48.840 -> 01: 00: 52.276 Sekarang, celah-celah yang mulai muncul. 821 01: 00: 52.360 - > 01: 00: 54.590 Ada, saya malu untuk mengatakan, 822 01: 00: 54.680 -> 01: 00: 58.639 darknesses tertentu dari jantung yang bahkan saya tidak menyadari. 823 01: 00: 58.720 - > 01: 01: 02.076 Siapa sangka Nona Goody-Dua-Sepatu Flora Ackroyd 824 01: 01: 02.160 -> 01: 01: 04.993 mampu kenakalan seperti itu? 825 01: 01: 05.080 -> 01:01: 09.153 Monsieur Poirot telah membuat tertentu saran untuk saya, Miss Ackroyd. 826 01: 01: 09.240 -> 01: 01: 12.835 Dia menyarankan bahwa Anda tidak berada di studi sama sekali Jumat malam lalu, 827 01: 01: 12.920 -> 01: 01: 15.753 dan bahwa Anda tidak melihat Mr Ackroyd mengatakan malam yang baik untuk. 828 01: 01: 15.840 -> 01: 01: 17.910 Parker melihat saya di sana. 829 01: 01: 18,000 - > 01: 01: 21.117 Tidak, Mademoiselle. Monsieur Parker mengatakan bahwa ia melihat Anda keluar. 830 01: 01: 25.680 -> 01: 01: 29.229 Anda tidak tahu apa hidup saya sudah seperti sejak kami datang ke sini. 831 01: 01: 31.880 -> 01: 01: 36.158 Ingin hal, licik untuk mereka, berbohong dan menipu. 832 01: 01: 37.640 -> 01: 01: 42.191 Menjalankan tagihan dan menjanjikan untuk membayar - aku benci diriku sendiri ketika saya pikir itu semua. 833 01:01 : 43280 -> 01: 01: 46.352 Itulah yang membawa kita bersama-sama, Ralph dan I. 834 01: 01: 46.440 -> 01: 01: 48.715 Saya mengerti dia karena . Aku sama bawah 835 01:01: 48.800 -> 01: 01: 51.633 Kami tidak cukup kuat untuk berdiri sendiri, salah satu dari kami. 836 01: 01: 55.520 -> 01: 01: 56.873 Baiklah. 837 01: 01: 56.960 -> 01 : 01: 59.633 . Saya tidak keluar dari penelitian 838 01: 02: 02.120 -> 01: 02: 04.076 aku berada di kamar paman saya. 839 01: 02: 04.160 -> 01: 02: 06.628 Saya tahu dia selalu disimpan uang tunai di laci itu. 840 01: 02: 10.320 -> 01: 02: 12.515 Saya berada di tangga 841 01: 02: 13.560 -> 01: 02: 15.596 turun dari Paman Roger kamar 842 01: 02: 17.240 -> 01: 02: 19.470 ketika saya mendengar Parker melintasi lorong. 843 01: 02: 19.560 -> 01: 02: 22.791 Jadi aku berpura-pura bahwa saya . meninggalkan studi 844 01:02: 22.880 -> 01: 02: 26.270 Parker. Tuan Ackroyd mengatakan ia tidak ingin diganggu. 845 01: 02: 26.360 -> 01: 02: 29.158 Oh. Sangat baik, Miss Flora. 846 01: 02: 34.680 -> 01: 02: 37.911 - Mademoiselle - Aku mengambilnya, oke? ? 0! 847 01: 02: 38.000 -> 01: 02: 40.912 Saya umum, vulgar pencuri kecil! Sekarang Anda tahu! 848 01: 02: 48.440 -> 01: 02: 51.159 Peraturan nomor satu di Kings Abbott - 849 01: 02: 51.240 -> 01: 02: 53.629 . tidak pernah percaya apa yang orang memberitahu Anda 850 01:02 : 54680 -> 01: 02: 57.592 Jadi apa yang bisa para detektif lakukan tetapi mulai lagi? 851 01: 02: 57.680 -> 01: 03: 00.877 Kembali mereka pergi ke Dorothy Ferrars 'rumah 852 01: 03: 00.960 - > 01: 03: 04.559 untuk menggeledah lain melalui keberadaan sedih. 853 01: 03: 04.594 -> 01: 03: 08.159 Dia benar-benar adalah penyebab semua ribut-ribut ini. 854 01: 03: 08.160 -> 01:03 : 11709 Madame Ferrars telah Anda pasien selama bertahun-tahun, James. 855 01: 03: 12.520 -> 01: 03: 14.875 Apakah dia tampaknya Anda baru-baru ini tertekan? 856 01: 03: 14.960 -> 01: 03: 20.432 Dia adalah orang yang sangat sensitif, Anda tahu. Tidak banyak orang mengerti dia. 857 01: 03: 23.640 -> 01: 03: 26.598 Tapi er Anda lakukan. 858 01: 03: 26.680 -> 01: 03: 30.355 . Dia mengaku pada saya sampai batas tertentu 859 01 : 03: 30.440 -> 01: 03: 32.396 Permisi. 860 01: 03: 40.040 -> 01: 03: 42.508 ? Madame Ferrars, dia menulis banyak surat 861 01: 03: 42.600 -> 01:03: 44.875 Tidak, saya tidak berpikir begitu. 862 01: 03: 44.960 -> 01: 03: 47.793 - hanya sanak saudaranya berada di Selandia Baru. - Oh. 863 01: 04: 17.160 -> 01: 04: 19.116 . Bonjour, Madame 864 01: 04: 22.320 -> 01: 04: 23.833 Apakah Anda melihat ini? 865 01: 04: 23.920 -> 01: 04: 25.592 . Selamat pagi, Kepala Inspektur 866 01: 04: 25.680 - -> 01: 04: 27.591 Apa? Oh. Selamat pagi. 867 01: 04: 27.680 -> 01: 04: 32.595 Dengar. "Polisi memiliki beberapa hari sudah ingin mewawancarai Mr Ralph Paton, 868 01: 04: 32.680 -> 01: 04: 34.636 anak angkat dari Mr Roger Ackroyd, 869 01: 04: 34.720 -> 01:04: 38.110 yang kematiannya terjadi di mencurigakan keadaan Jumat lalu. 870 01: 04: 38.200 -> 01: 04: 41.439 Mr Paton kini telah ditangkap di Liverpool, 871 01: 04: 41.440 -> 01: 04: 44.238 di mana ia pada titik dari memulai untuk Amerika ". 872 01: 04: 44.320 -> 01: 04: 45.355 Bon. 873 01: 04: 45.440 -> 01: 04: 49.479 Bon? Ini semua sampah. Aku sudah ke Liverpool. Mereka tidak tahu apa-apa tentang hal itu. 874 01: 04: 49.560 -> 01: 04: 51.039 Tidak, mereka tidak akan, mon ami. 875 01: 04: 51.120 -> 01: 04: 55.671 Itu saya yang membujuk editor yang diduga koran untuk memasukkan item. 876 01: 05: 09.040 -> 01: 05: 11,554 Yah, kita akan melihat apakah kau benar, Poirot. 877 01: 05: 11.640 -> 01 : 05: 15.235 Lihat apakah artikel surat kabar Anda telah memerah siapa keluar dari kayu. 878 01: 05: 15.320 -> 01: 05: 18.596 - Bisa kayu memerah, Kepala Inspektur? - Anda tahu apa yang saya maksud. 879 01: 05: 18.680 -> 01: 05: 21.752 Nah, jika mereka dapat memerah, maka ini akan memerah mereka. 880 01: 05: 30.160 -> 01: 05: 32.230 Saya minta maaf. Apakah Anda pernah usia menunggu? 881 01: 05: 32.320 -> 01: 05: 34.197 Kami berada di angka enam dan tujuh. 882 01: 05: 34.280 -> 01: 05: 37.431 Apa dengan Parker tidak ada di sini, 883 01 : 05: 37.520 -> 01: 05: 39.476 dan Ursula tidak menjadi baik. 884 01: 05: 39.560 -> 01: 05: 41.516 Dia tidak enak badan? 885 01: 05: 41,600 -> 01: 05: 44.910 Saya katakan tidak enak badan, tapi dia hanya tidak akan keluar dari kamarnya. 886 01: 05: 45,000 -> 01: 05: 46.991 Anda dapat mendengarnya, menangis pergi. 887 01: 05: 56.440 -> 01:05 : 57.193 . Go away 888 01: 05: 57.380 -> 01: 06: 01.419 - Bisakah kita memiliki kata, Miss Bourne? - Pergilah. Saya tidak ingin melihat Anda. 889 01: 06: 05.140 -> 01: 06: 07.256 Mrs Paton? 890 01: 06: 07.340 -> 01: 06: 09.570 . Ini adalah aku, Hercule Poirot 891 01: 06: 14.088 -> 01: 06: 16.455 Tidak ada gunanya berpura-pura lagi, apakah ada? 892 01: 06: 17.860 -> 01: 06: 20.294 . Makalah ini mengatakan Ralph telah ditangkap 893 01: 06: 20.380 -> 01: 06: 22.848 Yang benar adalah apa yang kita butuhkan, Madame. 894 01: 06: 22.940 -> 01: 06: 24.532 Ralph tidak melakukannya. 895 01: 06: 24.620 -> 01:06 : 29694 Saya cenderung setuju dengan Anda, tapi perselingkuhan pawai buruk. 896 01: 06: 30.900 -> 01: 06: 34.097 Hanya kebenaran dapat menyimpan Monsieur Paton sekarang. 897 01: 06: 35.380 -> 01: 06: 39,9

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