Ex­cited, rasp­berry grown means that can be­come my rid­ing fa­vored  terjemahan - Ex­cited, rasp­berry grown means that can be­come my rid­ing fa­vored  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ex­cited, rasp­berry grown means th

Ex­cited, rasp­berry grown means that can be­come my rid­ing fa­vored of­fi­cially, the dragon god's daugh­ter, does not know some multi- old-style fan de­vices!
And, what mak­ing me not think was rasp­berry grows un­ex­pect­edly quickly, merely four days of Cooldown has grown up! How­ever thinks care­fully, re­al­is­tic a day is equal 4 days in game, that was equal to cross­ing for 16 days, in the dragon god essence with feed­ing of child Queen Shu , the speed of rasp­berry growth but ac­tu­ally also ap­peared very nor­mal.
Cures a cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den and rasp­berry rec­og­nizes each other of­fi­cially!
Trans­mits Ba Huang City, rises straight from the ground, flew at I quick­est speed to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den.
The sky just liked passed over gen­tly and swiftly to­gether the me­teor, the speed even al­most wanted su­per­sonic, the ear was re­volv­ing nearly that sound of in­fra­sonic wave, but the mo­ment ar­rived at cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, dis­tant agree­ing with flushed!
The sun­light is beau­ti­ful, is a rare fine weather, in the Dragon’s den school ground, the Dragon’s den armed sol­diers are push­ing the ball rolling down city the snow, one group of armed sol­diers prac­tice the archery under Seurre's train­ing, and what can see, the arrow arrow that these Dragon’s den armed sol­diers use is at­taches the demon, in the arrow has quenchinged Long Jing, can rip open the dif­fer­ent demon with ease the bal­lis­tic vest, this is also the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den alone gate weapon, um, this can use for ref­er­ence ac­tu­ally, makes one to quench­ing the pure Long Jing arrow from cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den in large num­bers, on can sig­nif­i­cantly pro­mote in the palace guard 10,000 dark months. The killing abil­ity of spirit young girl!
The school ground edge, a flame sa­cred big dragon is climb­ing the rock, climbs up, while opens the giant wings to whip the air, but in its be­hind ground, Frost, child, Ot­tilie Yadu, gain­ing ground with a smile was look­ing that Aodiliya even claps to say with a smile: „, The rasp­berry big strength of arm, can the black crag be able to grasp, fierce!”
Child Queen Shu hee smiles, has not said any­thing.
I dive, slides dozens me­ters to ar­rive at sev­eral Dragon’s den im­por­tant BOSS level NPC front in ground, gains ground to have a look at the sa­cred big dragon on dike, said with a smile: „Rasp­berry does grow into this?”
„Right, how?” Child asked: „Is the ap­pear­ance of rasp­berry un­at­trac­tive?”
Shak­ing the head that I am con­trary to con­vic­tions smiles: „No, ultra at­trac­tive!”
„Ahem, this also al­most.”
Ac­tu­ally, the demon dragon is the wild an­i­mal, the sa­cred big dragon is also the high-or­der wild an­i­mal, the big mouth and Long Lin, the buck­tooth ad­van­tage tooth, with at­trac­tive can­not pull any­thing to re­late, if must say that can only say rasp­berry of per­son shape very well looked, at least can be con­sid­ered as on is 9 points of beau­ti­ful woman, in ad­di­tion the whole body is send­ing out the fond­ness of coun­try­side, is con­sid­ered as on 10 points of beau­ti­ful woman re­luc­tantly.
„Rasp­berry, your elder brother came back, sees him quickly!” Child Queen Shu shows a faint smile.
Air­borne, that whole body pan- the pale gold and red sa­cred big dragon are turn­ing around to look at the tread are Long Yin, in the golden dou­ble pupil is bring­ing har­bor­ing evil in­ten­tions, turned around to whip the dike, opened the wings di­rect im­pact on get down, the mouth opened, ex­udes the keenly blow­ing sound of this per­son of eardrum, the sharp claws opens, the di­rect point­ing I, scratched, was this must kill me?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ex­cited, rasp­berry grown means that can be­come my rid­ing fa­vored of­fi­cially, the dragon god's daugh­ter, does not know some multi- old-style fan de­vices!And, what mak­ing me not think was rasp­berry grows un­ex­pect­edly quickly, merely four days of Cooldown has grown up! How­ever thinks care­fully, re­al­is­tic a day is equal 4 days in game, that was equal to cross­ing for 16 days, in the dragon god essence with feed­ing of child Queen Shu , the speed of rasp­berry growth but ac­tu­ally also ap­peared very nor­mal.Cures a cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den and rasp­berry rec­og­nizes each other of­fi­cially!Trans­mits Ba Huang City, rises straight from the ground, flew at I quick­est speed to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den.„Brushes!”The sky just liked passed over gen­tly and swiftly to­gether the me­teor, the speed even al­most wanted su­per­sonic, the ear was re­volv­ing nearly that sound of in­fra­sonic wave, but the mo­ment ar­rived at cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, dis­tant agree­ing with flushed!The sun­light is beau­ti­ful, is a rare fine weather, in the Dragon’s den school ground, the Dragon’s den armed sol­diers are push­ing the ball rolling down city the snow, one group of armed sol­diers prac­tice the archery under Seurre's train­ing, and what can see, the arrow arrow that these Dragon’s den armed sol­diers use is at­taches the demon, in the arrow has quenchinged Long Jing, can rip open the dif­fer­ent demon with ease the bal­lis­tic vest, this is also the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den alone gate weapon, um, this can use for ref­er­ence ac­tu­ally, makes one to quench­ing the pure Long Jing arrow from cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den in large num­bers, on can sig­nif­i­cantly pro­mote in the palace guard 10,000 dark months. The killing abil­ity of spirit young girl!The school ground edge, a flame sa­cred big dragon is climb­ing the rock, climbs up, while opens the giant wings to whip the air, but in its be­hind ground, Frost, child, Ot­tilie Yadu, gain­ing ground with a smile was look­ing that Aodiliya even claps to say with a smile: „, The rasp­berry big strength of arm, can the black crag be able to grasp, fierce!”
Child Queen Shu hee smiles, has not said any­thing.
I dive, slides dozens me­ters to ar­rive at sev­eral Dragon’s den im­por­tant BOSS level NPC front in ground, gains ground to have a look at the sa­cred big dragon on dike, said with a smile: „Rasp­berry does grow into this?”
„Right, how?” Child asked: „Is the ap­pear­ance of rasp­berry un­at­trac­tive?”
Shak­ing the head that I am con­trary to con­vic­tions smiles: „No, ultra at­trac­tive!”
„Ahem, this also al­most.”
Ac­tu­ally, the demon dragon is the wild an­i­mal, the sa­cred big dragon is also the high-or­der wild an­i­mal, the big mouth and Long Lin, the buck­tooth ad­van­tage tooth, with at­trac­tive can­not pull any­thing to re­late, if must say that can only say rasp­berry of per­son shape very well looked, at least can be con­sid­ered as on is 9 points of beau­ti­ful woman, in ad­di­tion the whole body is send­ing out the fond­ness of coun­try­side, is con­sid­ered as on 10 points of beau­ti­ful woman re­luc­tantly.
„Rasp­berry, your elder brother came back, sees him quickly!” Child Queen Shu shows a faint smile.
Air­borne, that whole body pan- the pale gold and red sa­cred big dragon are turn­ing around to look at the tread are Long Yin, in the golden dou­ble pupil is bring­ing har­bor­ing evil in­ten­tions, turned around to whip the dike, opened the wings di­rect im­pact on get down, the mouth opened, ex­udes the keenly blow­ing sound of this per­son of eardrum, the sharp claws opens, the di­rect point­ing I, scratched, was this must kill me?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bersemangat, raspberry tumbuh berarti bisa menjadi kuda saya disukai resmi, putri naga dewa, tidak tahu beberapa gaya lama perangkat fan multi!
Dan, apa yang membuat saya tidak berpikir itu raspberry tumbuh tiba-tiba dengan cepat, hanya empat hari Cooldown telah tumbuh naik! Namun berpikir hati-hati, realistis sehari sama 4 hari dalam permainan, itu sama dengan melintasi selama 16 hari, di esensi naga dewa dengan memberi makan anak Queen Shu, kecepatan pertumbuhan raspberry namun sebenarnya juga tampil sangat normal.
Menyembuhkan pilek tanah yang tidak digarap den dan raspberry Dragon mengakui satu sama lain secara resmi!
mentransmisikan Ba Huang City, naik langsung dari tanah, terbang di I kecepatan tercepat untuk tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den.
langit hanya menyukai melewati lembut dan cepat bersama-sama meteor , kecepatan bahkan hampir ingin supersonik, telinga itu bergulir hampir bahwa suara gelombang infrasonik, tetapi saat tiba di dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den, jauh setuju dengan memerah!
sinar matahari indah, adalah cuaca cerah langka, di ruang Naga tanah sekolah, tentara bersenjata den Naga mendorong bola bergulir di kota salju, satu kelompok tentara bersenjata berlatih memanah di bawah pelatihan Seurre ini, dan apa yang bisa melihat, panah panah yang tentara bersenjata den ini Dragon gunakan adalah menempel setan, di panah telah quenchinged Long Jing, bisa merobek iblis yang berbeda dengan mudah rompi balistik, ini juga merupakan tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den sendiri gerbang senjata, um, ini dapat digunakan untuk referensi sebenarnya, membuat orang untuk memadamkan murni Long Jing Selengkapnya dari den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon dalam jumlah besar, di dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan di pengawal istana 10.000 bulan gelap. Kemampuan pembunuhan semangat gadis muda!
Tepi tanah sekolah, api naga besar suci memanjat batu, memanjat, sementara membuka sayap raksasa cambuk udara, tetapi dalam di belakang tanah, Frost, anak, Ottilie Yadu, mendapatkan tanah dengan senyum cari yang Aodiliya bahkan bertepuk mengatakan dengan senyum: "!, The raspberry kekuatan besar lengan, dapat dengan karang hitam dapat memahami, sengit"
anak Queen Shu hee tersenyum, belum mengatakan apa-apa.
"brushes "
saya menyelam, slide puluhan meter untuk tiba di beberapa naga den tingkat BOSS penting NPC depan di tanah, keuntungan tanah untuk memiliki melihat naga besar sakral atas tanggul, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Raspberry tidak tumbuh ke dalam ini "?
" benar, bagaimana "anak bertanya:"?? Apakah penampilan raspberry tidak menarik "
Sambil kepala bahwa saya bertentangan dengan keyakinan tersenyum:" Tidak, ultra menarik "!
" Ahem, ini juga hampir. "
Sebenarnya, setan naga adalah satwa liar, naga besar sakral juga hewan-order tinggi liar, mulut besar dan panjang Lin, gigi keuntungan gigi yg mencuat ke depan, dengan menarik tidak dapat menarik apapun untuk berhubungan, jika harus mengatakan bahwa hanya bisa mengatakan raspberry bentuk orang tampak sangat baik , setidaknya dapat dianggap sebagai pada adalah 9 poin dari wanita cantik, selain seluruh tubuh adalah mengirimkan kesukaan pedesaan, dianggap sebagai 10 poin dari wanita cantik enggan.
"Raspberry, kakak Anda datang kembali, melihat dia cepat! "anak Queen Shu menunjukkan senyum samar.
Airborne, bahwa seluruh tubuh Pan emas pucat dan merah naga besar suci berbalik untuk melihat tapak yang panjang Yin, di emas murid ganda adalah membawa menyimpan niat jahat, berbalik sekitar cambuk tanggul, membuka dampak sayap langsung pada turun, mulut terbuka, memancarkan suara tajam bertiup dari orang ini gendang telinga, cakar yang tajam terbuka, menunjuk langsung saya, tergores, itu ini harus membunuhku?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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