In the af­ter­noon, I stay in the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum that in im­pe terjemahan - In the af­ter­noon, I stay in the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum that in im­pe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the af­ter­noon, I stay in the i

In the af­ter­noon, I stay in the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum that in im­pe­r­ial stele for­est su­per­vises to con­struct to wear as be­fore, in the im­pe­r­ial stele for­est buries ba­si­cally is the em­peror's clans, but wore the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum scale of re­con­struc­tion al­ready not less than the king eti­quette, this was also the ef­fect that I wanted, I can ar­riv­ing step by step now, ac­tu­ally also be lucky wore, oth­er­wise my first Cooldown pos­si­bly will not join the reg­i­ment sys­tem sub­se­quently be­comes com­mand­ing of palace guard.
The Tian Ling Em­pire di­rec­tion spreads the news, Wang Zecheng wan­tonly is pur­chas­ing equip­ment, merely one pur­chased the heavy Ar­mour of shields and 4 star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments of 1 two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments from Tian Ling Em­pire and Ze deep pool city and Lin­hai city three big main cities in the morn­ing is equip­ment, Wang Zecheng uses the cap­i­tal the ef­fort to sur­pass Liu Ying, in the cap­i­tal played Liu Ying is plays to lose ob­vi­ously, now the strength of male tyrant wind and cloud com­pletely with the ris­ing sun such as the blood was not in a scale.
Crosses a meet­ing again, fi­nally CBN on of­fi­cial home page fought the net rank to ren­o­vate, but my po­si­tion also once more prompted for­ward
1 st, Fang Geque
2 nd, Q Sword
3 rd, small mon­ster
4 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai
5 th, Cang Tong
6 th, Jian Feng Han
7 th, Ye to come
8 th, if hun­dred li (0.5km) wind
9 th, Sim­ple
10 th, Mu Xuan
11 th, Cang Yue
12 th, The Sev­enth Tang
13 th, Lu Chun­yang
14 th, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled
15 th, Yue Qing Qian
16 th, gen­eral Li Mu
17 th, Drunken Spear
18 th, gen­eral Wang Jian
19 th, Misty Clouds
20 th, Lin Xi­aowu
I sixth have pro­moted fourth from CBN di­rectly, but Lin Wan Er re­lied on the out­stand­ing per­for­mance of all-star game to pro­mote fifth, if hun­dred li (0.5km) the place of wind dropped lower and lower, just liked the place of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily is the same, slid, some peo­ple and some trade unions have gone astray the road, nat­u­rally like this . More­over, CBN will fight the net first 20 li (0.5km), Lin Xi­aowu fi­nally has also killed, did not need to think that at her in­tel­li­gent de­gree, did not need too for a long time per­haps to enter first ten, sub­sti­tuted for hun­dred li (0.5km), if the wind be­came the Chi­nese war zone first bow­man, but the [Zhan Long] groups of he­roes rose to­gether si­mul­ta­ne­ously, Is the first bow­man best cul­ti­va­tion soil.
In the af­ter­noon, the cool breeze has stroked the jun­gle, shortly af­ter­ward, two girls walked again from afar, ob­vi­ously is looks my, one is Lin Wan Er, one is Li Mengyao, a girl­friend, a younger sis­ter.
„Elder brother!”
Li Mengyao is pulling the warhorse, said with a smile: „You here, the sis­ter-in-law has not re­ally guessed wrong!”
Lin Wan Er cheek one red, has not de­nied sis­ter-in-law name.
I stand up from fail­ure from the sturdy limb ver­ti­cal leap fall to the ground, say with a smile: „How did you come?”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the af­ter­noon, I stay in the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum that in im­pe­r­ial stele for­est su­per­vises to con­struct to wear as be­fore, in the im­pe­r­ial stele for­est buries ba­si­cally is the em­peror's clans, but wore the im­pe­r­ial mau­soleum scale of re­con­struc­tion al­ready not less than the king eti­quette, this was also the ef­fect that I wanted, I can ar­riv­ing step by step now, ac­tu­ally also be lucky wore, oth­er­wise my first Cooldown pos­si­bly will not join the reg­i­ment sys­tem sub­se­quently be­comes com­mand­ing of palace guard.The Tian Ling Em­pire di­rec­tion spreads the news, Wang Zecheng wan­tonly is pur­chas­ing equip­ment, merely one pur­chased the heavy Ar­mour of shields and 4 star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments of 1 two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments from Tian Ling Em­pire and Ze deep pool city and Lin­hai city three big main cities in the morn­ing is equip­ment, Wang Zecheng uses the cap­i­tal the ef­fort to sur­pass Liu Ying, in the cap­i­tal played Liu Ying is plays to lose ob­vi­ously, now the strength of male tyrant wind and cloud com­pletely with the ris­ing sun such as the blood was not in a scale.Crosses a meet­ing again, fi­nally CBN on of­fi­cial home page fought the net rank to ren­o­vate, but my po­si­tion also once more prompted for­ward1 st, Fang Geque2 nd, Q Sword3 rd, small mon­ster
4 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai
5 th, Cang Tong
6 th, Jian Feng Han
7 th, Ye to come
8 th, if hun­dred li (0.5km) wind
9 th, Sim­ple
10 th, Mu Xuan
11 th, Cang Yue
12 th, The Sev­enth Tang
13 th, Lu Chun­yang
14 th, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled
15 th, Yue Qing Qian
16 th, gen­eral Li Mu
17 th, Drunken Spear
18 th, gen­eral Wang Jian
19 th, Misty Clouds
20 th, Lin Xi­aowu
I sixth have pro­moted fourth from CBN di­rectly, but Lin Wan Er re­lied on the out­stand­ing per­for­mance of all-star game to pro­mote fifth, if hun­dred li (0.5km) the place of wind dropped lower and lower, just liked the place of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily is the same, slid, some peo­ple and some trade unions have gone astray the road, nat­u­rally like this . More­over, CBN will fight the net first 20 li (0.5km), Lin Xi­aowu fi­nally has also killed, did not need to think that at her in­tel­li­gent de­gree, did not need too for a long time per­haps to enter first ten, sub­sti­tuted for hun­dred li (0.5km), if the wind be­came the Chi­nese war zone first bow­man, but the [Zhan Long] groups of he­roes rose to­gether si­mul­ta­ne­ously, Is the first bow­man best cul­ti­va­tion soil.
In the af­ter­noon, the cool breeze has stroked the jun­gle, shortly af­ter­ward, two girls walked again from afar, ob­vi­ously is looks my, one is Lin Wan Er, one is Li Mengyao, a girl­friend, a younger sis­ter.
„Elder brother!”
Li Mengyao is pulling the warhorse, said with a smile: „You here, the sis­ter-in-law has not re­ally guessed wrong!”
Lin Wan Er cheek one red, has not de­nied sis­ter-in-law name.
I stand up from fail­ure from the sturdy limb ver­ti­cal leap fall to the ground, say with a smile: „How did you come?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada sore hari, saya tinggal di makam kekaisaran yang di hutan prasasti kekaisaran mengawasi untuk membangun memakai seperti sebelumnya, di hutan prasasti kekaisaran pada dasarnya mengubur adalah klan kaisar, tetapi mengenakan skala makam kekaisaran rekonstruksi sudah tidak kurang dari raja etiket , ini juga efek yang saya inginkan, saya bisa tiba langkah demi langkah sekarang, sebenarnya juga beruntung mengenakan, jika tidak Cooldown pertama saya mungkin tidak akan bergabung dengan sistem resimen kemudian menjadi komandan pengawal istana.
arah Tian Ling Empire menyebar berita , Wang Zecheng ceroboh yang membeli peralatan, hanya satu membeli Armour berat perisai dan 4 star instrumen magis dari 1 dua instrumen magis bintang dari Tian Ling Empire dan Ze dalam kota kolam renang dan kota Linhai tiga kota besar utama di pagi hari adalah peralatan, Wang Zecheng menggunakan modal usaha untuk mengungguli Liu Ying, di ibukota dimainkan Liu Ying adalah memainkan kehilangan jelas, sekarang kekuatan tiran angin laki-laki dan awan sepenuhnya dengan matahari terbit seperti darah itu tidak dalam skala.
Persilangan pertemuan lagi, akhirnya CBN website resmi berjuang pangkat bersih untuk merenovasi, tetapi posisi saya juga sekali lagi diminta maju
1 st, Fang Geque
2 nd, Q Sword
3 rd, rakasa kecil
4 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai
5 th, Cang Tong
6 th, Jian Feng Han
7 th, Ye datang
8 th, jika seratus li (0.5km) angin
9 th, Simple
10 th, Mu Xuan
11 th, Cang Yue
12 th, The Seventh Tang
13 th, Lu Chunyang
14 th , Yanzhao tak tertandingi
15 th, Yue Qing Qian
16 th, umum Li Mu
17 th, Drunken Spear
18 th, umum Wang Jian
19 th, Misty Clouds
20 th, Lin Xiaowu
saya keenam telah dipromosikan keempat dari CBN langsung, tapi Lin Wan Er mengandalkan pada kinerja luar biasa dari semua-bintang permainan untuk mempromosikan kelima, jika seratus li (0.5km) tempat angin turun lebih rendah dan lebih rendah, hanya menyukai tempat keluarga yang terkenal keluarga aristokrat adalah sama, meluncur, beberapa orang dan beberapa serikat buruh sesat jalan, secara alami seperti ini. Selain itu, CBN akan melawan net pertama 20 li (0.5km), Lin Xiaowu akhirnya juga tewas, tidak perlu berpikir bahwa di gelar cerdas nya, tidak perlu terlalu lama mungkin untuk masuk sepuluh pertama, menggantikan ratus li (0.5km), jika angin menjadi zona perang Cina pemanah pertama, tetapi [Zhan panjang] kelompok pahlawan naik bersama-sama secara bersamaan, Apakah pemanah pertama tanah budidaya terbaik.
pada sore hari, angin sejuk telah membelai hutan, . tak lama kemudian, dua gadis berjalan lagi dari jauh, jelas ini terlihat saya, satu adalah Lin Wan Er, salah satu adalah Li Mengyao, pacar, adik
"! saudara Penatua"
Li Mengyao adalah menarik kuda perang itu, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Kau di sini, adik ipar belum benar-benar salah menebak!"
Lin Wan Er pipi merah, belum menyangkal nama adik ipar.
saya berdiri dari kegagalan dari kokoh tungkai lompatan vertikal jatuh ke tanah, mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Bagaimana kau datang?"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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