Re­views the player in full moon city, the French war zone first trade terjemahan - Re­views the player in full moon city, the French war zone first trade Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Re­views the player in full moon ci

Re­views the player in full moon city, the French war zone first trade union dawn wal­lops in lead­er­ship next of hand of guild­mas­ter Wa­ter­loo, their main forces are ap­prox­i­mately the 1 W fa­mous stones **, this stone tiger sad­dle horse we have ex­pe­ri­enced, every 10 at­tacks can con­dense petro­chem­i­cal to at­tack, mak­ing the match be pet­ri­fied, and has the ef­fect of green­stone shield, is cruel, [Zhan Long] also has the stone **, but only sev­eral hun­dred, have not formed the true scale, but at pre­sent this 1 W stone ** , is looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the main force, after a round charge, on has at least killed the play­ers of over a thou­sand fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­i­lies.
If hun­dred li (0.5km) the wind flees in the crowd, walks the po­si­tion to be ex­quis­ite, stops to re­lease the skill, long-dis­tance strike to kill the stone **, but ac­tu­ally could not pre­vent the de­clin­ing ten­dency, stone ** was wal­lop­ing the po­si­tion in Chi­nese war zone as be­fore, brave can­not work as.
Player dis­tant stand­ing firm of south us drafts, looks at the fight of dis­tant place, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. have been eager to try, but Ye to come, Q Sword, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled et al. are also ready to make trou­ble, Ye Laiti the tom­a­hawk, was say­ing: „We come a fatal blow from one side, what kind of? Helps Jian Feng Han that boy re­solve the cur­rent cri­sis.”
I nod, draws out the Longchi sword sud­denly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Pen­e­trates them from the flank!”
I be­hind, the dense and nu­mer­ous pro­ces­sions of lanterns rode, the iron blade edge to ride have drawn out the sharp knife blade, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Song Han, Yue Qing Qian and oth­ers did not ride the war are the player also picked up the trav­el­ing speed, prompted for­ward with the troop, but the sol­dier who Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers also led the palace guard started to charge, the road that we went home had been in­ter­rupted, did not strike to dis­perse us pre­sent ob­ject of uni­ver­sal ad­mi­ra­tion and hopes semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player un­able to go home.
The hoof­beat shocks the world, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides with fights Yang Qi first Cooldown to enter the stone in­cor­rupt­ible ** crowd, both sides fiercely at­tack di­rectly, al­most the flash had many pro­ces­sions of lanterns to ride with fights Yang Qi to be pet­ri­fied in­cor­rupt­ible, the player tram­pled mu­tu­ally, loses is very big, but I made use on the warhorse rise with a spring, thou­sand frost wing ef­fects were com­pleted, the sword chaotic dance en­tered the crowd, si­mul­ta­ne­ously opened the dance of stunt ghosts and gods, im­me­di­ately the ghosts and gods roar­ing sound was un­ceas­ing, con­densed to grasp the soul brave gen­eral of sword spear hal­berd in my sur­round­ing 20 yards, wielded the sharp knife blade to kill in the sur­round­ing enemy op­po­site party crowd, an in­jury fig­ure of trim flew., This may want in­tre­pidly too many to be too more than any sput­ter­ing ef­fect, but stone ** the pet­ri­fied ef­fect is in­valid to me, dur­ing they are dumb­founded I flushed dozens me­ters, full is the stone ** skele­ton, even Q Sword also raises the sword blade edge to wal­lop, looks to my di­rec­tion, laughs say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, does at­trac­tively, broth­ers, to!”
The war cries soar to the heav­ens, the 300 W per­son in Chi­nese war zone rushes ahead fiercely, more­over in know­ing to ex­pe­dite in the sit­u­a­tion that mar­shal Xu Yi and Princess Tian Ling Em­pire wore die in bat­tle, was Ai Bing, start­ing must try sim­ply, Cooldown looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the 1 W stone ** the loss was se­ri­ous, the after cav­alry bap­tism of player crossed, en­coun­tered the round charge of palace guard cav­alry, was killed then by
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Re­views the player in full moon city, the French war zone first trade union dawn wal­lops in lead­er­ship next of hand of guild­mas­ter Wa­ter­loo, their main forces are ap­prox­i­mately the 1 W fa­mous stones **, this stone tiger sad­dle horse we have ex­pe­ri­enced, every 10 at­tacks can con­dense petro­chem­i­cal to at­tack, mak­ing the match be pet­ri­fied, and has the ef­fect of green­stone shield, is cruel, [Zhan Long] also has the stone **, but only sev­eral hun­dred, have not formed the true scale, but at pre­sent this 1 W stone ** , is looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the main force, after a round charge, on has at least killed the play­ers of over a thou­sand fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­i­lies.If hun­dred li (0.5km) the wind flees in the crowd, walks the po­si­tion to be ex­quis­ite, stops to re­lease the skill, long-dis­tance strike to kill the stone **, but ac­tu­ally could not pre­vent the de­clin­ing ten­dency, stone ** was wal­lop­ing the po­si­tion in Chi­nese war zone as be­fore, brave can­not work as.Player dis­tant stand­ing firm of south us drafts, looks at the fight of dis­tant place, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. have been eager to try, but Ye to come, Q Sword, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled et al. are also ready to make trou­ble, Ye Laiti the tom­a­hawk, was say­ing: „We come a fatal blow from one side, what kind of? Helps Jian Feng Han that boy re­solve the cur­rent cri­sis.”I nod, draws out the Longchi sword sud­denly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Pen­e­trates them from the flank!”
I be­hind, the dense and nu­mer­ous pro­ces­sions of lanterns rode, the iron blade edge to ride have drawn out the sharp knife blade, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Song Han, Yue Qing Qian and oth­ers did not ride the war are the player also picked up the trav­el­ing speed, prompted for­ward with the troop, but the sol­dier who Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers also led the palace guard started to charge, the road that we went home had been in­ter­rupted, did not strike to dis­perse us pre­sent ob­ject of uni­ver­sal ad­mi­ra­tion and hopes semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate player un­able to go home.
The hoof­beat shocks the world, the pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides with fights Yang Qi first Cooldown to enter the stone in­cor­rupt­ible ** crowd, both sides fiercely at­tack di­rectly, al­most the flash had many pro­ces­sions of lanterns to ride with fights Yang Qi to be pet­ri­fied in­cor­rupt­ible, the player tram­pled mu­tu­ally, loses is very big, but I made use on the warhorse rise with a spring, thou­sand frost wing ef­fects were com­pleted, the sword chaotic dance en­tered the crowd, si­mul­ta­ne­ously opened the dance of stunt ghosts and gods, im­me­di­ately the ghosts and gods roar­ing sound was un­ceas­ing, con­densed to grasp the soul brave gen­eral of sword spear hal­berd in my sur­round­ing 20 yards, wielded the sharp knife blade to kill in the sur­round­ing enemy op­po­site party crowd, an in­jury fig­ure of trim flew., This may want in­tre­pidly too many to be too more than any sput­ter­ing ef­fect, but stone ** the pet­ri­fied ef­fect is in­valid to me, dur­ing they are dumb­founded I flushed dozens me­ters, full is the stone ** skele­ton, even Q Sword also raises the sword blade edge to wal­lop, looks to my di­rec­tion, laughs say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, does at­trac­tively, broth­ers, to!”
The war cries soar to the heav­ens, the 300 W per­son in Chi­nese war zone rushes ahead fiercely, more­over in know­ing to ex­pe­dite in the sit­u­a­tion that mar­shal Xu Yi and Princess Tian Ling Em­pire wore die in bat­tle, was Ai Bing, start­ing must try sim­ply, Cooldown looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the 1 W stone ** the loss was se­ri­ous, the after cav­alry bap­tism of player crossed, en­coun­tered the round charge of palace guard cav­alry, was killed then by
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ulasan pemain di kota purnama, zona perang Perancis Wallops perdagangan pertama serikat fajar dalam kepemimpinan berikutnya dari tangan Guildmaster Waterloo, pasukan utama mereka adalah sekitar batu-batu yang terkenal 1 W **, batu ini harimau pelana kuda yang kita alami, setiap 10 serangan dapat menyingkat petrokimia untuk menyerang, membuat pertandingan akan membatu, dan memiliki efek greenstone perisai, kejam, [Zhan panjang] juga memiliki batu **, tetapi hanya beberapa ratus, belum membentuk skala benar, tapi saat ini ini 1 W batu **, adalah melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama kekuatan utama, setelah biaya putaran, pada telah setidaknya membunuh pemain dari lebih dari seribu keluarga keluarga bangsawan yang terkenal.
Jika ratus li ( 0.5km) angin melarikan diri di tengah kerumunan, berjalan kedudukan menjadi indah, berhenti untuk melepaskan serangan skill, jarak jauh untuk membunuh batu **, tapi benar-benar tidak bisa mencegah kecenderungan menurun, batu ** itu pukulan keras posisi di zona perang Cina seperti sebelumnya, berani tidak bisa bekerja sebagai.
Pemain yang jauh perusahaan berdiri dari selatan kita draft, melihat perjuangan dari tempat yang jauh, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. telah bersemangat untuk mencoba, tapi Ye datang, Q Sword, Yanzhao tak tertandingi et al. juga siap untuk membuat masalah, Ye Laiti yang tomahawk, berkata: "Kami datang pukulan fatal dari satu sisi, apa? Membantu Jian Feng Han anak itu menyelesaikan krisis saat ini ".
Aku mengangguk, menarik keluar pedang Longchi tiba-tiba, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendahan:"! Menembus mereka dari sayap "
Saya belakang, prosesi padat dan banyak lentera naik, yang besi tepi pisau untuk naik telah ditarik keluar pisau tajam, Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan dan Song Han, Yue Qing Qian dan lain-lain tidak naik perang adalah pemain juga mengambil kecepatan perjalanan, diminta maju dengan pasukan, tetapi prajurit yang Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Xing, Xia Ye dan perwira militer lainnya juga memimpin pengawal istana mulai mengisi, jalan yang kami pulang telah terganggu, tidak menyerang untuk membubarkan kami objek hadir kekaguman universal dan berharap dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar utama gerbang kota pemain dapat pulang.
guncangan hoofbeat dunia, prosesi lentera naik dengan perkelahian yang Qi Cooldown pertama yang memasuki batu fana ** kerumunan, kedua belah pihak sengit menyerang langsung, hampir flash memiliki banyak prosesi lentera untuk naik dengan perkelahian yang Qi akan membatu fana, pemain diinjak saling, kehilangan sangat besar, tapi saya membuat digunakan pada kenaikan kuda perang dengan mata air, ribuan efek sayap es diselesaikan, pedang kacau tari memasuki kerumunan, secara bersamaan membuka tarian hantu stunt dan dewa, segera hantu dan dewa menderu suara itu tak henti-hentinya, kental untuk memahami jiwa umum berani pedang tombak tombak di sekitarnya saya 20 yard, memegang pisau tajam untuk membunuh di musuh sekitarnya kerumunan pihak lawan, angka cedera trim terbang., ini mungkin ingin, berani terlalu banyak terlalu lebih dari efek sputtering, tapi batu ** efek membatu tidak valid kepada saya, selama mereka tercengang saya memerah puluhan meter , penuh batu ** kerangka, bahkan Q Sword juga menimbulkan pisau tepi pedang untuk pukulan keras, terlihat ke arah saya, tertawa mengatakan: "! Li Xiao Yao, tidak menarik, saudara, untuk"
The teriakan perang melambung ke langit, 300 W orang di zona perang Cina bergegas ke depan keras, apalagi dalam mengetahui untuk mempercepat dalam situasi yang marshal Xu Yi dan Putri Tian Ling Empire mengenakan mati dalam pertempuran, adalah Ai Bing, mulai harus mencoba sederhana, Cooldown memandang setengah lingkaran tembok pelindung di luar gerbang kota utama 1 W batu ** kerugian serius, setelah baptisan kavaleri pemain menyeberang, ditemui muatan putaran pengawal istana kavaleri, dibunuh kemudian oleh
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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